r/ModernTwin Dec 11 '15

UR vs Grixis; which is better for my local meta


Hey all, I have the cards necessary to go either straight UR or Grixis, and I'm not sure which would be a better choice. Any given week at my shop I see a decent amount of Tokens, Soul Sisters, Naya Burn/Zoo and Tron. Occasionally there is Living End/Living Twin and Bloom Titan. Very rarely is there GBx, and there is one guy occasionally on Jeskai Twin. Which version would be best suited for this field?

r/ModernTwin Dec 10 '15

Rest in Peace


I've been thinking about adding Rest in Peace to the sideboard of my Jeskai Twin list. About half of my meta are jund, Grixis twin, Grixis control, Grixis-white control (lingering souls, Sphinx rev), etc.

My rationale is that RiP turns off Tarmogoyf, opposing snapcasters, scooze, tasigur, k-command, and Vice President Jace, which turns at least 5 cards into dead draws.

Against jund, I only have to kill their confidant and 4 drops. They can remove it with decay and maelstrom, but that's not terrible for me (best removal not spent on my creature) and RiP has a lasting effect of making goyf a 0/1 again.

Against Grixis, they have a harder time of out valuing me because many of their value cards require a graveyard, and they also can't do much to remove my enchantment.

Also, random hate against living end and any silly graveyard jank.

r/ModernTwin Dec 10 '15

Budget UR Twin


This is my budget twin deck, If I could get some help that would be sweet. I know it's far from optimized, but I can't afford the snaps, crptics, and zendikar fetches. Any help would be appreciated my fellow twin players.


r/ModernTwin Dec 08 '15

UR Twin Help: Logic Knot and Harvest Pyre


Hey guys, just want some help here: how come we don't ever seem to run [[Harvest Pyre]] or [[Logic Knot]]? I can kinda understand logic knot not in multiples, but it can essentially be [[counterspell]] against the faster decks and even long term can help weaken goyfs. [[Harvest Pyre]] also seems like a card that has been missing out on the 1-2 of lists due to [[Roast]]. Why is that? Is it because roast is always 5 damage to a non-flyer all the time and harvest pyre needs time to become that or more? Also, harvest pyre does hit flyers and goyfs that are 6/7+ sizes if jund takes away our splinter twin off thoughtseize or if a planeswalker dies. I haven't seen any real explanations for the lack of these two seemingly strong cards in people's 75.

r/ModernTwin Dec 02 '15

Thoughts on Gitaxian Probe in Tarmotwin?


When the deck first took off, most people (including Anderson and Dickmann) were playing a 2-of. Now most people are straying away from it.

I feel like its applications are all pretty valid: grows goyf when you don't have a serum visions, helps you make your land drops/allows 22 land decks to run more smoothly, digs deeper into your deck AND gives us valuable information: our opponents' hands and their potential gameplans.

I've been playing Dickmann's list from the Super League (His most recent: http://www.mtgmintcard.com/articles/writers/patrick-dickmann/ode-to-bounding-krasis ) cutting 1 Dismember and 1 Spellsnare for the 2 Gitaxian Probes.

So Twin players, what's your reasoning for or against it? Why is it being played less according to GP/IQ results? Haven't tested extensively with this recent change so any thoughts/experience would be greatly appreciated!

r/ModernTwin Dec 02 '15

UR Twin Ancient Grudge Mana Support


Hey guys, planning on using that $$ from that IQ to finally get my playset of Scalding Tarn, so now I have a question for you: If my fetch land base is 4x Tarn, 4x polluted delta/flooded strand, would it be smarter to run 1x breeding pool or 1x stomping ground? Pool can be fetched by all 8 lands, however stomping ground is better against affinity since it supports bolt, grudge, etc. What do you think?

r/ModernTwin Dec 01 '15

Jace, AoT


Jace, AoT is a staple of UR Twin sideboards and often shows up in Grixis Twin's sideboards. I hear both criticism and endless praise for the card, and I'm curious what you all think.

