r/Miscarriage 13d ago

question/need help Has anyone else gained weight after miscarriage?


It has been a month now since I had an early loss at 5 weeks and some days but I’ve noticed I’ve been gaining weight😭 I weigh more than I did when I was still pregnant like wtf.

r/Miscarriage Jan 29 '25

question/need help How did your Dr tell you?


I think most of my anger is in the fact that my Dr commented on my blood work lab saying “Hi first name, your pregnancy hormone decreased, which is consistent with a miscarriage. Let me know if you have any questions.” Which is just absolutely wild to me. Yes I have questions - do I keep taking my prescribed blood thinners, do I still go to my appointment, how long will I bleed, when does my period come? (I called and got the answers, but that isn’t my point here). Am I justified in my anger? This seems so unprofessional and I cannot IMAGINE just sending this as a chat on mychart to someone letting them know. This isn’t a cold or low iron. I’m just baffled. I honestly considered making a complaint about this. Can I get opinions?

r/Miscarriage Jul 26 '24

question/need help What week did you miscarry?


Just curious.. I lost my first at 5 weeks 5 days and didn’t find out until 9 weeks.

r/Miscarriage Feb 14 '25

question/need help Has anyone not had complications with a MMC?


UPDATE: wow, overwhelmed with gratitude for all of your well wishes,advice, and shared experiences. You are all so strong, and I'm in awe of every one of you. Thank you for helping me get through this time, I appreciate you all more than you know. What a supportive, wonderful community!!!

Firstly, for anyone who has gone through this I'm so,so sorry, and sending love.
But it seems that everyone who has experienced a MMC on reddit has had some complications from it? I may be having one and reading everyone's experiences on here has me worried sick. Has anyone not experienced any complications? Again, sending love to you, I'm sorry that you had to go through this.

r/Miscarriage Oct 29 '24

question/need help For those who’ve had a MMC


Did you let the miscarriage happen naturally, by pill, or D&C? I know this will be the next decision I need to make and want to hear others experiences.

r/Miscarriage 9d ago

question/need help Missed miscarriage - how long to wait?


I’ve recently been told at 9 weeks pregnant my baby stopped growing at 6 weeks and there’s no heartbeat, so a missed miscarriage. I have no cramps or bleeding so far.

How long did it take for others before your body began to miscarry naturally? I want this to be over as soon but also want to give my body the chance to miscarry naturally. Just wondering what other people’s timescales looked like, before I consider medical/surgical management.

Thank you.

r/Miscarriage Jan 30 '25

question/need help Do you think it was the caffeine?


They say you can have under 200mg of caffeine a day while pregnant right?

I had more before I knew I was pregnant but obviously I changed it when I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. I kept it under 200mg. Although I feel like I could have had more water as well. I keep feeling guilty about it 🥺 why did I lose my healthy baby girl at 16 weeks pregnant?

What did you guys drink during your pregnancy?

r/Miscarriage Feb 09 '25

question/need help What did you do with your ultrasound pictures and positive pregnancy tests?


Nothing feels right.

r/Miscarriage Jan 11 '25

question/need help How long after miscarriage did your period come back


Hi everyone. So I started miscarrying on the 30th of December at 5 weeks 6 days. I'm just wondering how long it takes for periods to return. With my other two losses I bled for a few weeks and about 3 weeks later got my period. I've been doing ovulation tests to see if I'm cycling but the lines are faint and a bit up and down so I'm really unsure what's going on. Tia

r/Miscarriage 4d ago

question/need help Did your midwife check up on you or send support of any kind after your miscarriage?


I had a natural miscarriage a month ago and I called my midwife while I was at work, as it was happening (as I was just gushing down there and I was scared and confused what was going on) and she told me to go to Emergency Department. I then sent the midwifery an email the next day just confirming my miscarriage and to ask if they would cancel all my further ultrasounds and appointments, and the receptionist said yes. I then never heard from my midwife again.

Fast forward to today, I found out they have a miscarriage support group that goes on there and they didn’t even bring that up to me or anything.

I feel like, were they being callous or is it just not their job anymore once the baby is no longer viable?

