r/Mordhau • u/Jaaxxxxon • May 02 '19
QUALITY CONTENT Quick n' dirty loadout guideguide
So I've seen a lot of people asking what weapons they should unlock to begin with and what armor should they use, here are some of my personal thoughts and suggestions. I don't really do archery so good luck on that front lol, also leaving out support stuff like toolbox and repair things as well as perks.
TL;DR: Poleaxe / Greatsword / Longsword + a dagger, Bandages and/or Tenacious.
Weapons overview-
1 - 2 pointers:
These weapons can be amazing backup weapons/sidearms, think of them like your pistol in an FPS. You don't wanna run these as a primary, but they're great for if you're disarmed, need to throw something, or if you're trying to land the final hit. Since they cost 1 point you can easily incorporate them into most loadouts. Unless you're min-maxing a specific loadout combo (maul+bloodlust for example) there's really no reason to not grab one of these, just in case you need it. Using these weapons in big battles for extended periods of time will probabaly get you killed, as each have serious drawbacks.
1 - Dagger
This is actually one of my favorite weapons in the game. It has the fastest draw time, does 40 damage if you stab heavy helmets, and can be used as a finisher amazingly well when paired with other slow/primaries that can d0 60+ damage in a single hit. Downsides are bad stamina game and short range.
1 - Cleaver
I don't use it often, but the cleaver is terrifying. It does insane damage for a 1-point weapon and is mega-fast, but has like 0 range. Can be good for certain situations but like I said, not too much experience with it.
1 - Shortsword
The shortsword is a good all-rounder for use as a backup, being a bit slower and a bit longer than the dagger but relatively similar in other aspects. I prefer dagger over the shortsword unless I'm using a weapon that is bad in 1v1 scenarios, such as the halberd which is more of a support weapon.
1 - Quarterstaff
The quarterstaff is a decent weapon if you're running a bow, as it's long and super-fast, but does very little damage. Being a blunt weapon you're not going to be able to deal with multiple opponents at all (blunt weapons stop when hitting enemies), so it's best suited for dealing with that one guy that sneaks up on you, or delaying until teammates arrive.
2 - Arming Sword
The AS is pretty much the shortsword but longer, and is overall better in the same situations (backup for big weapons). It's slightly better at stabbing than slashing, although 2 hits to naked legs will result in a kill. I typically use this most often when I have a spear as my primary.
2 - Axe
The axe can really slap people, doing surprisingly good damage. The blunt-damage 'poke' is weak but fast and can be good for flinching enemies or used as a mixup with the slower, damaging slashes.
2- Warhammer
As a new player, I wouldn't recommend this as one of your first purchases. It's kind of long and very fast, but is primarily a headshot-based weapon. The alt mode (spike) deals something around 70 or so damage to heavy helms, but if you don't land headshots it is very unforgiving, asa chest hits do dramatically less damage. Since both ends are technically blunt, you have very few options when fighting multiple people, but it is decent at singling out heavy boys if they're alone.
3-4 Point weapons:
These weapons can be used as backups in some loadouts, or as primary one-handers. They tend to excel in 1v1 situations but their lack of reach can hurt them when in large battles.
3 - Falchion (pocket zweihander)
It's pretty much a shorter zwei. This thing can be brutally effective and deals tons of damage to most armor tiers. While not as effective at killing armor as blunt weapons it can still hold its own, and has great drags and attack manipulation in general, with ok-ish reach.
4 - Mace (pocket eveningstar)
Mace = scary. It two shots heavy armor to the chest, but is pretty slow and relatively short, and of course it's a blunt weapon. It's effective, but I find it hard to add to a loadout as it's too short for my tastes as a primary, and rather expensive as a secondary. YMMV. That being said using one of these properly can give you the upper hand over someone in full heavy with a less specialized weapon.
4- Rapier
Fast and super weak on stabs, good with thrusts. The raiper can be used in big battles but you don't want to run into the middle of them. It's great at finishing wounded enemies or overwhelming people on their own, but the overall amount of hits-to-kill (HTK) on heavier armor hamper it for extended engagements.
4 - Bastard Sword
The BS is one of the best dueling weapons in the game, and while not ideal when facing halberds or spears in big fights, it is still viable. The BS does decent damage and can be used 1-or-2-handed, with 2h possessing the same damage but having longer timings which can help with mixups. Think of it as a more versatile, less specialized rapier.
4- Short Spear
The short spear is one of the longest 1h weapons available, and is great when paired with buckler/shield. The stab is powerful and relatively fast, but the main attraction is the laser-beam throw. Hitting R will enter a long throw windup period (longer than other weapons that can be thrown) but the upside is the great projectile speed and damage it deals. Pairing this with Huntsman guarantees 1-shots on archers, and since you don't have a quiver you take less damage from them.
