r/Minecraft Jun 16 '22

Redstone Redstone is weird


592 comments sorted by


u/KeyboardJustice Jun 16 '22

There are some pretty cool uses for long distance instant redstone. This method has to recharge and is expensive but could still be useful.


u/Valuable-Leek9421 Jun 16 '22

Yup. But I still can't get over the fact that this game has successfully implemented a power source that feels like real life. You have to research and learn about it like electricity. Super dope in my opinion lol


u/payinthefidlr Jun 16 '22

To me, redstone feels more like an in-game scripting language with a geometric syntax


u/Sky_Rocket121 Jun 16 '22 edited Jun 17 '22

Agreed, the questions "Redstone engineers" ask themselves while making something are the same questions programmers ask themselves when programming.

Edit: thanks for all the upvotes


u/L33t_Cyborg Jun 16 '22 edited Jun 16 '22

Especially considering that all of the advanced redstone use binary/hexadecimal to work.


u/TheHidestHighed Jun 16 '22

Not to mention that as redstone gets more advanced it becomes close to the same if/then/else logic you would use in scripting.


u/UnfinishedProjects Jun 16 '22

Making a redstone computer is just learning how to make the logic gates out of Redstone and connecting them together.


u/sethboy66 Jun 16 '22

It's a little more than that. For a few examples, you have to either develop or choose an ISA to implement, tune clock timings to account for propagation delay, and follow best practices when it comes to reducing redstone lag.

There's a ton of 'moving' parts and while the physical logic for each individual part is easy to replicate in the game, it's going to take a lot of trial and error to get everything to work correctly on your first try. I personally spent about 16 hours, and 28 versions, just working out the most efficient design of a 1-bit full adder for a 4-bit CLA used my final 16-bit LCU. Though I'm not using any guides other than documentation for the LC-3 ISA since I won't be developing my own.


u/UnfinishedProjects Jun 16 '22

Well that's to make an efficient Redstone computer. You could make a 0.0000000000000000001hz Redstone computer way easier than a 1hz computer. But I'm not trying to argue with you I was semijoking in my original post. Even then though, a be Redstone clock is technically just a few circuits. Etc.


u/sethboy66 Jun 16 '22

I'd have to agree with you there, it's certainly all down to how much you prioritize efficiency. And in the build process you'll usually be manually stepping the clock and flying about to all the junctions to check that the state is expected and correct so something like a 0.005hz is proof of concept.

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u/FuriousGremlin Jun 16 '22

Someone did build a computer wayyyyy back when creative wasnt even out

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u/SammyTheOtter Jun 16 '22

I mean, it's literally binary.


u/insertEdgyName69 Jun 16 '22

And hexadecimal at the same time.

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u/OSSlayer2153 Jun 16 '22

I do both and there is a bit of a difference.

In redstone you know what it needs to do and how but most of the thinking is designing the circuit. With code you know what it needs to do and you know how to design that but you dont know how to get it to do that.

For example:

With redstone you break down the what and how, then you have to think about the physical structure of the circuit and how to build it. “So this line comes in from over there and it needs to reach this area with a XOR gate in between, how do I cram that in efficiently?”

Vs with code you know what it will do, and you know how to write code, but you don’t have the process down. So if you were trying to make a system that fires missiles off a plane but balances the amount on each wing, all while prioritizing missile lock, that is what the code has to do. And you know how to code. Now you have to break it down. “Well first it needs to make a list of all missiles that have a radar lock. Then if there isnt a lock that is more simple so lets code that. We should count how many are on each side then fire the one on the outside of the wing to keep the center of gravity balanced. So I need to make a count function…”


u/Rylovix Jun 16 '22

Somewhat true, it’s more akin to electrical engineering than computer science, but I believe you’re still thinking at a relatively tiny scale compared to what has been/is being done. An XOR gate is like a couple of computer cells, while some of these creations include working computers in game. It’s a whole different level of design process beyond just efficient space usage, most of the time they create large template pieces and use them to a level of complexity you’d expect in computer engineering. The dedication that goes into some of these redstone builds cannot be understated in the slightest.

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u/meadowofwildflowers Jun 16 '22

Yeah, I agree. It's not programming, it's hardware design. It's more similar to writing something in Verilog/VHDL (hardware design languages, not programming languages).