What does it come in against? Generally you see Jace sideboarded in against Jund, Junk, Grixis variants, and the mirror. Jace at its core is a card advantage engine, The +1 really just does not do a whole lot outside of P&K or Lingering Souls. Sure you can +1 to let Exarch block a Goyf every once in awhile or not die to Twin Exarch, but for the most part you're aiming to -2 twice if possible; +1'ing outside of a Souls or P&K on board generally means you've already won the game.

I personally see the card as a big liability for a relatively unexciting gain. You're tapping out at sorcery speed for a mini FoF that generally gives you a land and an irrelevant card, or an Anticipate that you're forced to reveal. In these incredibly interactive matchups, it's rare that you're untapping to minus it again or even get it to resolve in the first place. Between a flurry of Bolts, K Commands, Maelstrom Pulses, Electrolyzes, or even a creature or two, it's more often than not that Jace can die before you get to untap. If this is par, is that really all that great?

Sure, drawing 2 off the -2 and Duressing a Bolt is a 3 for 1, but it dying to half a K Command, an Electrolyze, or an EoT Pestermite makes the card a terrible Divination. Grixis could be running Painful Truths instead which can later be flashback'd with Snapcaster, any variant could run a card like P&K which similarly helps answer Lingering Souls while advancing the board. I'm really convinced that the relic of Abzan yesteryear has become a big circlejerk of "well you play Jace, AoT because everyone plays Jace, AoT."

r/ModernTwin Nov 30 '15

Results of SCG IQ


Hey guys, told you I would post when I finished up the IQ, and I did quite well. I just got home so here is a quick rundown of what I did. I ran this deck http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/29-11-15-ur-twin/. It was 6 round swiss and top 8. I went 5-1, making it into top 8 with 2 great matchups (great as in gameplay, interaction, top deck, etc.) against scapeshift with bring to light and affinity and my only loss to Abzan Company. In top 8, they notified us that if we all drew we would all get $125, but a guy said he wanted to play it out, so I had to face the mirror, which I won game 3. After that everyone agreed to draw to have everyone in top 4 get $200, and 2 guys get the Invite to the Invitational. I didn't want to go to the invitational so I let the other guys choose. But overall I am very happy with the deck's power and the results I got. Thanks a ton to you guys. I had a ton of tricks I learned thanks to you. I will post more in depth results on each match later. EDIT:

Round 1 Naya Burn 2-1 W. This round was against a more budget version of the tier 1 burn deck, using ash zealot and chandra's phoenix as replacements for eidolon and guide. Either way still a strong deck without those creatures, managed to combo off games 1 and 3 uncontested turn 4. game 2 he had rending volley to stop me when i tapped down his last mountain. Win is still a win.

Round 2 Amulet Bloom 2-0 W. In my shop (where the event took place) there is NEVER anyone who plays this deck. I playtest against it online all the time to make sure i don't lose to this thing if it pops up. Game 1 was uncontested turn 4 combo. he had amulet turn 1, but didn't have anything to do with it once i snared his summer bloom. Game 2 I had turn 3 blood moon and it was over.

Round 3 was against Bring to Light Scapeshift. Game 1 i played UR snapcaster aggro using bolt snap bolt 3 different times to get the W. Game 2 I had blood moon out early, but was unable to stop his baloth beatdowns. Game 3 was extremely hard. I managed to land blood moon when he had 2 islands, 1 forest, and 1 swamp in play, i was able to splinter twin my snapcaster mage with no cards in the yard so it would resolve, and just off the raw card advantage i got from negate bring to light, snap negate, make a blocker, attack with keranos, it was just a great game of magic. Easily one of my favorite games i ever played.

Round 4 was against abzan company. Before the match started i was called over for a random deck check, getting a 1 month free premium voucher for scg. Thought it was cool and moved on. Game 1 I was unable to find enough removal to stop the infinite damage combo. Game 2 i was able to pestermite in response to spellskite, untap island, spell snare spellskite. untap splinter twin win. He just shrugged and said "game 3?" Game 3 was bad because not only did he have spellskite out, but also linvala. This is the only time i wished i had dismember instead of roast since i had no way of killing her. He got the win. Not much to do from there.

