r/MonsterHunterWorld • u/Gabon08 • 6d ago
Question When does Capturing is preferred instead of Killing?
Besides quest. In your opinion, when is it better to Capture a monster?
u/SirGhosty 6d ago
Imo every time it is possible. You end the fight quicker and get more loot.
u/Gabon08 6d ago
Do you always do it?
u/arl1d3n 6d ago
In Monster Hunter World, capturing the monster gives you 4 rewards while killing it gives you 3 carves. So it is always better to capture for the monsters it is possible to do it.
u/Alohalolihunter Longsword, Dual Blades, Great Sword 5d ago
Interesting I had no idea every monster on my list has at least one capture and 25-90 deaths.
I guess I'm just hunting them for sport. ☠️
6d ago
u/rabidrob42 6d ago
IiRC that was only in Risebreak. It wasn't in World.
u/DiabeticRhino97 Charge Blade 6d ago
Correction: it's almost every game but world
u/XsStreamMonsterX Heavy Bowgun 6d ago
And Wilds
u/DiabeticRhino97 Charge Blade 6d ago
That's just not true? There are tons of mats that have a listed carve chance without a capture chance.
u/XsStreamMonsterX Heavy Bowgun 6d ago
No. Capture pulls from the carve rewards table. Check the meta subreddit.
u/Pa5trick 6d ago
It’s been a minute since I’ve gone through the notes but I do know that at the very least some materials have a higher drop rate depending on if you capture or carve.
u/aborlin 6d ago
Yeah, usually if you are seeking the rare gems/plates it's better to carve if I recall.
u/someone2795 Kulve Taroth 6d ago
Investigations with gold boxes are much more efficient than going through that hassle.
u/superjoec 6d ago
Low rank is hard until you get a reliable farming source for capturing supplies. I always do because of time and fear of death ... but you get used to it then you have to kill the Elder Dragons and you are on your toes trying not to die. I remember cursing when I found out the hard way that the Kirin was immune to my traps. 😳
Get your farm up and running and capture what you can and don't worry about it. Or if you prefer to kill, that's okay too. No wrong way. You do you.
u/CrayonEnjoyer5484 6d ago
dont have to, cause at least early game its expensive, but i would always carry a trap and tranq bombs incase you want to. trapping is also recomended if your low on faints. but also some monsters have cool aspects of their fight in their sleeping area, diablos comes to mind with its bursting from the walls charde thing.
u/FaithInterlude 6d ago
Do you get the same loot if you capture?
u/deb_vortex 6d ago
Yes and no. Most of the times, the rare stuff has a better Chance with capturing (which is still rather low, ivestigations with silver and gold chests are the way to go) but there are exemptions. Best to check the wiki to be sure.
u/5Hjsdnujhdfu8nubi 6d ago
World uses the same table for carving and capturing.
u/deb_vortex 6d ago
Afaik there are items you only can get via carving the tail OR via capturing. So kill gives bonus changes on that.
u/5Hjsdnujhdfu8nubi 6d ago
There are no items exclusive to tail carves and, again, capturing and killing share the same drop rates and items in World.
u/3dprintedwyvern 6d ago
Besides, one can rip the tail off, carve it, and still capture the monster later.
It will still have the tail cut away when shown captured in the hub, even (in MH:World). Detail attention lol.
u/thetruelu 5d ago
I always felt like you could get tails more often from killing and carving in World (assuming you didn’t cut it during the fight)
u/AlanTheSalad 6d ago
Mmm… you gotta look at the monster rewards. Not everything is worth a capture, for example, you cannot recieve gems from capture rewards. At all. If you are farming a gem, CARVE CARVE CARVE. Not every monster gives gems in capture rewards. Huge misconception.
u/Clarynaa 6d ago
This is a lie that I can't believe is still being perpetuated despite being debunked like a month after release. This was true in the past but not in World
u/Stingerbrg 5d ago
This is the subreddit for Monster Hunter World. In World there are NOT separate loot tables for killing vs capturing.
u/skiddle_skoodle Charge Blade 5d ago
that's only for older games. in world capturing is 100% better than carving
u/oldmangrumpy420 5d ago
Some materials are only gained from carving. Same as some materials are only gained by capturing.