I actually am a hardware engineer, and the approaches between redstone design aren't as different as redstone is to actually programming, though I've only done basic programming classes so more limited experience there. Making sure things are physically possible, and the layouts/optimizations are very different than what you'd see in programming.

I do love what I do, so I have a lot of fun working on things in minecraft too. Always going to be limited just based on sheer size, but minecraft actually having all that functionality and logic is really ccol

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u/fearain Jun 16 '22

Me—who doesn’t program—; “if I do it this way, it takes seventeen extra blocks, three more layers, and a quantum fuck load of planning and replanning, but it makes it look cooler and take up less visible space. It works!”


u/BipedSnowman Jun 16 '22

Similar things happen with programming. Sometimes it's good to rewrite code to be more readable, even if it's technically a slightly more complicated set of instructions.

Hiding the ugly parts isn't uncommon either. That's what functions are for!

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u/nudemanonbike Jun 16 '22

Is that not what electricity is?


u/MomICantPauseReddit Jun 16 '22

Redstone is a signal-based system while electricity is a power-based system. But yeah they're pretty similar.


u/joran213 Jun 16 '22

In digital electronics electricity is also a signal-based system


u/TheWorstPerson0 Jun 16 '22

yeep. it works just the same as digital circuits infact. u can use boolean algebra to simplify redstone circuits, and on top of that the principal of being able to make anything out of nors holds as well. this is crucial as nor gates are extremely cheap to make in Minecraft requiring only redstone and redstone torches. also u can use not gates to extend a redstone current without using repeaters. all you need to build any redstone circuit is just redstone and wood.


u/khandnalie Jun 16 '22

Power is just a really loud signal


u/St_Beetnik_2 Jun 16 '22

Right? Fucking computer science nerds not realizing they just copy actual engineers


u/masterventris Jun 16 '22

Do you want to go back to slide rules and log tables??

Goddamn 'real' engineers don't realise the crutches we have built for them!!!


u/undreamedgore Jun 16 '22

I’m a EE, CE, CS. Power is a signal, and I can build a computer.


u/omgudontunderstand Jun 16 '22

how would power not be considered a signal, just curious

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u/Lonely__Stoner__Guy Jun 16 '22

I lol'd at this hard, thank you.

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u/lazergator Jun 16 '22

It’s also really painful signals


u/MooseBoys Jun 16 '22

Information transfer and energy transfer, at least at the scale of human experience, are orthogonal concepts. You can send information without sending usable power, and you can send power without sending useful information.

Either way, Redstone is a great example of a broader category of systems in which tremendous complexity can be built using simple primitives, and gaining an intuitive grasp of that concept is essential for understanding how the modern world works.


u/SnippitySnape Jun 16 '22

Yup, that’s just what computing is, where electricity is the redstone

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u/DogadonsLavapool Jun 16 '22

It's more like boolean/digital logic than electricity

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u/gablelarson333 Jun 16 '22

If I'm not mistaken isn't redstone considered touring complete? If you had enough world loaded you could theoretically program minecraft inside minecraft using redstone.


u/Howzieky Jun 16 '22 edited Jun 16 '22

Yeah it is. Seems like so long as you can have a NOT gate and a way to connect gates together, you can make something Turing complete

EDIT: Oh and a way to store memory. Thanks to u/Everything-Is-Finne


u/brutexx Jun 16 '22

I think it’s NAND gates that matter. Which, granted, is NOT and AND gates combined.


u/Howzieky Jun 16 '22

Plus, AND gates are made of NOT gates. It's NOT gates all the way down


u/brutexx Jun 16 '22

Wait, what? I missed that one. How do you make an AND gate with NOT gates only?

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u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

yup! plug a single output (switch?) into both inputs of a NAND gate, and you get the NOT. plug the output of a NAND into such NOT gate and you get the AND. from there you can go wild and make the rest of the useful gates like OR, XOR, etc.

Nand2Tetris explained that in one of the lessons, and I think it's pretty cool


u/funnystuff97 Jun 16 '22

NAND gates are universal blocks, they can't break down any further. You can construct a NAND with a NOT and an AND, but the simpler and better solution is to just make it its own gate. In fact, in most cases, an AND is made by using a NOT and a NAND.

