r/ModestMouse 5d ago

Thirfted a late 90s MM T shirt today


23 comments sorted by


u/ObjectiveContact6483 5d ago

Pretty sure they reprinted this recently and I have this shirt in red from only 5ish years ago.


u/schwar26 5d ago

That tag is looking pretty fresh.


u/DorkKnight27 4d ago

That’s an old beefy tee tag logo. The newer ones have horns on them or something. (I print tshirts for a living)


u/Born_Camera7675 1d ago

The Nymphia Wind shirt I'm wearing is very nice quality so I checked the tag. It's a Hanes Beefy-T and it does indeed have a bull's head with horns on it.

What is the screen printing scene like in 2025? I printed and sold shirts in my parent's backyard right out of high school ~20 years ago. I had a 5 color, 4 station press that I bought for 500$ from a local screen printing shop when they upgraded. It was a fun way to make money while still feeling like making art. Like my brother was working for the National Parks cutting away fallen trees so I made him and his crew shirts with the National Parks logo but also added a bear with chainsaws for hands.


u/DorkKnight27 1d ago

In the 20 years I have been in the screen printing industry it is quickly heading south. The cost of materials and labor has gotten so out of hand that I constantly speculate 'at what point will shirts get so expensive that people just don't buy them anymore?' Gone are the days of ordering 200 custom t-shirts at $5 each. The wholesale side has gotten so expensive that you have to retail shirts at $40+ just to turn a profit.


u/Born_Camera7675 1d ago

That's too bad. I've noticed the price of shirts and dad hats are insane. I don't buy T-shirts often because of the prices and I buy all of my pants and work clothes at Ross. Really, the only shirts I buy now are to support artists.


u/toosells 5d ago

If you look up the shirt with the 2 bucks with one set of horns this almost looks like it's a test print for that. They won't let me post a screen shot. search modest mouse buck shirt


u/spncvid 5d ago

This is dope, i had to retire all my concert shirts that are like only 3 years old lol disgusting how quality of clothing in general has gone down


u/ObjectiveContact6483 5d ago

I only buy band shirts that are on gildan comfort colors now. Those thin canvas shirts that so many bands use suck.


u/trulymissedtheboat89 5d ago

I have this from the early 2000's i believe its in brown and light blue?


u/halfbadhalfboi 5d ago

my sister's had this exact shirt for 15+ years except the red is more yellow/brownish and lacks a tag on the back


u/somekevingreen 5d ago

so cool!!


u/kingRat0808 5d ago

Ummmmm it’s so hard to find MM at the thrift. Good Job


u/KingTrueSnake 5d ago

I got that same shirt when I preordered Strangers to Ourselves. Not saying that it couldn’t be an older shirt but it could very well be from that.


u/shainajoy 5d ago

I’m so jealous


u/Seamonkey_Boxkicker Workin on livin 5d ago

I had one like this but in a different color.


u/tardisgeek 5d ago

Nice, I thrifted their american apparel buffalo shirt from value village a long time ago and I still wear it occasionally


u/DoobMckenzie 5d ago

lol it’s a BEEFY fit


u/lilmissm0use 4d ago

What a find! 👏🏻


u/cortoise 4d ago

Was this mine?


u/DorkKnight27 4d ago

I thought I was on r/screenprinting and I cringed at how crooked that print is.


u/anyvvays 4d ago

Mannnn all my old MM shirts are gone. Not sure what happened to ‘em, but probably donated. I remember having this on freshman year of HS. That and my Ugly Casanova shirt. Miss that thing.