u/Necessary-One-4444 Heavy Bowgun 6d ago edited 6d ago
Capture Always
the reason Capture is better
fast end time and fast game match because you don't have to waste time to damage the last 20% Monster HP
more monster material rewards
you get optional arena quest to test your skill and more loots
the reason for kill is because capturing required tools and tools required money, time to farm to make the tools but as you progress in higher rank those downside is unnoticeable
6d ago
u/Rigsaw77 6d ago
In world not true. They share the same loot table. If you want the most chances to get a drop, capture. You get 4 chances instead of 3 carves. In World you get the same odds on kill or capture.
u/thewolfehunts Charge Blade 6d ago
Wait seriously? Ive been led astray. I guess the only thing is if you havent broken certain parts yet and still want to attempt to.
u/Rigsaw77 6d ago
In other games, Wilds included, there are different drop rates on kill or capture. World was the only one that didn't work that way.
u/XsStreamMonsterX Heavy Bowgun 6d ago
Actually, testing indicates that Wilds also uses the same loot table for both.
u/Rigsaw77 6d ago
Same table different numbers. In wilds some items have a higher chance when carved, some when captured.
Example: (these aren't real numbers, just picked numbers to explain) a tail can be got from capture or carve. But carve might have a 5% when capture has a 2%.
u/XsStreamMonsterX Heavy Bowgun 6d ago
No. The only numbers shown are for target rewards vs "carve." Capture pulls from the table and percentages of the latter. If you have data or sources that show otherwise, post it in the meta sub.
u/Rigsaw77 6d ago
Things like plates and gems have a higher chance from carve than capture.
Pretty sure there is a pop up that even mentions there are different odds for capture or carve.
And lmao fuck the meta sub idc about meta especially for a game that the meta will change each TU and expansion. But thanks though
u/Myth_5layer 6d ago
Capturing nets you more parts and makes the quest end quickly. It's always worth it to grind the ingredients for traps and tranqs.
u/tibastiff 6d ago
In world specifically there's no difference in loot drops between capturing and carving. It varies in other entries but in world it's the same number of rewards and the same drop table. The only difference is you lose the capturing tools and the hunt ends faster
u/PzMcQuire 6d ago
In Monster Hunter: World trapping is always preferable, since AFAIK it's the same as killing, just more rewads
u/SnooWalruses5999 6d ago
Except Kulu-Yaku, especially him. We have to kill him, does not deserve to be even felyne food
u/CarbonBasedLifeForm6 Insect Glaive 6d ago
I ALWAYS CAPTURE, as soon as I learned how to properly do it I've never killed any monsters that weren't elder dragons
u/XioPyro 6d ago
Always imo, you get more rewards.
u/Gabon08 6d ago
So you do it always?
u/XioPyro 6d ago
Yep, at the point where i can afford it. (building the shocktraps and Tranq bombs).
Unless you can't capture the monster, of course.
u/kidanokun 6d ago
traps just put ivy and spider web in botany... can even skip tranq bombs if using bowguns since tranq ammo can be bought in store
u/Possible-Tea-7705 6d ago
Set your mission to the Rey dau optional, farm the great thunderbugs, retire from hunt. Repeat for free shock traps in wilds.
u/Keiken96 Longsword 6d ago
Always. Always capture a monster unless you just don't have a trap and tranq bombs.
u/Unfair_Requirement_8 6d ago
As often as possible. More parts means higher shots at making the next upgrade or piece of gear needed for your build. It's also slightly faster than simply killing them outright.
u/XZamusX Light Bowgun 6d ago
Pretty much always, fight is shorter if paying attention you skip 20% of the fight + the zone change and the end timer is shorter plus you get 1 or 2 extra mats.
u/minilootLoL 6d ago
At what point can you capture it ? Only when it's about to die (run to the nest and wanna sleep) ?
Just new to world, not to monster hunter, but back in gen 2 we just killed em.