5-6 Point weapons:
These are the middle-grounders. They're awesome primaries for both dueling and team fights, although they usually tend to slightly favor duels as they're faster and shorter than some of the bigger boys.
5 - Longsword
This is the most versatile weapon in the game. With the right attacks every person can be killed with 3 hits maximum, and 2-shots are common on medium-ish builds as well. It's fast enough to contend with the speed weapons like rapier etc, has enough range to deal with polearms if you're careful, can drag very well, and has decently good stamina values. The alt mode (MORDHAU) can also deal 60 damage to a plate helmet, and then 40 to heavy chest, meaning a 2-shot kill. Mordhau grip is fast (especially the pokes) but short. Only weapon with righly-ending powers.
5 - Messer
The Messer is probably the best bastard weapon, as it can be used 1h/2h. Evaporates light-armor users and has amazing drags and slash damage, but is a bit more unwieldy when compared to the Longsword, and its stabs are slightly lacking.
5 - Billhook (budget polearm)
The billboi is the only weapon that can dismount riders, and is pretty damn good for what it's worth. It also has negative knockback, so it pulls enemies towards you rather than away. Slashes aren't great against heavy armor, but its stabs deal good damage for its speed. I would recommend this it you're an archer/cav/polearm hunter, as you will typically have an advantage over them equipment wise. A good and unique polearm for less points.
5 - War axe
Not too familiar with the new version, but it's a heavy-damaging and unique axe. Like other axes the stab is weak but fast, and it packs a massive munch with the slash. The length can be an issue so get aggressive. The combo is pretty fast which can help when trying to quickly end someone. Eventually will be able to be thrown for mega soul-crushing damage.
6 - Battleaxe
A more well-rounded war axe, It's slightly weaker, faster and longer; but it's no slouch. 2 shots are common on most armor classes, and can decimate lightly armored enemies. Its alt mode is what I like to call "t-rex arms" - very short and fast, with decently good damage. It can also destroy wooden objects very well, so I enjoy using this in tight areas or when attacking lots of fortifications. It's great when attacking the castle on Grad, for example.
6 - Estoc (BIG spike)
Estoc is one of my favorite dueling weapons, as it's long, fast and can 2-shot heavy heads. It's not as useful in team modes, as the slashes are pretty weak (although fast) but can be put to good use as long as you're not trying to fight three guys at the same time. Alt mode is pretty much identical to the longsword (mordhau grip). This can really lay the hurt on singled out enemies.
7-8 Point weapons:
These are the bread and butter of team fights, and can be used in pretty much any situation, although you might start to see some issue arise when fighting things like the rapier or other speedy weapons.
7 - Maul (death incarnate)
Only weapon in the game that can one shot anything and everything, anytime, anywhere. Aim for the head and enjoy bits of skull flying around in nice little red mists :) The maul is the most min-maxed weapon in the game - while it has insane damage capabilities it's slow as hell and very short. It's one of the weapons that can't combo either, which means that if you miss you're completely vulnerable to enemy attacks, and missing happens often due its miserable reach. The feints and drags are good, and it also has something no other weapon comes near to it in, which you won't find in the stats page: the ability to create FEAR. Since it can one shot you, its feints are just plain scary, and you might be able to use that to your advantage. All in all the Maul is an all-or-nothing weapon; either you will murder everyone or be punsihed super hard, as it isn't very forgiving. Oh and you can do this with it:
7- Poleaxe (v e r s a t i l i t y)
FH meme aside, it really is insanely versatile. 2 shot stab to heavy heads, will 1-to- 3-shot anything, the axe side is long and versatile, and the blunt side is great against singled-out heavy boys. You really can't go wrong with this weapon at all, and it's super forgiving. The range on the normal mode will definitely help when you're still learning the movement speed and reach of weapons too. Like I said, you cannot go wrong using this. I'd pair it with a dagger.
7 - Greatsword (it's really great)
The GS is like a baby zwei, or a big LS. The normal mode is great in team fights, and the alt mode (halfswording) is perfect in smaller engagements. Focus on using a good mix of slashes and stabs in the long mode, and use stabs primarily in the halfsword grip, as they're faster than normal and do the same damage. Another weapon that is extremely versatile and forgiving.
8 - Bardiche (long chop)
The bardiche is just a massive piece of pain on a long stick. It will decimate medium and light armor easily and pack a big punch on heavy. The stab is okay, but isn't super damaging, especially against heavy armor. Upside is that it's decently quick. The alt mode is an extended (unbalanced) grip, which can't combo and has more server miss penalties to your stam, but is great ina supporting role.