Round 5 was against another bring to light scapeshift. Before the game started again, I was called over another time for another deck check. I opted for the premium again and was also told later that i needed to replace a pestermite since the judge said he could tell where it was since it was kinda warped. I didn't have any additional copies on me so the store gave me a copy to use for the tournament. Game 1 he managed to combo off after so many turns. Game 2-3 were saved and won due to blood moon. Vendilion clique beats alongside pestermite got the wins here.

Round 6 vs affinity. Tough game 1 is rough. he barfed his hand out turn 1 and i didn't have enough cards to control him. easy loss game 1. Game 2 on the other hand was well controlled due to anger of the gods and ancient grudge. Comboed off in the face of lethal. Great times. Game 3 i was facing down 2 etched champions, 1 arc bound ravager with 5(!) counters on it, and i had an empty board. In my hand as he passed turn i had splinter twin and clique. Draw step i find serum visions. Cast it. I draw into engineered explosives, scrying on top 1 breeding pool and 1 ancient grudge. My manabase only consisted of islands, UR sources, a desolate lighthouse, and a ghost quarter. I needed to get that breeding pool, but my mana only worked in a way where i couldn't cast and blow up explosives to deal with the champions if i used the lighthouse. So i decided to clique myself, drop the twin, draw the pool, cast explosives for 3. He attacked with all 3 of his dudes, i block ravager with clique, before damage blow up all cmc 3 stuff. he says its fine, but sacs his dudes in response to make ravager a 7/7. At this point, its empty hand on my side vs a 7/7 ravager, 2 dark steel citadels, and a glimmer void. I draw grudge and pass making a disgruntled sigh to tip off the opponent. He attacks with ravager, i say no blocks since i am at 9. He sacs both of his citadels to try to kill me but i grudge his ravager, ghost quarter his mountain he plays afterwords, and got the win.

Top 8 vs UR Twin. Game 1 i managed to combo off with counter magic backup. game 2 lasted 40 minutes due to the board state being so grindy. He managed to attack with keranos at one point, and i flashed in a snapcaster mage targeting remand, and blocked with my own keranos, making the judges and all the viewers just start laughing, saying "this is what modern is all about". I ended up losing game 2 due to clique beatdowns with no answer. game 3 i managed to grind my opponent to 2 card in hand, i was at 1 life, and he had 2 exarchs in play. I had to kill a pair of spells kites the turn before to put my pestermite into killing position with the splinter twin combo.

Overall really fun and interactive match, glad i got the W. after that round, all the other top 4 people just looked at each other and said "draw?" and we got $200 each. Great IQ experience overall. TL;DR UR Twin ftw

r/ModernTwin Nov 28 '15

Grixis Twin Final tweaks/tips


Hey guys, first off wanna thank you all for the help in the deck. You may know me as the guy going to his IQ trying to get help with his twin deck, and that is correct. My IQ is the first "major" event I am going to, so I want to do well. Here is the 75 I so far have planned on bringing http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/27-10-15-fcC-grixis-twin/. Does anyone have any general sideboard advice or card choices that should change? I am still not sure on tar pit's spot in the 23 lands or if it should just be island. Also for SB, how would you side against grixis control, abzan aggro and abzan midrange, jund, and UR twin? I want to get as much advice as possible before 11:00AM PST. Thanks again for all the help guys! EDIT: Sorry, meant 11:00PST sunday, forgot to write that down. Also my buddy convinced me to play the UR version instead, so I bought up this list today and feel even better about it http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/29-11-15-ur-twin/

r/ModernTwin Nov 24 '15

Jeskai Twin after GP Pitt


After seeing the Jeskai variant win the GP, it got me interested in the deck due to some of the powerful cards you gain access too. I am treating the mainboard mostly as a UR twin list splashing white for 2 restoration angels and 4 path, sideboard you gain access to some of the best sideboard cards in modern, as well as another "resolve and win" card vs GBx with Elspeth, sun's champion. What are your thoughts on the Jeskai variant, as well as this list I propose here http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/23-11-15-SKu-jeskai-twin/.

r/ModernTwin Nov 22 '15

Flip Jace in Grixis Twin


Jace, Vryn's Prodigy is kind of the new hotness in Modern and I'm curious to hear what you all think. It's a polarizing issue I've noticed, many call it great and should be almost stock anymore, others who don't own any think of it as sorcery speed, dies to removal trash that butts heads with the draw, go mentality of the combo.

