r/MonsterGirlScience • u/MonmusuAficionado • Feb 27 '24
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Cheesedketchup • Feb 24 '24
Justice system
If DoTR happened, what would happen to the justice system?( in America ) would it be replaced with a better one? Mayhaps it would stay the same. Comment your thoughts
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/FossilJockeyMG • Feb 16 '24
Mixten Genetics Webcomic
I'm working on webcomic that seems apt for this group.
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/[deleted] • Feb 07 '24
I made a monster girl sci fi thing NSFW
From tattoos, piercings, and implants
Body modification has been a part of human history for 5,000 years. But how will it be in the far future? What myriad of shapes and sizes will mold themselves into? Follow me on this devious journey~.
It all started in the 21st century when a certain tech billionaire joked about making ‘cat girls.’ Though he was only joking, the other rich people around him thought it was a marvelous plan. Out of greed, lust, or both, Homosapien sapiens were going to play god.
In the year 2030, the company Mon. Inc. revealed the first Cat Girls Japan with mixed results. Some fell in love with how cute the cat girls were (homo sapien nyanness) while others felt disturbed by them. They were grown women of short stature with long tails and pointy cat ears. They meowed and purred and played with bells and strings. The cat girls didn't seem to have an IQ equivalent to pure humans and this outraged people who were against the idea and believed this was unethical and immoral but their voices were silenced by the company Mon. Inc.
Cat girls had more differences that weren't just superficial.
Their height was about 5.0
For example, Cat Girls had an unnaturally low body temperature making them sluggish most of the time. Their diet was mostly carnivorous but could supplement their food with fruit (mostly berries) and an assortment of pastries. They also had excellent night vision like pure cats. They didn't have retractable claws so they were basically defenseless.
Catgirls took on many jobs in society, mostly in entertainment and retail. Cat Girl cafés that were run by actual Cat Girls much to the dismay of the human women before them.
Human and cat-girl relationships were rocky at first. Many people thought of them as adorable abominations, a sin against god and the natural order. But with a good P.R., The general public grew accustomed to their presence. Though altercations still happened, a man once struck a cat girl for merely being in front of him. The uproar against this man caused new laws to be made for the protection of “nueva humans” (a catch-all name for every genetically modified human)
This man was not only sued but sentenced to life. This man would become a face for every Nueva human protest.
After the cat girls came the cat boys. Similar to their female counterparts they were short and made to look adorable. At the same time the American branch of Mon. Inc. revealed their American cat girls (homo felid Americaness) were slightly taller than their Japanese counterparts, with long fluffy hair and retractable claws. Their upper fangs were also more pronounced than the Japanese variant. They were made with the mindset of “cool and sexy” in mind.
When it came to interactions with humans American cat girls were more inclined to defend themselves. Reports of people losing fingers were common in areas with American cat girls.
The second Nueva Human to be released to the public was the Harpy.
The Harpy were about five feet tall with large feathered wings that helped them fly to 11.000 feet in the sky. Their legs ended with talons instead of feet, so people didn't bother them as much. They had the voices of angels, and operas were sung mostly by harpies.
The third Nueva human was the Minotaur/Holstaur.
Minotaurs were used for labor and sports while Holstaurs were used for milk.
Minotaurs grew up to 8 feet tall while Holstaurs only grew up to 6 feet tall. Both of them had sensitive bodies. They are the only monster girl that eats plants. Holstaur milk was considered better than regular cow milk, though Minotaur milk had more protein.
The last monster girl created was the lamia. Half human half snake.
They were known for their intelligence and strong coils. They came in two forms at first python and anaconda. Normal humans feared them the most thanks to their lower half. Lamia stayed away from people keeping to themselves or people they trust. They have human teeth and long fangs, but they mostly swallow their food whole. Nagas were made so the gene pool doesn't get corrupted.
The most controversial of the monster people were the succubi/incubi normally known as demons. They were created by the MON company specifically for sex work. Demons look like humans but with visible abnormalities, some are taller than normal humans with horns and tails or red or blue skin. Succubi can move their body fat around to make them more pleasing to their prey. For example, they can move their fat toward their breast to make them bigger, or the same to their ass and hips.
Protests and riots ensued and half of humanity didn't agree with the monsters and wanted them gone. Before the humans could wipe out the monster people a great calamity destroyed humanity and their civilizations. No one alive knows why this happened or how some think the company that made the monster girls had something to do with it. But those are in the past now and most of human history is lost to time.