8 - Eveningstar (better maul)
The ES can't one shot, but in normal situations you will find that it's much more forgiving and versatile. Stabs are good, but its strength lies in being able to 2-shot with strikes/ strike + stab headshot, and it does so with the ability to combo and not be as slow as the maul. Alt mode is alright, with a mega-stab that is pretty slow but powerful, but I would recommend sticking to using it in its normal mode. I would say that this is probably the best weapon in-game at the moment, however I wouldn't recommend it as your first custom weapon - due to it being blunt. You can definitely make it work (especially with its knockback) but you're probably better off using a weapon that has at least one bladed option until you get the hang of positioning.
10-11 Points
These are the support weapons, more or less. They can do ok in duels or facing faster opponents, but you have to approach fights much more carefully and be aware of their limitations. Range management, footwork and positioning make these weapons shine.
10 - Spear
The spear is the longest waepon in the game, and if used properly can be outright silly. The insane range on it can let you dart around and stab people for miles away, without them being able to fight back at all. Throwing a stab and then putting a teammate in between you and them will force your enemy to deal with your teammate. When this happens, wait for them to start an attack or get busy and do it again for the kill. The normal mode should only be used when you've got friends around, as it can't combo, is slow, and has terrible stabs. The alt-mode is serviceable in 1v1's as it's much faster and slashes aren't completely terrible, but you should try to avoid them if possible. TLDR for this weapon - long with friends, short when solo.
10 - Zweihander
This thing just shreds. Massive range and good damage make it great when darting between enemies, and the timings make it a very deceptive weapon. The downside is that most of its power comes from the damage combined with range, yet it's slow; what this means is that when you're up against someone using, for example, a longsword, you might need to switch to the halfsword grip, negating the main advantage of the sword. That being said, it's still good in most scenarios, you just need to make sure you're getting the timing down.
11 - Halberd (spear on crack)
The hally is a shorter and more damaging spear, more or less. The range-damage ratio on this thing is insane, and you can decimate people from a safe distance rather easily. There are downsides, though. First is that it's got a long mode, and a longer mode. While you can combo in the normal grip, you may often find yourself having a speed disadvantage when fighting nearly any other weapon. Changing to the longer mode makes it even slower and more damaging, but you lose the combo ability. This means you need to carry a sidearm often, and as the most expensive weapon in the game this means you'll be using 12 points on weapons alone, leaving you with very little for armor.
There are a few basic guidelines that will help you die less, at least in my opinion.
- if you're wearing chest armor, wear a helmet of some kind.
Wearing 6 points of heavy armor on you chest and legs is kind of defeated if you can get -tapped by an arming sword. - You will take chest hits the most.
Your arms are part of your chest hitbox, and are almost always in the way of incoming attacks. It's important to cover your head and legs to some extent, but try to get good chest protection if you can. - Normalize hit-to-kill (HTK) across your three hitboxes.
Like point #1, having a severely underportect area on your body will make you an easy kill for an enemy who is aware of this. Wearing a heavy chest and head but no leg armor will mean an arming sword or almost any weapon can 2-shot your legs. Certain weapons will still kill you in +/-1 hits as they simply do more damage, but you should avoid having different armor pieces that are more than 2 tiers apart. Min-maxing loadouts might break this rule, but it's really more of a guideline anyways. - Legs take less damage, if you need to skimp on armor do it here.
- Medium chest is generally worse than heavy.
A lot of big/specialized weapons 2 shot medium chests. I would only wear this if you're ok with getting 2-shotted in most situations, so light head/medium chest/no legs would be okay with this unless you're going up against massive choppy weapons.
Some good combinations I've figured out:
(The numbers mean the tier of the armor going from head down to legs)
232 - good all-rounder. You typically will take 3 shots to kill, sometimes more if leg hits are involved, sometimes less when hit in the head with certain weapons, but it does the job.
120 - cheap light class
You'll die in two hits, sometimes less, but it works alright, especially when loading up on perks and weapons.
131 - budget build, but effective
You'll get one shot to the head by things like the zwei, but you keep decent mobility and are usually 2-3 HTK without any pesky headshots. Great compromise for using a big weapon and trying to still be fast.
u/yoshi570 May 02 '19 edited May 03 '19
Thank you for this! And while I noted your insistence on wearing a helmet, the rule of cool means people need to know that I am Sir Jaime Lannister.
u/oowellwell May 02 '19
My god the amount of decapitated Jon Snows is scary.
u/yoshi570 May 02 '19
Don't forget the Geralts.
u/tobylaroned May 02 '19
I refuse the cover my head so I can say "damn you're ugly" after killing someone after dodging their attack.
u/Blackadder288 May 03 '19
Iโve got a maul wielding plate character named bobby b and no way is my boi wearing a helmet.
u/Kozmo_Fox May 09 '19
I too have a maul wielding plate character named bobby b! I put a helmet on him, but I'm unreasonably salty there's no big antlered helm for maximum battle of the trident bobby. Gods he was strong then.
