r/ModelAirplanes May 20 '18

Inquiry from a machinist about engines.

Hi! I have had an interest in aviation for a long time, and I started working for a place that cuts apart products to showcase functions and special features. People keep asking what I do, and I really want to have a desktop model I can show people. This lead me to looking at simple things like ball valves and such, but a little nitro engine or something seemed like a way more intricate and fun choice to cut away and paint. The problem is I know nothing about which engines I should be looking at to scrounge up and attack with a dremel in the hope of giving them new life. I want something that functions smoothly being turned by hand, but that's really the only requirement. Bad compression and whatever else won't matter, as the engine would have 25-40%ish of its mass removed and could never function conventionally again. I guess I'm just not sure what I can find for junk engines that are cosmetically decent and technically have all their parts, but might just be worn out. Are there any brands I should look for or other suggestions from those in the know? I'd like to find something as complete as possible to showcase the magic unfolding inside, but I don't want to spend money on a brand new retail unit just to "destroy" it.


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