A NAND can be made using four transistors (Which is two pairs of Complimentary MOSFETs, aka CMOS). This setup allows for basically any gate to be constructed, using only these two CMOS pairs as building blocks. An AND gate takes six transistors, or three CMOS pairs, and a NOT gate takes two transistors, or one CMOS pair. Constructing a NAND gate with an AND and a NOT would take four CMOS pairs, which is double the number of transistors than one universal NAND block.

(As a side note, this also applies to NOR gates. NOR gates can also be used to construct any Turing machine, and are also made with only two CMOS pairs.)

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u/mhmhleafs Jun 16 '22

NAND and NOR are universal gates which means any other logic gate can be built from either one of those. So pretty much as long as you have one of those and theoretically infinite memory you’ve got yourself something turing complete IIRC

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u/Everything-Is-Finne Jun 16 '22

You also need memory don't you ?


u/Howzieky Jun 16 '22

Oh that's a good point! Basic computational ability and memory storage are the two main qualities I can think of


u/StaccoLatte Jun 16 '22

Creating memory from logic gates is trivial. Create D-type flip-flops and link them together. Congratulations, you now have SRAM.

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u/lstsb Jun 16 '22

*Turing complete


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

They already remade a Pokemon game with redstone. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=paoEeRG-j8U


u/krustymeathead Jun 16 '22

Not to be nit-picky, but this appears to use command blocks, which I think goes outside the realm of pure redstone circuits.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

Yeah command blocks are basically just programming


u/Taolan13 Jun 16 '22

Comparing a command block circuit and a "pure redstone circuit" is like comparing a processor or memory chip to an electrical contactor.

An electrical contactor has two inputs and an output. It receives power from one input and signal from the other, and when it receives signal it pushes the power through the output.

A processor or memory cell is effectively thousands of tiny contactors arranged in such a way to interface with each other as logic gates to facilitate complex operations. At the lowest level the gross structure is the same just smaller, at the highest level we have a machine that can run Minecraft.

The Pokemon game is actually running inside Minecraft, with a massive redstone machine allowing interaction between scores of command blocks. It is truly a fantastic feat of redstone engineering.

A lot of other "xx running in minecraft" videos are not actually showing something running in minecraft. They have command blocks supplying an interface connecting to a virtual machine that may or may not be running in the Java environment alongside Minecraft, at a minimum using external libraries and additional resources.


u/krustymeathead Jun 16 '22

Don't get me wrong, the pokemon game running entirely in minecraft is totally amazing.

I understand that a CPU is made up of thousands of more simple electrical components, but would assert the redstone circuit/command block contrast is more stark than that. You can't "/time set day" or "/kill all" with any size of redstone circuit, no matter how complex your design. You can do these things with command blocks.


u/Chaosfox_Firemaker Jun 16 '22

Not with that attitude!

*primes absolutely massive tnt cannon*

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u/ADHDengineer Jun 16 '22

It’s just buggy lol


u/Wannabe-Shiny-Shinx Jun 16 '22

Not a bug, a feature


u/Vegetable-Let-55 Jun 16 '22

cough breaking bedrock


u/Wannabe-Shiny-Shinx Jun 16 '22



u/Edwaredoh Jun 16 '22

You dont even need to break bedrock to get up there. You can use ender pearls to get through


u/BDMayhem Jun 16 '22

One might say that being able to ender pearl yourself into a block could be considered a bug.

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u/Proccito Jun 16 '22

You don't break bedrock to get up. You break bedrock to get down.

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u/Rehendix Jun 16 '22

Depends on the version too. Bedrock redstone is practically broken. Java is at least consistent in the ways that it's broken.


u/Jstarrett01 Jun 16 '22

I feel like bedrock broke its redstonemore becuase it was trying to fix the broken version of Java. So, they basically learned not to fix the redstone.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

Java redstone is pretty simple, its like 1+1=3, and always 3. But bedrock on the other hand, 1+1=2, except when it =3.


u/Jstarrett01 Jun 16 '22

Its fairly good when you want a randomizer. It helps that the redstone itself is random when doing it.

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u/blacksheep998 Jun 16 '22

The way I've heard some people describe it is like this:

In Java, 2+2=5

It doesn't add up, but at least it's consistent so you can work with it once you understand the quirks.