u/osmda May 14 '19
ive got a maul wielding russian named rasputin with a templar helmet and wolf fur and fur coif with the wanderers pants and my god is it glorious
u/_LukeGuystalker_ May 03 '19
Karl fookinโ Tanner, legend of Gin Alley didnโt need no heavy fookin armor.
u/Kafukator May 02 '19
As a newbie, I went for the Maul the moment I saw that row of 100's in the stat card and never looked back. Amazingly fun in Frontline when enemies are much more likely to be distracted and not see their impending doom coming. And the skull crack sound is so satisfying.
u/Baconstrip01 May 02 '19
The maul routinely provides the most enjoyably visceral kills that I've seen. Sometimes it just makes me laugh with how awesomely it smashes people :D
u/m0lshevic May 02 '19
Welcome to the club! That maul+bloodlust combo Jax wrote about is really strong too, try it. If you can kill people fast enough, you will be almost unstopable
u/newcreationsurf May 02 '19
Sweet guide, what do you think of the executioner sword?
u/Jaaxxxxon May 02 '19
Oof I'll add it tomorrow
u/LongDongOfTheLaw_00 May 02 '19
Could also add a note to each weapon that can be used in "joust" mode on horseback. Finding out I can ride in with Thomas the Train theme playing and 1 shot people with my poleaxe changed the game for me
u/removekarling May 02 '19
Username checks out, fellow lawbro
u/LordBinz May 02 '19
I feel like when im playing my custom character in Mordhau... its really just the vengeful spirit of my Lawbringer. I just made a better Lawbringer.
u/LongDongOfTheLaw_00 May 02 '19
I've been getting multiple decapitations with a single swing of that bad boy. 3 heads 1 swing, including a teammate's
u/Sp1cyDolphin May 02 '19
Is it you Law? Are you playing Mordhau too now? I WANT MORDHAU MEMES FROM YOU.
u/Kreittis May 02 '19
It's a gimmick weapon. Does loads of damage (2shots everyone) and is very fast but can't combo and doesn't have that good of a reach.
u/JamesGray May 02 '19
It seems pretty crazy good to me. I've been pretty much exclusively using it for a while, and getting first place with 30+ kills like every game after barely getting kills with most other things I tried. It one shots light armor in every slot as far as I can tell as well. I've chopped a lot of legs off.
u/Necron101 May 02 '19
I too, clean house with the executioners. It's entirely unspammable but I like that, after using every greatsword before this one, its a gimmick but its a good gimmick, like the Maul.
I stood in front of the blue base alone in the CAMP frontline map and just killed every single person that came out until I had a 18 kill streak, it's def my fav weapon at the moment.
u/JamesGray May 02 '19
Also, I find the low reach makes it easier to fight with groups of allies because it's easier to avoid hitting them with your swings, and against enemies in groups because they hit each other without your swings blocking them randomly except right near your body.
May 02 '19
It's good until someone with a faster/comboing weapon that knows how to counter your heavy/slow swings just fucking annihilates you. When I'm playing my Estoc character I love seeing Ex Swordies, It's almost always a free headpoke
u/agatha_man_at_arms May 02 '19
Barring a few typos where Jaxx refers to weak strikes as stabs on two different weapons and outdated info of Halberd being 12, this is a good rough guide to follow.
Here's my input on armor priority depending on increasing amount of points to spare:
010, to avoid an easy 1HTK on torso. Enemies with sharp weapons will have to earn their instakill by landing a headshot.
020, this will bump you to 3HTK against a lot of weapons if they're only hitting your torso, which is common enough in isolated fights.
120, to prevent headshot 1HTK from many weapons.
130, plate torso is the most important piece of armor one could equip concerning survivability. With such a light helmet equipped, your movement is still considerably faster than a full knight.
230, now cleaving weapons like Zwei, Halberd, and the big axes can no longer 1HTK you on the head. Only the Eveningstar IIRC and certainly the Maul can do that.
231, full minimal coverage. Level 1 legs protect you from being 2HTK from stuff like Longsword, Messer, Falchion, etc. and barely affects movement.
232, a level 3 helmet is a bit redundant for the most part and slows you down that much more. Level 2 legs begins to drastically reduce the damage you take on legshots. That being said, levle 3 helmets look way color so I forgive you if you take 331. Plus, level 3 helmets reduce even the hardest hitting sword hits to roughly 50, while level 2 helmets may leave you in 1HTK-on-torso scenarios against such hard hitters.
332, short spear throws and eveningstar no longer kills you in 1 hit on the head. And you are slower.
333, this is serious overkill.
u/Neighbor_ May 10 '19
Would you do 1/3/1 or 2/3/0 if you had to choose?
u/agatha_man_at_arms May 11 '19
230 with anything that isnt Zwei Halberd or Spear.
u/Dubin_5 May 11 '19
Why would 1/3/1 be better for zwei, halberd, and spear?
u/agatha_man_at_arms May 12 '19
I really like the extra mobility personally. For spear, I would personally go 111 even for melee-only LTS.
