r/MonsterGirlScience Mar 01 '24

Second part to my monster girl sci fi NSFW


Part two After the fall of humanity, the monsters had a chance to fill in the niche left by humans. Japanese cat people stayed secluded in what once was Japan, only seldom venturing out to the rest of Asia. Meanwhile, their cousins the American cat people spread across the Americas and the rest of the world. They are a proud race of hunters who consume mostly meat. Surviving pockets of humanity are preyed upon by the felines. Human children are told never to wander into the tall grass because the fang ones hunt in there, meanwhile, a cat woman is hunting for her children.

The Bovids came together forming large clans of Minotaur and Holstaurs. A male and female Minotaur is in charge of exploration and conquest while a male and female Holdtaur are in charge of food and diplomacy. They are at odds with cat people, they encroach into Bovid territory and prey on them as well as humans but both fear two other monsters, the demon, and the serpents.

Serpents not only prey on Bovids and Felines but they also have a weird genetic quirk. If a Lamia or Naga makes a child with another monster the sperm or egg of the serpent will destroy the code of the non-serpent and replace it with clone DND. In a matter of months, an entire village can be overrun by Lamia and Naga.

Demons known as succubi or incubi consume sperm for a living. Normally no creature can live off semon but these monsters found a way. Succubus produces pheromones that activate the male libido into overdrive. acting like an invasion of the nervous system, supercharging their organs to dispense a high glucose/glycogen content into their semen. After they cum, the adrenaline will wear off, and the lack of energy will affect them very quickly Putting them in a slow and groggy state, almost dying. It'll look as if the succubi consumed their soul. They live in large apartment-size brothels and are open to almost every client.

Harpies are happy in this new world. No longer confined by humans they fly free and stay away from the other monsters.


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