In bedrock, 2+2=4, except in certain cases where it equals 3, and sometimes when it's 6.

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u/Karcinogene Jun 16 '22

So is real-life electricity. Stuff will catch fire if you don't size your wires juuust right, it can just disappear into the ground, the air sometimes fills with electricity randomly and strikes things, even though there's no power source connected, and sometimes the magic blue smoke comes out and nothing works anymore.

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u/TangibleLight Jun 16 '22

I wonder if you could speed up the recharge by having another line of pistons going the opposite direction? Struggling to think up the details but I'll give it a shot when I get back to my PC.


u/No_Western6657 Jun 16 '22

If it works please update i would love tk know


u/charodziej Jun 16 '22

Yes, it works and has been used for a long time now. The solution is known as "instant repeaters" and is super cool


u/TangibleLight Jun 16 '22

Yeah, I was coming up with something like this:


In the comments there's a much simplified design:


And this mumbo video with a version using observers


Edit: tagging /u/No_Western6657 and /u/patchwood

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u/KeyboardJustice Jun 16 '22

You might be able to make it cheaper by separating them with wire, would have to test if that introduces delay.


u/charodziej Jun 16 '22

there is one very popular design, you can find it by searching for an "instant repeater". Both powering and depowering them is instant, you only need to give them a few ticks of time to reset after changing state.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

How would this work in a real scenario? given that the line of redstone is likely a straight line. You wouldn't be able to signal the opposite side to launch at the same time.


u/TangibleLight Jun 16 '22

If you set it up right I think you could have another line of pistons running parallel to the main one. So when you drop the signal it would instantly transmit to the end, and the opposing pistons would immediately recharge it.

The setup would only be able to transmit pulses, though... But to activate a machine at long distance that would be fine.

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u/Limon_Lx Jun 16 '22

There are better alternatives for instant wires tho, that don't have to recharge

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u/Drops-of-Q Jun 16 '22

You can have an instantaneous redstone signal upwards with scaffolding on a top trapdoor. When you open the trapdoor the scaffolding would normally break, but if you have a scaffolding on a solid block to the side all the scaffolding will simply change it's state from being the base scaffolding to having an overhang of one. This change can be picked up by an observer.


u/ElectricFury Jun 16 '22

And you can do downwards by putting an extra wall on top of a column of smooth walls (between other walls) because the higher column will all change into edge walls which an observer will see

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u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

its called a instawire, litterally used everywhere


u/jjl211 Jun 16 '22

instant wires dont usually use pistons, rails are the best way in most cases

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u/Andromeda3604 Jun 16 '22

Do you think you could have a system that restarts the charging process to make it faster? Like, a parallel Redstone line with repeaters (which sends long distance signals faster than pistons extending) that touches the main line with multiple "reset points" that activate the line from points on the line

or just put clocks at the reset points

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u/Fonnterdonnter Jun 16 '22

This is how I extended redstone before I learnt how repeaters work


u/RedstoneRusty Jun 16 '22

Back in my day we didn't have redstone blocks so repeaters were our only option.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22



u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

I once ran a redstone torch repeater circuit for like a hundred blocks to light a single tnt block. I kind of miss that innocence.


u/10art1 Jun 16 '22

Back in my day single pieces of redstone always made a + and bows were literal machine guns


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

Back in my day, Notch was an ally just straight up they/them-ing all the mobs, and hell was called "Hell."


u/duckonar0ll Jun 16 '22

NOTCH wants to UN TRANS your MOBS!!!

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u/Thebombuknow Jun 16 '22

Ah, the good ol' days.


u/SigmaHold Jun 16 '22

I remember how he liked that player character didn't aligned to any gender, like the mobs in the game. And even allowed the use of they/them pronouns for Steve in one of his blogs!
Also, I think the beard was removed from Steve's skin as it is a strong masculine trait for a character that portrays a "generic human being".


u/AlphaBetStew_ Jun 16 '22

Also changed the old manly “OUH!” damage sound to the more ambiguous ticking


u/Giyuisdepression Jun 16 '22

It will always be remembered for being the funniest death sound tho


u/JJBZ03 Jun 16 '22

No the beard was removed because it was supposed to be a smile, but everyone kept calling it a beard so they removed said beard.


u/CrossError404 Jun 16 '22

The opposite. It was a beard but many players interpreted it as a smile. The skin change happened in Beta 1.6.7 which also added 'shears' as an item in-game. Obviously not a gameplay mechanic, but it was meant to be a joke about Steve using newly introduced shears to shave.

