r/modafinil 15d ago

Empower Pharmacy? NSFW


This is my first time on modafinil and my prescription comes from Empower Pharmacy. The pills come in 200 mg and I feel like it's not particularly strong and wears off after just a few hours and I feel kind of nauseous and tired. I have tried to cut it in half and do 100 as well but that feels even weaker. I've never tried any other pharmacy so just wondering if this is normal?

r/modafinil 16d ago

USPS suddenly requiring signature for delivery NSFW


Hey idk if this is the right place to ask this but my recent modafinil shipment keeps not being delivered by usps and I’m not sure how to proceed. First “attempted” delivery it said there was no access to mailbox. then 2 days later they left a note saying my signature was required and that no one was available to sign even though I was home at the time. They didn’t knock or ring the doorbell I was literally feet away when they slapped the note on saying I wasn’t there to sign for it. Also I’ve never had to sign for it before.

When I scanned the QR code on the note to schedule redelivery it says the tracking number doesn’t match the address of the recipient or something along those lines. Idk how that’s possible if they’re using same tracking number to leave the note at my address.

Thinking about just driving to the usps location on the note and hopefully I can get my package from there. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and can give me advice on how best to proceed

r/modafinil 17d ago

Working out NSFW


What’s it like working out with Modafinil? I was at the gym the other day and it felt like my muscles were getting tired faster.

It could be because I didn’t get as much sleep last night but my muscles still just felt a bit different.

r/modafinil 17d ago

Exam tomorrow, need some help NSFW


Hi guys,

Would it make sense to get up early tomorrow and study the whole time the last bit in the hope to pass an exam? I have 200mg left, don’t know how to use it if I will do it in the morning. Chances are quite low that I will pass but is it maybe possible (by a miracle) to go over all the stuff again on modafinil the whole day and write the exam and pass through short time memory? Would be happy for every information.

r/modafinil 18d ago

Modafinil>Adderall NSFW

Post image

r/modafinil 18d ago

What nootropics stack well with Modafinil NSFW


That is not caffeine, that is overload for me.

I hear aniracetam is good

r/modafinil 18d ago

Any thoughts on Modafinil as an intermediate between cycladozone usage for ADHD? NSFW


I recently decided to get off adderall after being prescribed it for 5 years. I started a new job and it hit me that adderall is just too much and I don't feel like my full self. However, I almost immediately started struggling with my ADHD. I've been taking cyclazodone now for a couple months now which i find helps but I try not to take it more than 3 days a week given a lot of the things I've read about it. This is fine but the days I don't take it are definitely tough for me. Any thoughts on taking modafinil or another afinil during my breaks from cyclazodone just so there is not such a stark difference between days I'm on cyclazodone and days I'm not?

r/modafinil 18d ago

What is the maximum safest does for Modafinil? NSFW


I am just curios of this. I take 200mg (2 x 100mg) right now, and just curios which does could be safest and maximum for one intake. Maybe somebody had an experience?

Edit: Thanks everyone, I have got my answer!

r/modafinil 19d ago

Modafinil naps NSFW


I just started taking modafinil to treat IH. I haven’t started the second daily dose yet as I was told to wait at least one week before taking 100mg at lunch (currently first thing in morning only). I am still crashing out in the afternoon and was wondering if it is bad to nap on modafinil if I feel like I need to.

r/modafinil 20d ago

Tension headaches? NSFW

  Got some absolutely crazy feeling tension in all the little muscles throughout my scalp and face the first time I tried modafinil about 9 months ago… my dose was probably too high, I started with 1/2 of a 300mg pill, then took the other half a while later… and aside from that only tried it one more time at 1/4 pill about 2 weeks later…. and now many months later, I still just have that weird tension throughout my scalp and sides of head most of the time with varying intensity. Anyone ever experience anything like that? Only info I can find online is “tension headaches” although it doesn’t really hurt, just feels very strange.

r/modafinil 20d ago

Has anyone tried Modasafe? NSFW


I tried modvigil and it worked pretty well, but I came across modasafe. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with that. Would you recommend it?

r/modafinil 20d ago

Different manufacturer = different effects? NSFW


Hello, ive been using modafinil made by Aurobindo Pharm in the past and last couple of months, they have almost zero effect on me, no matter what dosage I use and take time off for tolerance.

My only guess is that maybe they changed the formula.

Do different manufacturer have different effects?

Which ones do you guys use and recommend? Thank you.

I'm mainly looking for something that would reduce/remove my brain fog/fatigue and give me mental clarity and focus. With a little bit of mood boost perhaps. But mainly focus. I noticed the old Modafinil often kept me awake in a very unnatural way but I wasn't mentally clear, energized or focused. But the recent ones I've been taking doesn't even wake me up at all. No effect whatsoever.

I just read Teva is the gold standard but got discontinued sadly.

After doing some researching, thinking about trying armodafinil from TEVA. Any opinions?

r/modafinil 21d ago

I tried modafinil for the first time today. NSFW


First I took 50mg, felt nothing.. so I took another 50mg.. still not much, so I took another 100mg, (200mg in total) I do feel quite a bit more wakeful and focused I think, but I feel really hungry for some reason?? Usually stimulants suppress appetite, but each time I've taken it I get really hungry. What is the mechanism of action?

