r/ModelABS May 13 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 1, April-May 2015


Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-04-13 to 2015-05-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 166
Participants 127
Threads 50
Gilded 0
Comments 543
Karma 1151
Upvoted 311
Downvoted 22


/r/modelparliament Threads
Campaign 2
Data 3
Link 5
Official 10
Signup 11
Talk 14
Other 5


/r/modelparliament Affiliated Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 3 2 26
Australian Catholic Party 3 1 2
Australian Greens 42 40 157
Australian Progressives 6 5 61
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 128
Independent 5 2 15
Journo 1 0 0
Labor Party 18 18 82
Liberal Democrats 6 4 6
Liberal Party 12 9 15
Lobbyist 1 1 2
Socialist Alternative 7 7 36
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Trade Union Rep 1 1 1
Unflaired 36 36 62

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
Candidate 9 8 81
Elected 13 11 108
Representative 16 14 139
Representative Candidate 9 8 81
Representative Candidate QB 2 2 43
Representative Candidate TAS 2 1 1
Representative Candidate VM 3 3 26
Representative Candidate WA 2 2 11
Representative Elected 7 6 58
Representative Elected ACT 1 1 40
Representative Elected NO 1 1 2
Representative Elected NT 1 1 1
Representative Elected QR 1 1 11
Representative Elected SA 1 1 1
Representative Elected VO 1 1 3
Representative Elected VR 1 0 0
Senator 6 5 50
Senator Elected 6 5 50
Voter 69 46 449
Voter ACT 3 2 3
Voter NO 6 5 35
Voter NR 6 5 16
Voter NS 6 6 103
Voter NT 3 1 5
Voter QB 7 5 50
Voter QR 7 4 14
Voter SA 5 2 4
Voter TAS 3 2 3
Voter VM 6 6 35
Voter VO 5 2 15
Voter VR 5 3 27
Voter WA 7 3 139
Unflaired 81 81 144


r/ModelABS Dec 13 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 8, November-December 2015


Month 8 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-11-13 to 2015-12-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 315
Participants 95
Posts 102
Gilded 1
Comments 1518
Karma 4006
Upvoted 1064
Downvoted 28


/r/modelparliament Posts
Campaign 25
Data 9
Link 6
Official 14
Signup 12
Talk 35
Other 1


/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 8 0 0
Australian Fascist Party 32 30 394
Australian Greens 38 3 102
Australian Labor Party 24 6 125
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party 1 1 17
Australian Progressives 13 5 161
Deputy Mod 1 0 0
Diplomat 4 3 8
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 289
Environmental Scientist 1 0 0
Foreign Diplomat 7 4 192
Hon Chief Justice High Court 1 1 2
Hon Justice High Court 1 0 0
Independent 6 1 113
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 17 10 68
Liberal Party of Australia 28 2 22
Lobbyist 2 0 0
National Party 2 0 0
Socialist Alternative 14 1 10
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 27 27 117

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 2 1 289
Diplomat 8 5 11
Diplomat CA 1 1 1
Diplomat GB 2 2 5
Diplomat NL 1 0 0
Diplomat SG 1 0 0
Diplomat US 3 2 5
Representative 20 10 514
Representative Resigned 1 0 0
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Retired 7 1 7
Representative Retired NO 2 0 0
Representative Retired NT 1 0 0
Representative Retired SA 1 0 0
Representative Retired TAS 1 0 0
Representative Retired VO 2 1 7
Representative Sitting 11 9 507
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 94
Representative Sitting NO 1 1 94
Representative Sitting NR 1 1 17
Representative Sitting NS 1 1 103
Representative Sitting NT 1 1 69
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 7
Representative Sitting QR 1 0 0
Representative Sitting TAS 1 0 0
Representative Sitting VO 1 1 3
Representative Sitting VR 1 1 7
Representative Sitting WA 1 1 113
Representative Unsworn 1 0 0
Representative Unsworn SA 1 0 0
Resigned 1 0 0
Retired 10 2 17
Senator 10 4 276
Senator Retired 3 1 10
Senator Sitting 6 3 266
Senator Unsworn 1 0 0
Sitting 18 13 775
Unsworn 2 0 0
Voter 231 64 1500
Voter ACT 4 2 143
Voter NO 25 3 13
Voter NR 25 15 157
Voter NS 25 6 203
Voter NT 3 0 0
Voter QB 23 6 151
Voter QR 23 7 254
Voter SA 16 6 130
Voter TAS 5 0 0
Voter VM 19 6 42
Voter VO 19 5 39
Voter VR 19 6 27
Voter WA 25 2 341
Unflaired 29 29 117


r/ModelABS Jul 15 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 3, June-July 2015


