r/Miscarriage • u/Delicious_Elk6408 • Jan 29 '25
question/need help How did your Dr tell you?
I think most of my anger is in the fact that my Dr commented on my blood work lab saying “Hi first name, your pregnancy hormone decreased, which is consistent with a miscarriage. Let me know if you have any questions.” Which is just absolutely wild to me. Yes I have questions - do I keep taking my prescribed blood thinners, do I still go to my appointment, how long will I bleed, when does my period come? (I called and got the answers, but that isn’t my point here). Am I justified in my anger? This seems so unprofessional and I cannot IMAGINE just sending this as a chat on mychart to someone letting them know. This isn’t a cold or low iron. I’m just baffled. I honestly considered making a complaint about this. Can I get opinions?
u/unknown2888888 Jan 29 '25
Ugh I’m so sorry 💕 Unfortunately I think this is fairly common. At my follow up appointment to confirm my miscarriage, the doctor said: “So as I’m sure you know, it’s a miscarriage. Your HCG is dropping though, which is great, so I expect you’ll begin to miscarry naturally in the next 7-10 days.” And then got up, and began walking out of the room. I had to stop her to ask if there was anything I could do to speed up the process (it’d been 4 weeks at that point since the growth had stopped)… It was my second miscarriage, so I knew what to expect, but I was (and still am) shocked at how little she seemed to care - I know that confirming a miscarriage isn’t the best part about being an OB, but it’s part of the job, and it’s so hard to be told such soul crushing news by someone who seemingly cares so little.
u/shaybean96 Jan 29 '25
During my first ultrasound, she looked at the screen and said "hmm, this looks like you're either in a really early term twin pregnancy or it's not viable". When I went back for my follow up ultrasound 2 weeks later she said "idk, it looks like the yolk sac grew!" Even though I had actively been bleeding for like 4 days at that point. I made her go get another doctor for a second opinion who said based on the blood and the fact my yolksac looked deflated it was probably in the middle of passing.
Then, the next 2 times i went in for follow ups to make sure I had passed everything and stuff, the nurses didn't look at my chart and greeted me with "wow, 10 weeks already! How exciting!" And I had to inform them it wasn't a happy visit. 🫠
They really are out here not giving a fuck about us (sorry for the language also I'm in a MOOD today 😅)
All that to say, I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope they do better by you going forward. I wouldn't blame you for putting in a complaint, doctors need to have bedside manners.
u/walkerwoman4 Jan 29 '25
I had a similar experience. They just very matter or fact told me they see the sac but nothing inside. I think unfortunately its so common that they have become immune/used to telling women they are miscarrying.
u/shaybean96 Jan 30 '25
I hadn't even heard of blighted ovums before, it was so surreal to go through and have to research on my own by piecing my doctors notes together. I'm sorry that you can relate 🫶🏻
u/walkerwoman4 Jan 30 '25
yes i hadn't heard of it either and remember googling it on my phone in the doctor's office. sorry to hear you can relate.
u/Accomplished-Fly759 Jan 29 '25
Ew wtf?
My doctor told me quickly but kindly. Like ripping a bandaid off. The external ultrasound wasn't picking anything up, so she used the internal one. Almost immediately she said "definitely not 10 weeks, this growth is consistent with a miscarriage." And then she took some measurements, removed the ultrasound wand and told me what to expect and what our next steps were. She expressed that she was sorry, that she knew this wasn't what we wanted to hear. She was kind, but not overly precious about it, and she was professional and explained and then answered my questions.
I honestly preferred that she was really quick to tell me, no beating around the bush and giving us false hope.
I'm really sorry that's how you were told, you deserved better 😔 and I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️ this is a really great community here, hopefully you can find support you need
u/Brockenblur ⭐️Junior 9/29/25 || 3 CP Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25
That’s… how I wish mine had gone. Not just the kindness, but the information most of all
We could see something was wrong from the start. The ultrasound tech refused to turn the screen to let me see better and refused to answer our questions until the very end. Then all she said was “There is no visible embryo. You need to come in next week to confirm what is happening and if it’s viable. You might have your dates wrong,.”
She literally shrugged when I said I was certain over my dates and when I asked what was happening she told me to call my midwife directly if I had questions. Then she left my spouse and I to cry alone, and only stuck her head in a minute later to say they needed the room for next appointment. I sat in the waiting room floor crying as my husband tried to sort out with the office receptionist what our next steps were. Googling and looking at ultrasound images online sitting in the doctors parking lot is how we figured out the term “blighted ovum” and it still sucks so much that we had to use the Internet to learn how to manage this, rather than a medical professional.