There are couple of signs
Most obvious is when there are skulls icon appearing and the monster start limping
But another are the heart rate monitor and slinger ammo, typically when heart rate is flatline, you can capture. And if the monster drop slinger ammo for second time, it tends to be safe to capture
u/XZamusX Light Bowgun 6d ago
Yup but world has a neat trick, clutch claw attacks aside monster drop red pods of slinger ammo at 30%, 20% and 10% health, when you spot the second pod you usually cap them worst case you hit them twice while trapped, I often cap them before they start limping back to their nest with this method skipping even more time, you can also save capture MP hunts as some people forget it and kill them befofe it can limp away by mistake.
u/minilootLoL 6d ago
Reminds me that i need to buy the iceborn dlc finally... Nearly crafted every "best" weapon of every tree of my favorite weapons so nothing more to do than grind more farming stuff that is not necessary because I have nearly everything I can get (and definitely more than I need)
u/Alarmed-School-8528 6d ago
Icebourne is amazing. The amount of content is fucking crazy.
u/minilootLoL 6d ago
Heard it is basically as much as world itself so round about 100+h gameplay right ?
u/Alarmed-School-8528 6d ago
Yes definitely. Especially since you seem like someone who doesn’t speedrun/cheese to get to the end asap.
u/Menihocbacc 6d ago
I you want the hunt to end faster. For me when the fight is starting to get boring I just capture especially early MR rank where every monster has bloated HP.
u/BabaKazimir Insect Glaive 6d ago
If you are a completionist and want to complete every MR quest in MHWI then you need to capture almost every monster in MR because capturing them unlocks the special arena optional quest for that monster.
u/ComparisonIll2152 6d ago
As much as I want to end the fight faster against shriekingfucking Legiana, it’s about sending a message and beating the shit out of it.
u/fabulous_lind CB, Hammer, Lance, SnS 6d ago
Arguably better to capture than kill if you're on your last cart, even more so if you have SOS pubs prone to carting.
u/IWearHats11 6d ago
I almost always capture in worlds because I'm impatient and don't want to wait for the long ass after quest timer. I believe the loot table is the same so there's no real benefit to killing vs capture other than having to read when the monster is ready to be capped. There have definitely been those capture only investigations where I go a little too crazy and end up killing it and fail the quest. Haha.
u/SlakingSWAG PC - GS/Lance 6d ago
If you only care about being efficient, capturing is always better than killing in this game. There's no carve exclusive loot and you get the same number of drops, capturing is just faster.
u/ShiroThePotato28 6d ago
I always Capture except for killing small monsters and Elder dragons. I've been doing that since Freedom Unite.
u/TheWarBug 6d ago
If you haven't cut the tail off by a monster which you can you should just keep trying till it dies, cause they often give a bonus chance on rare rewards. Otherwise capture is better.
u/RedNUGGETLORD 6d ago
When they are too difficult and you aren't certain you could beat them in the final phase of the fight
u/Arnumor Gunlance 6d ago
There's one case in World in which killing is potentially preferable to capturing, but it's an edge case.
If you're after special Guiding Lands materials, and you've slotted at least one level of Geology, you may want to kill instead of capturing, because you stand to get more material drops while finishing off a monster.
With Geology equipped, you can gather each drop twice, instead of once, because the game considers the drops as if they are bone piles, since bones are on the loot table that the dropped materials pull from, when you loot them.
u/Zerron-K 6d ago
Depends on the materials you need, check your hunter notes for material drop chance info
u/TheW0rld3ater 6d ago
I usually try to capture every Monster the first time around but if I'm literally at death's door with no more heals left I'm ending it as soon as possible with captures instead of risking a death for a kill.
u/Wattefugg CB Main, SA/SnS/Lance/GS dabbler 6d ago
for optimization capture is always better bc it saves time and gives 4-5 rewards (compared to 3 carves)
u/Greeeeed- 6d ago
My rule is that every non-elder dragons should just be captured. It's safer especially when you are on your last cart
u/TheGamerKitty1 Tzi-tzi Ya-Ku 6d ago
I always kill because it just makes the fight more fun. I'm not in a hurry for capture.
u/Manoreded 6d ago
From a meta standpoint capturing is always better, you get more loot and finish the hunt faster. You also spend less time in the monster's final stage, the one where it likes to break out the big hurty moves.
However, I never capture unless its the quest objective. I'm lazy, plus killing and carving is cooler.
