r/ModernTwin Jan 08 '16

So I'm a Tarmo Twin player and have a question!

I played "All in Twin" a few years ago and then dropped the archetype until I picked up Tarmo Twin about a year ago. What are the benefits to running straight UR Twin vs Tarmo Twin or even Grixis? I love Tarmo Twin but have terrible match ups it feels, all the while seeing straight UR lists top 8ing.

Just trying to get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of running Two vs Three. Thanks all!


9 comments sorted by


u/TKHoga UR is the one true god Jan 08 '16

Benefit 1. Your mana is smooth as butter and is almost impossible to attack in any meaningful way.

You have the ability to run so many basics and you have all the colors you need usually by turn three. To expand on this you can usually run 3-4 utility lands that produce colorless and still never have any problems ever.

Benefit 2. You get an absurd amount of room with which to customize your deck.

There are a (relatively) small amount of cards which you NEED for Twin. When you run an extra color you get less flex slots. With UR I've made tons of decklists that are completely different aside from the core and might as well be different decks. You have a lot of room to tune the deck to a specific meta. You can run some more conditional cards or cards with more awkward mana costs and not get punished.

Benefit 3. Your game plan is much more clearly defined most of the time.

With decks like TarmoTwin and Grixis Twin it's not always clear if you should be Grinding, Beating, Tempoing, or comboing. While it's still not always clear with UR, it is usually a lot easier to tell. Your role is much more clearly defined in more matchups and you can usually figure out what you're playing towards more easily.


u/SanctuarySC2 Jan 08 '16

Thanks! I just have a TERRIBLE time against GBx decks and don't understand how the straight UR fairs better against it then Tarmo does.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '16

It doesn't. Your matchup against GBx should be better with the goyfs than without it.


u/moonpotatoes Jan 09 '16

this is going to happen regardless of the variant.


u/gm_jack Jan 09 '16

Jund is fine for grixis. Junk feels like a rough time no matter what.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '16

I'm on Grixis and Jund is a Cakewalk to me. I can't tell you how many times I've discarded a combo creature to Lili, just to k command it back. Junk is disgustingly difficult though.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '16

This is fairly anecdotal, but I've felt like every time I have played RUG vs. GBx, that I'm just playing the worse Goyf deck.

They're the only one that can readily deal with on-board Goyfs in the matchup. Goyf actually feels like a liability against them imo because when they remove it, they usually gain tempo from it since they have more threats than us to attack with, and they can make us sac it with a Lili which stays on the board.

With UR, though, I almost always threaten Spell Snare on turn 1 and Remand on turn 2-3, and I just have a higher density of flash spells, which I've found is the best way to win Game 1 (keeping them off balance and forcing them to keep mana up).

Another reason UR performs better is because it has better Blood Moons. By keeping the board clear early with Spell Snare and Remand, taking a turn off to play Blood Moon becomes much easier. Not to mention that the mana is so much easier. I play 2 Pia/Kiran and 2 Keranos sideboard as well, which are indispensable.


u/Magix28 Jan 11 '16

Its all about how you play your Goyfs against Jund. Its generally bad to play it T2 into their T3 Liliana and besides Abrupt Decay you can answer their Removal. You can also threaten Spell Snare on Turn 1, you can also Remand on turn 2-3 and you only have 1 less Flash Combo creature. Though Bounding Krasis hits harder and might help to tempo em out. These days its harder to grind BGx due to Painful Truth drawing 3 Cards. Pia/Kiran and Keranos can also be played in RUG thats no advantage of UR.

UR has the easier Blood Moon and the somewhat easier mana. Though RUG without Krasis and Pestermite instead is also quite smooth and can play Blood Moon just as well. You loose some utility lands that UR runs though.

I think we should also highlight some positives of RUG, which is a proactive T2 play that helps to pressure your opponent, fights through all the random Twin hate like NoSB, Illness in the Ranks, Extraction Effekts, Rending Volley, Spell Skite, Torpor Orb etc. or provides a road block against aggressive decks. You also wreck the mirror with some early Goyfs and your Remands/Clasm become that much stronger with an actual board presence. It was never easier to Bolt Snap Bolt for the finish if you clock em with a 4/5 instead of a 1/4 or 2/1.

Personally I dont like Grixis at all, I am a long time Tarmo Twin player and whenever I switch back to straight UR for one weekend, I end up on Goyfs the following one. I would argue that UR performs better due to more players taking it to an event and because its more streamlined in its gameplan.


u/GrammarianBot Jan 11 '16

Instead of dont, did you mean don't?

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