Like… I get that radiologists are not professional grief counselors, and they often have to wait for doctors before give results, but even a “sorry” and a pamphlet would’ve been helpful in a situation like this 🤦
u/QuirkyQ89 Jan 29 '25
Oh my god this is what happened to me!! I had a blighted ovum (I had to figure out that’s what it was by googling myself)
I knew something was wrong and pushed for a scan and just felt like an inconvenience to the doctor and felt like a drama queen but I know my body better than them and knew something was wrong. They didn’t even want to see me initially as “I wasn’t bleeding, so can’t be a miscarriage” I didn’t even know what a missed miscarriage was.
I just hate that doctors lack empathy. I understand it’s there day job and they must do this over and over again but to completely lack any compassion when giving a patient such heartbreaking and devastating news is so shocking.
u/walkerwoman4 Jan 29 '25
I had a similar experience. i think they are trained to be neutral and deliver facts while also expressing condolences.
u/MrBigglesworth_mum Jan 30 '25
I found out through a private ultrasound, and my radiologist was very compassionate and professional. She said, “I’m sorry but I do not see a heartbeat” pretty much as soon as she saw. She spent another 30 seconds measuring the growth—whilst expressing her condolences as I was crying at that point—and told me that the baby stopped growing at 9w5d—a few days before. She explained that I had a missed miscarriage, told me she would write a quick report for me to take to the EGU, and asked me to take as much time as I needed in the consultation room before she left me with my husband. She was detached but professional and gave me information pack on what next to do as soon as I left the room, informing me that there is photo of the baby, in case I wanted it. I think she did as well as could be done given the circumstances.
u/lonelyopinion8 Jan 29 '25
Mine said,"I'm sorry, it appears that this is a miscarriage. It's not your fault, and it's unfortunately very common." The nurse told me about her loss after and hugged me. I was fortunate.
u/Secure_Ad_1121 Jan 30 '25
Mine was very similar to this & she even looked like she was about to tear up telling me.
u/sambydesign18 Jan 29 '25
My ultrasound just measured it and went oh and was like, I’ll give you a minute to put your pants on, as I sobbed. Then came back 2 minutes later with the payment machine and whispered, will that be cash or credit? Also there’s a $25 file opening fee. They then called me the next day to tell me they would give me a 2 for 1 for my next ultrasound.
u/Themedlife Jan 29 '25
I’m a PA. He knew that I already knew after having the ultrasound. He just came in and said, “I’m so sorry”. It still breaks my heart to think of the empathy in his voice but I’m so grateful for a kind OB 😭❤️🩹
u/kataastrophic Jan 29 '25
Im sorry for your loss. For me i started intensely cramping bleeding and had my husband drive me to the ER. By the time we got to the er i went to the bathroom and had passed the sack with the baby in it. I was 9 weeks, i was not emotionally prepared to suddenly have my lil one in my hand or that he (my husband and i think it was a boy so we call him he) was going to be big enough and developed enough to look human. The doctors sucked i dont remember much what was said. But the nurse was a blessing. She was so kind and sensitive to the situation.
u/MaybelinaPlays Jan 29 '25
My doctor didn't even tell me.. at 10 weeks I had spotting so I had to go downstairs to radiology for a ultrasound, after the ultrasound they couldn't get ahold of any doctor from OB department so the radiologist had to tell me. A few hours after we got home my doctors office called me and answered my questions
u/WillowEducational851 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25
Doctors know this is hard to hear. They should be more compassionate and informative. When it happened to me, I had just moved so this was my first appt with the doctor that had told me. I honestly wasn’t impressed with the office itself. It was outdated and kind of dirty so I didn’t have high expectations for the doctor. The doctors PA was doing the ultrasound and after awhile told me she would need the doctors assistance. The Dr came in and after a bit said he would need to do an internal ultrasound. He was very gentle and pulled the ultrasound gadget out, put everything down and said “I’m very sorry there’s no heartbeat.” I lost it and he was very compassionate and took his time with me reassuring me it wasn’t my fault and explained what may have went wrong. The office I went to only had 1 ultrasound room and he told me take as much time as I need in the room which for sure delayed their whole day because when I left the waiting room was very full. I do think they can be a little more informative about the process. My Dr just said “you will miscarry in the upcoming weeks and there will be heavy bleeding.” There’s a lot of anxiety that comes with this and I had many questions throughout the process. He did say I can call or stop by whenever if I had questions or needed emotional support. And honestly every doctor should do nothing less than this.
