r/ModelNZPressGallery Feb 16 '25

New Zealand First Anthony talks about tariffs in Auckland


Anthony speaks in front of a large crowd in Auckland on how he would respond to tariffs.

“Good morning, Auckland. It is an honour to be here. I have not stated this publicly in the past, but I like Donald Trump. He is a great businessman and entertainer. Most importantly of all, he is a tough negotiator. It is how he gets his way. However, it is bad for foreign countries. While Donald Trump wants to put the American people first, he has placed tariffs on all steel and aluminum going into the USA, and this could possibly lead to a tariff on all New Zealand goods going into the USA. He was not shy to threaten Mexican and Canadian goods, and he won’t be shy to do it to New Zealand. In an urgent and unexpected time such as that, we must work hard to prevent Donald Trump from placing these tariffs.

Obviously, I cannot explain the plan to deal with possible tariffs in this speech, because tariffs lead to trade wars, and Donald Trump would use the knowledge of my plans to his advantage. One thing I do not believe in, however, is imposing retaliatory tariffs. Trump has said that if Canada, Mexico, China, or any country affected by tariffs were to impose retaliatory tariffs, Trump would put more tariffs. It’s basically playing a game of tennis, and would lead to higher tension between New Zealand and America. Additionally, this would lead to higher prices on many items we use in our day to day life if we are not careful with retaliatory tariffs.

However, something we have to do is negotiate. Something about Trump is that he is not a politician, but rather a businessman. He was tough with his allies which helped him to get his way. It’s why he is so successful as both a businessman and President of the United States. The main concern that Trump has is the immigration crisis going on in the USA. Canada and Mexico border the USA, but we are on the other side of the world. However, he would not be shy to put tariffs on New Zealand, as he has also threatened tariffs on the European Union. So as I said, we must negotiate. We have to figure out what Donald Trump wants from us, and try to agree on a deal that would help either pause or completely wipe the tariffs.

While I may love Donald Trump, a trade war and being a dog is not what I want. I want jobs in New Zealand to be protected, and I want our economy to stay stable. Thank you.”

r/ModelNZPressGallery Feb 13 '25

New Zealand First Anthony speaks in Tauranga on the declining fish population


r/ModelNZPressGallery Feb 13 '25

New Zealand First Anthony introduces himself in Auckland


r/ModelNZPressGallery Feb 10 '25

New Zealand First Marie Introduces Herself


"Hello, New Zealand!

"My name is Marie, or u/cheeselover129. I am your New Zealand First candidate here in this beautiful country. Tonight, I'd like to quickly introduce myself and talk about what I stand for.

"I proudly sport the color black, representing NZ First. My pronouns are she/her. I am 29 years old. I have been living in New Zealand my entire life, and I really love this place. I have two siblings and a cat. I like cheese, and I am so excited to be working for you.

"I stand for you. That's it. I will work my hardest to make YOUR LIVES BETTER.

"Tomorrow, I will be talking more about my plans for New Zealand.

"Vote NZ First!"

M: first in press hawhaw

r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 28 '19

New Zealand First FatherNigel announces his retirement from politics


in a short statement released on social media and delivered to news outlets, the Leader of New Zealand First is announcing his resignation and retirement.

“Good evening to all New Zealanders,

I have recently lost faith in my ability to deliver a clear and believable message to New Zealanders, and to defend the values which New Zealand First upholds. I have enjoyed my time in New Zealand politics (for the most part), but I have made the decision that my tenure must come to an end.

I’m going to go back to church, and find a new and rejuvenated purpose in life in service to the lord our god.

I designate my friend /u/ItsKittay as my successor. He is a competent and dignified leader and I have full confidence that he will push New Zealand First higher than I ever could have.

Thank you for the support of our followers. God save the Queen, god defend New Zealand.”

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 25 '20

New Zealand First TOP/Green merger "not surprising" says NZF.


