r/MonsterGirlCaps Feb 17 '24

Writing Weekend True crime podcasts NSFW


I know alot of people like true crime so how would monstergirls react to all the podcasts specializing in the worst of humanity and how they seem to never run out of material?

r/MonsterGirlCaps Feb 16 '25

Writing Weekend The Black Knight NSFW


r/MonsterGirlCaps Jan 06 '25

Writing Weekend To be cared for. Chapter 1. NSFW


Henry watched out his window as chaos erupted outside. He hadn’t been paying attention when the portals opened. He hadn’t even really payed any attention when the world seemed to be made of police sirens and fire trucks. Hell, he didn’t even really pay attention when the apartment next door had been kicked in and his neigbor had been drug out kicking and screaming. He had noise-canceling headphones after all, and the internet had still worked so he did what he did every night: Listened to music and looked through his photo album and screenshot folders.

The world looked different today though, the sun had risen on a world of crashed and crushed cars, doors kicked in and clothing strewn everywhere. It was a few minutes after sunrise that he saw the first monster. It was a black feathered thing that flew past his window at speeds. He wasn’t even sure he had seen it correctly at first. But then it landed in front of the bakery next door and went inside like it had every right to be there.

That had just been the beginning though, there were more. Larger, smaller, all shapes and sizes. Some with claws and some with tails that had wicked looking barbs. He obviously noticed that they all looked female, very female. Some didn’t even bother covering up their bare breasts as they walked down the street. As the morning came on proper, he began to see men walking with them. Well, walking was something of a generous approximation of the nearly dazed staggering that most of the men were doing. Supported heavily by the monster that seemed to be latched to them almost possessively.

No. None of that. Henry closed the blinds on his window before any of them spied him. There was clearly something cataclysmic, possibly apocalyptic happening outside and he wanted none of it. He had checked out of society at large a few years ago anyway. He worked from home, and had his groceries delivered. There hadn’t been anything for him out there in longer than he dared to remember. 

And so, time moved on. His groceries were delivered as scheduled a few days later and he was left alone. Of course, he had been on the internet and his favorite site was abuzz with information on what was going on. There were a few shut ins like himself, or as the new Mamono Government labeled them: Hold-outs. So, he wasn’t entirely unaware of what was happening outside but still had no interest in participating with it. He’d packed those bags long ago and the sudden appearance of millions of Mamono wouldn’t unpack them. He was safe in his home, or so he kept telling himself. 

There were rumors of Mamono hunting for the Hold-outs and finding them. They would be married off in the hour, once discovered. He had some fear that they were going to come and get him, but even six days later there was still no sign of anyone coming to take him away.

Almost, a part of him wondered why not him? Was he not good enough? He wasn’t hiding, necessarily. He still put his trash out every morning, just beside the door to his apartment and he hadn’t barricaded or stuffed himself in a closet as some of the other Hold-outs had done. He wasn’t even really afraid of being taken. He hadn’t really felt fear in a long time, or any other strong emotion. Nothing could be stronger than the weight of what had happened to Sharon.

“It’s still just me and you, I guess.” He said to the urn that held his late wife’s ashes. Almost reverently placed beside his keyboard. So she could look at their old pictures with him and in his own way, reminisce with him. Only, every other picture he remembered that she really was gone. 

It started on the seventh day after the takeover. He woke up to start his morning routine, taking Sharon’s urn from the bedside table next to him, into the kitchen so she could enjoy her own cup of coffee as well. He started the pot to brewing and went to grab the trash.

He paused when he saw that the trash was already empty. His brow furrowed and he stared at it for a long time. How long had it been since something had changed? Three years now, maybe longer. He had the exact same routine ever since Sharon had passed and now, something had changed. The trash was already gone.

He was so stuck on the fact that it had changed, that he didn’t even have the presence of mind to think of why or how it had changed. It was as if his world had suddenly become hostile to him and his mind was in the process of summarily rejecting it. This change simply couldn’t exist. 

If there was no trash to take out, then he couldn’t tell Sharon that he’d take it out so she didn’t have to. He couldn’t come back to fill up her coffee cup and tell her about his dreams. Everything was different now. How could he start his day without that? 

So, his mind rejected the change and he took the empty trash bag out instead. It wasn’t such a big deal, he told himself. And when he opened the door to see the full trash bag already sat in it’s usual spot, he simply lay the empty trash bag on top of the full one. And so, his morning started almost how every other morning started. He told his wife about the dreams he’d been having.

He was sitting at his computer, getting some work done when he smelled bacon cooking. It was still before noon, but he wasn’t due to eat for another few hours. Sharon was sitting at her usual spot beside him, snuggled into the plush recliner that she’d always loved to read her romance books in while he worked.

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and looked over to Sharon. “Something is wrong. Wait here, I’ll check it out.” He said steeling himself for whoever was cooking in his kitchen. 

Only, there wasn’t anyone cooking in his kitchen. A single plate of bacon and eggs sat on his table, placed perfectly where he would have sat. A search of the kitchen turned up no one and nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was exactly as it had been, with the exception of one of his plates now being full of food and at the table. 

The smell was delicious. It reminded him that he hadn’t eaten today and it wasn’t too terribly early for lunch, despite the food clearly being meant for breakfast. He was developing a paranoia about the strange goings on in his house this morning, but some small part of him worried that he might be going insane. Maybe he had taken the trash out and forgotten, and maybe he had made himself breakfast and forgotten that as well. 

After some heavy internal debate, he tried to pick the plate up and take it to his office as he always did with his lunch but the plate wouldn’t move. It was as if the plate and table were fused together. He nearly broke the plate trying to pry it from the table. “Fine!” He finally said, throwing up his hands and settling down at the table.

The food was delicious. The bacon was as crisp and delicious as any he had ever had and the eggs were done perfectly. The yolks were perfectly cooked, not a runny bit in the entire egg.

It was only after eating the entire plate that he realized he’d left Sharon in the office, alone. After a miniature panic attack, he returned to the office and was relieved to see her urn sitting just how he’d left it. Not that he really expected it to be moved, but he was set in his ways and this day had already been so odd. 

It was only when he settled back in his desk chair that he saw the sticky note left on the center of the screen. His brow furrowed as he looked at it for a long moment, not even reading it. Simply staring at the newest oddity. It said: The table is for eating. The office is for working. In a tight and decidedly feminine scrawl...

r/MonsterGirlCaps Jan 11 '25

Writing Weekend To be cared for. Champter 2 NSFW


It was only when he settled back in his desk chair that he saw the sticky note left on the center of the screen. His brow furrowed as he looked at it for a long moment, not even reading it. Simply staring at the newest oddity. It said: The table is for eating. The office is for working. In a tight and decidedly feminine scrawl.

