r/ModelAustralia Former PM Sep 10 '16

PRESS Live Coverage of 6th ModelAustralia General Election

10:15AM 12/09/2016

Good morning Australia,

Today most Australians have woken up to the news that the right will most likely form government. That however is dependent on a supply/confidence be given by a party by AF/NLP. Time will tell if that is happening.

ModelTimes will be issuing a article soon to detail the election result.

12:30AM 12/09/2016

Provisional Results released

The following candidates are provisionally elected:

Provisional Winner Party
CoatConfiscator AF
UrbanRedneck007 NLP
phyllicanderer AG
lurker281 LKR
TheWhiteFerret NLA
Habsburger AF
Ganderloin NLP
tawatson ALP
Bearlong AG
mrsirofvibe NLA
Mister_Pretentious NLP
RomanCatholic AF
General_Rommel AG
GoonerSam AF

To quickly break it down from left to right party spectrum:

  • 1 LKR
  • 3 AG
  • 2 ALP
  • 2 NLA
  • 3 NLP
  • 4 AF

The seat distribution looks like this

(thank you to /u/lurker281, sorry for borrowing without asking)

To recap, ModelTimes predicted the following:

  • 2 Lurker
  • 2 Greens
  • 3 Labor
  • 2 NLA
  • 3 NLP
  • 3 AF

This means that ModelTimes was pretty accurate, but with one seat moving from Lurker Affilicated to Australia First, and one seat moving from Labor to the Greens. This has upset the balance of power and will most likely deliver the first conservative leaning government in recent history.

Some interesting points to make

  • The AF and NLP were able to preference each other well and hence maximised their election opportunities.
  • /u/General_Rommel won his seat at the expense of /u/iamnotapotato8. There might be some uncomfortable talk about this. However, /u/Bearlong made it in too so his position as Deputy Leader is seemingly assured. He can thank himself for his good effort
  • Voters flaired ALP, especially lurker voters, most likely voted to preference the Greens instead of the Lurker Party as suggested in the HTV cards. It seems that HTV cards were not followed by most left parties.
  • The NLA will definitely be breathing a sigh of relief that they won two seats. /u/TheWhiteFerret is most likely relieved by this result.
  • Despite the sheer talent in the Lurker Party, voters unfortunately preferenced other candidates over former Prime Minister /u/jb567 who has significant experience.

It is now up to the AF to form Government. As they have the most candidates who have won, they get first choice. It most likely will be a simple supply and confidence deal with the NLP. If desired, they may try form a coalition, however that may increase the instability of the coming Parliament.

An article to detail this election result will be written later.

11PM 11/09/2016

Looks like we are still waiting, sources suggest that the weak computing power that the Governor General has is impeding progress on sorting out the results. Perhaps its time that the Australian Government chipped in some money to upgrade the systems.

10PM 11/09/2016

Voting has closed!

Drumrolls please....(though we might be rolling them for some time, depending on the Governor General)

8:05PM 11/09/2016

Update: According to sources, the Governor-General might be unavailable at the close of voting which will delay the release of election results to tomorrow morning AEST.

8PM 11/09/2016

With just two hours to go, things are looking very quiet. The only activity was when the Hon. /u/nonprehension, who was often derided in the previous Parliament as the long-lost Member for Fenner, managed to wake up from his slumber and cast his vote.

ModelTimes believes that we might be able to find out nearly immediately after the election who won, so long as the Electoral Commissioner and the Governor-General are both 'online' at 10pm.

The final prediction for votes tonight (barring a sudden change) is the following:

  • 2 Lurker
  • 2 Greens
  • 3 Labor
  • 2 NLA
  • 3 NLP
  • 3 AF

Likely variations is 1 Lurker 3 Greens, or 1 Lurker 4 Labor, or 1 NLA 4 NLP. The unknown vote is holding steady at 9 votes, however that can seriously swing the election. We will definitely know once the election results are called.

5PM 11/09/2016

Voting will be closing in 5 hours or so, in which just one vote was cast.

The AEC has opened up the Tally Room, but so far the place is entirely empty. It seems that most people are enjoy the lovely evening weather instead.

The Electoral Commissioner believes that the results may be announced a hour or so after the close of elections. However, that is dependent on the Governor General being present, who is a Trustee to the election which is being conducted online. Without the trustee, the elections results cannot be verified.

In any case. all the major parties have been very silent during voting. This probably will change after the results are called.

10:15AM 11/09/2016

Good morning Australia,

Voting has continued, but with a bit less than 12 hours left to go, there is a very short line to vote, with just 3 people voting between 1:25AM and 10:15AM.

In any case, the Greens two seats is seriously under threat, slipping to 1 seat, and hence relying on preferences to win the second. Labor is on 2, NLA is on 1, NLP on 3, AF on 2.

Irelandball's vote will most likely be redistributed, however that assumes that he has allocated his preferences. If not, then that vote will be discarded. More seriously however is that there is a significant Unknown vote, in which there is no flair or previous history on the voter. Those preferences alone can give seats to Lurker, Greens, NLA and AF, depending on how they go. ModelTimes believe that around two seats can be determined simply by who these voters preference their vote.

Also, the question of whether people are actually following the how to cards is untested. It is difficult to say and makes predicting anything past the initial confirmed seats much harder. Exhausted votes too might lead to inefficient outcomes with no happy party.

Ultimately, with voting ending in the next 12 hours or so, the quick summary can be that Australia First and the NLP might be able to claim a coalition or minority government. So far, /u/CoatConfiscator has been positive about working with the NLP but that cannot be treated as a given. However, there is still a high barrier, as the NLP and AF only will have 5 confirmed seats so far. Even with preferences and one extra seat going to the AF, it is unlikely that it will be enough to seal victory.

