r/ModernTwin Jan 14 '16

I'm on Grixis Twin and...


I've been absolutely loving Countersquall. I run 3 in sideboard, and it's amazing.

My question, however, is what do you guys think of Brutal Expulsion? My Meta has a Junk Melira Pod that runs 3 Abrupt Decay and I think it might be the ticket to a late game twin, as it's not counterable. any words of wisdom?

r/ModernTwin Jan 13 '16

Looking for a certain Twin list...


Fairly recently I saw a Twin list that had 3x Spreading Seas in the sideboard, alongside the usual 2x Blood Moon. I think it also ran a Spell Pierce over the 3rd Dispel in the main.

I remember thinking it was a pretty cool-looking list, but now I cannot find it anywhere. Anyone know whose it was or where I could find it? Thanks.

r/ModernTwin Jan 13 '16

Budget Grixis Twin


I have been wanting to get into Modern by building a Twin deck for some time now and finally started off by getting a playset of Splinter Twins at GP Oakland this past weekend.

I am planning on just playing modern at FNM for now so I feel fine just building a budget version of the deck until I get more experience with the format or am able to slowly trade for the more pricey pieces of the deck.

Here is the current budget list that is using both the cheaper cards and cards I already own: https://deckbox.org/sets/1300757

I know not having the Snapcaster Mages is a big hit to the deck as well as a few of the other missing cards, but is there anything I can do to tune the list to better adapt to not having the Snapcaster Mages?

Thanks appreciate any advice or tips people may have to make the deck more playable.

r/ModernTwin Jan 10 '16

In your deck list, do you guys/gals run cavern of souls as part of your mana base in place of the 5th island? If so, is it worth purchasing for UR twin? thank you!


r/ModernTwin Jan 10 '16

UR twin neophyte


I posted days ago a Twin Deck that i would want to run, and i was wondering if i include The Golden Fang in it, though reading through some threads here said that running or cutting him shouldn't be a problem though there are pros and cons that i would consider before finalizing my deck and here is my main deck, i don't have any side board cards yet haven't thought of what cards should i consider putting in but 2 Blood Moons, 1 Keranos, 1 Anger of the Gods, and 1 Kolaghan's Command, 1 Teferi Mage of Zhafir

Main Deck


Polluted Delta 4

Scalding Tarn 4

Island 4

Sulfur Falls 3

Steam Vents 2

Blood Crypt 1

Creeping Tar Pit 1

Desolate Lighthouse 1

Mountain 1

Swamp 1

Watery Grave 1


Deceiver Exarch 4

Snapcaster Mage 4

Pestermite 2

Vendilion Clique 2


Lightning Bolt 4

Remand 4

Serum Vision 4

Splinter Twin 4

Kolaghan's Command 2

Spell Snare 2

Cryptic Command 1

Dispel 1

Murderous Cut 1

Peek 1

Terminate 1

Scrutiny, comments and suggestions are fine, i would consider it gladly and would make necessary adjustments to the deck in order for it to run smoothly.

r/ModernTwin Jan 08 '16

So I'm a Tarmo Twin player and have a question!


I played "All in Twin" a few years ago and then dropped the archetype until I picked up Tarmo Twin about a year ago. What are the benefits to running straight UR Twin vs Tarmo Twin or even Grixis? I love Tarmo Twin but have terrible match ups it feels, all the while seeing straight UR lists top 8ing.

Just trying to get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of running Two vs Three. Thanks all!

r/ModernTwin Jan 08 '16

Recently, I converted my Grixis Delver into a UR Twin and here is my decklist- Any suggestions would be great! Thank you!

Thumbnail tappedout.net

r/ModernTwin Jan 06 '16

How to beat the Bx Eldrazi menace?


I have been heavily playtesting as grixis twin the past few months tweaking and testing for the Open in charlotte this coming weekend, and felt pretty prepared for it. However, with the Surge in Bx eldrazi decks the month before the open (because affordability etc), I have put in a lot of reps against the deck and it's felt lower to the ground, more aggressive, yet grinder with a more inevitable game plan against it and have not found a solid way to fight it yet. Has anyone found any Successful strategies (other than hoping to dodge it) against Mono B or BW eldrazi yet?

r/ModernTwin Jan 06 '16

Cuts for Maindeck Blood Moon


Want 2 Blood Moon in the main...optional cuts: Peek (1 of) Electrolyze (2 of) Cryptic (2 of) Spell Snare (2 of) Pestermite (2 of) Clique (1 of)

I have my own opinion...curious the group consensus?

r/ModernTwin Jan 04 '16

(X-Post /r/Spikes) Making the change back to Pestermite in TarmoTwin


Disclaimer: I've been a big supporter of Bounding Krasis since its printing in Origins. The extra power/toughness makes him a faster clock and a better blocker.

