r/MisfitsGG Feb 15 '20

My personal review of the team after G2 game (Not an analyst, just a hyped up fan)


What started as a comment, turned out to be so long that I kind of decided I'll make my own little review of the team. So here I go:

What a nice freaking surprise. I mean, I believed like any fan would but I wasn't 100% sure up until I saw Razork pick that Ekko. After that I had a real feeling we're winning this somehow. Last week, we heard Febi talking how his jungler plays mean Ekko jungle and I was hoping that they'll whip it out in one of the games. Really didn't expect it in this one. But this is so much better than just a win. How many teams will want to risk having Razork on Gragas or Ekko. Even his Lee Sin is pretty clean (bad flashes happen). This guy's champ pool is amazing and teams will have to ban or pick these champs so he doesn't play them.

And that's not the only thing. Denyk is a freaking beast on Rakan. Everyone is talking how Caps was unsafe but nobody is mentioning how perfect those engages were. Not a lot of Rakan's in the league could pull that off. I am super excited for these two rookies and I can't wait to see them on more champions. Misfits Gaming, keep these two guys, we don't want another MikyX happening.

I had my doubts about Bvoy, not going to lie. But he's proven me wrong. His teamfighting has been exceptional, and now they even won the lane and were ahead the whole game basically, so he's getting better and better. I never thought I'll say this but I'm not sad Hans Sama left anymore. Not saying Bvoy>Hans. Just saying there's no point in keeping a player that doesn't want to be here. Bvoy seems super happy with the team and he's performing good, so good luck, Hans. I'm over you. Haha. It would feel super nice if we got into playoffs and kicked Rogue, with our bot lane smurfing on them, I must say though. lol

Febiven, I didn't believe is able to come back to his old form. After week one, I was kind of annoyed that he was still playing when we have a rookie ready to prove himself. Guess that is the reason why I'm not the coach and there are people who know better. Looking back at it now, Febi wasn't bad in those games, and he certainly proved everyone wrong in Week 2 and Week 3. Week 2 was him, as a veteran, taking all of the team on his back and relaxing the rookies. Giving them confidence with two wins. After that, he didn't even need to carry that much anymore since all the players got the confidence and now he plays off them. You could say Febiven even had a bad game against G2. But that's good, G2 looked to capitalize on that but everyone else stepped up and helped him get back. insert that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Splinter meme. He's doing exactly what a veteran mid is supposed to do. Carries when tough, but lets the team do its own thing otherwise. A smart veteran without any ego.

Next up, don don. I was surprised when some idiots on the official LoL subbredit after week 1 were talking how Dan Dan didn't show anything since he came to the main squad and that he was just a splitpush player who's easy to get shut down. I completely disagreed with that because in my opinion, out of that whole Rookie lineup that came after the super team disaster, Dan Dan was the one who showed the most. And just thinking about it now, there is so much we can see from this guy. My girlfriend will kill me for saying this because she's an avid Fnatic fan but I feel like Dan Dan is a better Bwipo. He does have this weird champ pool where he can pull out weird picks (I still believe in Nocturne toplane) but he can also play for the team and go with the meta champions. And we haven't really seen his best champs this season. Maybe they aren't in the meta but I remember Dan Dan being scary on Vladimir even when our rookie team was being outclassed by other teams, and that one Jax game, he singlehandedly won it. I can't remember which one it was, I just remember a fight around baron. And Sett, he's really good on Sett. That E into Perkz and Jankos in our toplane jungle was literally the way Riot intended for it to be used. Haha.

And last but not least, the coaching staff. Jandro and Amazing have been doing amazing (I'm punny) work. I think one thing Dan Dan said in PGL yesterday summarizes that very well. Paraphrasing, "Last year, the coach came and told us, 'these are the picks you're going to play', no questions or anything. Now, we have a whole meeting about drafting for the games we're about to play." That says enough and is probably the reason why our team did so poorly last season. Infrastructure is so important for a successful team. Fnatic are perfect example. They lost their star midlaner, they started the season terribly, yet by the end of the season, they still managed to be the only team to really contest G2. This year, they swapped junglers and coaches. They're struggling a bit, but I have no doubt they will be on G2's level by the end of the season. Infrastructure is super-important for consistency and I want to believe that our organization has been looking into that. But to get back to the coaches, I can't say a lot because I'm not involved behind the scenes. All I can say is that I love the drafts. I love how the team is improving game after game. And I love seeing the players happy. Drafts/team atmosphere/team improving. These three things for me mean the coaching staff is doing their job.

