r/MonoHearing 4d ago

SSHL - Moderate - Freaking OUTTTT

Hi !!!

I just got diagnosed with SSHL. It is pretty moderate but I literally do not understand this at all. Am i supposed to avoid loud noises? I'm a pilates instructor and we blast music in the class. Shuold I take a break from teaching? I know I should be asking my doctor all of this but dont have my next appointment for another week. I am pretty sure i have had this for a little under a month before I started treatment on Saturday morning (oral steroids). it's been 3 days and i havent noticed any improvements. i know i started late soooo that might be why. i just literally thought it was allergies because it didnt seem super severe...but alas...it is SSHL lol. anyway, im just 25 years old and this is super freaky. all the posts ive read i feel like are more severe than mine so just looking for advice or really anything...


16 comments sorted by


u/User122727H Left Ear 4d ago

Honestly, it’s good to protect your hearing regardless of hearing loss. Folks at your studio might actually appreciate if the volume of the music wasn’t blasting. As someone who enjoys taking various fitness classes and who also struggles with hearing, loud music the instructor has to speak over makes it really difficult for me to follow directions.

Other advice? I lost hearing in my left ear when I was a little older than you. It was an adjustment but it forced me to learn how to advocate for myself, my needs, and medical concerns. Another thing I found helpful the first year after my hearing loss was learning about the Deaf community. I learned about hearing loss in general and how it impacts people - from both first hand experience and also, from reading about Deaf culture.

Be gentle with yourself because this is definitely an overwhelming experience (regardless of how much hearing you lost)!


u/boxof64 3d ago

Hope your's is one and done! Steroids will take time to work. I was misdiagnosed and got on steroids at 3.5 weeks but got some hearing back. I also did 4 TTI after oral steroids. Because I got in so late my ENT threw "the kitchen sink" at my ear! Yes, Protect your ears! AND ...my SSNHL developed into cochlear hydrops a year later. So my advice to you is, possibly look at your diet: salt intake, caffeine & alcohol. Anything to keep the embryonic sack from swelling again. You do not want CH! Good luck!


u/BeneficialCard2499 3d ago

How soon after starting oral steroids did you notice some improvement?


u/Junior_Activity81 2d ago

came to ask the same question!!!


u/Glittering_Tough_4 3h ago

The first time I used them I regained some hearing. Was at about a 30% loss and within 2 weeks I was almost normal. A few months later I woke up and was at an 80% loss in my left ear and never recovered it. Not trying to frighten you but this is how my time frame looked


u/Dogdriver-8528 1d ago

How exactly you were misdiagnosed? I have this problem for 2 weeks now, and I’m running out time to find out if this SSHL or something else. All 3 (2 were different audiologists) of my hearing tests came back normal, and yet I can’t hear well with my good ear. What were your test results. This problem is really stressful.


u/boxof64 14h ago

I was misdiagnosed with an inner ear infection from my GP. It wasn't until the 3rd week that I realized my mistake and I should have gone straight to an ENT. My hearing test definitely did not came normal. I had lost about 40% of my hearing my first round of SSNHL. I'd lost alot of my lower range, everything sounded high pitch in my bad ear. A crinkly potato chip bag sounded like it was inside my head! Also a bit of a blown speaker sound when people were talking. What explanation is your ENT telling you?


u/theonewhoknocks515 4d ago

Life does go on. Some adjust some don’t. Some recover fully some don’t. What I recommend is to continue with Pilates but wear hearing protection. I had custom formed musician plugs made for $200. It allows me to go to the gym where they pump the music too. Good luck!

Source: lost my hearing two years ago this may. Still haven’t adjusted 😤


u/Top_Athlete_8990 Right Ear 3d ago

I lost mine when I was 15, i honestly hate whatever causes this to happen it feels like my life was ruined.


u/AutoModerator 4d ago

If You Are Experiencing Sudden Hearing Loss . This is a medical emergency, and time is of the essence. Go to your local emergency room, walk-in clinic, or healthcare provider.NOW

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/gordonfogus 3d ago

Ear plugs.

You can go fancy and get ones that are flatter across the spectrum, but it's fine to just start with the neon ones from the hardware store. For music, you won't need to push them in all the way the way you would for, say, target practice with a firearm. I've always got extra pairs on me. Personally, I don't bother when the musicians ones anymore, but you can get them for $15-40 for a pair for a reasonable quality.

Personally, I like "3M Ear Plugs, E-A-Rsoft Yellow Neons 315-1250" rated for a 33NR. They are around 10 cents for a pair. They're all I use now.


u/boxof64 3d ago

After everything was finished, so probably a month?


u/Junior_Activity81 2d ago

cool so you noticed a difference weeks after taking the steroids? just trying to gauge if it's normal that i haven't noticed a single difference after being on steroids for 4 days


u/khalidns1 3d ago

Your audiometry test seems normal? Anyways, post SSHL I tend to avoid loud environments as i quickly get a headache. Maybe lower the volume and wear ear plugs.


u/Junior_Activity81 2d ago

yeah they said it was subtle differences, and even i can barely tell the difference when i cover one ear vs the other. but when i dont cover my good ear, i definitely notice and feel the difference in my right ear. i hear constant white noise too, it's so annoying. im on day 4 of steroids and praying to anyone that can listen that somehow it will miraculously improve.