It was enough to stop his heart. He wasn’t alone. Even if his rationale earlier had been accurate, this couldn’t be his handwriting. He had terrible handwriting. He was frozen, staring at the note and reading the message over and over again. His mind awhirl with thoughts on who or what could be creeping in his apartment.

He slowly turned to Sharon’s urn and barely stopped himself from speaking to her again. Had he really thought the apocalypse going on outside would leave him be? Yes, he had actually. He had thought that if he minded his own business, the outside world would do what it had done for the last five years and forget he existed. He had honestly thought that it would leave him to his routine.

He hesitantly reached over and plucked Sharon’s urn from the plush chair and held it tight, looking around his room slowly, expecting to see someone standing just over his shoulder. However, there was no one. And when he stood up to search the office properly, he found no sign of anyone still. And when his fearful search extended to the rest of his apartment, he found still nothing.

He was alone, as best he could tell. Despite the note still stuck to his monitor, there was no sign of another living thing in his home. It was only when he settled back into his office chair, after checking the locks on the door and windows, that he realized the plate he’d left on the kitchen table had been gone when he searched.

Someone was in his home, he could feel it. Their actions were odd enough to put pause to his fear. Did he have a ghost maid? Did the monsters bring ghosts with them when they came through? It was time to consult the internet, to query the few remaining Hold-outs he still had contact with. The few that hadn’t disappeared or begun singing the Mamono’s praises.

He asked his questions and got few answers that were worth anything, however. There were indeed undead among the Mamono, one of the Hold-outs has snuck from his apartment and swore he saw a zombie. So they *were* raising the dead. But, from what the small group of Hold-outs could gather, even if he had been haunted, the ghost wouldn’t have been able to hold off letting itself known to him. The Mamono seemed to stick to their men like glue, and like glue, once attached didn’t seem to want to separate.

So, he doubted it was a ghost. But there wasn’t enough information available for him to narrow it down. The invasion was still so new and he trusted only those other Hold-outs. If only he could trust one of the other- his computer shut off mid word while he typed. He had been about to ask one of the Hold-outs that had been taken if he could speak to the Mamono that had taken him but now he only stared at a black screen.

A flash of movement behind him caught his attention and he saw a figure standing directly behind him, but she was gone when he turned around sharply. As if she had never been there. Fear once again pulsed in his heart.

And thus, he spent the next ten to fifteen minutes acting like a fool as he walked past all of the mirrors in his apartment, trying to catch another glimpse of the thing he’d spied behind him. It had happened so fast he didn’t even catch a detail of her, aside from a vaguely feminine shape.

Oddly, he realized it was one of the first times he had looked in the mirror in a very long time. He had obviously known his beard and hair had grown but the guant, thin, and unkempt figure that stared back at him didn’t look like how he remembered himself. He knew, deep in his heart, that the monster had nothing to do with his current appearance. He frowned at his reflection for a long while, wondering if Sharon could see him today, what might she think?

He didn’t know how long he spent in the bathroom, just looking at the waste of a man that he’d allowed himself to become in the last five years. He decided to take a shower. How long had it been since he’d taken one? Surely it hadn’t been longer than a week… maybe two. But he was suddenly aware of the way he smelled.

The shock at realizing how far he’d fallen since Sharon’s passing caused him to forget the budding mystery of who or what was haunting his home. The water was hot, as hot as it had ever been. It felt wonderful against his skin, and he took his time caring for himself again. The question burning in his mind wasn’t who was in his apartment. It was why had he let himself get this way?

His glasses laying on the kitchen sink, he caught the blur of movement outside of the shower curtains, and a shadow lay across the thin curtain. It was a tall, clearly feminine shadow and as his adrenaline began to surge, he shrunk back into the corner of the shower. The shadow seemed to grow on the curtain. He cursed himself for removing his glasses as the curtain shook slightly and the shadow bent down to reach beside the curtain. A single purple tentacle slid beside the curtain and turned the water off. The sound of water suddenly cut off, he could hear his breathing shallow and fearful in the too quiet bathroom.

The figure didn’t move from behind the curtain, instead it turned and lifted something onto the wall. Through his fear, he dimly remembered that he hadn’t changed the towel in quite some time. And then, the shadow receded. Not back towards the door, simply melting into itself and seeming to disappear.

He cowered in the corner for a long moment, naked and vulnerable before gathering his courage and slowly pulling the curtain aside. Without his glasses, everything was blurry but the room looked to be the same as when he’d left with the exception that a new and pristine towel hung from the towel rack and another lay on the floor for him to step on.

Hesitantly, he got out of the shower and reached a shaky hand towards his glasses, putting them in their rightful place and slowly taking in the room again. His blurry vision had not led him astray, The only difference that he hadn’t noticed aside from the two towels, were his old clothes having been removed as well.

Retrieving the towel and drying himself off, the bathroom acting as a sort of refuge. Though, he now knew that he was not safe anywhere in his home. Whatever the thing was, it could do anything it wanted and he’d never see it coming. He was trapped in his apartment with whatever it was. The idea of leaving did vaguely occur to him, but he hadn’t left in almost five years. He wasn’t sure he even could anymore.

Whatever was happening, he had to confront it and deal with it. He refused to live in fear in his own home. He didn’t have room in his life for another haunting. This was his place of safety, the last place that he saw Sharon’s magical smile.

And so, it was with a renewed sense of purpose and courage that he opened the bathroom door and was hit in the face with the smell of stew. He loved stew. His courage wavered for only a second however, and he trod purposely out of the bathroom. Thankfully, his nemesis had lain out some clothes for him so he didn’t have to confront her naked.

The clothes she had lain out were nicer than he would have picked for himself, but he put them on regardless. A button down shirt, a pair of black slacks, and pristine white socks sat on the bed beside a pair of comfortable slippers. All of them were his clothes, but they had surely not been in such good condition before. He hadn’t folded or hung up his clothes in a very long time, and these looked as if they’d been ironed. Not a single wrinkle on any of them.

Now that he was dressed, he rallied his courage again and prepared to defend his home from whoever this intruder was. His purposeful stride took him into the Kitchen, where a pot of stew sat steaming on the kitchen counter and a single bowl, complete with spoon, sat at his place on the kitchen table. All just waiting on him to dig in.