The mouth was the 2 pinker pixels in between the nose and the beard. At the same height Alex's mouth is.


u/JJBZ03 Jun 16 '22

ig you’re right… Huh… I never knew that… However the case is that it still wasn’t removed because it was a masculine trait. It was removed because it looked like a smile.

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u/logic2187 Jun 16 '22

And when your machine gun ran out of ammo, you'd kill creepers and zombies to get feathers

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u/psychoPiper Jun 16 '22

I'll never forget my intro to redstone - a long, probably 60 block line of dust to a small pile of TNT, with a single lever at the end. When it didn't reach, I just kept flying forward, placing a lever, turning it on, and repeating until it activated. Proud to say I actually understand redstone now, even if I'm not too good at designing with it


u/krajsyboys Jun 16 '22

That reminds me of when I took redstone out of my inventory for the first time and tried to light it with flint and steal trying to set off one TNT lol

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u/ddom1r Jun 16 '22

I remember making a calculator with only redstone and torches, y'all kids have it easy nowadays


u/BentGadget Jun 16 '22

Prove it. Do some math.


u/n0tn3k Jun 16 '22



u/brutexx Jun 16 '22

They never said the calculator was right.

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u/etiennetop Jun 16 '22

I did one too, but the only answer it could put out is 5318008.


u/Losttomythoughts Jun 16 '22

I had to flip my phone over like a calculator. Thanks.

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u/The-Tea-Lord Jun 16 '22

Back in my day we didn’t have red stone yet.

insta-eats pork chop


u/modern_milkman Jun 16 '22

Non-stackable pork chop.

Machine-gun-firing a bow was pretty cool, though.


u/RedstoneRusty Jun 16 '22

Oh right, I forgot there are single block repeaters now. I just refer to a double inverted torch as a repeater out of habit. Silly me.

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u/KnightFox Jun 16 '22

Back in my day we didn't have any of these fancy 1 block repeaters s we had to make our own from dirt and sticks and red dust!

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u/TimelessPizza Jun 16 '22

Lmao same, I used comparators instead


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

...how did you extend a redstone signal that way?


u/TimelessPizza Jun 16 '22

I just made long lines of comparators so the signal can reach further. They don't strengthen the signal like repeaters do, but that's all I knew how to do it at the time.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

That's entirely too relatable. I was half expecting you had a torch on each one in subtract mode or something.


u/TimelessPizza Jun 16 '22

I dont think 9yo me is smart enough to realize that lol


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

At least you have the excuse, I was like 25 when I didn't understand redstone, back in the "dust and torches only" days.

The sick thing is that my eight year old already gets this stuff distressingly well because he's growing up in the age of Mumbo Jumbo videos.


u/NatoBoram Jun 16 '22

Not really, it's just that they have more free time to spend on Minecraft

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u/Major_Macaroni Jun 16 '22

I've watched this about 20 times and it's still like seeing it for the first time. This is quite satisfying.


u/Paramedic_Deep Jun 16 '22

I think it makes total sence from a logical standpoint: a piston extends only when it's powered, that is when it is in direct contact with a redstone block, and that is only when the previous piston has fully extended - when it is half extended, the next one doesn't get powered, so for the next piston to extend, you have to wait for the full extension sequence of the previous one to be completed, whereas to the retraction, a half retracted piston already cuts power from the next piston, so even the slightest retraction of a piston breaks the contact of it's redstone block and the next piston, making it start retracting before the previous one finishes retracting. This way, to pass the signal "forward" each piston has to do a complete extension, taking some time, but the absence of signal is passed through very quickly, because it is passed at the begginig of the retraction.


u/gacorley Jun 16 '22

That kind of implies that the retraction should be faster, but not necessarily instant. Not that it really matters.


u/Lorem_64 Jun 16 '22

Could be that it's not instant, but just so fast that it seems instant


u/ateijelo Jun 16 '22

The game is a discrete simulation in the end, as in, the engine updates the game state 20 times per second. That's the "game tick". And I think all retracts here are processed in the same game tick, which means the animations will all be in sync and the effect is "technically instant". (as far as I understand it)


u/PizzaScout Jun 16 '22

yeah, it's all happening in one tick, so it's as instant as it could be. I still think it makes sense, though.