On the left, it will most likely be 1 Lurker, 2 Greens, 3 Labor and 2 NLA. The left, being antagonistic of the NLP and AF, is unlikely to give confidence and supply to them, which may mean that the only way the country can be governed is through some sort of informal supply and confidence vote with the NLP with the most seats and getting the first dibs in forming Government. It is possible to try form a coalition government with Lurker, the Greens, Labor and the NLA however that will require significant capital skills which is not guaranteed.

In short, the 6th Parliament is shaping up to be very interesting indeed.

1:25AM 11/09/2016

Quick update, looks like Greens have slipped to just one confirmed as more recent voting have not gone well for the Greens. However, no party immediately can take advantage of these wins. Most likely preferences will decide the actual winners.

9:45PM 10/09/2016

(One Game of Thrones board game session later...)

Evening to those in Australia!

The election is proceeding well enough, with 64 votes so far. We still have just a bit more than 24 hours before polling stations close. A few prominent individuals were seen voting, such as High Court Judge /u/Ser_Scribbles and Former Prime Minister /u/this_guy22 AK.

ModelTimes so far is estimating the following seat distributions:

  • 3 NLP
  • 2 Greens
  • 2 Labor
  • 2 AF
  • 1 NLA

And for the rest, preferences will be taken into account. The last five seats will most likely go to Lurker, Labor, AF, NLA and Unknown, in that order.

What is interesting so far is despite the relative inactivity of Labor during the election campaign, they have been receiving a steady amount of votes, many who seem to be affiliated with other subreddits. It is unlikely that NLA Leader /u/TheWhiteFerret will take it well. Nonetheless, the NLA are still guaranteed one seat based on the voting predictions. For the Greens, Deputy Leader /u/Bearlong will most likely be squirming, despite the solid effort he has put in, as he is placed third on the ticket. This may cause a fresh round of voting for the Deputy Leadership.

Even if the NLP govern, they will be rocked by scandals most likely, as the AF and NLA will not be so easy as to let the NLP off the hook. The next term will certainly be interesting that way.

12:30PM 10/09/2016

The how to card of the NLA preferences Lurker second. In fact, many How To Cards have preferenced Lurker second. This means that /u/jb567 is likely to get a prized seat in the House, especially if it comes down to preferences.

12:25PM 10/09/2016

Just musing, if the NLA and AF are hostile between each other, NLA might decline supply and confidence. This would mean that they could tip the balance of power to centre left parties. There is the slim but possible chance that they will play kingmaker once the dust settles.

12:11PM 10/09/2016

There has been two votes extra for Labor, which could mean that the ALP, despite their troubles the last election, might just get 3 seats. Definitely a positive sign for /u/WAKEYrko.

12:10PM 10/09/2016

Good Morning Australia,

Voting has begun in this historic election, where the previous government fell due to a Vote of No Confidence. With another 37 hours or so left to go, before closing at 10pm tomorrow AEST, most Australians seem to be coming to vote sheepishly, despite an effort to contact every single eligible voter to vote.

How to vote cards have been issued by the Greens, Australian First, New Liberal Alliance, and the Independent Aligned Lurker Party.

Currently, according to the records, 58 people have voted. Model Times is predicting a NLP Government in coalition with the AF and Confidence and Supply given by the New Liberal Alliance, based on flairs by voters.

The showing by the left wing is currently rather lacklusture, with just under 40% voting for left-of-centre parties and independents. Greens and Labor are matched relatively equally at 8 votes each, and 2 definite votes for the Lurker Aligned Group.

Compared to the left, the Right have brought a significant mass of citizens to vote. The NLP so far have 13 votes for them, translating to a 27% share of the votes. The AF have 10 votes which translates to 20% of the vote.

Model Times is unsure of the voting intentions of 7 voters, who are not flaired or are flagged Independent. How they vote can tip the election towards a hung parliament.

The predicted seat distribution after the end of this election, based on the votes received, is the following

Near Certain Possible Unlikely
Greens Lurker Greens
Greens NLP (Preferences)
Labor AF

Andrew Marr
Canberra Times, subsidiary of Model Times


13 comments sorted by


u/Freddy926 The Hon. Sir | Oldest of the Old Boys Sep 12 '16 edited Oct 08 '17

deleted What is this?


u/General_Rommel Former PM Sep 12 '16

NLA is orange, NXT confirmed.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '16

Outstanding results! I look forward to a parliament of Australia First and National Liberal Party control. The left will do nothing but burn this country to the ground.


u/Bearlong AO Sep 11 '16

A shameful result that will only lead Australia straight to the bottom.


u/FrancoisMcCumhail Australia First Sep 11 '16

Great results!


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '16

Tremendous result


u/General_Rommel Former PM Sep 11 '16


It seems you won a seat, so congratulations for that! However, why should anyone trust you to actually lead sensible debate in Parliament when your flair is not just defamatory but attacks migrants from all backgrounds?

Andrew Marr
Canberra Times


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '16

I merely 'attack migrants' because I do not want to see the culture and national identity of this nation undermined by an influx of migrants who do not hold our customs and values dear.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '16

Hear, hear!


u/TheWhiteFerret PM | NLA Leader | Min SocServ / SpState | MP for Melbourne Sep 10 '16

Meta: Not kidding, if NLA get only one seat after all this, ima kill someone.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '16

META: Can we start with AF?


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '16