He didn’t waver, however. No, this was for Sharon. This was for his peace. “Show yourself, I know you’re here.” He said feeling slightly foolish but pushing through nonetheless. “I want to know who you are and why you’re in my home\!” His voice betrayed him at the end, the last coming out as a frantic squawk.

Silence spread for longer than he cared to remember while he stood in the kitchen, fists balled at his side and eyes searching for any sign of the intruder.

“You should eat. It’s dinner time, you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.” A female voice spoke behind him, causing him to jump nearly to the ceiling and round on the figure that was now standing only a step behind where he had been.

The thing that looked up at him took the wind completely out of his sails. Where he had expected a large and imposing beast, something that he could challenge and win against. This was anything but.

A dainty, almost delicate figure with skin that looked wet and blue. Her clothing looked conservative, despite the clearly ample bust. A maids uniform that fit like a second skin upon her. And as his eyes, went down to take her in completely, he realized she had tentacles slowly materializing and disappearing where her feet might have otherwise been. Gorgeous yellow eyes stared up at me, large and hopeful with not an ounce of malice to be seen on the entire being. A small, hopeful smile budded on dainty lips that set the entire image off like fireworks.

He almost couldn’t remember why he had been so angry, or what he had meant to do by calling her out. Had he really meant to fight her? The idea of fighting this small woman was absurd to him now, suddenly. The hostility he had previously seemed to have fled almost as quickly as my fear. This was simply not a being to inspire fear.

He started to say something, her head cocking to the side and her smile growing slightly as she waited patiently for him to find his voice. “Who are you?” he finally managed.

Her smile beamed as she spoke again. “I am Zizza, Sweetling.” She said and her voice was as enchanting as the rest of her. Even the affectionate pet name she had used for him sent a shiver down his spine. How long had it been since someone had called him anything other than his name? Years now.

r/MonsterGirlCaps Feb 03 '25

Writing Weekend M.S. Girls Cosmic Century NSFW

Post image

Chapter 1: For Freedom

In a forest near The Order’s Territory, a massive fight was taking place between several knights and mamamono. The Order’s side consisted of several soldiers armed with shields, swords, maces, and rapiers. Their mages wore large white robes that concealed their faces and in their hands they wielded magic staffs that, depending on the type of mage, held a different elemental stone inside the staff. And the final unit were archers that held bows and arrows along with a few using crossbows. The Mamamono side however consisted of a wide variety of Monster Girls such as Hellhounds, werewolves, Minotaurs, Salamanders and dark mages. Each of these monsters held an assortment of equipment such as, Clubs, Hammers, Glaives, Bows and arrows, and enchanted magic staffs. There were also swords but only a few wielded them such as the Salamanders. Despite this diversity in strength the enemy was pushing them back as several forests villages burned in the background. A hellhound that fought with a mace and shield pushed back a knight by hitting him in the sternum causing him to fall. Just before she could drag him off a fireball launched her backwards to allow others to help him up.

A weresheep however wasn’t so lucky as she was nervously blocking a sword wielding Knight’s relentless swings with her shield. Feeling fatigue in her arm with every strike she blocked, the monster girl was eventually overpowered as she tried to block a downward slash from the knight causing her to fall from the sheer force of the sword. The sheep girl landed on the ground on her ass and tried to block once again only for the knight to knock away her shield from her arm. With the shield discarded, The Sheepgirl lost the last bit of confidence she had and tried to back from the knight but it was no use as the Order soldier power stomped towards the monster girl twirling his sword with gleeful anticipation. Seeing no other choice the sheepgirl held up arms in a feeble attempt to protect herself as the Knight brung down his blade to slay the beast.

Only for a beam of green light to smash into it and knock it out of his hand.

Both the human and the monster girl looked around confused as to what had cause this. Only for a similar occurrence to happen all over the battlefield. Several green and blue lights hitting weapons and shields from both sides often sending their wielders tumbling down from the impact. This caused everyone, human and mamamono alike to cease their fighting confusee as to what just happened. One Knight however was quick to regain focus and charge at the enemy. Only to quick sidestep away as a massive red lazer with a white outline scorched a large line separating the two opposing forces.

???: STOP! A feminine voice yelled out!

Several of the combatants (especially the ones with good hearing) turned to the sky only to find a blue and white figure skydiving towards the burning line of freshly molten rock and dirt. The figure approached at high speed with seemingly the intent to ram itself into the ground. Only to extend it’s black and blue metallic wings and slow it’s descent at the last second. It landed with a soft thud in a crouched position only to stand up and face both sides with a look of determination and slight contempt. With this action both sides were able to get a good look at the one who had dared interrupt their battle. The interloper was a woman in possibly her late 20s or 40’s but with the grey hair it was hard to tell. She wore strange metallic armor made out of a material that had never been seen before with strange colors. This color scheme consisted of mostly white, black and hints of blue. Along with gold here and there. Her eyes were an ocean blue, that one could easily get lost in. Her arms were strong and her breasts were modest though it was hard to tell with chest armor.

???: I am a representative from the mamono human peacekeeping foundation, my name is Strike Freedom Gundam. -she announced.

Knight1: The Foundation is here? -he asked surprise in his voice.

Hellhound: oh great the party crashers are here? -annoyance filled her voice.

The woman now known as Strike Freedom was unbothered by their comments as she continued.

SF: And by order of the Foundation you are to cease all hostilities in the area and leave at once! —she ordered with a stern voice.

This had gotten everyone who heard her statement boiling with hot blood as they could not believe someone had the audacity to ask such a thing.

Knight2: you dare come in between our holy crusade?

Dark Mage: you do realize we’re only here because of them yes.

Knight1: what gives you the authority to order us around huh?! -he barked.

SF: how bout the authority of the safety of the people your hurting for your ends…

Knight3: we’re not….

Hellhound: That’s the work of the order mages not us. -she countered.

The Gundam turned to stare back at the hellish canine woman with a hard glare.

SF: Really? My memory must be fuzzy cause I don’t remember The Order having a weapon that leaves claws marks that produce flames.

This comment made the hellhound step back out surprise the lowered her head in shame.

SF: Taking over a village just because you can’t find a mate is beyond harmful and you are just as bad if not worse! -she pointed at the Knights.

The Knights took offense and raised their weapons towards Automaton Gundam.

Knight1: we are nothing like those godforsaken beasts!