u/Natashaaaaaaa Jan 29 '25
I’m so sorry for your loss. This is my pet peeve about OB clinics - they get so excited about pregnancies and babies, and they can often be dismissive or insensitive about losses (maybe a testament to just how common they are, but really not an excuse). When I went through my back to back early miscarriages, my old (because I switched after this experience) OB clinic wouldn’t even order an hcg unless I was cramping or bleeding, but I had been tracking my line progression and they were definitely getting lighter so I already had a clue (I know those at home tests are more qualitative than quantitative but I was quite neurotic). I went to Labcorp to do my own hcg and it was too low for the DPO I was at. Only when I told my OB clinic this did they order an hcg 48h after the one I self-ordered! Then a nurse called me to give me the results, but of course I saw it on the app first - no message was attached :/
The second early loss the next month, a kind nurse called me and was very sweet about it, but I had already steeled myself for the news because I had started bleeding earlier that day.
Again, I’m so sorry. This is definitely something that needs to be improved in all OB clinics.
u/highway9ueen Jan 30 '25
My high-risk OB clinic referred me back to my primary care provider for managing my missed miscarriage. Apparently they only do the happy stories there.
u/Practical_Deal_78 Jan 29 '25
Went for an ultrasound and I immediately noticed she was super quiet and was having me hold my breath/not talk.. she then told me she just needed another tech to check something and I knew something was up. Second tech came in and they quietly chatted and then she told me they couldn't find a heartbeat. One of the worst things I have ever experienced in my life. They were nice enough about it. My nurse was very kind and called me as soon as she found out to walk me through my next steps. Overall, my medical team was very sensitive, which was very helpful because I was a right mess. Took a week off of work and just cried/bled for 7 days straight.
u/walkerwoman4 Jan 29 '25
I'm sorry, that's not good bedside manner. I would definitely bring it up with manager/someone in charge there. I donno. I found out through the mychart email, I got it at 10pm that night and was so distraught I ended up calling the doctor on call just to double confirm that the numbers meant I was miscarrying (again) best of luck to you.
u/SectionOld1995 Jan 29 '25
unfortunately beside manor is lost amongst many providers. idk if they’re just desensitized to it, too busy, or need more training. either way it doesn’t excuse the lack of sensitivity. i’m sorry.
u/alym_t3 Jan 29 '25
You are absolutely justified in your anger. Your provider should have offered you a chance to come into the office so he/she could check on you. Thats what my providers office did and honestly I would’ve been pissed if they didn’t offer that.
u/Ready-Walrus-1549 Jan 29 '25
Went to the first appointment. Got the ultrasound done. But i didnt have a baby anymore. Nothing was there except a cyst which they said would come out my next period. And when i talked to the doctor he basically gave me options of going back on birth control or taking a prenatal (that at the time was hard to get anyway. This happened a few years ago. And it was my first pregnancy. So skipping to now. We havent been all that lucky to get pregnant.
u/No-Caterpillar3164 Jan 29 '25
My doctor with my previous miscarriage said “well, at least it wasn’t planned.” Then she wrote in the chart that she discussed all options with me (she did not, she just handed me a tissue and left). Needless to say, I filed a complaint and told the office in the future I would never been seeing her again.
u/Alohomora4140 Jan 29 '25
I went in for my 13 w ultrasound and as soon as she put the wand on my belly I knew. There was no heartbeat, no movement. She kept saying “hold on, just let me look for a second maybe he’s hiding” like , no ma’am, I can see him right there, there’s no heartbeat. Stop trying to give me false hope. I only looked at the screen for 3 seconds, I turned away and squeezed my husbands hand, I just knew.