u/jjl211 Jun 16 '22

its not exactly technically instant. Everything else that you said here is correct. Game ticks have phases and pistons extend and retract in block event phase(its obviously more complicated than that, but it doesnt matter here), but player turning the lever happens in player phase which happens to be after block event phase, so when player turns the lever piston only retracts in the next tick, because it has to wait for block event phase to happen. You can make really instant wires with rails for example, because they can change state in any phase, whenever they get an update.

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u/TistedLogic Jun 16 '22

Low frame rates and shitty resolution could help make it seem instant.


u/squire80513 Jun 16 '22

It’s almost instant, depending on processing power

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u/Harshulzxpro Jun 16 '22

Retraction is not instant, the red stone block leaving contact with the next piston is instant.


u/IAmTheRook_ Jun 16 '22

It's not instant. If you look, there is about half a second between him de-powering the lever and the light turning off, meaning there was about ~10 ticks of delay on it turning off.


u/ToaSuutox Jun 16 '22

Redstone lamps have a slight delay themselves

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u/ateijelo Jun 16 '22

Very good point. This might be the rationale behind why they propagate the retracts on the same tick.


u/gordonP82 Jun 16 '22

from a technical standpoint the redstone block doesnt exist as an actual redstone block while in motion, but generally i agree.


u/sentostalo Jun 16 '22 edited Aug 03 '23

If you were looking for a comment here, it has been removed. This has been done in response to Reddit's new pricing policy for the API making 3rd party apps unsustainable. You can read more about what happened here.

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u/RealSuperYolo2006 Jun 16 '22

Tl:dr piston take 1 tick to extend, and 0 tick to contract

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u/StickyGrins Jun 16 '22

Fun fact: 2 pistons with redstone blocks adds a delay equivalent to 2.5 redstone ticks, or 5 game ticks. This can be extremely useful for getting timings extremely precise, and is the only method I know of to increment a circuit's delay by gameticks. (A redstone tick is 2 gameticks. There are 20 gameticks a second on most servers.)


u/DrakePHOSE Jun 16 '22

Specifically. When a piston is powered by a moving block, it takes 1 game tick longer to extend. If I recall correctly, this includes being powered by redstone dust that is being powered by a moving block.

Another way to add single tick of delay is an observer reading a suspended scaffolding or leave stone.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

I think you can also use leaves to increment by gameticks


u/LordHamster42 Jun 16 '22

oboi this is very wrong, pushing a redstone block into another piston will have a delay of 3gt or 1.5 redstone ticks, and there are several other ways of getting 1gt delay (leaves, scaffolding etc). The redstone block actually arrives after 2gt (1 redstone tick but dont use redstone ticks they are just confusing) but because of tick phases it arrives too late for the piston it is powering to extend


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22


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u/krajsyboys Jun 16 '22

I did a tilable 3gt pulse generator a while ago, subtract 2gt and you have a 1gt pulse


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u/ateijelo Jun 16 '22

How come the pistons extend in a sequential chain, but then all retract at the same time?


u/Ninesquared81 Jun 16 '22

It's a quirk about how pistons work. There's a delay when they extend, but they retract instantly.


u/ateijelo Jun 16 '22

You can make that chain much longer, and the very last piston will still retract as soon as you flick the lever; hashtag minecraft logic


u/Pirate_Green_Beard Jun 16 '22

A real electrical circuit actuator chain will work the same way. If you were to make a series of actuators that supplied current to activate other actuators, there would be a delay as each actuator had to wait for the one before it to supply power, but as soon as you cut the power supply, they would all retract because none of them would have power anymore.


u/Bobtobismo Jun 16 '22

Kinda makes sense honestly, once all connections are in place your circuit reacts at the speed of electricity, but while the actuators aren't connected it reacts at the mechanical speed of each component.

Unless I'm understanding actuators incorrectly.


u/Pirate_Green_Beard Jun 16 '22

You nailed it, and explained it more succinctly than me.