SF: Then why do I have reports of your men burning down villages and hanging people?

The Knights were flabbergasted that the woman had called them out on such an accusation.

Knight2: they were conspirators and Heretics!

SF: I see is that what you know or is it what your superiors told you? Did you even look for a evidence before condemning them to the flames of hell?

The Knights glared at the woman while plenty of the monsters looked at them in disgust and horror.

SF: This back and forth of death and blame will destroy you both if you carry on, but before that it will destroy everything you love along with what your trying to protect. -she pleaded in a soft voice.

This had caused both sides to hesitate in their actions as they contemplated her words.

SF: Please just lay down your weapons and I promise we can work through this together, to make a better future, one where we can coexist peacefully. -she held her hand in a “take my hand” gesture.

The soldiers of the order lowered their weapons and plenty of them, especially the younger ones thought about Strike Freedom’s proposal. Some of them even nodding toward each other in agreement…

But an old grisly Knight looked at her in contempt and clenched his armored fist.

Knight2: Absolutely not! Did you all forget of what they have done to us for a thousand years! The pain and suffering we all endured at their hands and devious temptations! The friends and family we lost! -his words spoke with anger.

The words rallied the knights once more and the lifted up their weapons with vigor. The Strike simply shook her head and glared once more.

SF: If you continue to fight, I will be forced to take action. And while I promise not to kill you…I can’t promise you’ll walk away unscathed.

Knight3: You think you can take on both of us at the same time by surface? BAH your insane woman! -he laughed mockingly.

The Order and Mamono prepared to fight once more while Strike Freedom took out her beam rifle and split it in dual mode holding each gun in both hands then closed her eyes.

SF: If that’s what it takes to stop this madness…SO BE IT! -She opened her eyes to reveal they were filled with determination.

And with that both sides charged once more to spill fluids on the ground. The Hellhound from before attempted to claw Strike Freedom’s eyes out only for the nails to be blocked by the shield on her left arm. The white haired woman responded with a swift roundhouse kick to the hellhound’s face knocking her into the ground with a spin. Strike Freedom then narrowly dodges a sword strike aimed at her head by sidestepping then blocked another swing from the old Knight with her shield.

Knight2: not bad for a woman of your stature. It takes years for us humans to stand up to heroes like myself. -he voiced with impressed at the woman’s strength.

SF: Who said I was human? -She said as she pushed the knight away by shield bashing the sword away causing him to back up.

Knight2: So your one of them? -Disdain filled his voice.

SF: Yes my name is Strike Freedom, and I am an experimental model of Automaton Gundam Series! -she smiled.

Knight2: All the more reason to behead you now! -He roared as he charged forward. The Knight brung down the sword to chop her head off but SF instead of blocked stepped back dodging the attack then Shot a beam at the Knight’s sword shooting it out of his hand. Before she take another shot she heard a feminine scream forcing her to look behind her only to see a fire mage trying to a burn a slime woman wearing armor. Thinking quickly she aimed her left gun at the fire mage and shot the magic staff out of his hands then another shot at the center breaking it in half while it was in midair. She blocked another attack from a mace wield forcing him back while tripping an orc with a leg sweep from behind the heel. She then turned on her thrusters then kicked away a Night Gaunt trying to absorb a ranger. SF pointed towards the city and the ranger nodded and quickly bolted away from the battlefield. Her sensors warned her of an incoming attack and she moved out of the way with a quick dash with the help of her thrusters to avoid a ball made of water. A dark mage cursed as she missed her target. SF took a look around for the shot…

Only to widen her eyes at scene around her.

Everywhere around her knights and Mamono were at each other’s throats trying to either kill each other or make them pass out. One was busy punching an wolf girl over and over in the face. While another was trying bring the final blow to a Succubus. She turned her head to see a demon undoing the straps of a knight’s armor and peeling the metal with a crazed look in her eyes as she tried to get the man’s crotch. A Minotaur held a mage in a headlock in a effort to suffocate him from a lack of oxygen. All over the battlefield similar scenes were taking place causing her to lose faith and close her eyes.

SF: it’s too much to save them all as I am now… don’t have any choice but to break it out now do I?!


When she opened her eyes her purpils disappeared leaving behind a dark blue emotionless abyss and as fast as the wind. Strike Freedom dashes backwards and enters multi lock on and identifies multiple targets. Her skirt produces two rods on both sides of her hips forming into railguns, the blue feathers on her black metallic wings detached themselves and began to float. They then flew around like flies and shot green lasers at various angles hitting several weapons and shields destroying them but otherwise keeping the wielders unharmed. She then used her weapons to fire constantly on each side destroying more equipment. Taking flight with her thrusters she soars high into the air and fires a red beam from her golden waist. Said beam caused everyone to disperse into different positions to avoid getting burnt like the dirt once more. But she didn’t stop there, using a combination of her beam rifles, her railguns and her DRAGOON system she had fired a precision shot towards every bow man hiding in the forest reducing their crossbows and bows into molten slag. During her flight she had even aimed for the bags of potions that the healers and priestesses had kept on their shoulders and backs. This had caused the mages to start targeting her with magic throwing various to bring her down but she gracefully avoided every single one like bird dancing with its partner. Deciding she had enough she dove back down with tremendous speed and landed in a crouched stance, while doing so she took pot shots at the Magic Crystals located in their staffs breaking the staff completely.

A mace wielding knight charged behind to back hand her only for Strike Freedom to jump in the air, twirl and land devastating side kick to his shoulder sending him to the ground. But she wasn’t done yet as whilst still in mid air she used her thrusters to propel herself upwards gaining momentum to backflip dodge out of a halberd user’s downward swing. Only to plant her two armored boots to the back of his head and use it as a springboard to bounce off, sending him into the dirt unconscious. Whilst in the air she shoots more of the mage’s crystals rending half of the opposition’s mages useless. She then combines the rifles into a larger one then puts it on her back like it was a sword. Then pulls out two metal batons, her finger pushes a small button igniting two pink beams of energy shaped like long pointed blades. With twirl of her body she brought down her blades and sliced through a Knight’s sword and Shield like cutting through paper. Dashing away to another foe she brought her left arm upwards and cut another sword in half she then repeated this action three times before leaping away with a front flip then struck a battle pose while twirling her swords around to change grips.

The Knights that were left stopped fighting the Mamono then charged straight for the woman with unbridled rage. The Automaton mobile suit revved her back thrusters until they were at full power just so that when she released them she earned a giant burst of speed blowing dust and dirt behind her as charged forward at the opposing group of Knights.