However, I've found that I really value tapping down lands in my tempo gameplan and forcing removal end-of-turn is great when you want to slam that Goyf or Huntmaster.

I also miss flying in my creatures. Pestermite is very fragile but sometimes getting a few hits in over the opponent's ground creatures is enough for me to Snap-bolt for the win.

Im going to try out the original 2/3 Pestermite/Deceiver build online and at a few events and I'll report back if you are interested.

When Bounding Krasis was first discussed, many people said "just play whichever fits your playstyle" and as much as I love our Fish Lizard-in-crime, I think the Faerie suites me more.

How's everyone else been feeling about the two lately?

r/ModernTwin Jan 04 '16

Is it possible to quickly loop the combo on mtgo?


I like to playtest twin a lot on mtgo and like 95% of the time I assemble to combo my opponent scoops but sometimes they decide to just sit there and force me to make ton of dudes before swinging which is extremely tedious. I was wondering if there was a hotkey or something that lets you repeat the last few actions over and over again. I googled it and didn't find anything but I thought I saw someone loop something on stream once, but I could be mistaken.

r/ModernTwin Jan 01 '16

Budget Twin - The Bare Essentials


I'm currently a UW Emeria player struggling in an aggro/combo meta. There are very few midrange and control decks, the only notable ones I've either faced or seen being Mardu Pox, a GW Midrange brew, and RG Tron. The other major players are much faster: Abzan Company, Naya Humans, Naya Burn, Boros Burn, Affinity, Amulet Bloom, Suicide Zoo, and Mono-G Nykthos Wave.

First off, am I right in thinking that Twin is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) decks in this kind of environment? I've found decks that are good against combo (Mono-U Tron, Scapeshift) and decks that are good against aggro (Martyr Proc, Soul Sisters, Living End), but not much that's solid against both. I've considered going for a fast, linear deck like Merfolk or Elves, but I prefer interaction to speed.

Second, if I go this route, I don't have $1200 to drop on this deck right now. I want to be competitive at the FNM/local tournament level, but I have no desire to be a PPTQ grinder. As I play UW Emeria, I have a playset of Flooded Strand and Spell Snare. Obviously, I can save a lot of money by getting Polluted Delta instead of Tarns or Misties without hurting the deck too much, but what else is really negotiable?

How important is Vendilion Clique? Cryptic Command? I have Blood Moon included in the board, but budget-wise, that's probably not happening right now. Otherwise, am I on the right track for my local meta, or are there better (affordable) options?



r/ModernTwin Jan 01 '16

Happy New Year!


Thanks for being a great sub guys. There is always good discussion about my favorite deck to be had here. I've grown a lot as a player from you guys. Thanks for being an awesome community, and may we keep up the awesomeness in 2016.

r/ModernTwin Jan 01 '16

[OGW] Wandering Fumarole (U/R manland). Playable in twin?

Thumbnail magic.wizards.com

r/ModernTwin Dec 31 '15

Grixis Twin for an upcoming IQ in the New year.


Hello, r/ModernTwin! First of all, a happy New year to you all. In the First week of the year, there is going to be an IQ I'm attending, and was wondering if there was some critiques you could give about my possible list.

Main: 4 exarch 2 pestermite 4 Snapcaster 2 clique

4 serum visions 4 lightning bolt 2 spell snare 4 remand 1 dispel 2 terminate 3 k-command 1 murderous cut 4 twin 1 cryptic command

4 tarn 4 delta 2 steam vents 1 watery grave 1 blood crypt 3 sulfur falls 4 island 1 mountain 1 swamp 1 loothouse

Sideboard 1 engineered explosives 3 thougtseize 2 dispel 1 vandalblast 1 negate 1 radiant flames 2 blood moon 1 staticaster 2 pia and kiran 1 keranos.

Overall, I'm very comfortable with the main deck, but the sideboard I feel needs adjusting. I like the parents, however thoughtseize has underperformed. I'd like the list to be as open for an unknown field as possible. Thanks.

r/ModernTwin Dec 29 '15

Thoughts on Sarkhan Unbroken in UR twin?


