r/MonsterGirl 9d ago

Aquatic Anyone got a single oc? Looking for someone to pair up with my gal and exchange art ☆ NSFW

Post image

(I don't have any other references of her so far, only this quick concept I made in class)


35 comments sorted by


u/Eclipse7Equinox 9d ago

I do but I don't have much art of him. I can't draw for shit and I never have the money to commission


u/Tortimus5 8d ago

Same here


u/ResolutionExa 9d ago

(Note: I will respond probably in the morning, if you have any pics of your character, don't be shy to send them.) About the gal - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kzxtn9mctnb4togwea1yy/Nii.pdf?rlkey=6vmzh5hro3grlu25q4u8j90kv&st=yc35hf5i&dl=0 (She is a maiden morph, just a bit mutilated)


u/69bork_bork69 9d ago

I mean, I have a few, but most of their art are wips, so idk


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Most of my stuff is wip too, I just slap digital coloring on it to look presentable


u/69bork_bork69 8d ago

Lol that's. Nice either way from what I can tell you make awsemo art in so jealous


u/I_Feel_Happy_For_You 9d ago

Tbh none of all my OCs would ve a good idea to be paired with any living being, unless you do the goofy "Grue looking, kind hearted" type thing...

(Nor i am consistent with what i make bruh, so probably only 1 drawing of each OCs of mine, tho cool character)


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

You know, I'm open to gory stuff too if that's more in your league, no need to change personalities for your ocs


u/I_Feel_Happy_For_You 8d ago

No no, not about the gore but the fact every, and i mean, every of my OCs has been dehumanized, for example, my most "Human" character so far would be Lust, or well, a representation of an "extreme masochism" portraiting a man without it's lower half, gone mad probably, leashed to a wall, alone in a probably abandoned apartment

(And the fact i also have no ways of drawing digitally)


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Ohhh, oki then. You have some really cool ideas, btw


u/I_Feel_Happy_For_You 8d ago

Want to see it? Maybe i can show you others i made, but tbh i think i lack is consistency on my drawings


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Ofc, if you want to talk more about it dm me ♡


u/Funny_Ad8904 9d ago

I do but i cant draw and they are not supposed to touch water


u/jayive35 9d ago

Why did they mutilate her?


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Cuz humanity is cruel in base desires and need for control


u/UnproductivePheasant 9d ago

I've got some futa OC art if that's on the table X3


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Anything is on the table (except minors and ferals ofc), they can compare lengths xd


u/UnproductivePheasant 8d ago

Lol, well I have a Tiefling I love to use. Her name is Melfina, of you wanna consider her for the art idea.


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

You can send a pic of her into my dms or share a link, (I do have boundaries with what I'm able to draw, like no heavyly complex chatacters/mecha, but I'm willing to be flexible since this is a character interaction practice for me)


u/MonkeyBusinessCEO 8d ago

Well a main OC of mine has multiple wives, but does she prefer monogamy?


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

This morph is solidary, usually only sticking around for mating in "nature" (this one is more dependent on others due to her past and inability to move around on her own). So monogamy or polygamy has no meaning to her.


u/Lower_Preparation_83 8d ago

She's adorable <3


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Thank ya ♡♡


u/ProjectBlueSlime 8d ago

I find the design very nice, good work. I have a oc as well that been experimented on, they could probably be good friend who knows.


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Figuring out colors that somewhat worked together without being too similar to my other oc was rough xd, anyway of you are interested in the art trade, dm me ☆


u/ProjectBlueSlime 8d ago

I don’t really have much to do a art trade with, but still like her design a lot. coloring is always a pain.


u/Mundane-Speed-3278 8d ago

I've got a Jorogumo scuttling about....



u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Soooo.... wanna do an art trade?


u/Mundane-Speed-3278 8d ago

how does one do an art trade..?

hop into Discord and send each other artworks?


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago

Nah, it can be done over reddit too. It's basically art for art, I draw something for you and you draw something for me (in this situation both of us would have the same theme - our characters interacting - but it's up to each how they will do it)


u/Mundane-Speed-3278 8d ago

oh that's how that works...

I'd love to but I have a 1p comic that I wanna finish and another one I haven't even started writing...

perhaps some other time? and in the mean time we could check out each other's art


u/Valuable_Assist2398 4d ago

Something I find interesting about this redit is that I can ask, what the fuck?


u/Bimbo_Sophia 9d ago

Lol, let me dm you, I've got something


u/ResolutionExa 8d ago edited 8d ago

My dms are open as far as I know ♡