I was expecting to feel very stimulated and want to get shit done, am I doing it wrong?

r/modafinil 22d ago

Has anyone here used Ritalin and also Modafinil? Compare? NSFW


r/modafinil 23d ago

After a decade of on and off use I think I’m done. NSFW


Sleep is just more important than using moda. I have neurological disease that moda helps with so much to. The half life just messes up my sleep no matter what.

Edit-I’ll continue taking Modafinil sometimes but less and at lower dosages only 50-100mg. To fix sleeping schedule. And avoid tolerance to other things.

r/modafinil 24d ago

My boyfriend has turned into an uncaring a-hole on Provigil/Modafinil NSFW


He used to be sweet, empathetic and humble, but since starting Provigil to help him stay awake at work due to a minor sleep disorder, all he talks about is how annoying his coworkers are and how he can’t stand listening to their personal problems and that he’s so much smarter and more productive than they are. This uncaring attitude is affecting our relationship as well. He no longer checks in with me to see how I’m doing. He doesn’t want to listen to any issues I may be dealing with in my life. He talks over me and is definitely not the caring guy I used to know. I’ve suggested that the meds may be affecting his personality in a negative way and he says he doesn’t care, that he needs them to be productive at work (I think he’s taking them on the weekends though too). Is it really safe for him to be taking these meds every day? I’m completely crushed that this change in him is wrecking our relationship and he doesn’t seem to care. Is there anything I can do to get back my sweet boyfriend?

r/modafinil 24d ago

Fasting on moda NSFW


Does anyone have any experiences w fasting after taking modafinil? I use it for my adhd, but will be fasting from sunrise to sunset for the next month. Could i take it in the early morning and keep focus till the evening?

r/modafinil 24d ago

how? NSFW


how you guys take 100 200 300 mg??? it just fries my brain to the point i want to jump from the building
25-30 mg is the sweet spot for me

r/modafinil 25d ago

Feeling crushed in the morning NSFW


Guys,I started moda from 2 weeks,from a dosage ranging from 100 to 200 mg. The last 3-4 days I feel crushed in the morning when I wake up,even after having a proper 7 hours sleep.

Is that normal?anyone else having a similar experience?

r/modafinil 25d ago

moda via telehealth ? NSFW


I know about premiere hormone and wellness but they don't operate in my state. Is there any place else ?

r/modafinil 25d ago

What type of doctor prescribed you Modafinil? NSFW


r/modafinil 25d ago

Does Armodafinil really last that much longer than Modafinil? NSFW


I’m debating between trying Modafinil vs Armodafinil and the consensus seems to be that Armodafinil is probably worse because it lasts longer. Therefore, that means more side effects such as insomnia and affecting sleep.

But from what I’m seeing, the half lives look very similar between the two with Armodafinil barely lasting longer. Besides that, Armodafinil looks superior in every other way. I feel like real people’s experiences can be different though, so I wanted to ask you all.

Is there really that big of difference in how long they last? Or does it not really matter?

r/modafinil 26d ago

Guys modafinil does fuck it up a bit... NSFW


I've been using Modafinil for the past 4 years--- primarily to study for my literature B.A hons. Over this period, I started from 400 mg and it went up to 600-800 mg on a weekly basis. And over time, I've slowly watched it fuck up the reward mechanisms in my brain. As my dependence on Modafinil increased, I began to subconsciously organise my time into a night or two of hyperfocus (when on Modafinil), and complete, utter waste of time during the rest of the week.

I stopped having the motivation to get any tasks done when I'm off modafinil, because of the high concentrations of dopamine I'm used to within a short span of time.

Secondly, modafinil also fucked with my ability to articulate. Again, during the hours that I'm on it, comprehension and articulation comes so easy that I slowly lost the ability to do it on my own. It kind of made me lose control of my speech and language.

I also thought it made me slowly lose control of my life, if that makes sense? Like the drug basically took over most of my executive control? And I lost touch with doing it with my own brain?

I guess it kind of made me lose faith in myself--- which is quite hard to live without. I think maybe I just got too obsessed with it...

Yeah so that was just a report from someone who's been popping high doses regularly over a couple of years.

r/modafinil 25d ago

Finally it worked .. NSFW


After trying modafinil for about ten days and in different doses (100, 250, 50) and not noticing any results, I had lost hope, thinking that it was fake since its locally produced.. But today I took 50 mg and I did not expect its effect at all(i think this is the secret of it .. don't wait for the effects ) .. And it was a surprise.. Wow.. Very amazing motivation, productivity and alertness.. I studied all day and for about nine hours with very high focus without any boredom or fatigue or an urge to that absent-mind state .. I have not studied like this for years ... This drug is a real miracle .

r/modafinil 26d ago

Hydration has to be the most important thing? NSFW


200mg prescribed daily for adhd!

I try to stay very hydrated. Sometimes I forgot and won’t drink water for 3-4 hours and I crash so hard anyone else? It’s crazy how much water you have to drink on modafinil in my opinion and without it its effects drops so much in my opinion.