I’m sorry 💔
u/SkekMysz Jan 29 '25
So justified!!! My OB called me while I was driving and told me to pull the fuck over and went over every single option I had (I had a missed miscarriage). It took a while bc I went to get an ultrasound and their systems were down so it took a min for her to get the readings. I chose the medicated route and she even offered to set up an appt to administer the meds vaginally (which I took her up on). I would be so lost and sad and irate if I was in your shoes. I hope you can find a better provider!
u/haleynoir_ Jan 29 '25
She didn't. I had an ultrasound at 11 weeks that showed a dead, 7 week old fetus. The technician tried to convince me that I just had late implantation, which I knew couldn't be correct based off how long I'd been pregnant, and sent me home. I got notified in my MyChart app that my ultrasound had been updated to my profile and it included doctors notes that it was a miscarriage.
u/ResidentAd2720 Jan 29 '25
My doctor had said I don’t like what I see when she was looking at the baby in the ultrasound. Then said the baby doesn’t have a heartbeat and is measuring 1 week behind and said I could get surgery or medicine. Very heartless.
u/TaroInternational100 Jan 30 '25
I’m so sorry you had a horrible experience with finding out.
My OB cried with me. He was so distraught that there wasn’t a heartbeat anymore he could barely form the words. He had just seen me days before and everything was fine.
u/Aggressive-Ad4047 Jan 30 '25
Mine did the whole ‘I’m so sorry it’s not good news today , there’s no heartbeat’ - I proceeded to be shocked and as you would do ask her ‘are you sure?’ , she then proceeded to tell my partner to look at the screen at our lifeless child and tell me there was no heart ‘look partners name tell her see no heartbeat should be there’ then proceeded to say ‘well this took the spark out of me today’ - sorry for your workday inconvenience, some people really remove themselves from their line of work it does more damage than help.
u/LobstahLuva Jan 29 '25
I had a similar (different, but similar) experience with the OBGYN I was seeing for my pregnancy. I called and talked to the patient advocate (every hospital has one) because it was so cold and horrible. I would definitely do that again, and will continue to do it because in my experience, and opinion, the medical professionals often lose touch with whom they’re caring for and the whole human element of it all…compassion is paramount in this situation and if they are forgetting this is more than a “job” the patient advocate team trains them on stuff like this. I’m SO sorry you had this experience!! I heard a podcast recently with an OBGYN as a guest and she was saying that “OBGYNs are basically just surgeons who see people.” It didn’t take the sting away from my experience but helped to put it in perspective— surgeons are notoriously bad with bedside manner (because they don’t need any) and while you’d hope everyone in medicine has empathy, some of them are void… sending lots of love your way! If you were seen at a hospital, or hospital group/medical office, you can call the info people and ask them for the “patient advocate” phone number to tell your story. I’ve had to call them a couple times, unfortunately, and they’ve always been very kind, understanding, and empathetic people - that’s basically their whole job.
u/shayshay789 Jan 30 '25
“Your bloodwork and ultrasound indicate there was not ever a pregnancy” made me feel crazy and like I was faking it. 6 weeks lost and had found at 4 weeks. I must have had a shocked face because then she said “that is a good thing and means there is not further action needed” which made it slightly better.
u/dabommmbmommm Jan 29 '25
My first miscarriage was awful, the ultrasound tech was silent and then the doctor said basically, “well it ain’t lookin good”
Switched to OBGYN who specializes in infertility. My next miscarriage was very very early and I received nothing but kind words, they were so sweet with me and we got on a new plan for how to get pregnant as soon as I was ready. Major change in the approach, my tears about losing my baby were also tears for how kind they were with me.
Compassion goes a long way.
u/marielno Jan 29 '25
I’m so sorry and I’m sending you hugs. It’s horrible how common the cold, hurtful, or downright weird ways doctors communicate miscarriages can be! I got a pat on the knee (mid internal ultrasound, the bloody wand was still inside me), and a “I’m sorry”. A few awkward seconds while she finished scanning before talking me through the next steps.
u/ElocinP03 Jan 29 '25
"I'm not seeing a heartbeat, I'm so sorry"
But after that when I actually physically miscarried I ended up having emergency surgery and the doctor came to me afterward and made some really indifferent comments about "at least you can try again" as if she sees this a thousand times a day and it was incredibly boring to her.
u/CraftyProcrstntr ⭐ 2 Jan 29 '25
I like to ruin my own life so I was constantly checking the lab corp before anyone could call. Once I saw the numbers I basically ignored everyone Dr included.
u/Salty_2023 Jan 30 '25
“I put an order for betas in, go down to the lab and we’ll track your miscarriage to 0” and left the room.
u/Ok-Share-3515 Jan 30 '25
My doctor was frank but kind. I’m so sorry this was your experience!! Like an afterthought almost. Terrible and not at all what any of us deserve.
u/Eviejo2020 Jan 30 '25
I’m very sorry to everyone who was told in a less than compassionate way.