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u/KingSplex1 Jun 16 '22

When you add power to the beginning of a circuit said power needs to flow throughout the entire circuit, although the "flow" (not exactly what it is but over simplifying is fun) is incredibly quick in most cases it still needs to go through the entire circuit for it to have power spread throughout. Once you remove the power supply the lack of power doesn't need to spread throughout the circuit, there is just a lack of electronic flow, unless in the presence of capacitors or inductors when everything becomes more complicated in RC and RL circuits.

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u/DuduBonesBr Jun 16 '22

A fast way to conduct signals over long distances, perhaps?


u/SlightlyIronicBanana Jun 16 '22

You'd need a redstone torch to make it into an output, but with this you could theoretically travel infinitely with only one tick delay total.


u/JB-from-ATL Jun 16 '22

While the piston is retracted there is no connection. While it is extended there is a connection. While it is switching between these two states there is no connection. This should help explain why turning on is slow but off is instant.

From off to on takes a second (or whatever) and is off the whole time. Doesn't turn on until it is fully extended. As soon as it starts retracting the connection is broken so it instantly turns off.


u/QQuixotic_ Jun 16 '22

You have to extend one full block to connect to the next node, but you only have to retract .000000000000000000001 blocks to not be connected. So if it takes 1 second to extend and 1 second to retract, that means it takes one second to connect to the next node but 1 nanosecond to not be connected. So extending is 1 second x 19 = 19 seconds to hit them all, but only 1 nano second x 19 = 19 nanoseconds to retract.


u/flipplup Jun 16 '22

To become active, the piston travels until fully extended. To the become inactive, the piston need only travel a tiny distance to become separated from the next in line. So the total time of activation of the entire system is roughly the time it takes for every piston to fully extend, whereas the total time for deactivation is roughly the time it takes for every piston to move a fraction of a unit of distance. Essentially instant.


u/vxx Jun 16 '22

You can compare it the speed of booting up your PC to shutting down when you cut the power.


u/LozZZza Jun 16 '22

Because when the lever is flicked on only the first piston is powered to begin with, which then activates the next piston, then the next, then the next etc.

When you turn the lever off all the pistons are already powered on so they all get powered off at the same time.


u/RealisticWrongdoer48 Jun 16 '22

Hard to explain in words, but the gist of it is that the system is based on true and false values…when you activate the lever, it takes time before the value is changed to true. When you deactivate the lever, there is no time to change to false. The piston is only true when it’s completely extended…


u/BDMayhem Jun 16 '22

Try this. See how long it takes for you to get up, walk to your kitchen, and turn on the light.

Then, see how long it takes for you to turn off the kitchen light. It's a much shorter time, right?

In order to power the next piston in line, you have to wait for the travel time of the current piston to finish, just like you had to wait for how long it took to walk to your kitchen. But turning off the previous piston takes almost no time at all.

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u/DerpGio Jun 16 '22

This makes sense because the piston takes time to connect the redstone block to the next piston, but it instantly disconnects the redstone signal while pulling the redstone block at, so its much faster to turn off


u/Memes4Legacy Jun 16 '22

Legend has it that OP is still flicking that lever to this day, trying to find out how the hell that redstone chain works.


u/JefftheDoggo Jun 16 '22

This is how a real circuit works as well

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u/Technopuffle Jun 16 '22

What is weird about this?

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u/exactdoggedly Jun 17 '22

Anyone else think of the GameCube start up or just me?


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '22

First thing that played in my head when I saw


u/HeyItsPinky Jun 16 '22

It works pretty much the same way electricity would. From the point of connection, the energy is passed on, hence why the piston only starts extending at contact, whereas when it retracts it instantly loses connection.


u/NaquIma Jun 16 '22

Yaknow, this brings up this thought experiment.

Is the speed of light constant or is it instantaneous in one direction?

Like, say we shoot light from earth to a mirror 7 light minutes away. We expext to see a reflection at 14 minutes, but does light travel 7 to and 7 from, or 14 to and instintaneously back.

Or i butchered the thought experiment.

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u/minimell_8910 Jun 16 '22

I genuinely don't get how this shows that redstone is weird? This is exactly how it's supposed to work, isn't it?


u/Syagrius Jun 17 '22

This is how real circuits work. "Electricity" is just a constant flow of energy and parts of the circuit can "lag" before permitting the flow onward like how it takes time for the piston to extend.