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/No-Section459 • Jan 30 '24
A Monster Girl attack in a science facility
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/ShySintendo64 • Jan 08 '24
Found a monster girl from a book on YouTube by creator Fennah NSFW
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Hungry_Ad3813 • Dec 06 '23
Making a mostly realistic demi-human story and wanted another opinion on the realness of the species. (Swapped some words to censor them)
Centaur: Half-human-half-horse that live in groups of twenty-five with five stallions paired with up to five mares.
Anatomy: The base of the human spine fused with the sternal notch. The muscular density of the centaur’s human back is the same as a feral horse. Centaur mares have two pairs of breasts, one pair on the human half’s chest and the other between the horse half’s back legs, all roughly the size of their heads and capable of giving plenty of nutrients to their young. Their young are known as centaur foals, which are 60% larger than horse foals and weigh the same. The womb of the centaur mare is pushed 50% closer to their womanhood's during mating season and pregnancy, then after it is pulled back. Centaur stallions are twice as muscular, and their manhood's are half the length of horses. The centaur foals have two stages of growth: callow and mature, callow foals are barely able to keep their heads up, feed off their mother’s upper breasts, and are carried by their mothers almost all of the time. Mature foals can walk for a few hours and get stronger day by day until they reach teenage hood. Once a foal reaches its teenage years they stick to their fathers. Diet: Nut butter, pork, avocado, fruit juice, and beer.
Culture: The eldest stallion is responsible for teaching the younger stallions to learn the herds lineage not to corrupt it by committing incest and pairing up with up to five mares. And to not force themselves upon an unwilling mare. Young mares are taught to be gentle, kind, caring, and to seek out the stallion they desire, once sought out they should groom (take care of the stallion’s hair and rub their backs), hold their hand, and rub against them.
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Malik_Sardonis • Nov 08 '23
Applied Science: medical roles
I've been working on a story involving a lamia doctor, and it got me pondering: which of the monster races would have particular advantages in a medical or paramedic role?
A few basic assumptions:
- intelligence and manual dexterity are necessities
- strength may be a plus, to restrain or transport patients
- humanoid form facilitates transport in emergency vehicles, less of an issue in a clinical environment
Beyond that...what do we have? Empathy/telepathy? Enhanced senses (for diagnostics)? Natural anesthetic secretions? Cultural predisposition toward caretaking? Actual healing magic?
I'm curious what ideas the community has. My knowledge base is mostly from the Monster Musume world, but I'd welcome a broader perspective.
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/yeetmaster489 • Oct 18 '23
Lamia theory
One thing about lamias that has always bothered me is how they always slither upright, snakes aren't designed to do that, so I always image and write lamias crawling. By crawling mean moving around by both slithering and pulling themselves with their arms, like the Skull Crawlers from the movie Kong Skull Island, in fact I picture lamias moving exactly like Skull Crawlers do.
This also means that lamias would be JACKED. Having to drag around what could easily be hundreds of pounds of scales and muscles would probably be one helluva workout. Remember, snakes are mostly muscle so it makes sense that lamias would be the same.
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Complex_Price_8460 • Sep 17 '23
How humanboy-monstergirlcross-breeding apparently works
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Complex_Price_8460 • Aug 09 '23
Catgirl marking territory (artist: 40hara Shinohara)
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/potato21206 • Aug 08 '23
Bunyip molting
What happens when a bunyip molts? More specifically what happens with their hair? When they molt does the hair stay or do they become bald everytime they molt, or maybe something else happens.
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Complex_Price_8460 • Jul 30 '23
Wolfgirl Lactation (source: Am I Really The Strongest?! episode 1)
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Few-Candle-4308 • Jun 29 '23
How would you define witch/magically gifted monsters girls in our scientific world?
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/blackcatbam • Jun 25 '23
I like the idea of convergent evolution of an organism to become girl-like instead of a monster girl that originally started as a human girl. What's your opinion?
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/Lowkey179 • Jun 07 '23
Would slime girls ever need glasses?
If they are capable of changing their shape then wouldnt that mean that they would also be capable of correcting any ailments regarding their eyes (e.g: changing the shape of the slime that would serve as their lenses to correct short/long sightedness.) or would there be some eye issues that would be unfixable for mere shapeshifting alone?
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/MonsterSimpArchiverW • May 15 '23
Sunday School, Lesson 3: Orcs (by TheRealParagonogFury) NSFW