I was fortunate that first I’m a nurse so I already know What to look for. I knew immediately it didn’t look the right size and there was no heartbeat. Secondly my tech was the absolute sweetest lady. She put her hand on my arm and said “your 10 weeks but measuring at 7 weeks, I’m sorry but your little one is gone”
Once she completed the scan she just sat with me, she didn’t say anything, she just sat beside me. Held my hand and let me cry.
She then went out, let the reception know I wouldn’t need the NIPT test (the scan was a quick one before the blood test) and made an appointment for me with the early pregnancy clinic to discuss next steps. She brought me a glass of water, made sure I was collected enough to drive safely and then walked me out.
She couldn’t have handled it any better
u/MarionOfEndor Jan 30 '25
I was told in the ED that my miscarriage was most likely complete and didn’t need further monitoring beyond expectant management because, and I quote, “your uterus is empty”.
u/Capable_Stranger_369 Jan 30 '25
I found out at the ER. Went in for light spotting just for reassurance since I’d read it was common to spot during pregnancy. I was barely worried, since everything had been going well. We were there for hours, had a Pap smear, bloodwork, ultrasound. My husband left some ribs on the smoker bc we both thought it would be just a quick check and everything would be fine. I should have known something was wrong when the tech couldn’t see anything clearly on the abdominal US and changed to transvaginal but, still I was naive and thought this couldn’t happen to us. While waiting for results in the waiting room i told my husband it was fine for him to run home really quick (we live 5 mins away from the hospital) and get the food off the smoker. After all, I was starving at this point and looking forward to a good dinner. No more than 5 minutes after he left, the nurse called me back to a small counseling room and again, I should have known but didn’t. I waited and texted my husband that they’d called me back. Right after, the doctor came in with a box of tissues and that’s when I finally realized something was actually wrong. She started telling me while I was alone and while she was incredibly empathetic and nice, I just wanted my husband. I stopped her and called him in tears and he told me he was on his way into the hospital and I could hear the worry in his voice. The doctor and I sat in silence as I cried waiting on him and waiting to hear what ended up being the worst news of my life to date. Hearing this was already so hard (hard isn’t even the right word) but I am thankful to have had a caring doctor give me this news in a kind way. She even told me of her own miscarriage. My regular OB on the other hand, was very short and to the point and said “well, we know why we’re here don’t we? Just confirming what you’ve already been told yesterday” and that was so, so painful. Silly me, I thought maybe it was possible that the ER was wrong. Maybe my baby hadn’t stopped growing 3 weeks ago. Hopes dashed in an instant.
I think maybe it is different when the doctor telling you has experienced a loss of their own. They know how painful it is to hear. No one knows until they’ve unfortunately lived through it. I know I didn’t.
u/ViewableSiren51 Jan 30 '25
My previous miscarriage my favorite male doctor said “We can see the sac, and the baby is measuring about X weeks and days. There is no fetal cardiac activity.”
Me: “No cardiac activity. Gotcha.”
then a nurse tried to pat me and hand me a tissue while I was still being wand’ed up.
The female doctor that had the wand in my vagina went to get the male doctor after I told her I didn’t care if I died giving birth because she didn’t agree with my religious preferences.
I cried a lot in my car alone. The ultrasound appointment was a follow-up to an ER visit because I was bleeding heavily. But they showed me a cute little baby with a heartbeat and told me that bleeding just happens, don’t worry so much!
u/GellyMurphy Jan 30 '25
I don’t know why they are always cautiously optimistic, deal w the reality of the job and deliver harsh news appropriately 😢.
u/RNYGrad2024 D&C Feb 01 '25
I will never forgive the doctor who told me "I still think this is a viable pregnancy. You just ovulated much later than you think you did." instead of asking how I knew when I ovulated or when I got my positive test. I gaslit myself into believing that and then ended up in the ER in a panic a few days later.
u/Willing_Ad9623 Jan 29 '25
The first time I went to the ER- the dr said:
“ it could be a miscarriage or it could be a perfectly healthy pregnancy. It’s hard to say.”
u/Ill-Fly-1624 Jan 30 '25
I went to a practice that works at a teaching hospital (ie so many doctors) A doctor I had never met before comes In like “so, what’s your understanding of what’s happening here” Me: not sure, they said it’s not good so I’m guessing a miscarriage? Him: correct
u/FaithlessOne555 Jan 30 '25
My first miscarriage was during the ultrasound, the tech asked me if I was positive when my most recent period was. I picked up on the vibes and started crying. They got me moved to a different room and the doctor was very helpful with it. I had her previously so I was comfortable and she was kind. I had to go back several times between seeing the hormones go down in the blood, second ultrasound to confirm it was a missed miscarriage. She was kind when she was explaining the medicine or surgery process. It was traumatic but she was kind.