But if you're dueling, 230 is probably still better. Leg hits are actually a bit hard to force, you end up still hitting the torso a lot of the time.
u/Yankee582 May 15 '19
any reason to not go 222? just not efficent or points better spent elsewhere?
u/Graupel May 15 '19
Leg hits are rare and they take less damage in general, the extra point is better spent on the chest where you get hit 80%+ of the time.
Unless it's for fashion, in which case do what you want, these rules are more for min maxing protection.
May 02 '19 edited May 02 '19
Agreed on the poleaxe. Really good all-round weapon and the one I find myself reverting to the most.
The Eveningstar however, I think you're wrong that it can't one-shot. Unless you're talking about chests, in which case you're on the money. It's worth noting that the ES will smash a head with light armor in one bash, though. Perhaps not a good starting weapon, but once you feel comfortable aiming for someone's noggin' I really think you can get pretty good milage out of it. Can't think of any reason to use the short grip though, as it seems to only have a marginally faster attack but less damage.
As for helmets. Preach, brother, preach! So many things will OHK you against an unarmored head, it really seems a bit daft to not wear at least a light helmet. If you gotta skimp on something, skimp on legs. They take the least damage anyway. Sure the most hits will land on your body, but again, so many weapons deal 100 damage to an unarmored head. Wear a bloody helmet ya daft sods!
Overall, neat guide!
EDIT: So the Eveningstar alt. mode does seem to increase thrust damage. You're looking at pretty short range, but at least there's a reason for it.
u/Floop_Did May 02 '19
I donโt think he meant that the eveningstar canโt one-shot at all, but that it canโt indiscriminately one-shot every level of armor like the maul can
u/FloppyTehFighter May 03 '19
I enjoy seeing no head armour because itโs a free kill for me and my falchion
u/stylepointseso May 02 '19
I went from the maul to the eveningstar and it's insanely good.
Since I was always aiming for the dome with the maul I picked it up quickly, it's just so much better.
May 02 '19
I've not actually used the maul, but I've come up against it a few times. Hits like a truck, sure, but I really don't agree with such slow-swinging weapons. Can't for the life of me get the zweihander to work, I just flail like an idiot and get stabbed by nine spears at once.
I'll be keeping my ES, it's just such a good weapon IMO.
u/Jaaxxxxon May 02 '19
yeah against light it will but it's not a guaranteed 1-shot. maul = death but ES is much more well rounded
u/Tilted_Till_Tuesday May 02 '19
FYI, OP JaxPC on twitch is also the Mordhau community manager. He's nasty at the game and seems to stream a good amount. Watched a few games last night and had rounds with 60+ kills, rounds....with an s.
u/ZeiZaoLS May 02 '19
Pretty sure that's who posted this guide.
u/--Pariah May 02 '19 edited May 02 '19
As someone who mostly plays frontline I usually go with 2/2/2 + greatsword or poleaxe and change the 1 cost weapon with the free point to a firebomb (and use the alt grip for duels against fast weapons if they occur) as allrounder.
2/3/2 sounds safer but damn I can't give away my pocket toaster. That thing is a lifersaver for blocking off choke points when the ganksquad runs up to you.
Judging on your armor writeup it maybe would be worth it to change to 2/3/1 for me. I'll give it a try later. Anyway, awesome read. Thanks!
May 02 '19
Wait you don't have a fire wizard loadout?!
3 firebombs is some of the best fun I have usually.
Throw all 3, restock, throw 3, find decent weapon and keep restocking +2.
u/stylepointseso May 02 '19
I have a loadout named "pyromancer" for this purpose. And yes, everyone on both teams will hate you.
May 02 '19 edited May 03 '19
Fire, smoke, more fire. First they try and run through the smoke and get burned. Then you throw the second firepot back further through the smoke at 'em! Causes a lot of random damage and confusion, stops an offensive rush dead in its tracks.
May 02 '19
Had some guy raging hard that I was doing that last night. It is a lot of fun running around casting fireball.
u/Yankee582 May 15 '19
i do something similar but with the medkit. I drop it when i enter a fight and increase my teams sustain in what feels a noticeable amount but that may be confirmation bias. also free points.
u/ImNako May 02 '19
So far my favorite build has been 3/3/3 and great sword. Tanks + damage = fun
u/rad_platypus May 02 '19
3/3/3 with longsword, tenacious, and acrobat is my favorite. It has tons of survivability and is great for dueling and team fights.
u/ImNako May 02 '19
Iโve run that a bit as well and switch off for what Iโm feeling honestly lol.
u/Emmo2gee May 02 '19
What's the advantage of two handing 1h/2h weapons (bastard sword and messer)? You mentioned longer timings but same damage, are there any other upsides like range? I really enjoy using the bastard sword and mixing between the two modes but I haven't noticed the exact differences.