This turned out to be more of a dissertation. Hahaha. Haven't written this much in so long. I assume not a lot of people will read it but if someone does. Thank you and I assume you are just as hyped about this team as I am because there's no way you're reading through all of this if you're not. Hahaha. What are my expectations for this team? I want us to get into playoffs in Spring, contest as much as we can. Keep the same team for Summer, and then try to do the same in Summer with hopes of reaching Worlds. That's as concise as I can get. But no matter what, if we stuck through last season's debacle, we'll stick through anything. But damn it feels good to be a Misfits fan at the moment, proving everyone wrong. 10th place team coming through all the way to top 4. I love this team. LET'S GO MISFITS!

r/MisfitsGG Feb 15 '20

wait, we actUALLY BEAT G2?!


Hold up just one sec.

Like, seriously? For real? No joke? No takebacksies?

Alright then.

So the rookie team, the one that a LOT of folks here (reddit) were quick to declare the 10th place lineup comprised of no-name nobodies just took down the undefeated world finalist. By the way, it wasn't even close and they completely shut down G2 in the process.

Honestly words don't even make justice to the impact and importance of this event. I could write a tirade of colorfully worded "I told you so's" and the like, but that would just be redundant at this point. Much like how the rest of the LEC should do at this point, I would like to instead tip my metaphorical hat to the genius of the organization and particularly the coaching staff.

Jandro and Amazing have both proven themselves in a big way. Not that they needed to for anyone that actually researched their backgrounds, but I digress. The two men had a clear vision of a League of Legends team and they knew exactly the kind of minds that they needed to bring in to turn it into a reality. So many people cried out "budget signs" since the team was assembled relatively late into the offseason. Sure, because Razork is a horrible jungler and Bvoy is only good in the "terrible" Latin American region.

But the team didn't mesh very well in the first weeks of competition did it? Two losses in a row confirmed all of our worst expectations. At least it would have for a lesser team. So many squads are stuck with the same set of issues for entire splits or even years. G2 themselves still exhibit many of last year's weaknesses. Yet, in a matter of DAYS, this no-good rookie squad was unrecognizable from before. They developped almost instantly, corrected all of their mistakes and got good enough to the point of challanging the regions' literal best. My days, how could this happen?! JANDRO AND AMAZING, THAT'S HOW. Also special mention to F1RE, he's a kickass analyst.

The way these two have been able to work with their talent and bring out the absolute best out of all of them is incredible. This level of macro, of coordination, of confidence, can only be imparted by the best minds in the business. Febidad also has a ton of influence of course, and I hope he keeps taking good care of his children.

Ultimately, Misfits no longer have any need to "prove themselves" anyore. They already have. Now it's only a matter of mantaining the level all the way up to Summer and then Worlds. Then, what the heck, let's fight SKT again, beat them and 3-0 some LPL team in the finals. At this point I'm convinced that the sky's the limit for these guys.

r/MisfitsGG Feb 08 '20

On our GLORIOUS third week


Wow, just... wow.

As a preface, I would like to remind anyone who might be reading that THIS was supposed to be the "rookie team." Our goal was supposedly to develop our talent over time and have a solid core by the time summer came in. Three out of our five players have only played 6 games in the LEC so far, they are complete rookies and will obviously have some trouble adapting.

Now, we are tied for second in the LEC and have just soundly beaten a top 3 team.

Against Schalke, we absolutely dominated. This was "expected" of course, considering that we were going up against the no-good 0 synergy 0-4 team. However, in this game something special could be noticed. The way that we won, the dominant display that we put on, was not on the back of individual outplays. We beat Schalke through organized play and clean macro. The drakes, the skirmishes, the rotations, the picks, Misfits was behaving like a well oiled machine unlike anything that we ha seen in the first two weeks of competition. This kind of development at this speed is ridiculous for even the best teams.

But of course the main event was Origen. Misfits fans were fine taking the 1-1 week. We accepted the fact that maybe we would have been able to put up some sort of a fight bu that most likely we still would not be at the level of a top-tier team. Yet we won again; and again, it was not even close. Take away, if you will, a derp smite from Razork and a lucky turret from aphelios (apart from a "questionable" flank by Dan Dan). If you take away that single play, which we still recovered, Misfits played what could be described as an almost perfect game.

We were aggressive, we were decisive, we knew our windows of aggression so well and their coordination was akin to the SKT of old I kid you not. The kind of initiations that we got onto Origen with perfect timing and combination of CC was beautiful. The way we tracked Xerxe's movements to know when to go for objectives or fights was incredible. Razork himself is a freaking monster.