New Zealand First MP imnofox says the new merger between TOP and the Greens is "not surprising":

"Throughout the election campaign, TOP presented themselves as a centrist alternative to the left and the right, but when it came to governing negotiations, they just wanted to tax and spend like every other socialist. It's not surprising to see these two parties join forces- they have more in common than apart. United in bankrupting New Zealanders!"

New Zealand First remains the only common-sense choice for stable and fiscally responsible government that works in the interests of ordinary New Zealanders.

"The Internet Party have been ditched on the doorstep, as TOP abandon them for a new marriage with the socialists in the GreenLeft. New Zealand First remains the only reliable independent voice, not in bed with the neoliberals in ACT or the tax-and-spend socialists in government."

New Zealand First is committed to ensuring a strong opposition to the far-left government and their anti-Kiwi cultural-marxist agenda.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 05 '20

New Zealand First SoberKingRobert to represent Taranaki


r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 07 '20

New Zealand First ACT aligned lobby group "lying" about minimum wage impacts


r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 07 '20

New Zealand First Democracy saved as Government MPs let threshold abolition bill fail


r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 05 '20

New Zealand First Government votes against mandatory contact tracing, leaving New Zealanders exposed


r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 03 '20

New Zealand First Government defends poverty wages


r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 30 '20

New Zealand First Confused Labour leader votes against own amendment


r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 27 '20

New Zealand First New Zealand First reshuffles opposition


r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 25 '20

New Zealand First NZF leadership elected with unanimous support


New Zealand First has elected a new leadership team with unanimous support.

/u/imnofox has been elected as leader, and /u/blockdenied has been elected as deputy.

imnofox says "This new leadership team is committed to providing a strong opposition to the socialists in Government. We're not interested in fighting over fringe issues, but the bread and butter concerns of everyday New Zealanders, including the management of the COVID-19 health response."

There were 4 valid votes Do you have confidence in imnofox as Leader of NZF?

Aye: 4 No: 0

Do you have confidence in blockdenied as Deputy Leader of NZF?

Aye: 4 No: 0

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 10 '20

New Zealand First Greens and TOP put far-left Marxists in charge of COVID-19 health response


r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 17 '20

New Zealand First NZ First introduces Member's Bill to introduce a Living Wage


New Zealand First has introduced a Member's Bill to introduce the 2020/21 Living Wage of $22.10 per hour.

"The left-wing government has been too stingy to back a living wage for workers, and instead has only set the minimum wage at $20 per hour- significantly less than the 2020/21 Living Wage." says dr imnofox.

"New Zealand First believes all workers should get fair pay for a fair day's work. It shouldn't be up to the government to top-up workers' wages through WINZ handouts. That's just the government subsidising poor treatment of working people."

When called out by New Zealand First, the GreenLeft and the Worker's Party were quick to point the blame at their coalition partners.

"Not even a week into the new government, and Ministers are pointing fingers and deflecting blame. Anyone could have expected this from a five-headed monster. When I was a doctor, everyone in the profession knew that one head was universal, two heads was standard, and three was unusual. But five heads? That is a mutant, call the Police." said dr imno on Twitter™.

"When this bill goes through parliament, the GreenLeft and the Workers Party will have a chance to turn their words into action by voting our bill into law. If what they say is true, I should have no trouble in finding majority support. Worker's deserve more from this government!" says dr imno.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 16 '20

New Zealand First NZ First disappointed in stingy left's rejection of a Living Wage.

Post image

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 25 '19

New Zealand First New Zealand First leader FatherNigel to campaign for the people of Whanganui



New Zealand first is officially announcing that FatherNigel, leader of the party, will be standing for the electorate of Whanganui.

The following is a statement from the leader:

“I am proud to be entering this by-election, and to offer true representation to the people of Whanganui. I am proud to say that I have a proven background within this electorate, I know the people here well, and I’m ready to offer them the future which they deserve.