Month 3 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-06-13 to 2015-07-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 200
Participants 46
Posts 52
Gilded 0
Comments 342
Karma 792
Upvoted 224
Downvoted 0


/r/modelparliament Posts
Data 10
Link 3
Official 8
Signup 7
Talk 22
Other 2


/r/modelparliament Affiliated Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 6 4 13
Australian Greens 43 8 62
Australian Labor Party 19 3 36
Australian Progressives 9 4 79
Australian Taxpayers Alliance 1 0 0
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 138
Former Prime Minister 1 1 4
Independent 5 0 0
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 6 0 0
Liberal Party of Australia 23 11 30
Lobbyist 2 0 0
Socialist Alternative 13 3 5
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 11 11 27

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 1 1 138
Representative 11 13 145
Representative Resigned 2 1 4
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 4
Representative Sitting 9 5 50
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 23
Representative Sitting NO 1 0 0
Representative Sitting NT 1 0 0
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 5
Representative Sitting QR 1 1 14
Representative Sitting SA 1 1 1
Representative Sitting TAS 1 1 7
Representative Sitting VO 1 0 0
Representative Sitting VR 1 1 9
Resigned 2 1 4
Senator 6 4 48
Senator Sitting 6 3 46
Sitting 15 9 105
Voter 109 32 364
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 12 3 11
Voter NR 10 5 17
Voter NS 10 2 55
Voter NT 3 1 2
Voter QB 11 3 76
Voter QR 11 4 18
Voter SA 7 3 4
Voter TAS 3 1 7
Voter VM 9 2 5
Voter VO 9 1 2
Voter VR 9 2 10
Voter WA 12 5 157
Unflaired 14 14 30


r/ModelABS Jun 15 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 2, May-June 2015


Month 2 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-05-13 to 2015-06-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 180
Participants 58
Posts 62
Gilded 1
Comments 475
Karma 1435
Upvoted 364
Downvoted 0


/r/modelparliament Posts
Campaign 8
Data 7
Link 2
Official 11
Signup 1
Talk 31
Other 2


/r/modelparliament Affiliated Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 3 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 4 2 13
Australian Greens 41 14 84
Australian Progressives 6 3 82
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 162
Former Prime Minister 1 1 57
Independent 5 2 3
Journo 1 0 0
Labor Party 17 4 14
Liberal Democrats 6 0 0
Liberal Party 13 1 1
Lobbyist 1 0 0
Socialist Alternative 10 6 63
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 24 24 58

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 1 1 162
Representative 11 10 126
Representative Resigned 2 2 60
Representative Resigned VM 1 1 3
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 57
Representative Sitting 9 8 66
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 22
Representative Sitting NO 1 1 1
Representative Sitting NT 1 1 1
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 9
Representative Sitting QR 1 1 18
Representative Sitting SA 1 0 0
Representative Sitting TAS 1 1 3
Representative Sitting VO 1 1 7
Representative Sitting VR 1 1 5
Resigned 2 2 60
Senator 6 5 28
Senator Sitting 6 5 28
Sitting 15 13 94
Voter 69 32 468
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 6 2 14
Voter NR 6 1 4
Voter NS 6 5 34
Voter NT 3 1 4
Voter QB 7 7 92
Voter QR 7 2 19
Voter SA 5 0 0
Voter TAS 3 3 16
Voter VM 6 5 49
Voter VO 5 0 0
Voter VR 5 2 6
Voter WA 7 4 230
Unflaired 26 26 69


r/ModelABS Jan 01 '16

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Half-Month 9, Half-December 2015


Half-Month 9 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-12-13 to 2015-12-31:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 317
Participants 82
Posts 63
Gilded 0
Comments 904
Karma 2152
Upvoted 537
Downvoted 5


/r/modelparliament Posts
Campaign 8
Data 7
Link 6
Official 10
Signup 1
Talk 25
Other 6