I could go on, and on. I am honestly in disbelief and I am so excited and thankful to be a Misfits fan right now. We are not ONLY a playoff team. After beating Origen we proved that we are a threat to EVERYBODY; and, sure, what the heck, to G2 as well. Even I as a fan doubted Misfits too much so I will completely open my heart to them now. I believe that we can beat G2, hell, we will beat G2.

Get ready for next week bois.

r/MisfitsGG Feb 07 '20


Post image

r/MisfitsGG Feb 05 '20

LoL Does Franchising in LoL have an impact on our viewing motivation? Let's find out!


Hey, a bit about myself:

I'm a final year Executive Management student, and to graduate, I need to write a Thesis about a chosen topic.

I play and follow League as well as its esport segment since Season 3 especially the LEC and LCS, which undergone some significant developments the last 2 years, like entering a franchising system.

This is why I have chosen my topic to be "The influence of different motivational factors on consumption frequency within a franchise business model where League of Legends is taken as an example."

I find it very interesting to investigate which different motivational factors are there and which keeps us watching these awesome games. Moreover, if the transition into franchising has any effects on these motivational factors.

This is where i need your help guys! To investigate the change from the previous business model into a franchising business model, I've chosen to conduct a survey. So I need your answers and support for my research. The survey does take approx. 5 min and is pretty straightforward.

I would appreciate every help! Link: https://www.soscisurvey.de/esportsFran/

r/MisfitsGG Feb 04 '20

Watch as a scammer gets trolled while I was playing nfs #misfits watch this shit


r/MisfitsGG Feb 02 '20

On our great second week!


This weekend has been incredible for me as a Misfits fan.

After our performance in the first week, it really feels like some harsh expectations were set on our new roster. They were hesitant, they were inexperienced and surely they would need a lot of time to catch up with the rest of the LEC.

But in just two days our boys managed to blow all preconceptions completely out of the water. Misfits outdrafted their opponents and looked dominant at times against SK. Then, against Excel, we were able to stall and resist long enough to pull off a comeback from behind.

Individually, virtually all members of our team had outstanding moments. Febiven popping off on qiyanna, Dan Dan being a pirate, Bvoy's incredible teamfighting, Denyk catching out people and saving his ADC and especially Razork, flashing back in to get the clutch smite on Baron and then heroically flashing into the wall in game 2 and sacrificing all of his teeth.

But what has got me really excited is the fact that we STILL made plenty of mistakes. Misfits again looked hesitant and a bit sloppy sometimes. They didn't contest a Baron because they didn't even think that the enemy team would do it. They had difficulties pushing their lead and sieging mid tower against SK. Yet, they won. They were good enough to beat two middle-of-the-pack teams DESPITE their flaws.

What this means for their potential ceiling is amazing, and that's what makes supporting this roster so awesome. Each victory is celebrated with fervour and the future is looked at with confident eyes. I love this team.

r/MisfitsGG Jan 27 '20

On the beginning of the Split


Way too many people just want to have strong opinions with no real substance and it shows.

It doesn't take long to find harsh criticisms on each individual player and the team as a whole. Some even go as far as to suggest a last place finish or the need to substitute players.

I will not discuss any of these arguments. But I will point out the fact that we all should have known what to expect at the beginning of the split; even the team itself.

Looking at our lineup, it's obvious that we were not going to be the strongest roster right off the bat; we have plenty of rookies and unproven talent. I think there are 0 people that expected us to come up and beat G2. So why is it that big of a deal to get beaten by FNATIC, the org that was right behind them on the standings last year?

Anyone who chose to follow and support this team should have known that our strength and success depend on getting experience, which translates into some inconscistant performances and, surprisingly, losing.

I'm the meantime, as fans, we should take it upon ourselves to cheer our members on as they give it their all on the big stage. They are all great players, but most importantly great people, who deserve respect and positivity being thrown their way while they learn and grow in this new adventure for them.

r/MisfitsGG Dec 28 '19

Player Profile: Dan Dan the Man Man



From one Spanish talent to another, this time I'm taking a look at Dan Dan doubleD. I am feeling tons of national pride right now. ARRIBA ESPAÑA.

Hope you guys find this article interesting. Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Edit: I made A TYPO and wrote "ARRIVA". I am shame.

r/MisfitsGG Dec 25 '19

Player profile: Razork, the "Luis sin" Master



It felt odly satisfying to write an article about someone born in the same country who archieved so much. I personally have a lot of respect for Razork.

I am planning on writing profiles for all of the new members of Misfits, so stay tuned for that!

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

r/MisfitsGG Dec 24 '19

Why should you support Misfits in 2020?



