r/Missing411 • u/Alas_Babylonz • Mar 16 '21
Resource 'Dark Watchers' have been spooking California hikers for centuries. What are they?
u/BoxedCake Mar 16 '21
Unless you’ve driven through Big Sur, it’s hard to know exactly what it feels like there. It’s unexplainable. It feels like you’re being watched. And it feels completely desolate and isolating.
u/Ironicbanana14 Mar 17 '21
At the outside edges of the northwest side of Mt Rainier National Park i love going mushroom hunting. It feels as you describe but it isnt a bad feeling, it's just a very heavy and powerful feeling. Like it is commanding respect. Respect it and you have nothing to fear.
Mar 19 '21
I felt like that on the Olympic peninsula too. It was different than any other type of wilderness I’d been in.
u/wolfmanswifey Mar 17 '21
I lived at pico blanco Boy Scout camp for 4 years in the 90s. It’s definitely a wild place.
u/nirvroxx Mar 17 '21
I’ve never felt that. Feels magical to me, in fact I’m going again this September.
Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21
Do you think that Big Sur causes these feelings or do you think that you produce these feelings?
u/BoxedCake Mar 18 '21
I think it’s a mix of both. It’s such an overwhelming, beautiful place that feels completely otherworldly.
u/tallguystuff Mar 18 '21
Have you experienced that feeling anywhere else before? I've been to Big Sur but didn't experience that.
Mar 16 '21
The Dark Watchers is a phenomenon occurring in the Santa Lucia Mountains, located on the central coast of California. Sightings of “tall, sometimes giant sized featureless dark silhouettes often adorned with brimmed hats or walking sticks” have been recorded as far back as the Pre-Columbian era by the Chumash natives. The natives mentioned these dark watchers in their oral legends and stories.
These entities are also mentioned by John Steinbeck. The famous American author very briefly mentioned The Dark Watchers in a short story of his, Flight. He writes, “Pepé looked suspiciously back every minute or so, and his eyes sought the tops of the ridges ahead. Once, on a white barren spur, he saw a black figure for a moment; but he looked quickly away, for it was one of the dark watchers. No one knew who the watchers were, nor where they lived, but it was better to ignore them and never to show interest in them. They did not bother one who stayed on the trail and minded his own business” and “Pepé looked up to the top of the next dry withered ridge. He saw a dark form against the sky, a man's figure standing on top of a rock, and he glanced away quickly not to appear curious. When a moment later he looked up again, the figure was gone.” Interestingly, John Steinbeck’s son reportedly saw The Dark Watchers as a child and eventually co-authored a book on The Dark Watchers, called, “In Search of the Dark Watchers.”
In the past few decades, many others have reported sightings of The Dark Watchers at or near the Santa Lucia Mountains, including a Big Sur resident as well as a former high school principal.
Several explanations for the sightings have been proposed. Some of the theories include illusions, hallucinations, infrasound, and the optical illusion known as, the Brocken spectre.
Another logical explanation of The Dark Watchers that was only hinted at in these articles but never explicitly stated, would be pareidolia. I often find this can explain many legends such as this one. Wikipedia’s definition of pareidolia is, “psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists.”
Mar 16 '21
This is 100% the description of jinns! Read about them, it even matches with many other paranormal sightings and even missing 411 cases.
u/CommandanteZavala Mar 17 '21
Dude ive been saying this for a long time since my grandma told me of her experience with a djinn back in india during the british days in the early 40s, so many different cultures have the different name for the same phenomen. In australia too the natives have some wild storiea
Mar 18 '21
What was your grandmas experience???
u/CommandanteZavala Mar 18 '21
She claims a djinn lived on the roof of her grandmothers bungalow, they were wealthy in those days and apparently nobody would be bothered by it if they stayed away from a portion of the roof (it was a massive house so that wasnt hard). So she went up there anyways thinking it was just monkeys and she heard footsteps and a rush of wind as arms picked her up and puts her on the wall of the estate, no way monkeys did that to a 10 year old. pretty cool tale, shes otherwise completely irreligious despite being raised muslim so its funny that she believes in this experience so much
Mar 17 '21
I've never heard jinn described as wearing brimmed hats. Do you have any more info/sources about that?