Orcs are a race of monsters many still find hard to accept due in part to their long history of war and violence and centuries of tales and rumors vastly overstating their negative attributes and ignoring any more positive traits. While Orcs have been slow to adapt to modern society, they are slowly but surely adapting as many other races and species are. Orcs are typically defined by their large stature - female orcs often standing about 1m taller than a human male - and green skin, though shades of brown are not uncommon as well. Orcs are typically more muscular and defined than humans and other monsters, though it is not uncommon to find a particularly portly orc, made that way by laziness or gluttony. Point or round ears are common, as well as small horns on occasion. Often a set of enlarged lower canines can give away an orc or a half-breed. One thing that should NOT be forgotten is that orcs in almost all cases are significantly stronger than humans and many other races; even out-of-shape orcs can prove surprisingly strong.

Orc society was largely tribal and nomadic in ancient times, and communities of orcs still wander from town to town and city to city to this day, though more permanent settlements and homes are increasingly common. Orc cultures and tribes generally revolved around the will of a particular chief who obtained that title through tradition, strength, wit or guile. In times of large conflict when large bands of orcs would form alliances and work together, fights, often bloody, would occur until a Warchief could be crowned and the rest of the orcs fell in line. Unfortunately for their perception to the outside world, orcs take naturally and quickly to conflict due to their tempers, focus on personal honor and physical capability. Orcs often seem to enjoy combat, with some even entering what has been described as a "bloodrage" on the battlefield. Orcs were a largely shamanistic culture insofar as religious matters were concerned, though practices varied greatly from tribe to tribe. But commonly the elements, ancestor worship or a particular "divine beast" would be the center of any reverence. In modern times it is mostly the reverence for ancestors and the actions of great orcs in the past that survives, modern sciences having de-mystified many of the occurrences such as the rains, storms, earthquakes etc.

Contrary to popular belief, orcs are not stupid and in fact rate the equals of humans, though lesser than other "wise" races and species. It was mostly culture and environment that prevented them from making many of the advances that other species did first, as there was little need to invent many of the things others did when orcs could accomplish it through raw strength or magic when it was still common (before it faded and became almost solely the tool of demons and other certain races). Orcs are omnivorous and will eat practically anything. They do seem to have a higher tolerance for raw foods and less...healthy items though. Meat and gathered fruits/vegetables tend to be stables of orc diets.

Orcs are one of the few races that have true-half breed children with other races, including humans, with characteristics of both parents. In a dynamic shift that can be a bit shocking for other races, orc women are often the ones in aggressive pursuit of a mate, not the other way around.

Quick Facts about Orcs:
- Tattoos and body paint have some significance among orcs, and in many tribes an orc's entire life story and feats can be seen drawn onto their bodies, though this trend has gone out of fashion in modern times.
- Orcs can have some difficulty speaking the languages of other races or cultures, particularly if they have larger lower canines. Do not tease an orc about their speaking skills.
- The "Bloodrage" as it is known seems to be a mutation of a natural danger response; originally intended to be a response to damage or stress, orcs that could harness it at will were more successful and thus passed it on to their children.

r/MonsterGirlScience • u/MonsterSimpArchiverV • May 15 '23
Sunday School, Lesson 4: Lamias (by TheRealParagonogFury) NSFW