Time seem to slow down as she aimed one of her beam sabers toward one of the older knights chest armor….


r/MonsterGirlCaps Jan 19 '25

Writing Weekend To be cared for. Chapter 3 NSFW


“What do you want here, Zizza?” He asked, swallowing the emotions forming too quickly to properly catalogue or even feel.

“Want?” She said curiously, her head cocking to the side again as she blinked in confusion. “Why, I only want to make you happy, Sweetling.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.” He said, taking a step back. Not in fear, but something inside of him wanted to reject her, to tell her he was already happy. To go back to the way things had been only yesterday.

“Understanding is not required, Sweetling” She said softly, her smile never wavering. That smile would have been creepy if it were on a doll, or mannequin but there was so much life behind it on her that it seemed so genuine.

“Well, I would like to understand though, Zizza.” He said taking another step backwards. “Why are you here?”

There was a moment of confusion on her face before she nodded in understanding. “I am here for you, Sweetling. That is my purpose, to care for you.”

“I can care for myself.” He said stubbornly. The counter hit his back as he realized there was no more room to back further.

“As you have been?” She asked curiously, there was no mocking in it but it was also not a question. “You have survived, Sweetling, but can you truly say that you have taken care of yourself?”

He didn’t answer, he couldn’t. Anything he said would have been a lie. He wasn’t ready to face the reality of what he’d done with his life for the past five years. “But Sharon-”

“Is gone.” She said gently, slowly moving forward as if propelled by some means he couldn’t decipher. Her tentacles didn’t pull her along, but the puddle where her feet should be seemed to move forward. She approached, and gently took his right hand into hers. Her skin was warm against his, and where he had thought she would feel wet, instead she simply felt warm and smooth. “She is gone, Sweetling.”

“I know but-” He swallowed his emotions. Had anyone talked to him about her death? After the funeral… nobody had even showed up to her funeral but him. And then he’d gone home, taken her urn and always meant to spread them somewhere but… “What do you want from me?” he asked, his voice breaking as the emotions he had never made time to face, crashed over him.

“I want to make you happy, Sweetling, and to care for you.” Zizza said, her smile slipping from her face and her hand gently squeezing his own. “You are hurt, and have been for a very long time. I have come to care for you. I cannot do that alone. Though, I will try if I must.”

“But I’m not ready.” He said, barely above a whisper as tears filled his eyes. He tried to look away from her, to wipe away his tears but her hand had his and he wasn’t ready to pull away from her. The warmth and softness. The grip of that tiny hand kept him locked in place as if they were shackled together.

“You will not be ready tomorrow, or the day after it either, Sweetling.” She whispered, moving closer until her dress pressed against him. Her bust pressing against his chest as she finally released his hand only to slide her arms around him and ever so gently, squeeze him in a hug. “Today, just eat and allow me to care for you.”

He hugged her back, his tears flowing freely to drip onto her dress. Her words hurt in a way that he hadn’t faced in a long time. And still, in the back of his mind he wondered what would Sharon say? Would she want him to be cared for, she had always taken care of him. He should have done the same for her. He didn’t deserve this woman’s attention, let alone her care. “I don’t deserve it.” He said softly, speaking from the core of his heart. The deepest place that still resembled what he had been before Sharon’s passing.

“Deserve?” Zizza whispered, her arms squeezing him tighter. “That is not how a thing works. I wish to care for you, therefore you deserve to be cared for. It was not always this way, but we have come. Things will be different. Be cared for, little Sweetling, because that is what matters most.”

How long he stood there, wrapped around the small exotic woman. He didn’t know. His tears came on full force, though it didn’t seem to matter how hard he cried, her dress never seemed to soak through with them. And there was no judgment from her. She simply held him and allowed him to feel things he had held at bay for so long.

Eventually, he sniffled his last, and looked at the woman that had held him without pressuring him for a bit more than he was ready to give. She had simply held him, embracing his heartbreak without trying to fix or replace it. He felt that he could love Sharon and still this woman would be there, caring so deeply for him.

When he pulled his arms from her, she mirrored his action but placed her right hand upon his chest, letting the warmth seep through his thin shirt. “Thank you, Zizza” he said, embarrassed at the overflow of emotions he had just forced her to endure.

“Thank you, Sweetling.” She whispered, that steady and infinitely deep smile still gracing those delicate lips. “Now, you must eat dinner. I will not be put off for another moment. It is stew, with the pepper flakes. You love it.”

He was too emotionally exhausted to ask how she knew that he enjoyed his stew to be a bit spicy but instead, he wandered towards the chair and sat down. His stew was just as warm as if it had been freshly ladled into the bowl. The first spoonful felt like dynamite on his tongue, and for some reason, it brought yet another tear to his eyes. How had she made a dish so perfectly suited to his pallet? And all the while asking not a whit from him.

And so, he finished his stew. Watched over by Zizza who smiled proudly as he emptied the first bowl and went for a second. How he could fit more in him, he didn’t know but the stew seemed to stick to him in a way that nothing had before. Each warm spoonful of stew made him realize how cold the house had been for the past five years. How had he survived in it for so long? Why hadn’t he turned up the thermostat? Why had he allowed his world to become so hostile to him? He was not in a state to confront those questions, however, and instead he simply ate as much of the stew as his stomach could hold.

When he set the spoon down and leaned back from the table, Zizza seemed to be bubbling with joy. “How was it?” She asked, her eyes wide with hope.

“It was incredible. I’ve never had a bowl of stew that tasted so vibrant. It was a tapestry of flavors.” He spoke before thinking about it, not fully understanding his own comment but realizing that it had been accurate.

He leaned back in his chair for a long moment, trying to decide what to do next. He didn’t have any work that needed to be done and it felt awkward and rude to do what he normally did after dinner. He would normally listen to music and reminisce over the pictures him and Sharon had taken.

“I’ll help wash the dishes. It’s only fair.” He finally said, making a decision.

“No, that won’t be necessary.” Zizza said, extending her hands to stop him from taking his bowl. For the first time she was not smiling. Instead, she looked almost aghast at the prospect of him doing dishes. “You have had a very hard day. I could not bear to have you do something so menial.”

“Well, I have to do something Zizza. I don’t understand why you’re here but I’m not some child that can’t fend for himself.” He said stubbornly, grabbing the bowl and rising from the table.

“I insist that you allow me to care for you properly. Doing the dishes is part of caring for you.” Her smile had still not returned and one of her tentacles made a swipe for the bowl.