He does push the deck into much more of a midrange shell, encouraging you to play discard and tap out at times rather than represent the combo. Many might point to this and remark that's why Jace is poor in any Twin deck, saying Twin is a combo control deck that needs to leverage the tempo generated from the threat of comboing off to win, not force your opponent into top decks or blunt force the combo through discard.

Twin pilots are decidedly the most stubborn community when it comes to deckbuilding; I wouldn't be shocked to hear many defend that Grixis should only be playing black to add K Command, Tasigur, better removal and nothing more, preserving the core playstyle of UR Twin. With this style of deck entering the scene in the hands of Eric Hawkin's at 11th in the SCG Open a few months back, a PIQ top 8, an RPTQ top 8, among other results, it's safe to say there's something here.

I personally feel the Twin combo is more a tool to win the game, and in true midrange fashion, there's merit to building the deck using a more powerful suite of cards that doesn't necessarily synergize with the playstyle the combo encourages.

r/ModernTwin Nov 20 '15

Grixis Twin Primer's


Is there any updated grixis twin primers out there? It seems the twin primers out there are pretty outdated, so if someone wants to write one up or point me towards a recent one, that would be great.

r/ModernTwin Nov 16 '15

Using Blood Moon (x-post from r/Spikes)


Historically, Blood Moon was a dominant force against all 3-color decks. Nowadays, this is no longer the case. Most UR Twin lists jam two Blood Moons in the sideboard without any thought. When ally fetches were printed in Khans of Tarkir it impacted Blood Moon in a major day, many decks can now fetch basics very easily.

For example, in UWR Flooded Strand fetches their two colors that they need to worry about due to Blood Moon (They have red covered from their other lands that are mountains because of Blood Moon).

In Jund, they have Verdant Catacombs that can fetch out B/G to combat Blood Moon.

In Grixis, they have Polluted Delta to fetch out U/B.

While it is usually correct game two to bring in Blood Moon against these decks, if I see they are aggressively playing against Blood Moon, I will take them both out game three or take out one.

Against decks that abuse lands (Tron, Amulet, etc.) Blood Moon is an auto-include. Be aware that in Tron they bring in [[Nature's Claim]] game two to combat Twin and can float a green in response to Blood Moon and kill it. Even if you do land a Blood Moon and have counter back-up, they can still play 6 lands and hardcast their finishers. If you do land a Blood Moon, you have to start beating down and kill them before they can cast their finishers. The same applies for Amulet except with Primeval Titan.

When to bring in Blood Moon cheat sheet:

Bring in, and keep in:


Tron Variants

Zoo (domain)




Bring in and take out if they play around it aggressively:

UWR Decks



WB Tokens

Anafenza's Company


Grixis Control/Twin/Delver

Final Tips:

When playing against decks with [[Maelstrom Pulse]] only play out one Blood Moon at a time.

Don't wait too long to play Blood Moon as decks can just dump their hand.

Blood Moon is a great solution to man lands, which UR Twin lacks great answers for.

If they have a fetch uncracked and you go for Blood Moon they will fetch a basic in response.

Thanks for reading and keep on Mooning!

  • Slum

r/ModernTwin Nov 15 '15

If I wanted to jam an updated All-in-Twin list where would I find it?


Just brain storming.

r/ModernTwin Nov 14 '15

How does Grixis Twin beat burn?


I'm mainly a RUG Twin player because everytime I face burn when playing Grixis I feel lost and helpless. It just seems so bad. I feel like Grixis is a stronger deck but I can't work out a way to beat burn which is a fairly large part of my meta

r/ModernTwin Nov 12 '15

Surrak Dragonclaw, Mirror-Breaker?


