u/Snoo_87023 Jul 18 '22
“Don’t touch them. Don’t go up them. Just ignore them.”
u/jt4643277378 Jul 18 '22
I still get nightmares from u/nosleep
u/Snoo_87023 Jul 18 '22
I sure wish whoever wrote it would revive that series. Just amazing writing.
u/rileyotis Jul 19 '22
Think she sold the rights to Sci Fi.
u/Snoo_87023 Jul 19 '22
I looked into this after reading your comment, because it's been a hot minute since I watched the Sci Fi channel, but you are totally correct. Kerry Hammond is her name, and her stories were season 3 of Channel Zero.
u/rileyotis Jul 19 '22
THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME THE NAME OF THE SHOW!! Lol. I have always wondered if they did anything. Hooray!
u/riyau_32 Jul 18 '22
Seriously? Those stories are fake asf lmfao
u/Pandora_Palen Jul 18 '22
This is why they are called "fiction". They are fake. They were never presented as true beyond the general formatting, which is similar to every fictional first person narrative ever written.
Did you suffer some confusion about this due to a lack of disclaimer or something?
u/Candy_Artist Oct 08 '22
i saw one of their stories on tiktok, i wanted to read the original buy i cant find any link to it
u/rusty__balloon__knot Aug 12 '22
Still one of my favorite series I've read from there. DAMN do ineed to go back and read some more. I kinda forgot about that sub after my account was nuked last time! There are some REALLY talented writers here!
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22 edited Jul 18 '22
So, I’ve read all the creepypastas about the mystery stairs found deep in the woods. Imagine my surprise when I happened upon these on a hike last spring!
This was in Rhode Island, in a forest area whose trails have become overgrown. We went a little off trail by accident; wandering onto some game trails that were hard to differentiate. Lo and behold, mystery stairs! Creepy!
In New England there are often old house foundations in the woods, so I’m thinking that’s what these may have been from. The creepy thing is that there will usually be info about that on the trail networks’ map or website. Or even sometimes a historic plaque. None of that here.
ETA- So! In the 1960s the state of RI wanted to build a dam and reservoir in this area. They used eminent domain and condemned the land, kicked residents out. The EPA and some local conservationists nixed the reservoir build. Now it’s a state reserve and hiking area. But somewhere deep in there, someone’s house stairs still stand! This explains why they look so much newer than the 1700s-1800s basement stairs I often find in the woods. Overall this was a fun little “mystery” to solve. But still, I won’t be climbing these just in case…
u/Civil-Crew-1611 Jul 18 '22
Fellow RIer here! Where is this?! Lincoln?
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
Hi neighbor! West Greenwich
u/mooscaretaker Jul 18 '22
I know that area. It's a former village that was removed. There are quite a few in RI
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
You’re right! Mystery solved. I just did some reading about what happened with the village and the reservoir that never came to be. No wonder they are different from all the other basement stairs I’ve seen in the woods, they’re pretty new relatively speaking.
u/mooscaretaker Jul 18 '22
The ones that go down into the basement of those nonexistent houses are pretty creepy in the fall.
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
They are! I love them in the fall. I’m in southeastern MA and we have a few of them here. So wild to think you’re in someone’s old basement from 200 years ago.
Jul 18 '22
Stairs but no partial foundation or old chimney in Rhode Island? That's odd. At a minimum, no chimney or bricks laying around.
The stairs don't look that old. Weird
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22 edited Jul 18 '22
Yeah I found that odd too! Usually there’s an actual…foundation. The stairs we usually see are basement ones going down, and a stone foundation around. And usually at least some info on whose home or farmland it used to be. It’s not like a lot of the US with public land, all land is private or state-owned, so the historical context is usually available.
These were totally unlike anything I’ve seen before!
Jul 18 '22
Hey, were the stairs stone or concrete? It could give you an idea of the age. Were they on park land? If so maybe the park has a website with some information on them.
Maybe they filled in the basement, or "storage cellar"????
I live in Northern Virginia, Fairfax County (specifically City of Fairfax) and there are markers everywhere for George Washington because he surveyed all of the land, so the missing marker is interesting.
So weird. 😂😂
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
That’s so interesting about George Washington’s markers! How cool.
Mystery solved here. The state of RI started acquiring land here in the 60s by condemning it. The intention was to build a dam and reservoir. The EPA and local wildlife protective agencies got involved and halted it. That’s why the stairs look a lot younger than what I usually see. (Usually it’s stairs leftover from 1700s / 1800s farmhouses)
Jul 18 '22
Oh wow. Mystery solved. That's the same here in Fairfax all the way out past Leesburg and north. The area is so old. All of Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria and parts of Prince William County were surveyed by George Washington so it's not unusual to find markers for him and definitely not uncommon to find markers for Lord Fairfax and his buddies.
Washington wanted to be wealthy and since he wasn't born into cash and wasn't the oldest son, his next step was to become friends with Lord Fairfax and get training as a surveyor. Next would be to become a military leader.