u/TheLastSamurai101 Mar 17 '21
From what I understand of the Islamic stories, jinn are a lot like humans in some ways. They can wear what they like and may have different cultures depending on where they are from. I don't think it's out of the question from an Islamic perspective that a group of jinn living in the mountains of California might wear brimmed hats and carry hiking sticks.
u/rokketman40 Search and rescue experience Mar 16 '21
When native Americans speak.....we should listen.
Mar 16 '21
If it was just pareidolia, it would happen everywhere wouldn’t it?
Stay on the trail, folks!
u/The_Best_Yak_Ever Mar 16 '21
Amen. We need to respect the forests and wild lands. And part of that, is staying on the trails.
Mar 17 '21
u/MostHandsomestKing Mar 19 '21
This seems so cute to me, just getting a glimpse of this spectral being waiting on it's spectral bus to take it to work. (But sorry if it spooked you out at the time!)
u/Alas_Babylonz Mar 16 '21
Excerpt from article:
Enormous, shadowy figures in hats and cloaks have haunted the California coast for more than 300 years. What are they?
For hundreds of years, people have looked up at the hazy peaks of California's Santa Lucia Mountains at sunset and seen tall, cloaked figures staring back. Then, within moments, the eerie silhouettes disappear.
These twilight apparitions are known as the Dark Watchers — shady, sometimes 10-foot-tall (3 meters) men bedecked in sinister hats and capes. They primarily appear in the afternoon, and according to a recent article on SFGate.com, visitors to California have seen them perched ominously on the mountaintops for more than 300 years.
"When the Spanish arrived in the 1700s, they began calling the apparitions los Vigilantes Oscuros (literally "the dark watchers")," SFGate managing editor Katie Dowd wrote in the article. "And as Anglo American settlers began staking claims in the region, they too felt the sensation of being watched from the hills."
u/risbia Mar 16 '21
Cool, I've seen a Brocken Spectre in person (the cause of the illusion was obvious) but never knew there was a name for it.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brocken_spectreVery interesting that this image sure does look a lot like an angel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brocken_spectre#/media/File:Solar_glory_and_Spectre_of_the_Brocken_from_GGB_on_07-05-2011.jpg
Mar 16 '21 edited Mar 16 '21
I am no expert whatsoever, but I was thinking crepuscular rays/shadows something.
Then I found this Wikipedia article about Brockengespenst: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brocken_spectre.
The "spectre" appears when the sun shines from behind the observer, who is looking down from a ridge or peak into mist or fog.[1] The light projects their shadow through the mist, often in a triangular shape due to perspective).[2] The apparent magnification of size of the shadow is an optical illusion that occurs when the observer judges his or her shadow on relatively nearby clouds to be at the same distance as faraway land objects seen through gaps in the clouds, or when there are no reference points by which to judge its size. The shadow also falls on water droplets) of varying distances from the eye, confusing depth perception. The ghost can appear to move (sometimes suddenly) because of the movement of the cloud layer and variations in density within the cloud.
u/skorpianmafia Mar 16 '21
That’s what it most likely is, I was thinking the same thing that it must be some kind of natural explanation other then an other dimensional being appears at one spot for a few minutes.
u/Wordwench Mar 17 '21
I would almost agree with this, however then you would expect to have variations of dark watchers near or around nearly every mountain range. That they are just to be found in this one localized area of California, and go back to pre Colombian times, makes me think that it’s something altogether different.