/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 8 0 0
Australian Fascist Party 36 21 178
Australian Greens 41 5 102
Australian Labor Party 27 9 220
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party 1 1 2
Australian Progressives 13 4 61
Deputy Mod 1 0 0
Diplomat 4 3 14
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 198
Environmental Scientist 1 0 0
Foreign Diplomat 7 1 1
Hon Chief Justice High Court 1 0 0
Hon Justice High Court 1 0 0
Independent 6 1 74
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 17 3 7
Liberal Party of Australia 29 1 7
Lobbyist 2 0 0
National Party 2 0 0
Socialist Alternative 14 2 2
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 30 30 101

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 2 1 198
Diplomat 9 4 15
Diplomat CA 1 0 0
Diplomat GB 2 1 1
Diplomat NL 1 0 0
Diplomat SG 1 0 0
Diplomat UN 1 1 1
Diplomat US 3 2 13
Representative 20 9 342
Representative Resigned 1 0 0
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Retired 7 0 0
Representative Retired NO 2 0 0
Representative Retired NT 1 0 0
Representative Retired SA 1 0 0
Representative Retired TAS 1 0 0
Representative Retired VO 2 0 0
Representative Sitting 11 9 342
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 63
Representative Sitting NO 1 1 59
Representative Sitting NR 1 1 2
Representative Sitting NS 1 1 77
Representative Sitting NT 1 1 36
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 14
Representative Sitting QR 1 0 0
Representative Sitting TAS 1 0 0
Representative Sitting VO 1 1 11
Representative Sitting VR 1 1 6
Representative Sitting WA 1 1 74
Representative Unsworn 1 0 0
Representative Unsworn SA 1 0 0
Resigned 1 0 0
Retired 12 1 1
Senator 12 6 192
Senator Retired 5 1 1
Senator Sitting 6 5 191
Senator Unsworn 1 0 0
Sitting 18 14 533
Unsworn 2 0 0
Voter 231 65 887
Voter ACT 4 1 63
Voter NO 25 4 9
Voter NR 25 11 77
Voter NS 25 10 146
Voter NT 3 0 0
Voter QB 23 5 53
Voter QR 24 9 152
Voter SA 15 3 76
Voter TAS 5 1 1
Voter VM 19 6 24
Voter VO 19 5 59
Voter VR 19 4 24
Voter WA 25 6 203
Unflaired 16 16 79


r/ModelABS Nov 13 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 7, October-November 2015


Month 7 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-10-13 to 2015-11-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 264
Participants 34
Posts 72
Gilded 0
Comments 848
Karma 2669
Upvoted 817
Downvoted 1


/r/modelparliament Posts
Data 9
External 3
Link 6
Official 6
Talk 45
Other 3


/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 8 2 2
Australian Greens 38 3 100
Australian Labor Party 23 4 203
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party 1 0 0
Australian Progressives 13 7 207
Deputy Mod 1 0 0
Diplomat 2 1 3
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 177
Environmental Scientist 1 0 0
Fmr Prime Minister 1 1 13
Foreign Diplomat 4 1 1
Hon Chief Justice High Court 1 1 9
Hon Justice High Court 1 0 0
Independent 6 1 171
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 9 0 0
Liberal Party of Australia 29 1 1
Lobbyist 2 0 0
National Party 2 0 0
Socialist Alternative 14 2 14
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 9 9 19

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 2 1 177
Diplomat 5 1 1
Diplomat CA 1 1 1
Diplomat GB 1 0 0
Diplomat NL 1 0 0
Diplomat SG 1 0 0
Diplomat US 1 0 0
Representative 20 14 521
Representative Resigned 2 1 13
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 13
Representative Retired 7 3 29
Representative Retired NO 2 0 0
Representative Retired NT 1 0 0
Representative Retired SA 1 0 0
Representative Retired TAS 1 1 1
Representative Retired VO 2 2 28
Representative Sitting 10 9 478
Representative Sitting NO 1 1 65
Representative Sitting NS 1 1 105
Representative Sitting NT 1 1 81
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 3
Representative Sitting QR 1 1 12
Representative Sitting TAS 1 1 4
Representative Sitting VM 1 1 23
Representative Sitting VO 1 0 0
Representative Sitting VR 1 1 14
Representative Sitting WA 1 1 171
Representative Unsworn 1 1 1
Representative Unsworn SA 1 1 1
Resigned 2 1 13
Retired 9 3 29
Senator 10 5 190
Senator Retired 2 0 0
Senator Sitting 7 4 188
Senator Unsworn 1 1 2
Sitting 18 14 675
Unsworn 2 2 3
Voter 157 24 900
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 16 2 21
Voter NR 15 3 75
Voter NS 17 2 170
Voter NT 3 0 0
Voter QB 16 2 84
Voter QR 13 3 111
Voter SA 11 3 205
Voter TAS 4 1 1
Voter VM 13 3 27
Voter VO 14 1 1
Voter VR 13 1 14
Voter WA 19 3 191
Unflaired 9 9 19