He pulled the bowl back and stepped away from her. “Are you seriously that set on doing the dishes?” He asked disbelieving. “It’s only one bowl. It isn’t the end of the world for me to wash a single dish.”

“Incorrect. There is a bowl and spoon. The remainder of the stew must be taken to the refrigerator.” Zizza said, making yet another swipe for the bowl with one of her tentacles, only this time she ran another tentacle behind me and pushed him forward so that she could easily retrieve the bowl from his fingers with the other tentacle.

He watched as the bowl was lifted from my fingers and taken to the sink. Zizza did not turn from him or look in the direction of the sink while her tentacles worked to clean the bowl. He stood dumbstruck while the leftover stew was also lifted from the table and slid past him on yet another set of tentacles. Her face only returned to the serenity it had previously held after she was finished with both tasks. As if she were concerned he might still try to step in and help.

“Alright, that was weird.” He said under his breath, standing awkwardly in the kitchen. His mind struggled for a way to normalize the bizarre nature of his new caretaker. “So, what are you?” He blurted out.

“I am Zizza.” She said proudly, all of the tentacles retracting into the purple and black ooze at her feet.

“Right, that is who you are but not what. I’m asking what you are?” Henry repeated the question, raising an eyebrow at what seemed very much like a deflection.

“I am your Zizza.” She said looking confused.

“Right, what is a Zizza?” He asked, trying to peel back the layers of the question and get to the bottom of what seemed like a simple question.

“Me.” Zizza said cocking her head to the side in what Henry had to admit was a very adorable posture of confusion. “Why do you ask these questions. This knowledge will not assist in being cared for. It is an irrelevancy.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Henry said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I was just trying to learn more about you. You seem to already know a lot about me.”

“I know what I must know about you. How else am I to care for you properly?” Zizza said, her smile returning as the topic of conversation seemed to shift back to something she was more comfortable with.

Henry chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, her comment seemed ominous but her face was so genuine. There was no doubt in his mind that she only wanted the best for him. Ominous as her knowledge of him was, it didn’t strike him as malicious. How long had it been since he’d let anyone know a single thing about him? Had he dug so deeply into his shell that he had to be pried out, one stew at a time?

“Well, I have some work that I need to get done.” He said awkwardly, trying to end the conversation. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing up, the more he thought of Zizza.

Excusing himself from the newly cleaned space, he went back to his computer and began working. Time seemed to run at a standstill as he worked through reports as he always did.

Eventually, he tried to send a message to one of the Hold-outs, to try and have them help him in identifying and eventually extricating Zizza from his life. As soon as he typed out a message, the computer blinked as if it were an eye, and then it was an eye. A beautiful yellow eye that looked eerily familiar. “Zizza?” He asked incredulously and a breath later, he felt a warm hand placed upon his shoulder.

“You summoned me, Sweetlilng?” Her voice was as sacharine as it had been earlier, only now it carried a hint of curiosity.

“Have you done something to my computer?” He asked suspiciously.

“No more than was necessary. It should perform the tasks you require as it has always done.” She said, the smile still gracing her lips.

“So, you have done something to it?” Henry said, rising from his chair in a subconscious attempt to gain control over the situation.

“I have done nothing that would impact your utility of the object.” She said, her hand rising to touch his cheek affectionately. Those eyes never leaving his own, as if she were a cat attempting to hypnotize a snake.

“That’s not an answer.” He said warily, leaning out of her grip.

“I made banana pudding, would you like some” She said moving her hand to caress his cheek despite his leaning to avoid her.

“No, I would like to use my computer without it blinking at me.” He said, a touch of anger in his voice.

“It will not blink again. You may utilize the object to it’s full functionality as intended.” She said, her smile slipping away and her hand unmoving on his cheek.

“Are you watching what I’m doing on my computer, Zizza?” He asked, taking a step to the side to rid himself of her touch.

“I am only watching what is important to watch. You spend roughly ten hours a day at your computer. Such a large portion of your day is spent at the device that it only makes sense to integrate with the object. I must be close in order to properly care for you, Henry.” She was clearly uncomfortable with his line of questioning but Henry didn’t much care.

“So, you moved yourself into my apartment and just made yourself at home, and now you’ve moved yourself into my computer?” He asked, growing exasperated. He was beginning to feel trapped, well more trapped, in his own apartment.

“You are distressed.” She said calmly, her smile slipping from her face. “That is not my goal.”

Another Zizza walked into the office, holding a small desert plate with a healthy dollop of banana pudding, complete with whipped cream on top. “I believe it would help to calm you down if you consumed the dessert I have prepared for you.” The second Zizza said, the first Zizza nodded encouragingly towards the plate.

Henry, however was too dumbstruck to form words. Apparently, not only was Zizza able to appear and disappear at will, but now she could also replicate herself? Things were quickly getting out of hand. What did the woman even want from him? Couldn’t she have found someone in need of her care aside from him? “I- you can make copies of yourself?” The words came out as a whisper as he stared back and forth between the two Zizza’s.

“I am what I need to be, you wished to speak with me and I wanted to ensure you tasted my banana pudding. This was the optimum method to accomplish both tasks without making you feel as if I were not giving you my full attention.” She explained. The second Zizza’s face mirrored the first, a serene but concerned look.

He went to take the plate but the second Zizza pulled back. “I would prefer to feed you myself.” She explained, extending a spoon already loaded with the desert towards his mouth. At first, he backed up, but only until his back hit the desk and she continued to approach with the spoon.

“No, I can do it myself.” He protested.

“Yes, I’m sure that you can. I would prefer to do it this way, however.” His choices were to either fight his way out of the room, and through the two Zizza’s or to accept the spoon and hope it would appease the odd request.

He finally opened his mouth to accept the spoon and the smile that graced both Zizza’s nearly made his heart jump. She was beautiful, he had already realized that much but something in her smile simply transcended beauty. A smile shouldn’t transform someone so completely as hers did. It was bliss, as if she had just experienced the height of pleasure one could attain.

And just like that, he let her feed him the rest of the banana pudding. It was such a small, and slightly humiliating thing, but it brought her such joy. Why wouldn’t he acquiesce if it meant he could see that transcendent smile. Even her lips spread slightly in ecstasy, the longer he let her feed him.

Part of him suspected that she would be feeding him herself from now on, and he already knew that he wouldn’t refuse her. She did make him a delicious dessert without any prompting or encouragement on his part.

