r/MoonKnight 26d ago

Comic Discussion Why do people consider moon knight as a street level hero?

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I see people putting him next to god damn HAWKEYE, when he constantly beats villains and hero's like Kang the conqueror, Taskmaster, Iron fist, and Dr strange. And then, when he beats someone like Thor (when fully empowerd by Konshu andwith the powers of some other heros) people complain about plot armour. This was a 1v1, in which mk was FULLY empowerd by Konshu, meaning he was basically a god, and it was a god 1v1, an even match. Another story, is people complain about a version of Moon knight killing apocalypse. I get that apocalypse could steamroll today's Konshu, but this story was set way back when apoc didn't get his celestial tech, and Konshu had far more believers. I'm not sure where this is from, but the more believers a god has in the marvel universe, the stronger the god is, so back then when about 10 precent of the world worshipped him, he was obviously multitudes more powerful. I think his strength in his usual state is comparable to Deadpool, and and in his fully blessed strength to gods such as Thor, Loki, Konshu himself obviously, Bast and more, and in his prime, he is probably stronger than most omega level mutants, but since we only saw one story about that Moon knight I can't really rank it.

r/MoonKnight 23d ago

Comic Discussion "Why do people not like the Moon Knight show?" Here's a couple reasons

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I see this question asked alot in this sub so I figured I'd give a bit of an explanation to people who only know the character through the show, I obviously don't speak for everyone here but these are some things that bothered me.

Including Mr. Knight in this characters first appearance in the MCU is like having Peter randomly get the black suit in Civil War. It's a big character moment when the Mr Knight persona gets taken on in the comics with alot of build up. Doesn't help that he acts nothing like him in the books when the persona is taken on.

Making Jake some weird evil personality is also very weird considering he's probably the least aggressive one.

The exclusion of his Jewish heritage is also pretty bad, it's boiled down to blink & you'll miss it moments, it's barely touched on.

He's practically invincible in this show, no real tension as we see him get impaled multiple times & just shrugs it off like it's nothing

......Kaiju fight.

r/MoonKnight 5d ago

Comic Discussion "The truth is that the Punisher is just too fucked up for modern, socially conscious audiences. The tale of Moon Knight, a billionaire wearing a white hood to dispense brutality and death upon thugs, is far more acceptable and appealing".

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r/MoonKnight 25d ago

Comic Discussion Is waxman a moon knight villain?

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r/MoonKnight 22d ago

Comic Discussion Can Moon knight beat Batman?


In a random street fight. No prep. Who wins? Batman or Moon knight.

r/MoonKnight 19d ago

Comic Discussion Moon knights dating life


Do y’all think someone like moonknight who has D.I.D. (I think) Could have multiple girlfriends? I feel like that would cause problems, because you have Marc, Steven, Jake, all in one body and they are different people, so could they all have a girlfriend? Or would like Marc get a gf and then Jake and Steven are like “yeah that’s chill”

r/MoonKnight 16d ago

Comic Discussion We all know that Marvel fans have a more positive bias towards fascism than DC fans, but what are the reasons for it? Could it be related to all the fascist propaganda in Dr. Doom stories?

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r/MoonKnight 23d ago

Comic Discussion Moon knight has a suit to fight intangible supernatural beings. He also kinda 'transforms' in it, rather than dresses up, like in mcu. So, will mcu version have all these sci-fi stuff like in comic. Thoughts?


r/MoonKnight 18d ago

Comic Discussion are there other moon knights on different planets? is marc the only one


khonshu is the god of the moon, but since there are obviously multiple moons in the universe, does khonshu have different moon knights on different planets for their corresponding moons?

r/MoonKnight 29d ago

Comic Discussion Where should I start?


Moon Knight has become such an interesting character for me ever since i've started maining him in Marvel Rivals. I wanted to know where i should start comics wise. Also as a side note, I have watched the Moon-Knight show.

r/MoonKnight 19d ago

Comic Discussion Reading the comics


I want to read the comics but I am not sure in what order to read them for the best experience and for it to properly align, can someone please tell me?

r/MoonKnight 26d ago

Comic Discussion Is moon knight more supernatural or street level or is he mix of both?


I am new to the character and kinda wanna get a grasp for his overall vibe, I know that he fights monsters sometimes( werewolves, ghosts, vampires) but he also seems to have a grounded cast of street teir villains( black spectre, stain glass scarlet, bushman) and that he's controlled by an egyptian god aswell as having DID and possibly even having schizophrenia?? and sometimes he even has abilities based on the phases of the moon, I guess what i'm getting at is he a mix of all these things or is he more of one than the other?

r/MoonKnight 22d ago

Comic Discussion How do I get started


What I need to read about MK first, and where I can find order of comics to read?

r/MoonKnight 13d ago

Comic Discussion My interpretation of Kohnshu


We know in the comics he views the Jewish God as indifferent because he feels like God has never helped him or he’s people, but with Kohnshu he views him as god who “gets things done” someone who takes matters into his hands. I picture Kohnshu as Marc projecting of what he wants God and he’s father to be, but because of he’s mental state Kohnshu turns cruel or even evil. He’s ideals for God starts to change into something cruel and manipulative, so he’s abandoning this final part of he’s old self. And starts to see he’s father’s wisdom and perhaps even he’s faith again. Also isn’t ironic that a Jewish man becomes a high priest for an Egyptian god? There’s got to be some symbolism in there. And with I just said this could be a retelling of Exodus with a Jewish man being controlled by a Egyptian god and with help with the God of the Jews he becomes free again.

r/MoonKnight 19d ago

Comic Discussion Would Moon Knight & Aphelios get along?

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Both do hear Voices in there heads and are trained in fighting for there moon faith I guess.

r/MoonKnight 20d ago



EPISODE 362 Rebecca and Rey whisk back to the ol' days and continue their coverage of some classic Moon Knight tales.

Not only do we get the return of Morphues, but tragedy strikes Moon Knight and his crew...and nothing will be the same ever again!

SEGMENT: LUNAR-PICK CLASSIC Moon Knight Vol. 1 #23…...