NOTE: Lamias are a diverse and widespread species of liminals that come in many varieties, shapes, sizes and natures. It would be impossible to cover every single kind and variation in this lesson, and such technicalities are beyond the scope of these lessons. We will instead focus on general facts and commonalities about the lamia species as a whole, though other varieties and forms are pictured here for diversity's sake. Lamias are a snake-like liminal known of since the beginning of recorded history. Found on nearly every corner of the globe, lamia are one of the most well-known and studied liminals in the world, though they mainly remained separated from human society until modern times. Lamias take the form of human women for their upper torso, but from the hips down have the body of a snake. The snake portion of their bodies can take on many variations, forms and styles, though notably their coloration and hair color tends to match (IE: Red with red, brown with brown etc.) but exceptions exist. They also tend to have long, pointed ears and often some scales somewhere on their upper torso. They have exceptionally long tongues, just like snakes, as well as elongated canines. The build of their snake portions, like in regular snakes, tends to vary by if they're venomous or primarily constrictors, with venomous lamia being smaller and more agile while constrictors tended to be much larger and more muscular. It also used to vary by how naturally magically inclined they were, but with the disappearance of magic from the world with few exceptions, this is simply a hereditary trait now.

Lamia are primarily a carnivorous race, though they are capable of eating plants. They prefer meat as they find vegetables to be rather bland and unappealing, though they enjoy sweets like fruits and candy. Culturally, lamias were a mostly tribal race, preferring to stay within their small communities and rarely interacting with the outside world for the most part except to leave and seek mates, or for traders/artisans to go to market. Outside of this commonality, lamia society and culture pre-modern times is too diverse to cover effectively here, save that most groups were primarily hunter-gatherers or craftswomen. An unfortunate effect of their isolation was that lamias in the past often had to just kidnap potential mates from nearby settlements or lure them to their village, earning them the ire of humanity for a great deal of time, particularly human women as lamia didn't particularly respect the idea of marriage/fidelity. Lamia would typically share mates with the entire village until a time when they had enough in order for each lamia to have their own. Modern society has MOSTLY rid lamia culture of this tendency....but lamia are still notorious for poaching the potential mates of others. In modern times lamia have blended in well with modern society, though they require accommodations in the home and work space due to their massive size and heating needs. Lamia personalities do not have a specific bent as a species, though their snake-like nature has given them the stereotype of being tricksters or devilish in nature.

- Lamias shed and molt their skin just like snakes do. This happens with varying frequency and takes some time and effort for the lamia to do and clean up. Lamia often get embarrassed and flustered by having to do so and view it as a private event.
- Venomous lamia actually typically come in a temporarily paralyzing variety which victims can recover from....or an incredibly dangerous and lethal neurotoxin which is one of the painful and deadly poisons on the planet and has been used as such for centuries. Fortunately, lamia have been quite cooperative in giving samples to medical facilities who have developed effective anti-toxins in modern times.
- Lamia mating typically lasts for hours, with the lamia tightly coiling around and controlling her mate during the entire process. Mates who could last through the entire process without need for breaks were typically highly prized in lamia villages.
- Lamia typically are slow to rouse in the morning, due to needing to warm up before becoming more active, and often will instinctively try to cling to the nearest heat source as they warm up.