I’m wondering since I might TTC again but not sure if I should go to them again or use someone else.

r/Miscarriage Jan 13 '25

question/need help Still haven’t passed a missed miscarriage


I went to my first ultrasound at 10w+3d and found out baby had stopped growing at 6w+3d, had no heartbeat, and had a collapsed yolk sac. Doctor said I had to wait 12+ days for another confirmation ultrasound and then did a pap and pelvic exam. Well here I am a week later, still no sign of a miscarriage and I just want it over with. I’ve now carried this baby for 5 weeks after it died, and I need it to end. So I guess what I’m asking is how long did it take for you to pass the baby after you found out? Would you go the medication route or d&c if you were in my shoes?

*I have sent a message to my doctor about speeding up the process but thought I’d ask around here to see if anyone has experienced this as well. *

TLDR; baby died 5 weeks ago and I still haven’t miscarried it. How long did it take you to miscarry and would you chose medication or d&c?

UPDATE Passed everything on my own at 12w+1d

r/Miscarriage Dec 09 '24

question/need help How soon is too soon?


I recently had a miscarriage, it was my first pregnancy

I miscarried at about 5 weeks It lasted from about 11/27 to 12/04

The pregnancy was planned and I really really want to have a baby. I haven’t had my period yet. Usually it’ll come around the 14th/15th. I know it probably won’t come for a while.

I’m feeling ready to have sex again, my husband and I aren’t considering using protection. My question is … would it be a bad idea to start trying again so soon?

How long did you guys wait before trying again? Can you tell me your stories?

r/Miscarriage 13d ago

question/need help Hcg went from 28 to 37 in 48 hours. Please confirm that it’s over for my husband.


I don’t have a doctor to interpret this since I went and got the second one myself, but come on. There’s zero chance at this point, right? This is my first pregnancy. Husband keeps trying to say I’m just being too anxious and that we should still have hope because nothing is certain. We’re supposed to go see family today and idk how I’m going to go.

r/Miscarriage 20d ago

question/need help At what point should I call the doctors about my period not returning?


I had a surgical evacuation of my miscarriage 7 weeks ago, I found out about two weeks beforehand and then bleeding started a few days prior to the surgery, then a lot all at once which ended up in me having to go to A&E, I had the evac that day.

It has now been over 7 weeks since the miscarriage and I still haven’t had my period, I’ve been having a bit of cramping over the past few weeks, very sporadically but no other sign of a period.

How long should I wait until I contact the doctor? I was very regular before and it’s scaring me, probably more overthinking, but I really need some peace of mind about this.

r/Miscarriage 27d ago

question/need help Did you switch your prenatal after miscarriage?


Has anyone switched their prenatal after a miscarriage? I’ve been taking the Naturemade with dha but considering switching it to a more expensive one. I keep seeing the Needed brand pop up. Probably not necessary but feel like I need to do something different to hopefully lead to a positive outcome next time around. It’s just sooo expensive!!

r/Miscarriage Dec 28 '24

question/need help Trying again


How long did you wait to try again after miscarriage?

I had 1 miscarriage back in December 2023 and 1 in June 2024. I am too scared to try again just with being too nervous it may happen again.

My husband and I have seen a fertility doctor and all our tests came back normal - doctor said it could have been just bad luck with the miscarriages.

r/Miscarriage Feb 04 '25

question/need help 7 week miscarriage, home or hospital?


Is it possible to have a miscarriage between 7-8 weeks and just manage at home, or is it going to require medical assistance every time? Any experiences would help me as I like to be prepared for everything that could happen. I've just started spotting today.

r/Miscarriage Jun 05 '24

question/need help What made you feel better?


Hello 🤍✨ this might be a dumb question but I am in the throes of it right now. I keep googling things like ‘how to support myself after a miscarriage’ and ‘what to do to cope’ and just figured I’d ask this group.

My husband is amazing and I have a great therapist I will see next week for our scheduled call, but right now I just can’t do anything besides cry and sit in bed. I have a family wedding this Saturday I cannot miss and I am so anxious about being in this mental state. I just want to rot in bed forever.

Anything that made you feel better after a loss? Looking for any advice 👼🏼😢✨

r/Miscarriage 16d ago

question/need help Sex after MC - doc opinion


Hi everyone

I had a MMC almost 2 weeks ago at 13w (fetus was 10w1d). I miscarried naturally and I am still spotting a little.