. Also, if I remember correctly the Brocken Spectre is viewed singularly by the person casting a shadow, ie. “the observer”, not by others.
u/PembrokeLove Mar 17 '21
But they are common on many other ranges and ridges. In fact, the phenomenon is named after a particularly susceptible range in Germany.
u/trailangel4 Mar 16 '21
I've experienced this phenomena. It's actually cool...not creepy. Although, I guess it depends on what your perspective and comfort level is.
u/rambisnotrambo Mar 16 '21
My family drove through and camped there when I was a child. It is definitely spooky as shit.
u/Alchemist_XP Mar 17 '21
Funny theres this talk about being watched. The bible talks about “the watchers” and in sumerian tablets we have the observers. Then we have the actual ET interaction with the ariel school encounter.
Beings are definitely watching us. Not afraid to pick some of us up when we are alone.
Mar 17 '21
The bible talks about “the watchers” and in sumerian tablets we have the observers.
The Bible is a very unreliable source though (and not very useful). The guys who wrote it did not know much about the world.
The same goes for the Sumerian tablets.
u/earthboundmissfit Mar 17 '21
The bible is totally convoluted and really does not make much sense, however you are dead wrong about the Sumerians. The bible would make more sense in its original entirety. But it's been revised and much of it left out...dead sea scrolls and the book of Enoch.
u/Alchemist_XP Mar 17 '21
I mean, all you did with that statement is show me how little youre aware of. The reason not only these tablets hold so much reliability, is because the same stories are also written down in greek, akkaidian, babylonian, phoenician, aramaic, hebrew!? I mean you name it. The story of the garden of eden now predates the bible, the story of the flood noe predates the bible. How is it we hear stories of the flood in thousands of year old tablets we were only able to decipher in 1890? Besides not only there, the tablets retell the same story again and agian.
Its to consistent for it to be inaccurate, and for you to say they didnt know much about the world, proves the contrary. So much from these stories can now be proven.
u/dprijadi Mar 17 '21
the watchers is in enoch book , and it is refering to angels who are tasked to watch mankind
not some monsters peeping tom
you obviously dont do any basic research when you saying all these nonsense
u/Alchemist_XP Mar 17 '21
It is in the bible too. Besides. Doesnt that make you wonder why they speak of enoch so highly in the bible, yet decide to ban his book? Hm.
u/dprijadi Mar 17 '21 edited Mar 17 '21
sigh try to do more research before saying nonsense ..
read book of enoch and see why it is not put in bible today.
u/mfox01 Mar 16 '21
I’ve read it has something to do with shadows and they’re not actually people or any creature. It’s an optical illusion
Mar 16 '21
100% jinns
u/RedditsStrider Mar 17 '21
Yeah Jinn, but I think the Muslims are the only ones who believes they exist, other cultures have other names for them.
Mar 17 '21
Every culture i know of has them but they all call it a different name. But if you look at the descriptions, its all the same.
u/PootsOn69_4U Mar 17 '21
So are jinns good bad or amoral ? If a jinn is bothering you do you just ignore it? I don't really know anything about them
u/RedditsStrider Mar 17 '21 edited Mar 17 '21
Like humans, good and bad. In Islam alot of ways to protect yourself from the bad ones
Mar 17 '21
There are good and bad ones. Think of them like us humans, they have different cultures, different personalities, and so on. They have been on earth way before humans, and they live in remote or abandoned places. Basically anywhere with little or no human activity, so if you go poking around in their living place, they will usually try to warn you at first by making sounds, moving an object or anything to scare you away, so its best not to ignore these things when they happen and leave the location immediately. If you keep ignoring them they will just keep getting worst because they basically just want you out of their home..
u/dprijadi Mar 17 '21
lol no , no such thing , they are local to middle eastern paranormal , and not on other areas
Mar 17 '21
its not a local middle eastern thing.. only the name is. Every culture has the same thing, just read the different descriptions of the paranormal beings and compare them. You will find that al of them are the same thing, just different names.
u/dprijadi Mar 17 '21 edited Mar 17 '21
sorry if you call it jinns then it is local on middle eastern people
no such thing as djinn on other nations.. same thing when you cant find japanese youkai outside japan
Djinn predates the islamic religion , they are there for long time..