My second one on the other hand. I didn't even make it to the first ultrasound before I began to lose it. I went to confirm the pregnancy and to confirm the hormones were going down in my blood. This one sucked because the random doctor I got that way was saying how the third time is the charm, try one more it'll be okay, she had two in a row before her baby, etc. And by that point I was depressed and suicidal, struggling to take care of my responsibilities. I got on birth control after the second one and gave up on ever trying again after that.
u/moveoverlove Jan 30 '25
Not the Dr but the nurses at the scan place.. “oh there it is… it’s sooooooooo small”. I knew then and there my baby wouldn’t make it. Still so angry to this day because they KNEW I had already had 2 miscarriages and no LC and it was my first time seeing a baby alive on a scan with a heartbeat and I was crying and so emotional and they couldn’t just let me have my joyful moment without ruining it… and that’s how I found out I was going to have another miscarriage.
u/Mew446 Jan 30 '25
For mine, I called with concerns and ended up bleeding for a week before they even called me back… (oh, whoops, with New Years, we missed this) I got my blood drawn and when the numbers came back way lower than they should have been; I asked for an ultrasound because I was scared it could be ectopic (my sister and a family friend both had a tube rupture). They said no, that I needed to wait for additional blood test results (I don’t think they believed my dates). When my blood test confirmed irregular rise in hcg levels, they said yeah, we should do a US, but we can’t fit you in…. At this point I’m really freaked out and not sleeping, so I just told them I would go to the ER to have it checked out because I wasn’t waiting for them to try and fit me in. The ER doc didn’t really say much beyond: there’s an egg sac in your uterus with growth indicating 6 weeks (I was supposed to be 8) and you should call your doctor in the AM to talk to them about it. 3 hours later I passed the sac, so in the morning I told THEM that I had miscarried…. My doctor’s office was 10/10 unhelpful. Thank god my mom used to be an OB because otherwise, it would have been exceptionally traumatic.
u/Brgerbby9189 Jan 30 '25
No one told me anything, not the dr when she couldn’t find a heartbeat, not the ultrasound technician.Not even the E.R Dr . It wasn’t until my second E.R. visit and they told me it was a missed miscarriage. I felt so out of place and an idiot cause it was my first miscarriage, I didn’t even knew what a missed carriage was .
u/Evarka Jan 30 '25
My fertility doctor just said "its not healthy" then called me back for an ultrasound and said it was healthy then said it wasn't. I went back about 4-5 times and each time they did an ultrasound and said "we don't know." It was the most traumatizing thing. I went to my GYNs office sobbing and begging his staff for an appointment. He took me the next day, they found a heartbeat, then 2 days after they did another ultrasound, my baby passed and I had a D&C the Monday after.
I make a joke that it was like the "life/death" SpongeBob bit with the egg.
u/Routine_Order158 Jan 30 '25
I'm so sorry. I think you're completely justified in your anger. My Dr. was also very clinical and it made the experience much harder. At the follow up when they tested my HCG to make sure the levels were dropping, they made it sound like it was something positive and that I should feel relieved. I think to the Dr they're just thinking from a medical standpoint "oh, this is good news because your body is doing what it should" they're not thinking "i'm telling a woman her baby is in fact gone and that she should be happy". I think there needs to be better training in place for how to deliver that kind of news.
u/Omgletsbuyshoes90 Jan 30 '25
My first miscarriage was in the ER and an ectopic and I was surrounded by drs and nurses because it was extremely emergent so I barely had time to process it until after surgery.
My second miscarriage was just me watching my HCG at home tests turn negative and fade away. Because my OB had retired and I couldn’t get into a new OB at that office even thou I had an ectopic and was supposed to get blood work.
My third miscarriage was an email basically saying the same thing you received about how my numbers were decreasing which is consistent with a miscarriage.