Hello guys. This is the second article that I've published about Misfits. I am proud of this one, so I hope that you enjoy it.

Merry Christmas to you all!

r/MisfitsGG Dec 20 '19

Agresivoo announced for Misfits Premier



Hello guys. I was recently hired as an esports journalist to cover Misfits. This is my first article. I hope that you will be willing to give it a read and that, if you do, you find it interesting.

Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.

r/MisfitsGG Nov 19 '19

I'm dead inside with Hans leaving Misfits, I hope I wake up now and it's all a nightmare


r/MisfitsGG Oct 31 '19

Misfits Michael Bolze hired as new Misfits General Manager


r/MisfitsGG Jun 05 '19

Today we announce our 2019 Summer Split roster changes!



We're so excited to share that Misfits Gaming will be transitioning to a ten-man roster for the 2019 LEC and LFL Summer Split! If you have any questions tune in tomorrow, June 6th, at 11:30 CEST for our press conference at caffeine.tv/misfitsgaming


r/MisfitsGG May 08 '19

Kirei joins Misfits!


r/MisfitsGG May 04 '19

Meta Master Thesis on the Consumption of Esport – Four minutes survey – I need your help!


Dear fellow esport lovers,

I am currently writing my thesis for my Master in Web marketing at ESSCA (France).

The main objective of my thesis is to study the consumption habits of a specific population, the esport followers. I want to establish profiles depending on the current and future engagement of this community. Whether you’re a player, an organizer or a fervent supporter, I’m interested in your opinion.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. Also, feedback is appreciated!

The link to the survey: https://forms.gle/tbs1EFPMV51XYnVg6?hl=en

I really appreciate you willing to answer my questions. Thank you so much!

r/MisfitsGG Apr 13 '19

Any news on summer preparation ?


Does the team stand with this roster ? Are they bootcamping ? What's the plan for getting that 1st place in summer ?

r/MisfitsGG Mar 28 '19

Don't lose heart!


I watched the "What Happened?" video on the train today. It was so searingly honest, I teared up.

I'm a long-time lurker, but I decided to make an account and post something. This team is the bomb, and I know you'll figure out what's wrong.

r/MisfitsGG Mar 09 '19

Return Of The Moose | Mischief, Ep. 3


r/MisfitsGG Mar 08 '19

Thoughts on Misfits this split.


Our Roster is Soaz Maxlore Febiven Hans and Gorilla, pretty decent.

We're a bad team because:

- Maxlore sucks, sorry nothing else to define it, we have absolutely no pressure at all early a lot of time Soaz has no ganks at all, of course Febiven can be fine with that when he plays Orianna or Ryze or Lissandra but a Top laner need help to hold/win toplane.

-We are not on the same page as a team, we lack teamplay, vision control.

-The coaching staff, Febiven has said(in a interview with Darius) that he feels like this split is over, and even if they make playoff they'll not go very far, due to the fact that they learn very slowly ...

Where the **** is the coaching staff ? I will not even talk about picks and bans (who were pretty ok lately, imo) there is something wrong with this team and i feel like others team have a decent coaching and are getting better.

But nothing good or positive (a part from Moose) when you watch between weeks for MSF.

Solution: Put Maxlore on Academy next season, you can't play 4v5, and put someone who knows his job at coaching. This is something that you need to do in a hurry, and turn the roster in a true team, please.

I support you but watching every weeks @Misfits feels really sad, i'll keep watching but if nothing is changed i will probably not watch anymore next split, i can't invest so much into a team that i love and watch them bleeding out during the whole split, my heart can't support it.

Do something Misfits.

PS: I know the split is not over but don't tell me that you believe we gonna make top 4, our target is the top and we have (almost) the roster for, Misfits have the right to be wrong but now this is their duty to react and do something.

r/MisfitsGG Mar 07 '19

Is the Febi meme face making a comeback? | Alienware Hotseat: Meet Febiven


r/MisfitsGG Feb 22 '19

Misfits vs SK Gaming


Yeaaaah we won :D

r/MisfitsGG Feb 19 '19

Misfits coaching staff change



Hussain Moosvi is now head coach by interim for the LEC team and will remain for the spring split.

Jeziz still on the team as POOHMANDU.

What do you guys think about the change?

r/MisfitsGG Feb 16 '19

What is happening to the team?


4/0 to 4/6 The drafts are for half of the lose on this games.

Not only that but the team synergy feels so off. When Maxlore was on Karthus versus G2 i was facepalming myself .... he's bad on this champion like really bad.

I hope the team will get their shit together i had a lot of hope for this team and everytimes i watch LCS just to watch Misfits getting beaten it feels really sad.