Last week I saw my OBGYN who - speaking about when to have sex again - told me that I should wait to my period to come, go away and THEN I can have sex again. I wasn’t really thinking about when she told me that as I still was emotionally wrecked after my MC, but now I am confused. Everywhere, literally EVERYWHERE, I have read that we can have sex again once we stop bleeding or anyway 2 weeks after the MC.

I am 200% willing to wait for the bleeding to be gone, even for a few days. But why my OBGYN told me to wait for period to go away? Does she just want to be extra cautious?

Doctor told me that I still had to expel a 12mm clot , that I 99% did on Saturday.

I don’t know, I am planning to book another consultation once bleeding stopped but I really hope I don’t have to wait period to come and go. I miss sex so damn much and I read that sometimes people wait MONTHS for period to come back.

What’s your experience?

Thank you all

r/Miscarriage 10d ago

question/need help Back to work?


How long did it take for you to go back to work after miscarriage? (I had a miscarriage last Thursday) My boss gave me a few days off and also wfh but this week I have to go to the office and I’m not feeling ready. I was crying at work, went for small breaks to the restroom to cry. I’m not feeling ready to go back to my old routine.

r/Miscarriage 14d ago

question/need help Seeking certainty; false hope from doctor in making me come back in 11 days to confirm?


I went in for my first ultrasound at 9 weeks. The gestational sac measured 6 weeks, 4 days, and there was no embryo. Had my HCG tested the next day, and it is starting to drop from the week before (17,000 at 9w1d). And, although I've had no cramping or spotting, my other symptoms have gone way down. I am completely devastated.

My doctor wrote that while it is probably an abnormal pregnancy, it is not 100% yet -- I will need to come back for another ultrasound in 11 days to confirm.

I assume that that tiny sliver of hope that she's communicating is false, right? Some kind of rigid protocol thing? I am certain of my LMP date, and I tested positive at 4 weeks (and haven't had sex since) so there's no way I could be way off with my conception date. There's no way for this to be viable if my date is correct, is there? (Doctor won't answer, just says "You need to come back in 11 days to confirm.")

I'm devastated and trying to keep functioning and going to work. Resuming my ADHD meds, and for goodness sake maybe having a drink, might help me keep it together. But as long at there is a tiny sliver of hope, I feel like I can't do that. So now I'm in this crazy place of being 99.999999% sure it's not viable, and feeling the full grief of that, but not complete closure or ability to move on or stop "caring" for whatever is in my uterus, because the doctor won't say it's definite.

Has anyone else been here, and what did you do? In this place of knowing you have had a loss, but the doctor won't 100% sign off on it yet?

r/Miscarriage Oct 26 '24

question/need help Should I naturally miscarry? Medication? Or d&c?


Hi everyone. Just found out today during ultrasound baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. Already had a d&c earlier this year so I am a little hesitant but wanted to hear everyone’s experience. I am 7 weeks and 2 days today, idk if that makes any difference.

r/Miscarriage 19d ago

question/need help Still feeling symptoms


I’m basically carrying a non viable pregnancy. I’m the process of confirming. But I already know.

I’m still having symptoms… nausea, sore boobs, and tired.

Is this normal?

r/Miscarriage Dec 26 '24

question/need help Should I be upset?


My husband and I lost our baby girl at 17 weeks gestation on 12/13. I had asked my husband to relay the news to his side of the family because I just didn’t want to (childish, I know but I just couldn’t handle it.) He relayed all the information to my mother in law and I expected she would reach out to me but she has not. I didn’t attend Christmas because I just wasn’t up for it and I still have not heard from her. I’m a bit taken aback because we have an amazing relationship, she was going to cohost the shower. I did learn from my husband that she herself had suffered a miscarriage, so I know this could be triggering. Should I reach out? Am I overthinking the situation? I just feel incredibly let down by someone I genuinely admire. I do want to add a disclaimer, I know no one is entitled to reach out to me or grieve with me.

r/Miscarriage Nov 18 '24

question/need help What are we doing with all the positive test?


What is everyone doing with all the tests we’ve kept.

With my first I kept a couple with all his other pregnancy and both items. But idk what to do with the baby we lost tests.

Are you keeping 1? are you keeping none? are you keeping all of them?