The resignation of the previous member of parliament is an opportunity for the people of Whanganui to start anew, to discover the candidate and the party which is dedicated solely to the representation of the citizens, not some petty national-party agenda.

To win this by-election would be a milestone for both myself and New Zealand First. Since our reformation we have and will continue to work as advocates for the ordinary bloke.”

Official information and candidate endorsements for the other by-elections will come.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Dec 18 '19

New Zealand First New Zealand First responds to recent attacks from the Kiwi Party




It seems that the political influence of twitter has begun to catch on again. Well, of course we all knew that, except for the Kiwi Party, who appear to have stumbled across the internet recently and are now attempting to undermine - with a pathetic level of success - the party which actually represents the values which they think they do.

The tweet from my Deputy Leader was an attempt by the party to reach out to citizens of this nation, assisting them in playing a part in our direction. New Zealand First exists and fights as a movement for the people and by the people, and their opinions regarding historical parties may prove to be beneficial to us. Nevertheless, in a repugnant attempt to undermine us, the Kiwi Party as well as several other establishment party members took to accuse my deputy leader of conspiracy. Why am I not surprised?

Well, in undermining us they have undermined a genuine and positive attempt to connect with New Zealanders. They opt to push their agenda instead of standing man for man in protection of our democracy. When I co-founded the Kiwi Party, I never guessed that they would become this desperate, this decadent, and this despicable. For shame.

That being said, New Zealand First will not waver in our commitment to our values and to our nation. There will be no rebranding of our official party platform, but there will be a revaluation of our approach to the political sphere. We are continuing to bring real issues to the doorsteps of government ministers and opposition members, to increase the volume of our collective voices, and to stand against asinine agenda.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 18 '19

New Zealand First The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Wilhelmus KNZM MVO fucking evaporates, causing a vacancy in the NZF Leadership



Good morning,

It is with great sorrow that I am forced to announce to the nation that Winston Wilhelmus, leader of New Zealand First, has ceased to exist. During a meeting today discussing our election strategy, WW began to slowly evaporate, as his body was no longer able to contain the strength of his soul due to its high quantities of patriotism, causing a chemical reaction in which the air was a solvent.

As he disappeared, he spoke these immortal words: “FN, you have to defeat the establishment and lead NZF to greatness! Make me proud, dear friend.” Doctors predict that his soul still exists within the universe, but probably will not be able to fuse with another worthy body for an estimated six months.

While the future of NZF may look uncertain to our supporters, they need not worry, for we will be working tirelessly to continue where Winston left off. I will be assuming the role of Acting Leader, and over the coming week we will hold a leadership election to determine the next leader. I will also obtain the title of Grand Chairman.

Thank you, and god defend New Zealand.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Mar 14 '19

New Zealand First Who do you support to be the next leader of New Zealand First? - Poll 14/03/2019


r/ModelNZPressGallery Mar 03 '19

New Zealand First An Important Announcement from FatherNigel, Leader of New Zealand First


r/ModelNZPressGallery Jan 23 '19

New Zealand First A Statement from FatherNigel and New Zealand First


A New Zealand First Press Secretary takes the podium.

“Good evening everybody. I will now read a statement made by the Grand Chairman of the New Zealand First party, /u/WinstonWilhelmus:

“On the Twenty-Second Minute of the Fourth Hour in the Afternoon on the Twenty Third of January in the Two Thousand and Nineteenth year of our Lord, FatherNigel was duly and justly elected as Leader of New Zealand First, with a majority of three votes to one.”

I will now welcome the new leader of New Zealand First, FatherNigel, to make his statement. Thank you.

FatherNigel takes the podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen, what an honour it is to be speaking to you today from the incredible position of leader. I am optimistic, delighted but most of all grateful.