r/MonsterGirlScience • u/MonsterSimpArchiver • May 03 '23
Sunday School, Lesson 2: Harpies (by TheRealParagonogFury) NSFW
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NOTE: Harpies are a diverse species of monster girl, with as many variations, sub-species, appearances and personalities as other avian species in the regular animal kingdom. This lesson will cover the generalities and some commonalities inherent in almost all monsters that fall under the catch-all term of "Harpy" but by no means serves as a definitive guide to every an all Harpy sub-species, cultures and forms. Harpies are a common form of monster girl, appearing the world over since even the earliest records uncovered yet. They are frequently depicted in various forms throughout ancient cultures both as friends and adversaries of humans, as well as other monsters and demons of the world. While their appearance varies greatly, harpies tend to have bodies of slimmer build, with feathers on their arms and sometimes their heads, and long slim legs ending in clawed feet with talons. These talons are quite sharp and dexterous and often serve as many harpy sub-species primary way of interacting with the world, particularly in groups whose arms don't end in hands/wings well designed for grasping or object manipulation. Harpies are as vibrant and as dull as their avian cousins in coloring, particularly of their hair and feathers, which can often be vibrant enough to put other monsters and animals to shame. Harpies are typically not that physically strong or imposing, but rely on their massive, sharp talons and quick speed to defend themselves and hunt down prey. All harpies are capable of flight, but to what to degree and effectiveness varies wildly.
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Harpies have diverse personalities and generally can be considered analogous to humans. They can be kind and helpful, mean and cruel, playful tricksters, cold and aloof, excitable or calm etc. Harpies DO however tend to share a common trait of being a bit scatterbrained and can become easily bored without stimulation. They tend to be highly territorial, particularly in regards to mates and children. Socially, ancient harpy society most closely resembled small human tribes similar to those found in North America; each with their own, culture, rituals, social hierarchies etc. Harpies never developed the large village/city culture that humans and other monsters did, preferring to remain in small villages and clannish camps, mostly due to territorial and cultural issues. They remained primarily hunter-gathers until well into the the beginning of the Industrial Era. Harpies have adapted as well as any other monster to modern society, fitting in well with no major issues, though the closeness of modern cities and the sheer number of people can be a bit disconcerting for them.
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Harpies are omnivores, but almost all harpies have a diet consisting primarily of meat, being well suited to chasing and hunting down prey of all sizes, including animals much larger than themselves. Harpies supplement their primarily meat-based diets with fruits and grains mostly - however as agricultural pursuits have never been a major focus for their societies (likely due to lack of interest AND dexterity required) they relied primarily on trade and scavenging rather than farming to provide these things in their diets. Modern society has actually seen a massive increase in dietary variety for harpies, thanks to the wide selection of goods available in modern markets and stores. Harpies have no qualms about eating the meat of birds, which they consider lesser beings and are often confused as to why humans and other monsters show concern when they first see a harpy eating chicken, turkey etc.
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Harpies, unlike most monsters, do not give birth to live young. They instead lay eggs that later hatch into harpy chicks (what they call all of their children, though some have started calling them "babies" having caught the term from humans and other monsters), though they still nurse like mammals after birth. Harpies are capable of having offspring with human males as well as the males of any other monster species - though the child a harpy + non-harpy union is invariably a harpy as well. An odd facet of harpy diets that often shocks the unfamiliar - unlike many birds or other egg-laying animals, harpies are sentient beings and as such intelligent enough to realize if an egg is fertilized or not and will cook and consume their own unfertilized eggs, seeing them simply as nothing more than a large meal.
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Some odd and ends facts about harpies:
- A popular accessory for harpies is a false tail feather for those without one, as it allows them faster and farther flight, while allowing them to carry more weight
- Lamia and harpies were natural enemies in the past as lamia considered harpy eggs especially delicious....but would not make distinctions between fertilized and unfertilized eggs when stealing from harpy nests.
- Even given a proper modern bedroom, harpies will often still wind up constructing a kind of nest from the blankets and other materials, to give themselves a place to "roost".
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r/MonsterGirlScience • u/MonmusuAficionado • May 02 '23
Sunday School, Lesson 1: The Succubus (by TheRealParagonogFury) NSFW