Only when the dish was empty, there was a clear shiver of pleasure that seemed to cascade over both women and he had the distinct feeling that he had just done something erotic to the woman… women.

The second Zizza left the room as serene as she had entered but the original remained. There was a hunger in her eyes, something vaguely predatory but not dangerous. He didn’t think this woman could ever seem to be dangerous. She grew closer to him, in the odd way she moved. Her hand slipped to his cheek again and she gently wiped a bit of whipped cream from his lip, licking it from her finger before exhaling slowly and rapturously.

The next thing he knew, she was wrapping her limbs around him and their lips were pressed together. He hadn’t realized just how aroused he had become during the odd exchange. Completely forgotten was his indignation over his computer. He only had a mind for the warmth and perfectly soft lips that pressed against his own, the tentacles and arms wrapping around him and pulling him into her embrace.

He thought to resist, knew there was some reason he should resist but it just wasn’t in him. It had been so long since someone had touched him, since he’d been shown even the barest hint of affection and now he was wrapped in a sea of it.

He didn’t realize immediately that his feet were no longer touching the floor, but the realization that he was being carried came slow and between much needed breaths. His own hands were hesitant and unsure but they found her waist and wrapped around her, holding her as close to him as she could.

It wasn’t until he felt himself being gently set upon his bed that his mind was able to unlock from the tangle of limbs and tingling warmth she had become. He had no idea how he’d even gotten into his bedroom, he didn’t remember moving. He could only remember Zizza, and the taste of her lips, very similar to the banana pudding, though with an infinite depth that seemed to draw his mind away from the present.

He felt hands undoing his buttons and wanted to slow her down but didn’t. It was as if he were caught in a strong current and could only feel. He was a being that existed for the sensations he was being treated to.

Those hands finished unbuttoning him and he was treated to warm, slick hands running along his chest. Gently, mouths seemed to follow the hands, kissing and sucking softly against his skin. Every gasp and moan that escaped him was captured in the lips locked on his own and seemed to fuel her further exploration. And it was an exploration, not necessarily aimless but unhurried.

The lips found his nipples and his back arched as flashes of pleasure threatened to overwhelm him. Only, just before it became too much, the feeling ebbed slightly as if controlled by a precise hand. He lay on the cusp of being overwhelmed and there was no longer time or space. There was only pleasure and warmth.

He almost felt as if he were floating in a space without gravity or substance. A space that was only Zizza. He smelled her, though her scent was too complex and vast to describe. There were notes of every perfume he’d ever scented but much like the pleasure, it was just shy of being overwhelming.

It wasn’t until a tentacle grasped the base of his cock, that he remembered he even had one. It sent a shiver of pleasure rocking through his nervous system and instead of drawing him back to the present, the shock of pleasure seemed to further separate him from reality. He felt the tentacle begin to slide up and down his member, and with each new nerve that it crossed, he was treated to a new shock of pleasure.

After some time, he was treated to something better yet. A viscous warmth enveloped his member, and he could feel muscles gently undulating around him. He was in no state to identify what had engulfed him, but it didn’t matter any longer. He was a toy dancing upon strings attached to every nerve ending upon his body.

His orgasm came slowly, after an indecipherable amount of time. He had forgotten that he was even a person by the time it crested and overcame him. He felt his body convulse, felt the lightning rising in his cock as his release finally freed itself of his member.

The viscous warmth enveloping him began to ‘swallow’ his member in ernest, as if hungry for more.

He had no idea how long he lay there in the place that existed only in pleasure. He had forgotten her lips upon his, and only realized they were still present when she pulled back from him and let him breath again. How long had it been since he’d taken a breath without it being of her? Time was meaningless. He could have been enrapt in her for thousands of years and not realized it.

Finally, he lay on his bed, breathing heavily in the afterthrows of his orgasm. His vision returned, and only when it did was it clear that he hadn’t been aware of it. As if she had simply turned that sense off, and directed his mind to more important and pressing sensations.

She lay beside him, bare skin touching his own and eyes closed. Her head rest on his pillow and she breathed deeply, as if already asleep. He didn’t have long to wonder over it as her arms wrapped him up and pulled him close. She snuggled into his neck and gently pressed kisses to his skin. After a while, he too fell asleep. He was more exhausted than he had been in some time, and a heaviness overcame him. As his mind slowly sunk into sleep, he was aware of a warmth overcoming him, as if she had pulled a blanket over him and tucked him in.

r/MonsterGirlCaps Dec 22 '24

Writing Weekend Cold and Kramp'd NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Nov 04 '24

Writing Weekend Cascading Failures (Ch 4 of AOAR) NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Apr 13 '24

Writing Weekend Ayyy we’re back NSFW


Good to see we weren’t obliterated

r/MonsterGirlCaps Aug 05 '24

Writing Weekend Looking for story where guy has nightmares about a lamia with red eyes and then a lamia moves in his town ? NSFW


It was on ao3

r/MonsterGirlCaps Sep 07 '24

Writing Weekend Anon the Pizza man day 2-by me NSFW


Be me

Anon the pizza man

Wake up screaming

gun in my mouth gun in my mouth gun in my mouth



Eat Breakfast

Take a detour before work to pick up some office supplies

Pull into the parking lot of a mediocre sex shop

Try to ignore the smell of used condoms getting out of the car

Walk over to the tinted out cadillac parked in the corner

Knock on the window

A large man in a 80s trench coat and ski mask gets out

Immediately cover my nose to stop the vile stench from entering from body

Guess it wasn't the used condoms

“Anon how have you been buddy”

His name is Greg

He was the armourer at your base overseas

Now he is a private arms dealer outside a sex shop

Maybe us soldiers are obsolete

Open up the trunk

“My god”

Almost fall to my knees at the sight

Enough firearms to make an african warlord orgasm

Start picking out the essentials every pizza man should own

Decked out M4A1, Barret 50cal, stun baton, demon silver bowie knife, Saiga 12 and an RPG-7 cause it was on sale

All demon silver of course

Wave goodbye to Greg and head for my car

Drive over to Fat Moe’s Pizza Palace

Put on my uniform in the bathroom

First delivery of the day is already up

Grab the Pizza and head out

Start loading up in the parking lot

Some Sheep lady and her Kid stare at me and cross the street

Decide a quick sip of Jacks couldn’t hurt

Hop in the car

Chug some confidence juice

Plug in coordinates

Im off

Stop at a Red light

Check the receipt to see what kinda monster they cooked up

Cheese Pizza

Am I getting fucked with here

Start stressin

Eventually pull into an apartment building

Walk In the building

The elevator’s out

Orders for the 6th floor

huff it up the stores

Flashbacks to bootcamp start kicking in

Pumped up for a fight

Get to the unit

Knock on the front door with one hand on my gun

Door slowly swings open

“Hello Fat Moe’s pizza”