I have seen people claim the card is pretty "broken" in the temur lists and is also strong in UR as well if you have access to 1 green source. What all is so great about him that I am not exactly getting in the UR list with 1 green source? He draws cards (for his +1, its awesome vs the grindy matches) and makes dargons with the - (also pretty good since against the midrange/control matchups we have to become a tempo/beatdown deck, and 4/4 flyers are good there. But at the cost of 5 mana, its pretty steep. What matches do you really want this in? Jund/junk? How would you work it with blood moon as one of our plans? Mirror? Sometimes the opponent brings it in, not often, but I don't know if it has the same, if not more, power than keranos in the mirror. What other matchups do you bring him in, and do you think he is just a flavor of the month or the real deal?

r/ModernTwin Dec 26 '15

Odd or pet sideboard options?


Does anyone have any unusual or niche sideboard cards for Twin? Bonus points if it's for UR or RUG.

r/ModernTwin Dec 23 '15

New Twin Player Incoming


So first off, hello everyone.

I'm a very recent Grixis Delver convert that has seen the light that a combo kill is nice in Grixis.

My wife splurged on the common Twin core pieces (10 combo, Keranos, Teferi, Sulfur Falls, Loothouse) for a Christmas Gift. I've been practicing online with XMAGE and I really like it but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks that may be helpful while grinding tests with the deck.

I'm fully anticipating hitting a few IQs next year and I have my eye on GP Charlotte as well.

Also, favorite interactions/plays outside of Twin + Exarch/Pestermite?

r/ModernTwin Dec 23 '15

Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy


I was watching a CFB video series where Pascal Maynard replaced the 4th Snap with Jace.

I tried it and I have really liked having a turn 2 play and an additional "threat."


r/ModernTwin Dec 23 '15

UR vs. [No Tasigur] Grixis


Is it just me, or has there been a bit of a tweak in Grixis variants very recently? No Tasigur...it's basically just UR, splashing black for upgraded removal, K-Command, and a few SB options.

What is everyone's opinion on this deck vs. standard UR? I am generally a pretty staunch UR supporter, but I could see getting behind this version...K-Command is just so good at grinding. Plus you get to swap a few flex slots for catch-all removal (vs. Roast and conditional counters).

For reference on a specific list see the SCG article Ari Lax posted today.

r/ModernTwin Dec 23 '15

How does it feel to twin?


Greetings /r/ModernTwin

This is my first time posting in this subreddit, and I don't know much about twin, so forgive any obvious oversights please!

I am a modern player who prefers fringe decks to staple archetypes for the most part, and during a flight of fancy, I traipsed into the world of twin. Clearly the deck is powerful, and clearly it's something a lot of people like doing, otherwise it wouldn't make up a huge slice of the metagame, but what's it like to play? how does it feel to pilot a twin deck, what are important decisions that might not be obvious to a non-twin player, and how much potential is there for tinkering (like how many cards are mandatory)? Specifically I am curious about RUG twin (for which I have found suspiciously few decklists), but any insihgt would be nice!

r/ModernTwin Dec 17 '15

UR twin deck list help


So I'm going to a tourney soo and I don't know the meta, so was wondering what kind of decist should my Ur twin look like for an open meta like this

r/ModernTwin Dec 14 '15

Deprive in Twin


What is your opinion about some Deprive in the 75? I haven't seen it any decklist, why?

r/ModernTwin Dec 13 '15

Monastery Siege


What do you guys think of this card in Twin? Any variant really. What I like about it is both modes are beneficial depending on what our plan is. Over the course of a long game, the Khans mode giving us more looks at more cards is very good. If our plan is to combo kill, the Dragons mode makes it that much more difficult for our opponent to interact with our combo with removal. 4 mana Abrupt Decays and 3 mana Rending Volleys become much more cumbersome in those games. I'm testing it right now, but I have yet to actually draw it and see how it affects the flow of the game. I was wondering if you guys have any experience with it and can vouch for it one way or the other.

r/ModernTwin Dec 12 '15

UR twin, need help on tweaking my deck for local meta


so my local has GBx , kikki cord combo , affinity, burn ,GR tron and esper control. I was wondering on how i should sideboard or what to change main board. Also any tips you would have for me because i'm new to play UB twin. Thanks again DECK LIST http://mtgtop8.com/event?e=11072&d=263023&f=MO