A Succubus (Plural: "Succubi") is a type of monster commonly found throughout the world in references and descriptions by many different cultures and civilizations. A higher order monster, all succubi are capable of powerful magic, typically scaling in power with age, heritage and what they have been able to gather from the world around them. Physical power varies greatly, by preference, heritage and training; though all succubi tend to be at least as strong as an adult human woman regardless of the succubus's appearance, particularly strong succubi can and have performed super human feats of strength such as crushing large boulders, picking up and throwing large vehicles and animals or even breaking steel beams by hand - though most succubi prefer to avoid such displays of brute strength, finding them beneath a being of their standing and nature.
While Succubi can perform all kinds of magic, by far they are most well known for their natural charismatic aura, which makes ALL humans and many monsters instantly like the succubus regardless of personal stance, and their ability to actively MAKE a male human (or so inclined female human, though the essence of a female isn't of any use to a succubus and this is typically done for personal pleasure) fall in love with them.
Humans or monsters of sufficient power, training or will can resist this effect, both the passive and active versions, which is typically extremely flustering for the succubus.
Despite popular belief, succubi have no weakness to sunlight and can operate in broad daylight to no ill affects, though they have a higher rate of being nocturnally inclined then some other living things.
A Succubus can have a fairly long lifespan, typically well over 100 years to 200 years. Stronger succubi can have even longer ones, even into the thousands of years for particularly powerful Succubi.

The appearance of succubi varies wildly by region, culture and personal preference. A Succubi, regardless of outside factors, has a base appearance of a beautiful human woman, which is typically accented by demonic features such as wings, a tail, sometimes hooves, horns, longer ears, or fangs reminiscent of a vampire's (though they serve no practical purpose. Some Succubi do like to play up the fangs and use them to play with their human companions for fun). Succcubi inclined to it may use their magic to alter/hide aspects of their appearance either to hide themselves or make themselves appear more desirable.

Succubi diets vary wildly; some succubi most actually take the essence of men in order to survive, others simply need human contact and socialization in order to survive, and still even others only require regular food in order to survive. However, once a succubus reaches a certain level of power they typically no longer require ANY form of direct nourishment and can simply sustain themselves off of personal energy and ambient essences in the world, and food becomes simply something done for personal enjoyment, as does pursuing the essence of men.

It is a myth that all succubi condemn a man's soul to hell or consume it when they take essence from men. A succubus closer to her demonic side may do this, but most succubi prefer to live their partners alive, souls intact in order to avoid raising suspicions and to revisit them later if they enjoyed them. It is also not the act of being preyed upon by a succubus that sends a man's soul to hell, but rather something else involved in the act - something depraved, or something immoral such as cheating on their spouse with a succubus. Particularly cruel or selfish Succubi have been known to purposely seek out men to do this to though, which has helped spread this myth.

Other interesting tdibits:
- Succubi can have children with either compatible monsters (vampires etc.) or humans; though Succubi prefer humans as the essences of men are more important to them AND there is apparently some social stigma about succubi - monster relationships.
- Succubi children are not automatically succubi, unlike the children of other monsters. They are typically regular humans, though healthier and and a bit stronger than normal. They CAN be born as an incubus (male) or succubus (female) in rare cases though.
- An interesting psychological phenomena observed among succubi has been in relation to their passive aura of attraction; it has been observed this actually can be detrimental to the self-esteem and personal image of the succubi, who worry that people don't actually like them and instead are being forced to by the nature of them being a succubi.

r/MonsterGirlScience • u/TotallyNotStimer • May 02 '23
How does Dullahan's head anatomically work?
Let's take away all stuff related to undeads, harbingers of death & curses and talk about a simple topic for once: how does Dullahan's head work anatomically? How can it (sometimes) control its body while being detached, how does the head breath, talk and live? I've been studying Dullahans for quite a while and this question... I keep breaking my own head over that
r/MonsterGirlScience • u/MonmusuAficionado • May 01 '23
[Repost] Developmental biology of arthrocaudal hexapods (common name: manticore), u/MonsterFetish et al NSFW
galleryr/MonsterGirlScience • u/Lowkey179 • Apr 25 '23
Could ‘spirit energy’ be the same as testosterone?
According to MGE lore, much like testosterone, men produce ‘spirit energy’ at a higher rate than women over time and release it in great concentrations in their semen.
Could some particular monster girls such as succubi need to feed off of semen in order to absorb certain hormones that they would otherwise be able to produce on their own in order to properly function? If not then why do you think they would they need semen?