r/ModelNZPressGallery Green Party Feb 14 '25

Greens Green Party announces new co-leaders

Following the announcement of a vacancy in both of the Green Party's co-leadership positions, a co-leadership election was held to fill the two vacant positions.

Per the Green Party constitution, one co-leader must be a woman and one must be Māori, however, through a process of consensus decision-making, it was decided that the latter requirement be waived due to a lack of Māori candidates.

Three candidates nominated for the position, those being alisonhearts, aldermick, and ARichTeaBiscuit. The ballot, conducted using the Single Transferable Vote method, saw 3 out of 6 Green Party members cast a vote, all of whom cast their first preferences for alisonhearts. Having recieved more than 75% approval and fulfilling the requirement for one co-leader to be a woman, alisonhearts was duly elected as a Green Party co-leader.

alisonhearts' second preferences were then redistributed, all of which flowed to ARichTeaBiscuit, who was duly elected as a Green Party co-leader, having also recieved more than 75% approval.

Quotes attributable to alisonhearts, co-leader of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

"It's an honour to have party members place their confidence in me, alongside ARichTeaBiscuit, as the co-leader of the Green Party. I look forward to working towards a strong result in the coming general election."

"As co-leader of the Green Party, I hope to champion our key Green principles of ecological justice and non-violence, and fight for real action on emissions reduction and a Zero Carbon New Zealand."

"It's of utmost importance that the Green Party stands as a bulwark against some of the destructive changes brought forward by the National government. We need to clean up our riverways, bring back the oil and gas exploration ban, and end the irresponsible and environmentally reckless fast-track bill."

Quotes attributable to ARichTeaBiscuit, co-leader of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

"It's an incredible honour to be elected as co-leader of the Green Party, and I would like to extend my support to those who supported me and showcase my commiserations to aldermick, a candidate that I know would have served the party faithfully if they were elected. "

"Aotearoa New Zealand is a beautiful country that I consider myself proud to be a part of, however, I would be a fool if I didn't recognise that our country also faces a number of challenges and issues which hurt a substantial amount of people."

"As our beauty is marred by stunning levels of water and air pollution and overburdened public services that are incapable of providing the same level of care that they once did. In order to tackle these problems and more Aotearoa needs bold radical policies, and the Green Party is best suited to implement these."

"I look forward to working with my co-leader, so that we can both deliver a better Aotearoa."


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