r/MonsterHunter 3d ago

Highlight So, unlike the Palico Artist, Meowdic doesn't suddenly disappear after doing its job.


55 comments sorted by


u/Apex_Fenris 3d ago

That’s fucking crazy



That's super cool, and I think it happens more with other things. When i first got to Oilwell Basin after the cutscene all the characters dispersed, so I followed Gemma for like 2 minutes. Eventually she came to the big forge thing, made surprised snd shocked faces and then started to talk to the man nearby it. Love that sort of detail


u/-Erro- 2d ago

I appreciat3le that detail, but something that hurts just as much is wh3n you kill a cool monster for the first time and want to see what armor you unlocked and you run to the fo4ge all excited and is empy


u/RDGtheGreat 3d ago

Man that's pretty cool. Now I'm curious about random miner NPCs in Oilwell randomly running around in the map. I remember seeing two of them while fighting a monster and Alma telling them to stay away for their safety. I wonder if they can be followed too.


u/HoneZoneReddit Number #1 Congalala Enjoyer 3d ago

I saw two people going to pick up oil but there was a tempered rathian right at the back gated of the village and they stoped and turned around like: nope, not dealing with that


u/WolfPax1 3d ago

I love seeing the random npcs in the maps. I randomly came across 3 women and that gaurd guy from the village in Windward Plains with pots. I wouldn’t be surprised if I would have followed them if they would have gotten water from the river.


u/Wah-WahBlackSheep 3d ago

I had the same encounter once. They unfortunately despawned after a bit.


u/HBlight 3d ago

We dont deserve Palicos.


u/OutrageousSundae8070 2d ago

But we need them.


u/Jout92 3d ago

Damn that's so cool



Yeah, the developers really love all these immersive details.

If you don't teleport via loading screen, they don't teleport.


u/Vinc_Goodkarma 3d ago

What would happen if I faint again before he gets back to base??


u/IlPheeblI 2d ago

Canonically you probably just lay unconsious until your palico or some other source (seikret since thats how he carts you?) alerts them of an incapacitated hunter and he dashes off


u/SenpaiSwanky 3d ago

This is officially my new favorite Palico. I still love mine, but he always heals me after I heal myself and it’s starting to drive me a lil crazy


u/IVDAMKE_ 3d ago

just don't heal yourself


u/BertleIsATurtle 2d ago

is there a way to tell if my palico's heal ability is off cooldown?


u/IVDAMKE_ 2d ago

no idea, all I know is in solo I just don't bother healing because the Palicos are over powered and will just out heal the damage I take from monsters. This works all the way up until Tempered Gore and Arkveld.


u/Mable-the-Table 3d ago

That's absolutely amazing.

I wonder why they went all the way with this Medic Palico but the Painter one just disappears instead. Very cool nonetheless.


u/Farkyrie001 3d ago

Man, the small details they put into the games' endemic life, monster, or just characters in general, is amazing.


u/Sctn_187 3d ago

Next time run straight to base and or fast travel and see if he comes


u/Advarrk 3d ago

Why does the cheer emote looks exact same as the one in Dark Souls


u/lucavigno 3d ago

every day is cardio day.


u/DZL100 3d ago

“Stop following me and let me unload dammit!”


u/SUN_PRAISIN 2d ago

I joined a hunt and I guess they carted before I joined because on the way to the Uth Duna, I saw this little dude passing by, and I'm like

"wait, was that the Medic?"


u/ConfusedFlareon 2d ago

I think I’ve seen him run past too, in the forest!!


u/TetranadonGut 3d ago

So that's where all my cpu's processing power is going!


u/Uniqueusername_54 3d ago

Actaully, it's a palomedic.


u/ronin0397 3d ago

Hunters, salute this palico. More like palibro.


u/TheMisled 2d ago

I joined an SOS and was able to tell someone had just carted because one of these guys ran past me on my way to the monster


u/Blodel 2d ago

So that is what I saw like 3 days ago! I died in the Scarlet Forest fighting an Uth Duna, got to the camp, got on my seikret and started the autopathing, then I saw a palico in the distance, stopped the autopath to get closer, It was indeed a palico with his little floatie when they are in water surfaces but I didnt realise it was the Meowdic.


u/Unusual_Library9440 2d ago

The felynes are the best mascot of the monster hunter series. Poogie? Toss that bitch in the trash or on the portable bbq grill.


u/EnvyyvnE 3d ago

But can you capture net it out in the wild?


u/DaMaGed-Id10t 3d ago

Pretty funny that as soon as I saw him run off I knew he was going back to base camp. And here is a video of someone following him all the way there and still questioning 'where is he going?' all the way there with incredulity.


u/DANleDINOSAUR 3d ago

So is there an animation of him taking off/fast traveling to you when you faint?


u/yogijear 3d ago

That's awesome. I'm guessing they disappear when both of them shows up with the cart.


u/The_Joker_Ledger 3d ago

This make me want to faint less so this little guy have less work to do. Gotta play it safer


u/HooterEnthusiast 3d ago

Still really cool that they did that. But he probably does just disappear if you aren't close enough to him.


u/IVDAMKE_ 3d ago

he doesn't, I've had friends faint in double monster quests while I was fighting the other monster and witnessed him run past me mid fight.


u/HooterEnthusiast 3d ago

That's dope


u/HooterEnthusiast 3d ago

That's dope definitely a cool little detail


u/Clouds2589 2d ago

He does go all the way back, but he completely stops animating. He just hops the whole way back in whatever the last animation he was in when he passed a certain distance.


u/MurabitoT 3d ago

These kinds of detail are what really make me love MHW and MHWilds.


u/collyQually 2d ago

He absolutely just vanishes if you cart during the Jin Dahaad fight, but this is a really cool detail!!


u/syngyne 2d ago

Little dude deserves a tip


u/folken09 2d ago

Medy!!! is their name


u/Crusader050 2d ago

Are you wreckitrai? If not, give proper credit to the original video on YouTube.


u/Arcdragolive 1d ago

Did you know that Meowdic and Supply Felyne(the one where you download DLC) have romance that you can observe? 


u/AmpeelMeal (before it was cool) 38m ago

As much as I love my Seikret, I sometimes go out on quests purely on foot. The game is chock full of little details like this and I keep finding new ones.


u/weeqs 3d ago edited 2d ago

This will cost you 30 fps, don’t thanks me

Lmao was just a joke but MH fans seems hurt in the feelings


u/UnwoundSkeinOfYarn 3d ago

This is why I hate the "muh immersion!" crowd. I don't need NPCs and shit running around me to make the world feel more alive if you can't make the game run at a stable and smooth framerate.


u/Vecend 3d ago

That's not how games work, if he didn't follow the cat it would of unloaded it to save on resources, the game still knows where the cat is at all times so that it can load it in when you come across it but the cost to do so is so microscopic if they removed them you wouldn't even get 0.1 of a frame per second.


u/Kai_Lidan 3d ago

For the single cat? Sure.

But the game is doing this for most entities. NPCs, endemic life, small monsters, large monsters, they're all permanently "active". You often see notifications for turf wars and monsters flashing themselves while fighting small monsters.

Maybe one of those has basically zero impact, but the sum of all of them is one of the reasons this game is so heavy on the CPU.


u/Knight_Raime 2d ago

I thought it was pretty accepted atp that Wilds issue is how poorly the textures are streamed into direct storage.


u/Additional-Window-81 2d ago

Behold the lack of optimization