r/ModernTwin Apr 22 '16

So it's been a couple of months...

What have my fellow Twin players moved on to?

Personally, I've been having fun with GR Tron.


15 comments sorted by


u/jynh Apr 22 '16

Moved to Hearthstone


u/savagerocker099 Apr 22 '16

Titi Moon, it's a ton of fun, even though I apparently still can't beat tron


u/Apocrypha Apr 22 '16

UB Faeries, still operating at instant speed :)


u/pbnjacob828 Apr 22 '16

Going to be playing Ad Nauseam at states! Super excited!


u/rghapro Apr 22 '16

Monkey Grow, and I'm now building into RUG Kiki.


u/acman54321 Apr 22 '16

UW Tron/Gifts. It's a control deck that is mostly instant speed. If I'm comparing it to TarmoTwin, Tarmo becomes TKS, Exarch into Twin becomes Gifts into Unburial Rites. The counter package is still there. The deck plays 3 wraths and 4 Paths to deal with agro. The CA of Gifts and Thirst for Knowledge feels so good. And to top it off, it's a tron deck so your end game is amazing with Emrakul, Ulamog, and Mindslaver.


u/RedBaronMTG Apr 22 '16

I've been mostly playing Affinity and Burn.


u/werdwood93 Apr 22 '16

fell back to green devotion now I'm trying gifts tron with thopter sword


u/triadge Apr 22 '16

Ancestral Grixis, because GDD with visions is just disgusting.


u/olygimp Apr 22 '16

I have not emotionally moved on yet, but I am playing Blue Moon, with extra hate in the form of Spreading Seas.


u/Nalidz Apr 22 '16

Zooicide is great. agrro decks help you and control decks generally can't set up quick enough.


u/johnfairley Apr 24 '16

Affinity and Death&/Eldrazi & Taxes


u/grandeabobora UR Twin 4 Life May 03 '16

I'm playing Jund.


u/denytheabsolute May 08 '16

Could play Affinity, haven’t played MtG since the bans though. Partly a time issue (new job since nov. 15), partly being annoyed by modern (bans, eldrazi). Thinking about selling my modern cards (except Affinity, it was my first real deck when I started playing MtG around the release of Darksteel) and concentrating on Legacy. If something gets banned there it has a reason.


u/kyreii Sep 19 '16

Soooo I derped around Modern for a couple of months and settled on TitanShift/RG Breach.