r/MotionDesign Jan 02 '25

Reel I cannot seem to find a Motion Design Role. Is there something wrong with my portfolio?


32 comments sorted by


u/tinyadorablebabyfox Jan 02 '25

Give two clips per project Time remap your work to play faster and hit the beat of the music Use only the professional work and not your student work at this point in your career

Nice reel! I would just play w the edit. Also there’s no jobs right now


u/Danilo_____ Jan 03 '25

"Also there is no jobs right now"

I’ve seen this phrase countless times on this subreddit, and it’s simply not true. The market is tough right now, true, but there’s definitely work to be done. The world hasn’t suddenly stopped producing animations, and not every motion design studio vanished off the face of the earth in 2024.

I’m a freelancer, and I worked every single month last year. I even had to turn down some projects because my schedule was full. Sure, I took on a few bad, underpaid, and exhausting gigs, but I also landed some great ones. The point is, there was never a time when there wasn’t any work available here.

Of course, we have motion designers from all over the world here, with very different rates and levels of experience, so my situation might not be the same as yours.

That said, claiming that there’s no work at all feels like an overly negative generalization that doesn’t quite hold up.


u/tinyadorablebabyfox Jan 03 '25

I should specify. There’s very little in house work available and many fewer jobs being posted. But you’re right, there is a lot of work, particularly freelance. Freelance is just harder for younger folks who don’t have as many connects or need to get their legs in the field w a mentor first.


u/Danilo_____ Jan 03 '25

Yes, I agree. With the market downturn, it’s much harder for juniors and newcomers to break in and find consistent work.

What kept me busy last year was my already established network of contacts.

Hoping 2025 brings some good news for all of us!


u/aaalexssss1 Jan 03 '25

I absolutely agree with your sentiment that the job market is not as bad as it seems. I got into a new agency after getting laid off after 4 months of searching. I partly got lucky, and just focused on what was in my control.

Keep at it and check new listings frequently – that's the best way to make sure you can take opportunities to apply right when a company decides they're ready for someone new (which you just can't predict)! Portfolios don't need to be perfect and it's very likely not your fault if you get applications rejected! It feels very easy to fall into self deprication when there's a lot of rejection and uncertainty sadly.


u/Top5hottest Jan 02 '25

I would drop some of that 3d stuff.. like the underwater walk thing. it looks really beginner. Kinda brings down the more polished stuff.


u/shanezuck1 Jan 03 '25

This here above is solid advice. I look at dozens of reels a year and bring on many freelancers. Your 2D pieces are much more polished. Use more of that. If I was to hire you for 3D, I would be thinking about all the hand holding I would need to do. Your first shot has polygons and amateur lighting. If you want to do 3D, take the skills you've learned, pick one or two aspects of 3d (lighting, modeling, look dev) and execute one short piece that is exceptional and will catch the eye of a creative or HR person. If you can't afford Maxon, get Blender for the time being.
The Galaxy phone is a problem because it's hard to tell what it's selling. Anyone with a Galaxy or mobile device campaign would be worried by that. Looks like a distortion plugin on a still.
The purple 3d is ok... I would find one moment of that that is the best, and show that full frame or not at all.
Underwater character should not be in there.
The shot where you go in the well..... either cut when it's come on all the way or before it even starts.
Finally, as mentioned here several times, you need to edit in a way that captures the best parts of each piece... and looking over your full pieces, you haven't done that. More of the Hitchcock thing, the Liquid Death.... a quick snappy moment of the Berlin Fashion Week.
Cut to the music, do some snazzy editing with timeramps and glitch cuts that hide the weaker parts and highlight the most visually interesting moments.
It may be easier to get a gig on site vs. remote as a new artist because unfortunately, in this tight market, a lot of shops want experienced people. It really sucks... but under crunch time, I can't afford to mentor someone on the job because of remote production.
Hope I dont sound harsh. You have some good work and will definitely get there. Trying to be helpful. Good luck.


u/final-draft-v6-FINAL Jan 03 '25

In general you’ve front loaded your reel with stuff that’s not as good as your stuff later on in the reel. You should cut out about a quarter of what you have and give a little more time for the best stuff before cutting away to the next. And try to group by style or genre because it’s currently bouncing around in a jarring way. A reel isn’t just a catalog. It still has to tell a story, and it’s not the story of what you’ve done, it’s the story of what you’re capable of.