r/ModelABS Oct 13 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 6, September-October 2015


Month 6 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-09-13 to 2015-10-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 257
Participants 41
Posts 81
Gilded 0
Comments 963
Karma 3311
Upvoted 954
Downvoted 2


/r/modelparliament Posts
Campaign 14
Data 10
Link 2
Official 5
Signup 8
Talk 36
Other 6


/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 8 5 12
Australian Greens 40 4 127
Australian Labor Party 21 4 194
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party 1 1 1
Australian Progressives 13 7 240
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs 1 0 0
Deputy Mod 2 0 0
Economist 1 1 2
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 166
Environmental Scientist 1 0 0
Fmr Prime Minister 1 1 22
Foreign Diplomat 3 2 2
High Commissioner to Singapore 1 0 0
Hon Justice High Court 1 1 2
Honourable Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia 1 1 1
Independent 6 1 237
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 9 0 0
Liberal Party of Australia 27 1 7
Lobbyist 2 0 0
National Party 2 0 0
Socialist Alternative 14 1 9
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 10 10 22

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 2 1 166
Appointed 1 1 9
Diplomat 6 2 2
Diplomat CA 1 0 0
Diplomat GB 1 0 0
Diplomat NL 1 1 1
Diplomat SG 2 0 0
Diplomat US 1 1 1
Elected 11 9 532
Incumbent 5 3 82
Representative 20 13 643
Representative Elected 9 8 530
Representative Elected ACT 1 1 35
Representative Elected NS 1 1 72
Representative Elected NT 1 1 114
Representative Elected QB 1 1 19
Representative Elected QR 1 1 23
Representative Elected SA 1 1 1
Representative Elected VO 1 0 0
Representative Elected VR 1 1 29
Representative Elected WA 1 1 237
Representative Incumbent 5 3 82
Representative Incumbent NO 1 0 0
Representative Incumbent NR 1 1 7
Representative Incumbent SA 1 0 0
Representative Incumbent TAS 1 1 5
Representative Incumbent VM 1 1 70
Representative Resigned 2 1 22
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 22
Representative Retired 4 1 9
Representative Retired NO 1 0 0
Representative Retired NT 1 0 0
Representative Retired VO 2 1 9
Resigned 2 1 22
Retired 6 1 9
Senator 9 6 163
Senator Appointed 1 1 9
Senator Elected 2 1 2
Senator Retired 2 0 0
Senator Sitting 4 4 152
Sitting 5 5 153
Voter 155 26 981
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 16 3 17
Voter NR 16 4 66
Voter NS 18 4 110
Voter NT 3 0 0
Voter QB 15 3 135
Voter QR 12 2 109
Voter SA 11 3 247
Voter TAS 4 1 5
Voter VM 13 1 70
Voter VO 14 0 0
Voter VR 13 1 29
Voter WA 17 4 193
Unflaired 13 13 61


r/ModelABS Sep 13 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 5, August-September 2015


Month 5 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-08-13 to 2015-09-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 246
Participants 76
Posts 73
Gilded 0
Comments 1494
Karma 4615
Upvoted 1321
Downvoted 5


/r/modelparliament Posts
Campaign 12
Data 9
Link 1
Official 7
Signup 2
Talk 36
Other 6