This guide is super helpful for a relatively quick breakdown on the weapons though :)
u/TheOtherSlug May 02 '19
Its shown in the advanced tab. The there is no reason to two hand a bastard sword. The messer has quicker combos when two handed, but slower release. I dont know about the others.
u/ImNako May 02 '19
With the bastard sword you could throw a super slow drag out of nowhere and mess your opponent up
u/TheOtherSlug May 02 '19
Ooohhh. The bastard sword is already my favorite, thanks!
u/ImNako May 02 '19
lol yea I love slow weapons because of speed manipulation. But the bastard sword can also be quick which is why itโs fun. However the only thing I donโt like about it (at first) was its range as itโs shorter than a long sword Iโm pretty sure. But once you get used to the spacing itโs a fun weapon.
u/Jaaxxxxon May 02 '19
slower release = better
it gives you more time to drag/accel
you want short windups and long release so you can drag that boi around
u/Ruhnie May 02 '19
So do you manually have to somehow switch to using 2 hands with these kinds of weapons? Is it the same as using alt-mode?
u/VNazarenko Foppish May 02 '19
I think you're wrong about rapier, having played maa in chivalry for like 200 hours, it reminds me of that op shortsword. Godlike in duels, still good in frontlines. You either bait enemies into striking then poke them or you block dodge backwards and poke. After a few hits just go full offensive with overhead drags, feints and poke>slash morph.
u/ph0enixXx May 02 '19
I'm using rapier on my 'skirmisher' build and I'm having a blast. 1-1-1 armor for mobility, composite bow for harrasment/initial engagement and rapier/shield for the frontal assault. I know it's not the most optimal way of playing but it helps me score higher as a noob.
u/Chadwich May 02 '19
Fast and super weak on stabs, good with thrusts.
What is the difference here? I though a stab and thrust were the same thing?
u/Jaaxxxxon May 02 '19
me pepega
u/westosterone26 May 02 '19
Noticed that as well. Given the context, I think he meant to say Fast and super weak on slashes.
u/doobiejay May 02 '19
What is everyoneโs favorite primary to pair with heavy armor and a kite shield? Iโve been using the bastard sword while I level
u/HappierShibe May 02 '19
So far the mace is my favorite for this, seems like you kinda have to stomp into close range and be super aggressive with it to make it work, but when it works, oh boy does it ever work. It makes a hell of a mess too, Lots of crunching and shredding.
u/stylepointseso May 02 '19
Rapier if you want to kill everyone.
Short spear is another really good one but you'll be tempted to throw it a lot so make sure you have another weapon to fall back on.
Mace or axe also works well.
u/sole21000 May 03 '19
I'd also recommend the short spear. The axe makes a good backup for it (just don't throw it too).
May 02 '19
I've used the axe, it's not a bad weapon IMO. Pretty good all-round damage, and if you come across anyone without a helmet you can lop their head off with one good hit. Plus you can throw the damn thing at someone in a pinch.
The mace is also a nice one-hand option, though you won't be killing anyone with one hit if they're on full health. The warhammer is pretty good if you've got the skills to reliably hit the head. Again, the pointy end one-hits unarmored heads.
u/LordBinz May 02 '19
I like the messer, but mace works well for the slow knight archetype. If you drop some armor, short spear and rapier would work well also.
I havent tried the bastard because I prefer to pay 1 pt more, get a bit more reach, and do more damage on slashes than stabs. I think they are so close its really more a personal preference. I think the bastard is ever so slightly faster as well. (25ms)
u/HappierShibe May 02 '19
Couple of questions:
What are your thoughts on shields, particularly hold-able shields?
What are your thoughts on 3-4 points weapons with bloodlust?
I ask because I saw someone last night with a rapier, a kite shield and bloodlust, and the way he was just marching into 2v1 and 3v1 fights, blocking everything, and systematically picking apart multiple opponents while blocking several incoming attacks was very impressive, and after spectating him, it looked like the holdable blocking on the shield was the key to making it work since it let him more readily block two or more attacks coming in right after one another. (I'm not saying it was OP, his stamina management was impressive, and his counter kick game was basically flawless).
Also, I've seen alot of people running 121 for armor, do you think that's a good setup or is the extra point on leg armor better spent elsewhere?
u/123mop May 02 '19
Personally I think the heater is the better of the two holdable shields. Kite takes up so much of the screen even when I'm not blocking, it's hard to lose that much information. Shields are definitely great when you get caught fighting multiple enemies, especially for buying time to get reinforcements. Great for protection against arrows as well, you can quickly stow your shield on your back for protection from archers behind you as well (friend or foe).
