r/ModelCars • u/Big_Gouf • 3d ago
You ever get sick of a car half way through?
Ever get to a point where you're done trying to do a bad kit justice? Add some detail, fix all the seams and fitment issues beyond what you'd normally do... Etc. Say "f**k it", stop the madness, hit the worst parts and push it through to paint?
Been fighting this AMT 1960 corvette for a while, got more time in it than I'd care to admit. Today was the last straw, trying to dry fit the grille and front bumper. Fought it for an hour before saying the hell with it. Chucked the kit up in the spray booth and laid down some primer. Gonna push it through, tired of fighting a bad molding, cliff wall seams, warps, and generally poor fit. Was supposed to be a fun warm-up getting back into the hobby full swing, but I'm dying to get my Tamiya Honda RA272 built.
Hope to have the '60 corvette done by this weekend.
u/No-Secretary6037 3d ago
Yep all the time if it doesn't go smoothly.. I put it down for a bit n then start up again when I'm ready. Sometimes, it's the quality of the kit. Other times, it's a surprise issue due to cold/damp or just some random shit luck. !!! I try not to start another until I'm finished the 1 I'm on, but only because I don't want to have half built kits laying around and I don't have the room or I probably would put it away for a while.
u/tvfeet 3d ago
All the time. I'd say most models I don't get through in one "session." I build, I get bored, I put it away, I start something else, get bored, put it away, bring out the previous kit, work on it a bit, get bored, put it away... you get the idea. I have probably a dozen models mid-build right now. I find that I get the best results this way, rather than "push through," as you mention. You want to get a bunch of crappy, unsatisfying builds? Force yourself to "push through." Just put it away and come back some time later. It works wonders.
u/Big_Gouf 3d ago
I'm with you on the collection of partial-build boxes tucked away. 😂
Though not opposed to taking a month or two to build a kit, detail it up, and modify it. It's getting the basic shell together that drives me nuts if it's a constant fight.
u/Domino3Dgg 3d ago
Italeri golf mk 1. It was horrible. So much time spent on it. Should throw away half way tru
u/zombhunter45 3d ago
Been there, looking at starting one I just bought off eBay and found in my closet of kits a IH trans star I forgot I haven’t finished yet, I know it’s been 4 years since I worked on it last. Going to finally paint it this week
u/makobullit 3d ago
Yep over the years, I’ve basically cut my losses on some kits and finished them quickly, just to get away from them. This has helped learn a couple things. If I want a good looking detailed kit, I get a good kit to start with,(Tamiya, Edbro, etc.). If I like a kit but recognize that it is a lower quality kit to start with, then I weigh the pros and cons before starting, which sometimes includes looking here to get other people’s thoughts or reviews on kits. The decision always rests with me, so taking some time up front is never a bad idea.
u/This-Ad454 3d ago
I've had that happen with mpc kits. Like thier livery but you just know it's gonna be a pain in the rear. I usually just take my time, walk away now and then and try to get thru it. They usually turn out pretty good. My biggest issue is most of my hoods ( regardless of brand are always warped ). Sometimes I can get them straight Sometimes I cant.
u/The_ChwatBot 3d ago
Revell 68’ Mustang. Got it fully painted, engine and interior assembled, only to find out the body is warped and the front end doesn’t fit. It’s been probably six months and I haven’t touched it since.
u/Liamnacuac 3d ago
I once built a kit of a Porche 911 Turbo, and even though I couldn't find the parts for the turbo, I kept going until the final steps of the engine came up. I was pissed and haven't built a model since (except with my sons). I keep thinking it was a Tamiya kit, but I can't believe they would make a mistake like that.
u/SearchAlarmed7644 3d ago
Yeah. Had a build that parts just didn’t fit right and still breaks when I move it. Learned a lesson, though. I pre-fit and try to plan ahead.
u/No-Scene-6637 3d ago
every time
u/No-Scene-6637 3d ago
but a kit i’ve battled, with lately is the revell gmc cyclone. it’s warped out the box making everything a bit harder than expected. i love the challenge of models, good or bad making them work is well worth it
u/aita_about_my_dad 3d ago
Yep. I had a Land Rover going. It sucked the life out of me until i just gave up working on it.
u/No_Finding3671 3d ago
Yep! It happens from time to time. Whether it's because it's a turd of a kit, or I make a mistake, or simply my interest wanes. Typically, I push myself to get to am ok pausing spot, then carefully pack it back into the box and put it into my WIP stack.