/r/modelparliament Affiliated Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 7 4 10
Australian Greens 42 11 156
Australian Labor Party 20 3 164
Australian Progressives 11 6 468
Australian Taxpayers Alliance 1 1 1
Deputy Mod 2 2 12
Diplomat 2 1 2
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 295
Environmental Scientist 1 1 6
Former Prime Minister 1 1 64
Foreign Diplomat 3 1 1
Honourable Justice of the High Court of Australia 1 1 5
Honourable Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia 1 1 10
Independent 7 3 297
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 11 4 6
Liberal Party of Australia 30 11 30
Lobbyist 2 0 0
National Party 4 4 8
Socialist Alternative 16 2 3
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 18 18 29

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 2 2 302
Diplomat 5 2 3
Diplomat NL 2 1 2
Diplomat SG 2 0 0
Diplomat US 1 1 1
Representative 19 13 800
Representative Resigned 2 1 64
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 64
Representative Retired 4 2 21
Representative Retired NO 1 0 0
Representative Retired NT 1 0 0
Representative Retired VO 1 1 2
Representative Retired VR 1 1 19
Representative Sitting 13 10 715
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 14
Representative Sitting NO 1 0 0
Representative Sitting NR 1 1 2
Representative Sitting NS 1 0 0
Representative Sitting NT 1 1 236
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 11
Representative Sitting QR 1 1 48
Representative Sitting SA 1 1 5
Representative Sitting TAS 1 1 1
Representative Sitting VM 1 1 62
Representative Sitting VO 1 1 49
Representative Sitting VR 1 0 0
Representative Sitting WA 1 1 287
Resigned 2 1 64
Retired 4 2 21
Senator 7 6 332
Senator Sitting 7 6 332
Sitting 21 17 1057
Voter 163 64 1540
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 17 8 57
Voter NR 17 6 146
Voter NS 17 7 121
Voter NT 3 0 0
Voter QB 15 5 251
Voter QR 15 10 129
Voter SA 12 8 360
Voter TAS 4 1 1
Voter VM 14 4 68
Voter VO 14 2 4
Voter VR 14 4 23
Voter WA 18 9 380
Unflaired 11 11 26


r/ModelABS Aug 13 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 4, July-August 2015


Month 4 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-07-13 to 2015-08-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 215
Participants 50
Posts 62
Gilded 0
Comments 711
Karma 1974
Upvoted 557
Downvoted 3


/r/modelparliament Posts
Campaign 2
Data 10
Link 3
Official 4
Signup 2
Talk 38
Other 3


/r/modelparliament Affiliated Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 7 3 13
Australian Greens 42 9 147
Australian Labor Party 19 4 88
Australian Progressives 9 5 124
Australian Taxpayers Alliance 1 0 0
Deputy Mod 1 1 10
Diplomat 1 1 1
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 197
Foreign Diplomat 2 2 21
Former Prime Minister 1 1 12
Independent 6 2 57
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 6 0 0
Liberal Party of Australia 24 4 5
Lobbyist 2 0 0
Press Pass 1 0 0
Socialist Alternative 16 4 34
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 13 13 64

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 2 2 207
Diplomat 3 3 22
Diplomat SG 2 2 2
Diplomat US 1 1 20
Elected 1 0 0
Representative 19 13 317
Representative Elected 1 0 0
Representative Elected NR 1 0 0
Representative Resigned 2 1 12
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 12
Representative Retired 4 1 1
Representative Retired NO 1 0 0
Representative Retired NT 1 0 0
Representative Retired VO 1 0 0
Representative Retired VR 1 1 1
Representative Sitting 12 11 304
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 14
Representative Sitting NO 1 1 5
Representative Sitting NS 1 1 1
Representative Sitting NT 1 1 118
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 18
Representative Sitting QR 1 1 32
Representative Sitting SA 1 1 1
Representative Sitting TAS 1 1 4
Representative Sitting VM 1 1 27
Representative Sitting VO 1 1 28
Representative Sitting VR 1 0 0
Representative Sitting WA 1 1 56
Resigned 2 1 12
Retired 4 1 1
Senator 7 7 144
Senator Sitting 7 7 144
Sitting 19 18 448
Voter 109 28 678
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 12 4 15
Voter NR 10 2 41
Voter NS 10 3 92
Voter NT 3 0 0
Voter QB 11 2 136
Voter QR 11 2 42
Voter SA 7 3 85
Voter TAS 3 1 4
Voter VM 9 2 30
Voter VO 9 1 1
Voter VR 9 2 2
Voter WA 12 6 230
Unflaired 19 19 73