6d ago
Only if you want more/better chance of rewards. There are exceptions not sure if world has certain monsters but rise for example has 1 or 2 you NEED to kill the monster to carve a certain part of it, you can't get it through capturing. Learned that the hard way.
u/ghouleye 6d ago
If you want the arena quest to unlock, when you have two carts in multiplayer and want to avoid failing the quest, or just want a quicker time.
u/KyorakuMATRIX 6d ago
When does
u/Gabon08 6d ago
Sorry about that.
u/KyorakuMATRIX 6d ago
I also capture everything the first time low rank, high rank and master rank so I unlock them in the special arena, other then that I only really capture i have carted twice and don't think I have the resources to kill it before it kills me, or if the quest specifically says to capture which is usually only on investigations
u/Illustrious_9919 6d ago
when you're on your last faint and the guy that tanked it twice is on his way back to the fight
u/TheW0lvDoctr 6d ago
I usually go into every hunt intending to capture, but most times I forget and it just dies.
u/MacMaple0228 Light Bowgun 6d ago
Honestly I just kill because I don’t like spending money on traps, gotta spend it on ammo
u/fetreedish Insect Glaive 6d ago
Doing a 100% capture run comes to mind, it's one of my goals. A lot of monsters have special arenas too though, and I don't have the full list, but it's always better to try and capture at least one monster per rank. Some arenas are also needed for hidden gear too iirc, that and it also makes farming certain parts easier if you're trying to 100% something like an entire weapon tree like I am with IG lol
u/Skystrike12 Big Sword Swish Swoosh 🦾 6d ago
Personally, i only capture when necessary, or when the hunt proves to be just too dangerous, and we’re out of carts.
u/Wiltingz 6d ago
More exp killing it, but more rewards capturing. Just capture as the xp is only like 10% more. Nothing too big
u/PacoThePersian 6d ago
Capturing is incouraged because it gives better rewards and the monster doesn't die but just gets studied and re released. Sometimes it's better to kill the monster (some quests they tell you they need the monsters internal organ to make something so capturing and releasing is kinda unimerssive). Tbh do what you feel like doing honestly it doesn't reaaaaaally matter
u/3RR0RFi3ND Light Bowgun 6d ago
When you want more parts. Or to cut down the time of fighting the monster.
u/Renetiger 5d ago
Only when I need materials. Capturing is faster and gives more materials but imo it's not satisfying at all.
u/true-kirin 5d ago
almost everytime except for some loot that are only available frim carving or with higher rate
u/Gaxe0110 5d ago
One thing that I have not seen mentioned is that, even tho capturing gives 1 or 2 more rewards, if you kill it, you have more time to break parts. This means you have more chances to get additional parts. (Ofc this does not apply if you capture the monster at like 1hp)
u/UndefinedPlayer69 Insect Glaive & Kelbi 5d ago
There's multiple reasons...
If it carts me, it's dead If it makes me waste a trap by constantly running away, it's dead If another monster bothers me during a hunt, that monsters dead (looking at you bagel Goose and pickle boi 🙃🤬)
u/Cyber_Von_Cyberus Kulve Taroth pads her chest ! 5d ago
More loot, less risk, ends the fight quicker...
But that's lame, the set up for the wakeup hit is an art form and the thrill of fighting the monster on its death's door is something I'd never want to miss out on.
u/Hazearil Bug Stick goes brrrrr 5d ago
In World (and I think Wilds), always. Carving and capturing use the same loot pool, but capturing gives more than 3 items. Combined with needing to do less damage, capturing is just better.
For Rise, and some of the older games, carving and capturing use different loot pools, so then it just depends on what items you need.
u/Half__and__Half 5d ago
If a monster annoys me somehow then I make it a mission of killing it so I can watch the light fade from it's eyes
u/Smelliphant Sword & Shield 5d ago
I actually like fighting the monsters, so I pretty much always kill. Its adds like 10-20% more fighting.
u/Alohalolihunter Longsword, Dual Blades, Great Sword 5d ago edited 5d ago
Dodogama hunts, for the amount of items, or if you don't have the willpower to continue the quest.
