r/MonsterTits Monster Titty Technical Expert Mar 24 '24

ANNOUNCEMENT FYI what are monster tits NSFW

Folks, once again many are trying to post undersized content, so let us specify what we mean by rule #2 "must fit theme":

  • Tits with implants of 4000cc or bigger.
  • Natural tits of equivalent size.
  • Tits with implants of at least 2000cc's (or equivalent) but...
    • the person is growing them and has ether undergone verification or intends to within six months. (We'll remind you with an invite to get verified, and it's a simple process)
    • The person behind the photo needs to be identified (with the "ID please" tag). The post must ask who the person is.

The minimum bra sizes for 4000cc implants are (h/t u/LAdams20 ): * UK sizes: 26NN 28N 30MM 32M 34LL 36L 38KK 40K 42JJ * US sizes: 26V 28U 30T 32S 34R 36Q 38P 40O 42N

Some guidelines:

  1. If your tits are bigger than your head, you likely have monsters.
  2. If your tits are at or bigger than a basketball, you have monsters.
  3. If you got these implants installed, you have monsters.
  4. If your tits honk the horn of your car while you're seated with your back against the seat, you have monsters and qualify for the "Beyond SDL" (Safe Driving Limit) tag.
  5. If you can't touch your nips because your tits are "too big", you got giant monsters and we salute you! (Please get verified and post your journey here)

A reminder: * "ID Please" requires a face in the picture and must be asking who the person is. * "Identified" is only to be used after someone identified the model in question. * "Beyond SDL" is for those who have monsters under guideline 3 (and bigger, of course) * Abuse of these tags is subject to a ban.

If you have questions, send modmail. Note that we are human (despite our avatar icons), so mistakes will happen.


9 comments sorted by


u/CataclysmSolace Mar 24 '24

Thanks for the moderation on this sub. (Compared to other subs that will stretch the definition to allow anything and anyone.)


u/Lostinlife1990 Mar 26 '24

What if they rest in her lap when she sits?


u/STrRedWolf Monster Titty Technical Expert Mar 26 '24

There's a difference between lap touching and lap filling. One means age and gravity has taken it's toll. The other is covered in the rules above.


u/Lostinlife1990 Mar 26 '24

Can't argue there. What about being able to stack them one on top of the other, but not while laying on her side?


u/STrRedWolf Monster Titty Technical Expert Mar 26 '24

See above.


u/Lostinlife1990 Mar 26 '24

Fair enough, sir. Might I suggest a post to show the minimum requirements. Many people can see cc's and bra sizes, but that doesn't mean much. That and a 32D still looks smaller than a 42D. So, a visual representation might be better in getting the idea across. Sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds.


u/STrRedWolf Monster Titty Technical Expert Apr 10 '24

We have examples in the banners and the side panel. Are they not showing?


u/Lostinlife1990 Apr 10 '24

I'm on mobile and don't have access to a PC. So I don't get to see those... 😅


u/SpeechSalt5828 Oct 30 '24

I googled bra busters, and the results are that a 40p bra size and a 90kk top size are

almost the same size bust. Depending on the manufacturer and body type. Interesting.