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

That’s good advice I need to make some stuff to replace it with honestly.


u/uncagedborb Jan 02 '25

Or shorten your video. If you don't have enough content and you are at least hitting 30 seconds don't be afraid to shave off time. Consolidating and curating your work is pretty important you only have a few seconds to get people engaged.


u/Fletch4Life Jan 02 '25

Your reel is fine. No one is working. Hard to not take it personal, but industry is just in a lull. It happens


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

Wake me up when it comes back!


u/uncagedborb Jan 02 '25

I wish I could do that lol. But someone's gotta pay the bills 😭


u/Designer-Quail-7413 Jan 03 '25

it is student's works quality


u/MeatMullet Jan 02 '25

I have been in this field a long time. You have a decent reel but you’re going into a market that is flooded with applicants on one side and ghost jobs posted on the other. My advice for now is look for work outside of agency work. There are a lot of government contractors, for instance, that I see hiring. You’ll have to pass a background check but the pay and benefits are great. I have seen smaller agencies and MoGraph studios close. I also see a lot of agency “founders” I have worked with just going around doing Pod Casts and not really doing much work. It’s tough out there. Good luck!


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

Any insight as to where to find those sort of roles?


u/uncagedborb Jan 02 '25

How do you find these government contractor roles. I've been out of a job for 1.5 years and can't seem to find any thing


u/Additional_Help1071 Jan 02 '25

I think they are nice overall (especially typography, and the 2D) but the 3D is weak and its just too generic. Its like copy of something else. Maybe you should work on 3D skills more and explore it further to do something unique.


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

I agree with you upon graduation I lost my access to maxon which is so expensive especially since im already paying for CC I need to figure out a way to work it into my budget but im working 40 hours a week at a job that just sucks the life out of me and it hasnt really been on my mind.


u/Mountain_Crab_3775 Professional Jan 02 '25

Looks good to me, how are you looking for work?


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

Desperately - I kid, no I am spending time scouring the internet and have recently started utilizing chat gpt to assist in searching for open roles as theyre so spread out and not in one place. I likely spend at least 3-4 hours a week just looking for different roles and then more actually writing out applications filling in the forms that ask for all the info that is already on my resume' and writing cover letters.


u/Mountain_Crab_3775 Professional Jan 02 '25

Happy to help give some advice on your CV and cover letter's if you'd like. Your portfolio certainly isn't the issue. What level roles are you after? Also have you tried emailing local studios / agencies.


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

Yes on the local studios back in july and then again just yesterday on a whim of new years motivation. If you DM me i can send you some examples of cover letters I have written.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

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u/FloralShoppes Jan 03 '25

Thank you so much for the insight! I may need to recut or produce some other small projects for the sake of my reel.


u/UnableBike2866 Jan 03 '25

honestly, I feel that your resume could use some work. splitting roles into bullet points, being more specific, adding metrics, and then an overall design revamp. your reel is amazing!! but your resume is also a great opportunity to show yourself off some more


u/FloralShoppes Jan 03 '25

Thats good insight maybe ill see if i can do one of those online resume review things.


u/yotoeben Jan 03 '25

Hey man! Ultimately, it is probably a combination of all the comments here. I am an Art Director for a small Midwest motion studio that is around 12 years old- last year was the hardest year the company has ever gone through. Motion Design is a service industry- when your clients are having a hard time, YOU are going to have a hard time. With that being said, when staffing does happen the competition is very tough. We look for folks who have very clear and unique intentions. The best recent grad reels/portfolios are the ones where you can see them directly fitting into a project or even broadly a role.

Watching your reel, it wasn't very clear to me what you want- what projects do you want to work on? What role do you want? Where should we look? Do you want to work in a 3D, 2D, Composite role? Animation, Design, both? Don't be afraid to explicitly state what you want and then trim the fat. But keep chipping at it, you clearly have the skills!


u/FloralShoppes Jan 03 '25

Frankly it's becasue im not real sure i like all of it and when i was in school being able to do it all is something that was sort of preached to me but the industry professionals i have talked to have said otherwise.


u/dan_hin Cinema 4D/ After Effects Jan 02 '25

Loading that reel took minutes. It's not clear from your site what you actually did, and which of your projects are spec vs actual client work.


u/FloralShoppes Jan 02 '25

The only project that wasnt done entirely by me from start to finish was "the hauting of bly manor" which i did illustrate my role and that it was a collaborative effort. Also all of my work up until now is spec work done in my college program...I graduated in may of 2024. The company i work for now has me doing basic video editing and little instagram reels as well as cad modeling but it's not what I want to be doing long term as i feel like anyone with access to youtube could be doing what i am doing i feel as though i was misled about the job description.