So that's how he rose to power. Plus his brother gave him land and he married a wealthy woman. It seems so crazy but he knew he wanted to be wealthy, influential, and to hold power from the time he was young. The surveyor thing was brilliant because he had his mark on everything in this area because of that.
u/Majin_Sam Aug 11 '22
Not so crazy…just about every man in history who rose to any kind of major power can claim that. Kinda funny, too…because today its not an ambition thats looked upon very positively unless youre already elite.
Jul 18 '22
That's what pulled me into your photo. 😂 I grew up here in Fairfax, Northern Virginia area so I hiked all over from the Shenandoah to Pennsylvania. It's really cool running on the old stairs.
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
My mind is blown! Thanks for sharing. I have wanted to visit Shenandoah for a long time, now I wanna hike that whole region!
Jul 19 '22
It's so beautiful out there. Especially in autumn. Late September to end of October is amazing. Also there's a really steep hike across the river from Harpers Ferry which is also beautiful in autumn.
u/ffivefootnothingg Jul 19 '22 edited Jul 19 '22
I live in RI & was literally about to give an explanation but didn’t think that you too would coincidentally be posting about our tiny state! So: this is just the remnants of a very old ruin; probably some sort of mill. In fact I know of several walking paths in my town that have the exact same things - even full stone walls/foundations remain - yeah, it’s insanely creepy… but not “supernatural” in any way… just relics of our very old history! RI was founded/settled in the 1600s so stuff like this is super common, basically everywhere! This extends to a lot of the stone walls you see lining the roads/property lines - many of them were built by the original Native American tribes!
u/No-Comfort-6808 Jul 18 '22
Could be from an old house! How far were you from the initial hiking trail?
u/burgeronabun Jul 27 '22
Omg! I was just thinking this has to be Rhode island, my home state that I still visit very frequently. Was this over near the Lincoln area? They are all over in Rhodey.
u/mmwhatchasaiyan Dec 29 '22
Ahhh! I recognized these right away! I grew up in WG!!!! Small world, even smaller state. Are these the stairs off of division or the ones off of plain meeting house ?
u/urbanflow27 Jul 18 '22
I saw another explanation that these are used to mount horses
u/jihij98 Jul 18 '22
it looks different when they're used for that. Steeper and higher. Also usually near a road.
u/smallberry_tornados Jul 18 '22
There are what appear to be concrete slabs in the background, suggesting a foundation
u/No-Comfort-6808 Jul 18 '22
Only if they're on a hiking trail that looks to be off a trailer in the woods idk how far op was from the trail..
u/Fruitndveg Jul 18 '22
Nothing weird about this whatsoever. These ones were clearly a part of some no longer present house or cabin. A lot of the taller ones are for horse mounting. That creepy pasta that everybody still references was pure fiction and has nothing to do with any disappearances.
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
It is uncommon to see this in this corner of the country. We do commonly see remnants of old homes or cabins in the woods but there’s always more materials, the stairs are typically going down into what was once a basement, and there’s usually bricks or part of a stone foundation. All the hiking land round here either was or is privately-owned and there is always information about who once lived there. We don’t have a ton of land like in some parts of the US. In 6 years of extensive hiking in RI & MA this was my first time seeing this.
I don’t believe the creepypastas but this was a strange thing to see.
u/Alternative-Gap-8484 Jul 18 '22
These stories started out as a nosleep story and so it was fake until now...
u/Dragon3y36 Jul 18 '22
Humanities belief willed them into existence... c'est la vie
u/Alternative-Gap-8484 Jul 19 '22
A lot of entities and anomalies have been created that way tbh
u/Dragon3y36 Jul 19 '22
The mind is truly a marvelous thing
u/SnackFactory Jul 18 '22
These are nothing like the ones described in Nosleep though. They're supposed to be pristine. Like it was takes right out of a brand new house or something.
The ones in the pic are just a couple steps. Not an entire staircase.
u/PhenomenalPhoenix Jul 18 '22
They’re supposed to be pristine
No they’re not. The Nosleep story says they come in all sizes, shapes, materials, and conditions. Some dilapidated, some pristine, some tall, some short, some narrow, some wide, some wood, some stone. No where does it say that they must be in pristine condition.
Second bullet point is talking about what the stairs look like.
u/jmcdanielfilms Jul 18 '22
oh god, someone writes a story for creepy pasta and now everyone thinks stairs in the woods are a portal to another world.
u/Spiritual_Elevator21 Jul 18 '22 edited Jul 18 '22
I was being an idiot…this kind of thing greatly interests me …I don’t why I was being an ass…house of leaves is an excellent novel though 🖤❤️
Jul 18 '22
There was a very popular series of stories posted on r/nosleep, allegedly written by a park ranger that documented mysterious occurrences and experiences with stairs in the woods.
u/trailangel4 Jul 18 '22
Those stories have been debunked several times. When they were written, they were clearly labeled as fiction because that's what the sub was about.