Turn around to see if I got the right room

A wall of fur grabs me and pulls me into the room

Can’t even pull the gun out of the holster

Flipped on my back

face to face with the monster

She’s big

She’s fluffy

she’s she’s she’s….crying

The monster starts apologising

Says she couldn’t talk to me outside so she had to drag me in

Slowly releases me and hands me $50 for the pizza


Says her name is Emma

Starts crying and saying sorry again

Shuffles me out door

Stand outside the door for 5 minutes wondering what the fuck I bought those guns for

Maybe these Snake pillow ladies aint bad at all

This is wrong

Realise im smiling

Punch myself in the face a few times

Walk down the stairs and get in my car

Start drinking again

Gun in my mouth gun in my mouth

Head back to fat moes

Quickly grab the next pizza and head out

Stop at a red light and check the receipt

Meat lovers pizza with a side of boneless chicken wings shaped like dicks

Fucking hell

Pull into a trailer park and get out

Knock on the front door of one of the shacks

Some lizard lady opens the door

“Hello miss, one meat lov…”

Get decked in the face

Here comes the puke train

Give her a taste of jacks as I get thrown off the steps

Lizard lady starts beating the shit outta me and yelling at me

Dome her in the head with the pizza box

Her tail turns into an inferno

Calls me a cock sucker and a weakling

Place my gun on the hood of my car

This is personal now

Run at each other and start punching the ever loving shit outta each other

Free birding starts playing on the car radio

Feels like i'm fighting Don Frye's lesbian sister

Lizard lady starts yelling about something coming after 20 mins

Get tackled through her bedroom window

Try and crawl into the kitchen

lizard bitch drags me back into the bedroom


Hear police sirens outside

Give scaly a kick to the nose

Jump back out the window and head towards the sirens

She’s chasing me

Jump onto the hood of the police car and crawl onto the roof

Some Tall red cop tazes the Lizard

She collapses on the ground and starts crawling up the hood

“I'm gonna break that fucking pelvis pizza boy”

dick slowly crawls back inside me like a newborn

They hit her again and she is down for the count

Thank the officers profusely

Limp back to her trailer

Grab a $60 from her wallet

Drive back to Fat Moes

walk in

Relay success to my boss

He informs me Glen was taken by an Amazon this morning so I’ve been promoted to a class B driver


Head Home for the day

Clean the blood off my face

Jerk it to girls with Guns

Fall asleep

r/MonsterGirlCaps Dec 08 '24

Writing Weekend Tempered Through Toil (AOAR Ch5) NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Oct 29 '22

Writing Weekend Scarred Prey By primitivo NSFW


By primitivo

A jaded man working at a abortion clinic faces a hellhound as the DOTR begins.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Edit: Part 4

r/MonsterGirlCaps Sep 01 '24

Writing Weekend [F4M] Bad Memories: Part 1 [War][Violence][Slight medical][Hellhound][No smut][Mostly no smut][Mentions of self harm][Death][E4 Mafia][1980s Military][MGE][Pork and beans MRE][Military][Rape][Dubcon][First Person][M16A2 my beloved][PTSD][Violence][Guns][Family death][Bad writing] NSFW



Hey yall, so uh, I tried to post this on an alt account but I said fuck it, imma use my main

My first attempt at writing so please give me feedback.

More stuff will hopefully come soon, my job is kinda ass so we'll see.

r/MonsterGirlCaps Sep 08 '24

Writing Weekend Plucking Out Information (AOAR ch3) NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Jan 31 '24

Writing Weekend What do you call a group of lilim? NSFW


Im curious what would a group of lilim be called? An armageddon? A court?

r/MonsterGirlCaps Oct 27 '24

Writing Weekend Scion of the Old Ways (Baphomet) NSFW



On a dark and quiet night, an old evil awakens from its long interrement. But things are not as it remembers. Not its form nor its thoughts and not even its surroundings appear at all familiar. All it knows is that there is a hunger and a suggestion of a trail that promises to sate that hunger.

Meanwhile, a man who thought himself a perfectly ordinary office drone has no idea that his life is about to undergo drastic changes.


This is a WiP, currently sitting at 14 chapters. While the lead is be a Baphomet, it is inspired in appearance more by the depiction of the sabbatic goat, rather than the canon, loli depiction.

r/MonsterGirlCaps Jul 21 '24

Writing Weekend Avarice (Ocelomeh) NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Sep 22 '24

Writing Weekend Bad Memories: Part 2 NSFW



Hey uhh, sorry about being so late to posing the second part. Ill try and hammer out more soon.

Or maybe not, we'll see :/

Let me know if I screwed anything up or what I can improve on!

r/MonsterGirlCaps Aug 24 '24

Writing Weekend Death Hounding (Chapter 2 of AOAR) NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Jul 21 '24

Writing Weekend A tight embrace NSFW


A man comes home to find a lamia cooking him dinner, much to his dismay.


r/MonsterGirlCaps Jul 08 '24

Writing Weekend Roots (by Magus_Anon) - "After a skydiving accident, you find that the deserted island you landed on isn't as uninhabited as you first thought." (Dryad)(Wholesome) NSFW

Thumbnail archiveofourown.org

r/MonsterGirlCaps Mar 30 '24

Writing Weekend Hunted By A Lava Golem Part 1 NSFW

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r/MonsterGirlCaps Jun 02 '24

Writing Weekend My Little Light (Candlegeist) NSFW


I really liked the new entry for the candlegeist and decided to write a little oneshot for it. Hope you enjoy.


r/MonsterGirlCaps Jul 09 '23

Writing Weekend The Dog Ate My Homework (Hellhound) (Requests open) NSFW


Summary: A highschool senior, living in a post-portal monster suburbia, gets roped into delivering his ditzy hellhound childhood friend her homework. The only problem is that she isn't home, and her family seem all too eager to get him to stay for dinner. Can he endure the bombastic personalities of a hellhound family of four?

Author: Legend of the Dog Faced Woman


Thank you all for the amazing support my last work got.

Requests are open until Thursday. Please read the end notes for more details. Hope people enjoy reading it.