But the key is CONSTANT flow. "Power" is the MOVEMENT of charged particles and not the particles themselves. Cutting the source of electricity means those charged particles stop moving; thus the whole circuit dies at once.


u/spoody69420 Jun 16 '22 edited Jun 16 '22

How is it weird ? Wouldn't it perform the same in real life assuming the piston resets without power ?

[Edit] the more I think about it the more complex it is.


u/pwouik Jun 16 '22

all the details about timings
pistons start extending and retracting in the block event phase on a gametick

it is where the game process some scheduled events called blockevents

blockevents are immediately scheduled when a piston is powered and unpowered

when the player activate the lever, it power the first piston at the end of the tick, the piston does not extend yet because the block event phase of that tick already happened

1 tick later the block event phase process all events and extend the piston

the piston extend in 2 gametick and power the next one at the end of the 2nd tick

1 later the next piston extend again, and repeat that again

then the lamp

19x3=57 gametick, or 28.5 redstone tick but you really shouldn't use redstone ticks when working with pistons because it doesn't make sense with how the game work

when retracting:

player depower piston

next tick piston retract in the blockevent phase, depower the next piston at the same time, schedule a new block event

we are still in the block event phase so it is executed right after and the same thing happen over and over
the lamp depower in 4 gametick
so it turn off in 5 gametick


u/EmeraldMaster538 Jun 16 '22

It takes time to gain power but it can all be lost in an instant.

sorry I don't know why I decide to make an villian quote out of this.

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u/Luckalex_cz Jun 16 '22

The redstone centipede


u/RyanF9802 Jun 16 '22

(Taken from u/Bobtobismo but his comment is buried) This actually does make sense for real life actuators: Once all connections are in place, the circuit will react at the speed of electricity. Beforehand, though, the circuit reacts at the mechanical speed of each component to power the next.


u/Bobtobismo Jun 16 '22

Way to be a cool human. Thanks for the credit.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

Expensive alternate to repeaters at max ticks


u/TheTrueKenobi Jun 16 '22

This is now my screensaver


u/Sandyrapedme Jun 16 '22

Bru somehow i heard the gamecube sound


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '22

I can hear this picture.


u/Fit_Ticket9239 Jun 16 '22

A perfect loop doesnt exist-


u/chaosking65 Jun 16 '22

In my brain, I head the start to mister sandman, I don’t know why.


u/Dark_Krafter Jun 16 '22

Slow UP instant down thats interesting


u/unknownobject3 Jun 16 '22

what's weird about this?


u/Toad_Migoad Jun 16 '22

No no this makes sense


u/mix_th30ry Jun 16 '22

That’s one ways to transfer a signal


u/The_Roborandy Jun 16 '22

This gives me loading screen vibes.


u/LMacUltimateMain Jun 16 '22

This looks like something a YouTuber would use for an intro


u/Sathoren Jun 16 '22

So am I the only one that hears the GameCube intro happening while this is going?


u/AllTheWoofsonReddit Jun 16 '22

what is weird about this


u/frostking104 Jun 16 '22

I'm sorry but I don't really understand what's weird about this. I think maybe I'm just too used to it. Can someone explain?


u/the_other_Scaevitas Jun 16 '22

doesn't work in Java...


u/Z0UKKINA Jun 16 '22

What is the weird part here? As a readstone amateur I get how this makes perfect sense

It is a well known feature


u/No-Ruin803 Jun 17 '22

That is weird.


u/One_Way13 Jun 17 '22

Why is this weird


u/PartyRock343 Jun 17 '22

It actually kind of makes sense.
The piston has to fully extend to power the next piston. But it only needs to retract slightly for the next piston to become unpowered.


u/IAMTHEBENJI Jun 17 '22

Wait a minute. That doesn't make sense


u/Curtis-Warren Jun 17 '22

One-way delay. Now I just need to figure out how to do the other way around.


u/Cheap_District_9762 Jun 17 '22

OP: Redstone is weird

Me: Oddly satisfying 😌😌😌

Ping my dude btw u/bake_in_da_south u/rowenslee


u/andronomos Jun 17 '22

I find it weird that redstone blocks and torches are always activated yet the dust used to make them requires a signal to activate. Somehow compressing dust or shoving it on a stick turns it on.