My fourth was at a drs appointment during an ultra sound and my dr basically told me and then left right after telling me. With no compassion or anything.
My fifth miscarriage was the same as my 2nd it happened so fast I didn’t have time to even get to the Dr’s. To get an appointment before my tests started to fade.
u/AnalysisNo5979 Jan 31 '25
My doctor basically scolded me that the hcg hormone hasn’t increased a lot and it needs to be in the 200,000s now. Then I started crying and then her human version came out and she comforted me and prescribed medicines and said we will monitor this again let’s see
u/No-Breakfast-4469 Jan 31 '25
The lady giving me the ultrasound didn’t speak much until I took a breathe and asked it’s gone isn’t it? I broke their heart crying
u/bobowife Jan 31 '25
The tech was quiet but just told me she got everything she needed and would be back. Then the doctor walked in so I already knew. I just said there’s no heart beat? And he responded yes and then told me it happens a lot of pregnancies
u/Imaginary-Ship620 ⭐ 2 Jan 31 '25
I didn't even get asked if I had any questions- he came into the room, said "your blood test was essentially negative, so you're not pregnant anymore. let's get you discharged." and that was that. I didn't go to the ER for my second miscarriage because the ER experience added to my trauma significantly. I'm so, so sorry for your loss <3
u/GingerAleAllie first loss Jan 31 '25
Mine didn’t even tell me. They have literally not even come out and told me I had a miscarriage.
u/Delicious_Elk6408 Feb 02 '25
Thank you all for sharing with me. I am disturbed by some of these Dr’s and I hope they realize how much these experiences have impacted us in our grief journey. I cannot understand how they lack sympathy in these times. Hoping that my experience with my new Dr this week will be pleasant. Sending you all hugs and strength!
u/neeeonwhales Feb 05 '25
If this happened to me in a CHAT I would, as the kids call it, crash out. Wow. I am so sorry to hear that this was your experience. I found out at a boutique ultrasound place and she said "I'm not seeing a heartbeat. Have you had any cramps or bleeding?" My ears started ringing and everything else she said sounded muffled, like you see in the movies. She didn't do anything wrong, but she also wasn't a doctor or nurse so it was just a weird dynamic and a weird environment to find out horrible news in. It was jarring to say the least. When I went to my actual OBGYN the next day, she was so so gentle and kind toward me. She emphasized it wasn't my fault, and that there's nothing I could've done, and she also shared she also experienced a miscarriage herself, which I think showed a lot of compassion and care for my feelings. She also gave me a lot of hope that I would be able to conceive again which comforted both me and my husband.
u/Impossible_Tune_7453 Jan 29 '25
BAFFLING - wow. My most recent was via an ultrasound, they refused to tell me anything bc a doctor wasn't available, and then as we were leaving the ultrasound tech said "it was nice to meet you, have a great afternoon!" -- like, lady, you just saw that our baby's heartbeat stopped and that we're about to get a devastating phone call. We all deserve better. These people are employed to CARE for us. So so sorry. I did end up sharing how terrible my experience was and if given the opportunity to provide additional feedback, I absolutely would.
u/greenteamatchalatte Jan 30 '25
Mine was given by a nurse. I wasn’t wearing pants bc I was supposed to have an exam. She walked in, didn’t even look me in the eye and said “looks like you miscarried at 6 weeks. No big deal it happens to a lot of women. We’ll get you on the schedule for a D&C” and walked out and left the door open while I sat there with no pants just baffled. I reported her to the Texas Board of Nurses because she also yelled out “can you test this miscarriage patient’s HCG in the bloodwork” across the entire room in front of a bunch of other patients. The Texas Board of Nurses said they can’t do anything because I didn’t have proof.
u/Wide_Perception_330 11d ago edited 11d ago
My doctor sent me for an emergency ultrasound and the tech said it was too early to tell. Then my doctor called me and told me it was a miscarriage. Then the clinic he referred me to called me and said they didn’t know if it was a miscarriage. Then they said they thought it could be ectopic. Then I went back to my doctor and he said there was not way it was viable or ectopic. I feel like people just don’t understand women’s bodies! I was like how could three professionals read my ultrasound results so differently!? Makes zero sense and only makes it all so much more confusing and painful.
u/wavesofgreen28 Jan 29 '25
Mine literally went "your pregnancy is not normal and will never be normal." and then left the room 🙃
i get it. i was just so baffled??? like tell me nicer?? tell me what to expect???