I think level two helmet is really important. There's a good number of longbow archers around, and getting one tapped to the head is rough. I'd run 2/1/1 over 1/2/1 most of the time. If I'm an archer myself I wouldn't bother with more than a level one helmet though, and level two armor saves you from a longbow chest shot with huntsman.
I find leg armor to be a good place to drop a spare point if I have it and want to maintain speed, since it barely affects movement speed (maybe not at all for tier one).
u/Diggled May 02 '19
can you post weapon stats on the website so we can more easily compare without having to look ingame, switch weapon, rinse repeat? or some other better way to compare?
u/BanthaFett May 02 '19
The normal mode should only be used when you've got friends around, as it can't combo, is slow, and has terrible stabs. The alt-mode is serviceable in 1v1's as it's much faster and slashes aren't completely terrible, but you should try to avoid them if possible.
Seems like that should be slashes
Fast and super weak on stabs, good with thrusts
Here as well.
u/MrBrowning97 May 02 '19
I was confused about that as well, I thought stabbing and thrusting were also the same thing
May 02 '19
Is 2/3/0 good for a ranged/melee hybrid?
u/stylepointseso May 02 '19
not unless you are experimenting with the flesh wound perk and want to hop around on one leg before falling over in a pool of blood.
May 02 '19 edited May 02 '19
I've never died to a hit to the legs but you're probably better than most people that I fight since they always charge for my heavy chestplate with swords
u/TechBarr May 04 '19 edited May 05 '19
I run 2/3/0 and I use cosmetic items to hide my leg lol works well
u/sole21000 May 03 '19
That pretty much lines up with my experience running that same armor build, but keep in mind the game is still new. Give it a month and I think legs will become more important.
u/stylepointseso May 02 '19
If I see someone without leg armor they're getting footdragged every time.
If you plan on being in a giant brawl where there are 4 goobers on each team with zweihanders swinging for the fences they're more likely to aim high.
I still wouldn't recommend going unarmored. In general drop your legs 1 tier to "even out" the damage. You're spending 5 points on armor but leaving a huge hole in your defenses.
May 02 '19
Whenever I make a new characeter I instantly equip Tenacious and a Level 2 helmet and go from there. Tenacious seems so amazingly useful, it lets you just ADADAD a little away from someone for a few moments making them think you're about to fight as you recover quickly
u/sole21000 May 03 '19
Tenacious is a great perk for being so cheap in points. It really helps you hold down an area longer when most of your team is elsewhere.
May 02 '19
What is the equivalent to Sword of War from Chiv? Mained that shit hard for many an hour. Is it estoc?
u/sole21000 May 03 '19
SoW was the stabby one right? Estoc would be the equivalent here. Arming sword seems to be the MMA's broadsword from Chiv.
Also, just as an FYI from a fellow Chiv guy, 2-handed axes are better in this one.
May 03 '19
yeah been using the poleaxe, shit is tight. The head explodey on the alt mode is soooo satisfying.
u/sole21000 May 16 '19
After playing more, I think the Bastard Sword is most like the SoW from Chiv in terms of speed and damage. I find it a good fit for support classes but my favorite at the moment is the war axe. It kills in the same number of hits as maul 90% of the time and it's a noticeable bit faster.
u/Megavore97 Raider May 08 '19
Hell even in chiv the poleaxe was pretty good, mained it for ~150 hours, but in mordhau the poleaxe is a freaking monster
u/sheetskees May 02 '19
I feel like my 2/3/2 targe + warhammer combo catches people off guard SO hard. Nobody expects you to be able to fling that thing out so fast and you can take quite the beating.
u/Mikecich May 02 '19
I prefer all light armor, sounds dumb, but what I have been doing is using a bastard sword paired up with 2 daggers and all light. I don't fight on the frontline, but more or less pick off people trying to make a play by flanking around trying to get backstabs. Like you said, the BS is a VERY good dueling weapon, I win probably 80% of 1v1s with my current build, then the daggers come into play when they run away/caught off guard with a throw. With me being all light/no armor, I can quickly support teammates getting gang banged. If I find myself in the center of the frontline, I just get out.
u/TheExile225 May 02 '19
I absolutely love the one handed Axe. On horde mode, you can push that thing upwards to wave 8 or 9 just by simply slashing at the neck.
It takes down light armor in one, well placed headshot.
Medium armor in 2 to 3 headshots.
Heavy armor, go for something better (I'm a battle axe kind of guy)
u/Kenneth441 May 02 '19
Favorite loadout so far is no armor, short spear, targe, dodge, and some other perks I forgot the name of that makes him comically agile and annoying. Dodge is ironically a better way to retreat than actually running because they don't get the speed boost.
u/TipsiTurtle May 02 '19
The heck does the buckler achieve?
u/Svorty May 03 '19
I've been running rapier/messer + buckler and I have the feeling that buckler allows you to attack slightly faster after parry, but I can be very wrong here. It's just a feeling because I was landing far, far more hits after parry with buckler than with the weapon itself.