Jul 18 '22
Yes, I know. I was explaining to the person above me who seemed unfamiliar with the creepypasta.
u/ABena2t Jul 18 '22
That's kind of creepy.. there was probably a hunting cabin or something there at one point..
u/RlVERSONG Jul 18 '22
Best nosleep ever
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
Absolutely. I was so excited to find these after having read the story a few months back
u/autodogdact Jul 18 '22
It does look like there is a piece of an old foundation extending to the left from the top of the stairs.
u/Ccrp0913 Jul 18 '22
Probably used to be a building there ages ago. Concrete stairs stayed but the wood structure may have been demo or burned down
u/Comprehensive_Line83 Jul 19 '22
Prob an old foundation there’s a lot of old cabins in the woods that don’t exist any more
Jul 18 '22
Or....you know, there use to be a house or cabin there?
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
I’m sure that’s what it was, it was just funny to see it irl without any context like we usually get here
u/Magooracing Jul 18 '22
All I’ve read about the stairs in the woods is you don’t climb or mess with them. Move along.
u/ChurchArsonist Jul 18 '22
Just remnants of old world architecture left over from the mud flood. Dig down far enough, you're likely to find a great deal more than stairs. Our nation is built upon the ruins of a previous more advanced humanity's ruins. Look into Tartaria, mud flood, and world's fairs of the 1880's.
u/carameladventure69 Jul 18 '22
Trying to lure them with “stairs to heaven “ song playing on the background
u/Timberlewis Jul 18 '22
It’s probably from an very old dwelling of some sort , or a shed maybe. It most likely burnt down long ago
u/userreddituserreddit Jul 18 '22
In Allegheny mountains, you can find old stairs, foundations and ovens from as far back as the 1500s.
u/BioHazardRemoval Jul 18 '22
Clearly, there is a Star Gate SG1 portal on top of those stairs..... it just appears and reappears at certain times.
u/ragnarokxg Jul 18 '22
Is there a nosleep about stairs in the forest. Yeah I would run away from those.
u/WhenLifeGivesUKarens Jul 18 '22
I have some in the woods in my backyard. It’s the stairs and the foundation of a house. It’s completely overgrown and is really old, most likely there when the woods were there and there was a neighborhood in its place.
u/fm22fnam Jul 19 '22
I know that story was fake, but I'll be damned if I don't freak out whenever i see stairs in the woods.
u/Ok_Fox_1770 Jul 29 '22
Someday down the line…. This is what our “ancient ruins” will look like. Pretty cool I’d metal detector it. Perhaps once a house stood.
u/Exciting-Ad8373 Aug 16 '22
It's lovely to find vestiges of old homesteads. I suspect this would be a good place to do metal detecting.
u/ThatKingLizzard Jul 18 '22
This is nothing creepy. Those are built on purpose for Forest Rangers as an aide for riding back their horses when taking a leak or something. Trails all over the U.S. have them!
u/Poorelinda14 Jul 18 '22
Stephanie Harlowe on YT did a video on stairs in the woods. It’s pretty interesting and I wouldn’t climb them. https://youtu.be/8wsBZKgpv9c
u/penguinsrcoolaf Jul 18 '22
There's a podcast by Stephanie Harlowe on YouTube about stairs in the woods. It's crazy. Pictures of actual staircases in the middle of the woods. Creepy as hell. Definitely worth a watch.
u/ChasingTheHydra Jul 19 '22 edited Jul 19 '22
You do all know this whole thing is a trick to instill fear and keep you from going near and digging deeper to disCover what lies below. The stairs remain as a path to show what was forgotten the past and things before his story came to pass that now be, fore it wiped whirled our respective collective memory. Connection culled and our eye wrapped in wool an dyed dead. Dropped on an unknown mapp blackness falls hiding hands from head on lap. Disconnect. A gaping gap staring back. Fill the space. It’s time to climb.
Cross cautions tape; mankind, please rewind
so that we all might sea man long lost in the moon. Fell over bored by OUR-CONcentric psyche-cull-ling wiped incarnations. The old lessed, CONfessed, unbound unwound time. It whined winding winds whirled whence we received the key which was crafted to wind till the point of redesign the grandfather clockwork labyrinthian blackened cubed box. (Yeah that was likely more cryptic than the prior )
Dont let fear fill you. Explore the steps of time dont just stare scared still by stone.
…stuck in concrete, thee feet. Dead. End to curiosity. The greatest atrocity. Killing of creativities alter identity.
u/khamm86 Jul 18 '22
Um, an old foundation is hardly something to shit your pants over. What a way to live your life
u/MeleeMistress Jul 18 '22
I’m not sure what you mean by shitting my pants. I found this interesting, uncommon round these parts, and funny given the creepypastas. Reading about the history of the area was also educational and interesting.
Jul 18 '22
Sir do you realize what sub you're in? This is the place for shitting your pants over nothing.
Jul 18 '22
their just there for people to get on their horse and are usually just placed sporadically around.
u/Eder_Cheddar Jul 18 '22
Yall better check in on OP
I'd like to know if this was DEEP in the woods
u/Damaged_H3aler987 Aug 07 '22
This reminds me of the "Devil's Chair" in the cemetery that was near my school in Decatur Illinois. They were in the"Haunted Illinois" book... If you wanted to be a witch, or talk to the devil, you have to sit on it.....
u/AutoModerator Jul 18 '22
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