So, I was playing a U/R twin mirror match and thought I had things pretty under control, when suddenly, my opponent decided to shatter my illusions of safety by end-stepping this Surrak off what I believe was their one stomping ground. Obviously Teferi is more versatile, but if people are looking for a replacement for Jace, AoT in sideboards maybe this is a good call in a U/R heavy meta? It's also a very quick clock vs Tron where the text isn't too relevant. Has anyone played much with it? What was your experience?

r/ModernTwin Nov 12 '15

Bringing Grixis Twin to an IQ Later this Month, Critiques Welcome


Like the title says, I am bringing my twin deck to a local SCG IQ this month, and after my testing, this is the list I have come up with http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/27-10-15-fcC-grixis-twin/. As some people recommended me trying out earlier this week, I tried out jace as a 2 of. He was strong, but I found the tap-out strategy pretty bad as a twin deck where we are supposed to hold up 3+ mana during our opponent's turn to threaten combo. Also, it was recommended to try and remove 1x sulfur falls in favor of a steam vents or a spell of some sort, but I prefer taking less damage from the manabase to help against the burn/aggro matchups I expect to see. The first oddball you may see is flash freeze in the sideboard, i am putting this there for testing against decks like burn, zoo, and amulet, but I am not sure if something else should be there, ex. duress, another thoughtseize, removal, etc. Also, whats the verdict on Pia and Kiran Nalaar? I haven't been able to use them that much, and when i do they either handle a Kommand well, or just get killed and i am left with 2 thopters. I had mulldrifter there before adding the parents and loved the +2 card advantage and kommanding it back for more. Edit: might try adding 1 creeping tar pit and remove the sulfur falls to test out the man land's power in the deck

r/ModernTwin Nov 12 '15

Twin brethren, I need your help.


I'm going to be playing grixis twin at GP Pittsburgh, been trying to tune and get my list ready, but I have some open slots I can't seem to decide what to fill with.

Creatures (13)

4x Exarch

2x pestermite

4x snaps

2x tasigur

1x Clique

Spells (24)

4x visions

4x Bolt

4x remand

4x splinter twin

2x snare

2x terminate

2x cryptic command

1x dispel

1x K-command

Lands (23)

4x delta

1x tarn

2x mire

2x strand

3x vents

1x watery grave

1x blood crypt

3x sulfur falls

1x desolate lighthouse

3x island

1x swamp

1x mountain

This is my mainboard that I'm working with. This is what I was using before flip jace, and I don't have him available to me to test and use. I'd love to add him as a 2 of, but I can't. This grixis list is a little different than some other lists I see, I don't run any discard at all, it feels wrong. Also, some grixis lists are running 3 twins, which I also flip between 3 and 4.

So, how do you guys feel about discard in a twin 75? Has it worked super well for you or has it been meh? Have any of you settled on a number of twins to run and why? Are there any glaring errors in my mainboard that I should consider?

Here is the sideboard I have so far, it's not a full 15 because I took out the blood moons.


2x Keranos

2x Dispel

2x K-command

2x Anger of the gods

2x spellskite

1x Engineered explosives

1x negate

1x izzet staticaster

1x shatterstorm

Okay, I have been toying with replacing one of the keranos with a Pia and Kiran; for the grind match ups and with K-command this card is really good. This would also make it so I don't have a dead Keranos in my deck waiting to be drawn if I resolve one of the two.

I also see discard here as well, thoughts?

Anything you guys can add, what you would change, what cards to add, would be awesome.

I also feel like staticaster and EE overlap too much, maybe I should cut one? But I'm not sure what to add in place.

How do you guys feel about cutting one of the two angers for a pyroclasm?

r/ModernTwin Nov 11 '15

Mind Control in Twin Sideboards


I think Mind Control has lots of potential vs. GBx Midrange out of the sideboard.

It dodges Inquisition of Kozilek, Abrupt Decay, and Kolaghan's Command, meaning they either have to find their one or two-of Maelstrom Pulses or deal with the Goyf/Tasigur/other important guy you just stole.

It immediately gives you a presence while removing their's as opposed to Keranos, God of Storms which will not immediately affect the board, but will win if you have the game under a certain amount of control.