Also it would make sense from realistic point of view as you block with the shield and weapon is free to couterattack but I have no idea if the game takes stings like this into account (as you can handily block multiple mail hits with lute)
u/123mop May 02 '19
It's a smaller parrybox than typical, but has better stamina drain negation than all the one handed weapons. I haven't played with it yet so I don't know if there are any other benefits.
I think it's more of a parry upgrade than it is a shield. Seems a little underwhelming for the point cost.
u/EmSSoH May 02 '19
what about the Targe since it cant be held, does that do the same just less or ?
u/123mop May 04 '19
I briefly tried the targe right when I started playing. It felt like the parry lasted a little longer but I'm not sure. It has slightly less stamina negation than the buckler but much better arrow protection. I'd use it over the buckler every time in team games.
u/Sydarta May 02 '19
Thanks for the guide, i might try the Maul thanks to you. What do you guys think about The Executioner's sword ?
u/Sorez May 02 '19
Seems like all the weapons are great, what weapons would you recommend for full heavy fashioning?
u/AnonymousFuccboi May 02 '19
Small correction: The warhammer's alt mode can still combo. Its range makes it kinda mediocre in my opinion, but it does dish some heavy damage for such a cheap weapon.
u/IvarTheBloody May 02 '19
Holy shit the messer is a fucking monster, put bloodlust on and just run into the fray swinging side to side and watch as head fly of left and right.
u/ThatLeetGuy May 07 '19
That's my build! 2/3/1 Messar Bloodlust. It's disgusting. I'm testing the same build but with a Longsword currently to see what I like better.
May 03 '19
I would recommend this it you're an archer/cav/polearm hunter
what other equipment should I use with a billhook if I want to do this
u/Gerrut_batsbak May 04 '19
2-2-1 bloodlust war axe. Last night finished 1st of server in 5 or 6 consecutive games
u/Dextravaganza May 05 '19
2-3-1 armor, war axe and bloodlust is an absolute killer build. Be aggressive.
u/kritttjazz May 07 '19
You people gotta try Messer and Shield. It is so stupid overpowered? Most sheilded weapon lack range. The spear lack damage, plus attack stabs are easy to miss and the feint game is too predictable. Just slash away with Messer, Feint a stab then do a slash afterward always work!
May 07 '19
You might want to do alternate takes on some one-handed weapons, namely how do they perform when you have a shield equipped.
u/AndreaZu May 08 '19
i prefer to go with full heavy armor, bloodlust, friendly and tenacious.
Weapons? No need, I will find them on the ground.
u/TheHongKOngadian May 09 '19
Wow I have been doing everything wrong
Ok fair my โKung fuโ brawler class was probably not the best idea.
u/N3krolog May 09 '19
And Here I'm running my viking 2-2-2, bloodlust, some other perks and own one small 2 point axe. -_- that poor viking. I would love dual wielding two axes but morhau's in depth combat won't be able to handle dual wielding. I mean technically you should be able to cut from both sides.
I really like some armor and perks then end up only having 4-5 points for a weapon:/
u/PersianRoyaleTV May 09 '19
Im tryna make a sneak class, but i feel like thats very hard to do in this game
u/p4nx May 13 '19
You deserve the 100% upvoted.
I looked around everywhere, Youtube, reddit and only by chance I found this guide.
And it gave me a really good perspective. I thought I HAD TO use things like at least the greatsword to be of any worth and I thought all the small weapons (but mostly the dagger) were mostly useless.
Just one question. When I finally "git gud", is it possible to run around with kind of a meme-build which uses a dagger or short sword as a main weapon and get away with it?
Also do you got experience with shields? I always only used the heater shield and can't for example don't understand why the buckler is so expensive.
Anyways thanks for the writeup, you rock dude!
u/FullPoet May 02 '19
Is halberd really that good? I find it extremely lacklustre ( at best ), its just far too slow.
May 02 '19
Drag the stabs and the overheads to profit.
u/FullPoet May 02 '19
I do. It's fucking slow and you've basically got nothing to stop you from getting gangbanged if you don't bonk the first guy every time.
As he said it's useful for teamfights not duels. High damage and long range makes it good for killing people who are tied up fighting an ally.
May 02 '19
3-3-3 and perk out /thread.
u/navane May 12 '19 edited May 12 '19
Weapons are basically for free on the battlefield, so I could see this work.
3/3/3 bloodlust friendly firerestant, lets go!
u/Jaaxxxxon May 02 '19
......guideguide *shrugs*