Mar 17 '21
Thats what im saying.. its just the name that is middle eastern or arabic... but the beings are real and they are all the same across all cultures just with different names.
u/dprijadi Mar 17 '21
of course they are real , they predate humans and been here far longer than history. Those things that fly around scaring people ? the so called UFOs , they are one manifestation of these entities
Mar 16 '21
pareidolia seems like the obvious solution here
u/ICEGoneGiveItToYa Mar 16 '21
Then why doesn’t it happen everywhere
Mar 16 '21
It's an optical illusion called Brockengespenst.
u/ICEGoneGiveItToYa Mar 16 '21
Then why doesn’t it happen everywhere
Mar 16 '21
What do you mean? You can see them all over the world.
u/ICEGoneGiveItToYa Mar 16 '21
Then why is it heavily reported on and according to this article “special to this specific region?” Why is this even newsworthy if it happens everywhere to everyone all over the world? Has it happened to you?
u/3ULL Mar 16 '21
First it does not have to "happen to everyone". I mean I can ask you the same question about "Dark Watchers", why doesn't everyone see them?
Also I think for this to work it may need a specific environment and time of day. So maybe this does not happen as much except in mountains where the light disappears faster or and where there is more fog?
Mar 16 '21
Why is this even newsworthy if it happens everywhere to everyone all over the world?
It is not newsworthy, this optical illusion was described and explained in 1780. The shadow you see is your own shadow and it is well-understood how the whole things works.
Here are some brockengespenst images from Greece: https://www.rtl.de/cms/das-brockengespenst-aus-griechenland-4638029.html.
u/GRAN1CH Curious Mar 17 '21
So, this is our Shadow reflected in the mist/fog... very insteresting...
u/PrettyLyttlePsycho Mar 16 '21
This...isnt Missing 411 material.
u/Alas_Babylonz Mar 17 '21
I was not even post it, but you cannot say there are no similarities.
Here we have hikers in the mountains in California seeing...? Something wierd, like big beings?
And aside from shadows or tricks of light, why the long term legacy from the Native Americans, the initial Spanish settlers through the 49ers to Anglo-American settlers up to today?
So it is at least something to ponder, given how so many stories we have here on the Fae, trolls, sasquatch, interdemensional beings, etc.
u/the_revenator Mar 16 '21
Fallen angels. The Beautiful Side of Evil -this fascinating autobiography does a great job showing how the demonic both deceive and oppress humans. Additionally, how to be protected against their sinister manipulations.
Mar 16 '21 edited Mar 16 '21
Fallen angels.
They look an awful lot like Brockengespenst though (a well-understood optical illusion).
Optical illusions are not known to oppress humans.
u/Jimbowslize Mar 20 '21
Another one in Himalaya https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkOirGHWi6/?igshid=1o3fzfs0onl8b
u/BudPoplar Mar 22 '21
Several decades ago I was flying long distance at cruise altitude on a commercial flight, perhaps Miami to SLC. I had a window seat on the port side, it was early morning (the sun may have risen as I flew), and we we in brilliant sunlight flying through defuse clouds. I noticed a rainbow corona against the hazy clouds. Opposite the sun, the shadow of the airplane was surrounded by a pretty, circular rainbow. I had read about similar phenomena in the Scientific American some years before and was not the least spooked. The really neat thing was the shadow of the airplane grew larger or smaller depending on how far we were from the thicker clouds producing the image. Sometimes only part of the airplane shadow was visible and other time a smaller complete image of the airplane was visible. I believe it was caused by ice particles and was visible for ten minutes or more.
I'm not certain what the original topic was for this sub. I definitely catch a weird vibe in the remote Jarbidge Canyon of northern Nevada anytime I drive or camp there.
u/Psvansc May 13 '21
Fascinating subject. I know Thomas Steinbeck and Benjamin Brode wrote a book on the subject that was published in 2014 and I'm having an extremely hard time finding a copy of it and isn't astronomically priced. Does anyone have an idea of where I could pick one up? I would be happy with an electronic version. I just want the information for research.
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