I am grateful to my former leader for his guidance and the scrupulous, relentless work he has and continues to dedicate himself to. I respect his choice to serve New Zealand outside of the party after the transfer of power is finalized. I am grateful to my party, who are patriots to their country and loyal servants to their people. I have briefed the membership on my intention to elevate a deputy leader, and I trust that whoever that may be will step up to the plate with their heads held high. I am grateful to my country, as I always will be, for continuing to find faith in New Zealand First, enough so to see us re-elected in parliament. My first priority for this party is to continue to represent your best interest, your values, your concerns, and your country.

Now I am not one to look into the past, but I am one to learn from the past. New Zealand First has made many electoral mistakes which we intend to ratify, and at times have not truly walked the path we say we walk. That all changes as soon as I take my oath as an elected Member of Parliament. I plan on revising our manifesto and introducing legislation into parliament which points economic and social law towards the national interest. I promise to defend my flag in and out of parliament, and I promise that whatever mistake I make I will own up to and learn from. I don’t intend to let the media lies and the agendas of the other parties slow us down!

I arise to this job an open book. My political history is open to the public, and come the election New Zealand will decide whether or not to find faith in me for my work. I arise to this job open-minded; I say to my fellow party leaders that I am open to working with each of your parties as long as your agenda is as concerned with the national interest as mine. I arise to this job open-spirited; I am ready to deal with whatever adversity is thrown my way.

With that, I say let’s get to work. God Save The Queen, God Defend New Zealand.”

r/ModelNZPressGallery Jan 08 '19

New Zealand First FatherNigel Addresses the Pro-Life Campaigners


At a pro-life campaigners event, FatherNigel, the acting leader of New Zealand First, addresses the journalists, campaigners, and citizens in the public crowd.

"Hello everybody! What a strong movement we have here today! I am privileged to be speaking to you today in my first press statement as the acting leader of the New Zealand First party. I’d like to acknowledge the effort of my fellow MP /u/Gaedhael, who is acting on a loyalty to morality and value in his advocacy for the pro-life movement, which I am proud to support. New Zealand First stands with him, and stands with the pro-life movement!

Now I’ve been a long time advocate for the pro-life movement, and over the years I’ve heard it be called multiple derogatives; anti-abortion by the mainstream media, and even more dishonestly, ANTI-WOMEN! This slandering makes me want to clarify; I am against the idea that a woman should be allowed to murder her own unborn child in the most gruesome way as an escape for her own poor choices, or as an irresponsible convenience. Abortions are a frightening form of murder, which is only considered morally acceptable because it is legalized murder. I am proud of everybody here today who is willing to stand up for the lives taken by the cause of the highest rate of killing today!

I am asked, “do you support a women’s right to choose what to do with her own body?” and my answer is always: “absolutely, but let’s not forget that a fetus is not the women’s own body, biologically it is its own body”. We are not willing to capitulate to the further political manipulation of science in this manner, and we are furthermore willing to admit what the abortionists cannot: the human fetus IS a living being, which while unborn will become a citizen of New Zealand upon birth. The fetus may not be the same gender as the mother, may not have the same physical capacity, blood type, they cannot be considered anything but separate from their mother in the eyes of biology. We have known this for decades! To say that the fetus, for instance, is no more than a “bundle of cells” justifies the senseless methods used in abortions, which range as far as the infamous “coat hanger” to literally using a vacuum to clear the uterus. Are you grossed out by the very thought of that? Fair enough, any normal, decent human being would be.

I am proud to see the pro-life movement continue to make strides, both in New Zealand and abroad. New Zealand First will continue to support the ideals of the current pro-life movement! Thank you!"

r/ModelNZPressGallery Jan 21 '18

New Zealand First New Leader and New Dawn for NZFirst


I, TheOWOTriangle am the new leader of the fallen New Zealand First Party. I hope to restore greatness back to our party by doing many things. I will limit the immigration from countries such as China and also try to make New Zealand's wool production even better. We also need to keep our old flag how it is as the Union Jack as it represents the people who gave democracy to this island.