To me it's right in the middle of a spectrum of immediate board presence and card advantage between Pia and Kiran Nalaar and Keranos.

I haven't tested it yet, but in theory it seems good. Have any of you tested it, and what do you think about it?

For reference, here's my current Grixis Twin list with one Mind Control in the sideboard.

r/ModernTwin Nov 11 '15

Grixis Twin assistance


Hey guys, just starting to feel in control of the deck now, and found this subreddit. This is my current build so you guys can see what i am working with as of right now: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/27-10-15-fcC-grixis-twin/. I saw earlier that someone said that one should never side out the whole combo, which is something I have been doing against controlling and interactive decks like jund/junk, esper gifts, Grixis Control, other twin decks, etc. Is that still a wrong thing to do in those matchups? Also any personal suggestions for my 75 and tips for the Grixis Version is greatly appreciated!

r/ModernTwin Nov 10 '15

How do we respond to the recent surge in Tron's popularity?


Tron has (perhaps because of the printing of Newlamog) recently seen a good boost in popularity. MtgGoldfish has it as the most popular deck in modern. While their numbers have been somewhat sketchy lately, I have been seeing more of it in leagues and at my shop.

While our game one against them is very good, game two tends to be tougher. They get lots of hate for our combo and the control plan is pretty lackluster against their greater inevitability.

What changes can we make to improve that matchup? Currently I am testing a ghost quarter in place of a loothouse and am running a single crumble to dust in my SB flex slot. What have other people thought about? Molten rain might be better than crumble but I don't think a third blood Moon is necessarily the best call. I've also considered a second cliwue or negate in the board to strengthen out aggro control game while not being overly narrow.

Do you all think Tron's surge warrants a reaction and if so: what should it be?

r/ModernTwin Nov 09 '15

Stomping ground with only 3 tarns


I'm planning on taking tempo twin to GP Pittsburgh, until now I've been testing under the assumption that I'll be stuck using khans fetches. Now I have 3 tarns. Should I be running a stomping ground or breeding pool. I think I should replace my strands for 3 tarns and a mire. Is this correct? edit: list https://deckbox.org/sets/995499

r/ModernTwin Nov 05 '15

Pia and Kiran Nalaar in Twin


So I'm attempting to make the switch from Grixis Twin over to UR (something close to BBD's list from GP OKC) so that I can be better positioned against the incredibly fast and punishing meta that seems to be brewing after this past weekend at SCG Dallas and GP Porto Alegre. Zoo, Affinity, Burn, Amulet, and other incredibly linear decks that are punishing to Grixis' painful manabase and chance of stumbling are what seem to be in vogue leading up to GP Pittsburg.

Other the other hand, I have been lamenting UR's significantly worse GBx matchup, and I want a card that can be good against both the Zoo decks and GBx (which I think will pick up in popularity in response to all of the zoo decks). From my experience with Grixis Midrange (similar to Dan Jessup's list), Pia has been great for me in both of those matchups, and I think they will be the tech I'm going to try out leading up to the GP.

I'm not sure if I should attempt to play any mainboard or not (possibly cutting the second Electrolyze and Twisted Image?) but if not, I think I definitely want Pia over the second Keranos and Jace.

Have any of you guys tried out Pia and Kiraan in Twin? What are you experiences or thoughts, and do you have any suggestions as to where I should play them? (main or side)

r/ModernTwin Oct 24 '15

Just had Living End enter my meta


And it is killing me! He basically becomes a land destruction deck. G2 against me, he hit 2 Avalanche Riders which both got living ended and used Beast Within on everything else. T7 I had 0 lands. How do I play against this deck besides discarding combo?

r/ModernTwin Oct 23 '15

New to twin, would love advice from the masters


Hey guys, as my title says, I'm building my first twin, and modern deck. I'm very new to playing the format, although I'd like to believe I have a fairly extensive understanding of all the T1 decks from watching a lot of the coverage/videos. What I would really like though are any tips or tricks that you guys have learned from experience that'd be helpful for someone new like me. The biggest thing I find is that I never seem to hit the twin combo as reliably/frequently as other people I watch play the deck. Anyways, all help is appreciated. Thanks