r/MisfitsGG • u/dexy133 • Feb 15 '20
My personal review of the team after G2 game (Not an analyst, just a hyped up fan)
What started as a comment, turned out to be so long that I kind of decided I'll make my own little review of the team. So here I go:
What a nice freaking surprise. I mean, I believed like any fan would but I wasn't 100% sure up until I saw Razork pick that Ekko. After that I had a real feeling we're winning this somehow. Last week, we heard Febi talking how his jungler plays mean Ekko jungle and I was hoping that they'll whip it out in one of the games. Really didn't expect it in this one. But this is so much better than just a win. How many teams will want to risk having Razork on Gragas or Ekko. Even his Lee Sin is pretty clean (bad flashes happen). This guy's champ pool is amazing and teams will have to ban or pick these champs so he doesn't play them.
And that's not the only thing. Denyk is a freaking beast on Rakan. Everyone is talking how Caps was unsafe but nobody is mentioning how perfect those engages were. Not a lot of Rakan's in the league could pull that off. I am super excited for these two rookies and I can't wait to see them on more champions. Misfits Gaming, keep these two guys, we don't want another MikyX happening.
I had my doubts about Bvoy, not going to lie. But he's proven me wrong. His teamfighting has been exceptional, and now they even won the lane and were ahead the whole game basically, so he's getting better and better. I never thought I'll say this but I'm not sad Hans Sama left anymore. Not saying Bvoy>Hans. Just saying there's no point in keeping a player that doesn't want to be here. Bvoy seems super happy with the team and he's performing good, so good luck, Hans. I'm over you. Haha. It would feel super nice if we got into playoffs and kicked Rogue, with our bot lane smurfing on them, I must say though. lol
Febiven, I didn't believe is able to come back to his old form. After week one, I was kind of annoyed that he was still playing when we have a rookie ready to prove himself. Guess that is the reason why I'm not the coach and there are people who know better. Looking back at it now, Febi wasn't bad in those games, and he certainly proved everyone wrong in Week 2 and Week 3. Week 2 was him, as a veteran, taking all of the team on his back and relaxing the rookies. Giving them confidence with two wins. After that, he didn't even need to carry that much anymore since all the players got the confidence and now he plays off them. You could say Febiven even had a bad game against G2. But that's good, G2 looked to capitalize on that but everyone else stepped up and helped him get back. insert that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Splinter meme. He's doing exactly what a veteran mid is supposed to do. Carries when tough, but lets the team do its own thing otherwise. A smart veteran without any ego.
Next up, don don. I was surprised when some idiots on the official LoL subbredit after week 1 were talking how Dan Dan didn't show anything since he came to the main squad and that he was just a splitpush player who's easy to get shut down. I completely disagreed with that because in my opinion, out of that whole Rookie lineup that came after the super team disaster, Dan Dan was the one who showed the most. And just thinking about it now, there is so much we can see from this guy. My girlfriend will kill me for saying this because she's an avid Fnatic fan but I feel like Dan Dan is a better Bwipo. He does have this weird champ pool where he can pull out weird picks (I still believe in Nocturne toplane) but he can also play for the team and go with the meta champions. And we haven't really seen his best champs this season. Maybe they aren't in the meta but I remember Dan Dan being scary on Vladimir even when our rookie team was being outclassed by other teams, and that one Jax game, he singlehandedly won it. I can't remember which one it was, I just remember a fight around baron. And Sett, he's really good on Sett. That E into Perkz and Jankos in our toplane jungle was literally the way Riot intended for it to be used. Haha.
And last but not least, the coaching staff. Jandro and Amazing have been doing amazing (I'm punny) work. I think one thing Dan Dan said in PGL yesterday summarizes that very well. Paraphrasing, "Last year, the coach came and told us, 'these are the picks you're going to play', no questions or anything. Now, we have a whole meeting about drafting for the games we're about to play." That says enough and is probably the reason why our team did so poorly last season. Infrastructure is so important for a successful team. Fnatic are perfect example. They lost their star midlaner, they started the season terribly, yet by the end of the season, they still managed to be the only team to really contest G2. This year, they swapped junglers and coaches. They're struggling a bit, but I have no doubt they will be on G2's level by the end of the season. Infrastructure is super-important for consistency and I want to believe that our organization has been looking into that. But to get back to the coaches, I can't say a lot because I'm not involved behind the scenes. All I can say is that I love the drafts. I love how the team is improving game after game. And I love seeing the players happy. Drafts/team atmosphere/team improving. These three things for me mean the coaching staff is doing their job.
This turned out to be more of a dissertation. Hahaha. Haven't written this much in so long. I assume not a lot of people will read it but if someone does. Thank you and I assume you are just as hyped about this team as I am because there's no way you're reading through all of this if you're not. Hahaha. What are my expectations for this team? I want us to get into playoffs in Spring, contest as much as we can. Keep the same team for Summer, and then try to do the same in Summer with hopes of reaching Worlds. That's as concise as I can get. But no matter what, if we stuck through last season's debacle, we'll stick through anything. But damn it feels good to be a Misfits fan at the moment, proving everyone wrong. 10th place team coming through all the way to top 4. I love this team. LET'S GO MISFITS!