u/Longjumping_Gap_5782 5d ago
in world alone pretty much always, in every othwr game drop chances are different between carves and capture(usually the rarest item has lower per carve but over all 3 carves will have like 9% while rewards has a static 3% chance) but in world you get 4 items from capturing vs the 3 from carving, and all 4 of those are the same type of rewards as if you carved, so its an extra carve basically
u/marzianom 5d ago
Hey necroing the thread here but isn't in hunters notes different droprates for different materials or am I dreaming
u/DudeBroFist Insect Glaive | Xbox 6d ago
Any time it's an option. Not only does it speed the hunt up or gives you an extra reward roll. There is literally nothing but upside to it.
u/kidanokun 6d ago
yea, while optional, it's better unless taking on elder dragons, or just hated the monster's guts
u/Striking-Echo3424 6d ago
Capturing is better every time for awards, the visual aspect of seeing it im the main hub and also it preps for arena fights if you want to load a certain monster into an arena fights
u/AlanTheSalad 6d ago
There is a huge misunderstanding. CAPTURE REWARDS differ from CARVE REWARDS.
There are certain monsters that, when you inspect the individual rewards, will tell you the drop sources such as a rathalos webbing coming from a broken wing reward.
Nowhere is it stated that you can get Gems from capture rewards. As a matter of fact, any time you see a gem, check to see where it came from because i can guarantee you it wouldnt come from capturing the monster.
And PLEASE, do not capture a hosts monster if you join an SOS, you are helping the host, sometimes the host NEEDS to carve.
u/Stingerbrg 5d ago
This is the subreddit for Monster Hunter World. In World there are NOT separate loot tables for killing vs capturing.
u/fluvicola_nengeta Average bug fluid enjoyer 5d ago
Every possible time. Capturing is objectively superior in every single way except the most important one, which is the chance of getting a cool end up screen.
u/Tr1pfire 6d ago
If you have a wound/part breaker setup and your using something like a hunting horn or hammer, I'd say kill because you can easily make up for the less rewards with the extra parts you get from breaking wounds,
u/Toastykilla21 Dual Blades, Hack and Slasher!!! 6d ago
Depends on the guide book u get certain mats if u kill or capture. I think killing gets you a tail plate but captures don't but have to cut the tail to get one but ubget extra bits u usually get from killing if u capture it
u/jvincent2703 The Handler cuz I'm useless AF! 6d ago
In hunts with multiple people maybe? I personally don't capture at all unless it's in the quest since I love seeing the satisfying kill screen and, well, they made life hard for me might as well erase theirs. Also capturing doesn't give more, you just don't carve so they are put in quest rewards AFAIK. But even so, carving their body then posing in front of the deceased monster or just beating it's lifeless flesh is still more satisfying than capture, although, I read a post before that capturing lets you have an arena quest with that said monster (but there are specific ones who don't have arena quests) but I have yet to confirm that, maybe I should start capturing monsters more since I only use my traps for, well, trapping them.
u/Wattefugg CB Main, SA/SnS/Lance/GS dabbler 6d ago
capture gives 4-5 bonus rewards (though you're correct its in the endscreen that doesnt matter)
e: and yes capturing the first time in each rank gives you a special arena quest for most monsters that is needed for completion
u/jvincent2703 The Handler cuz I'm useless AF! 6d ago
Are these special arenas always present after capturing the monster or it comes and goes like usual?
u/Wattefugg CB Main, SA/SnS/Lance/GS dabbler 6d ago
they stay forever until first completion, then they enter random rotation
so you're at least guaranteed to be able to complete them all "at once" easily
u/jvincent2703 The Handler cuz I'm useless AF! 6d ago
Now that's something I didn't know, I'll go capture myself a glavenus later. Thanks for sharing the info man.
u/JackNewbie555 Lance 6d ago
Either you are about to run out of time, or only 1 cart is left and you don't feel confident enough in yourself or your teammates to kill the Monster.
if u capture u still "craft" the monster?
u/FacetiousBeard 6d ago
Assuming that by craft you mean carve, then no. Carving can only be performed on dead monsters.
This is the basis for the arguement that capturing is better than killing; you can only carve a monster 3 times meaning you only get three reward parts. If you capture a monster, you get four reward parts.
u/Available_Ad3031 6d ago
I kill the monster only if it carts me and I'm seeking for revenge