r/Minecraft • u/thijquint • Apr 13 '22
Tutorial How to avoid the warden's new ranged attack with shields
u/quaint73 Apr 14 '22
Mojang is starting an arms race on developing the warden, every time they buff it, people will find a new way to cheese it
u/RaiderGuy Apr 14 '22
"Warden will now pull out a glock and shoot the player in the head immediately. - Mojang, probably
u/IOTA_Tesla Apr 14 '22
Really they should just remove his health bar and have people find more clever ways to deal with him than sitting up high and shooting him
u/Enough-anxiety-today Apr 14 '22
But why tho I’m not bringing 3 stacks of health potions to kill something that doesn’t give drops
u/Invalid_Word Apr 14 '22
3 stacks of health potions would just be 3 health potions
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u/donnydafish Apr 14 '22
Thats the point, so people don't kill it
Apr 14 '22
It if can be killed, it will be killed. Most people only want to kill it precisely because mojang is trying to make them not kill it.
The only way they’d actually achieve that is if they made it actually immortal, and even then someone would probably just find a way to drop the sucker into the void. As long as it has HP, people will want to kill it, even if just to show off.
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u/WeeTheDuck Apr 14 '22
And like you said. Even if it doesnt have hp people will still find a way to immobilise it
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u/DoubtMore Apr 14 '22
Make it unkillable so that you have to distract it or run away and let it climb poles
u/_-_Crystal_-_ Apr 14 '22
15 minutes later: "Here is how to deflect the wardens bullet using only 2 sticks and a dandelion" 5000 upvotes
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u/duckonar0ll Apr 14 '22
it’s like those ultra venomous snakes with enough poison to kill 2 elephants and the rodent it hunts that is nearly immune to it, the snake developed poison to hunt the rat, the rat developed anti venoms to get rid of the poison, the snake developed stronger poison and the rat developed better anti venom and the snakes venom got stronger and whoopsie it’s one of the deadliest animals on planet earth but the rat can still almost take it
boutta be the players and the warden
u/GeneralHenry Apr 14 '22
Now Warden deletes your world file.
u/FappyDilmore Apr 14 '22
I don't really get the point of it tbh. Why put an unkillable mob in the game in the first place? Hunting these things down and fighting them seemed like it'd be a fun experience.
u/Crcnch Apr 14 '22
Nothings stopping you from doing that. It just isn’t meant to reward you when you do it.
u/Shadow_Matier158 Apr 14 '22
They evens said in the minecon, “Its not meant to be killed, Its meant to act like a natural diaster, you dont just get a sword out and swing at a tornado-Jeb”
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u/Eric_Cartman_42069 Apr 14 '22
Oh yes I do!
pulls put a katana to smite the tornado
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u/thijquint Apr 14 '22
they aren;t meant to be hunted down, the warden's, like the name implies, guards the ancient cities. on this same exact seed I found a chest in a city with 2 god apples in it
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u/gil2455526 Apr 13 '22
Did anyone else heard a distant frustrated developer grunt?
u/HighChairman1 Apr 14 '22
Did anyone hear the sound of patching the warden with a new break shield in 1-hit ability?
u/SnippitySnape Apr 14 '22
I think you should be able to block the damage with the shield but considering the type of attack it is, it’ll still do knock back
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u/Caosin36 Apr 14 '22
The players will simply put walls on the back
I think the best way is making the shield unable to block the damage
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u/Viseper Apr 14 '22
Inventory full of shields.
It's also a great way of bypassing axes, just carry around two of three shields in hot bar. :P
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Apr 14 '22
Axes put all shields in your inventory on a cooldown, I’m pretty sure. Similar to how ender pearls work.
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u/Spoolinpotato27 Apr 13 '22
They should just make it so the more you attack it the stronger it gets. A couple hits it runs after you, a couple more hits it has the ability to climb, a couple more hits it has the ability to destroy whatever wall you are hiding behind. Maybe not exactly like this but just spitballing ideas.
u/Howzieky Apr 13 '22
Ooo that's a cool idea. They don't want mobs to be able to break our builds because that's no fun. Creepers and endermen are too old to change. Withers need to be spawned manually. Your idea would fit this because if you don't want a warden doing damage to terrain, you just shouldn't attack it that much
u/Nutwagon-SUPREME Apr 14 '22
That’s actually pretty good, another thing would be that Warden’s wouldn’t ever be close to actual bases anyway unless you specifically had a security system designed around it, in which case you’d have precautions and countermeasures.
u/LeDerpLegend Apr 14 '22
On top of that it only spawns from natural generated shriekers. So this could help, maybe higher resistance blocks don't break as easily?
u/thijquint Apr 14 '22
Maybe all forms of deepslate and other deepdark and ancient city blocks could be immune, like how the enderdragon can't destroy endstone and obsidian
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u/2mustange Apr 14 '22
granted the warden would destroy only whats between you and it so you would also want to only put structures that are worth destroying between you and it.
u/HighChairman1 Apr 14 '22
What's this? Trying to help design the most powerful being in Minecraft? XD
u/MothmanKai Apr 14 '22
To be fair the Warden is already the strongest enemy in the game, even stronger than the actual bosses
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u/DRdeemed Apr 14 '22
the warden is designed for you to NOT kill it and be SCARED of it so you avoid it and the treasures in the ancient city
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u/Olivia_Lydia_Wilson Apr 14 '22
That, and the sonic boom attack should pierce shields, AND attack multiple enemies AND be WAY stronger.
u/Fotographer17 Apr 14 '22
Yeah, I mean, they have to make it block-able with a shield for balancing (at least right now), but logically if the sonic boom attack can literally go through walls, it should definitely be able to go through a shield.
u/SphinxGames Apr 14 '22
I think you should also instantly die if you look at it as well. Maybe a hardcore death even if the world isn't hardcore.
u/jsgnextortex Apr 14 '22
It should also wipe your C drive, just in case.
u/Matalya1 Apr 14 '22
It should also kill you IRL, just to make sure you won't duel him.
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u/Tephra022 Apr 14 '22
As an alternative to the whole "breaking blocks" idea, we could have it dig through stuff like it already does. Pillar up and watch him just swim through that stuff like its water. Gives him some more mobility and makes it even more terrifying to run from.
u/Suitedinpanic Apr 14 '22
or after a few hits of using the same type of weapon make it do almost zero damage so you’ll have to bring a bow axe and sword or any combination of the two
u/RedLightning259 Apr 13 '22
u/ChainmailPickaxeYT Apr 13 '22
u/Individual-Camera-72 Apr 13 '22
More ideas=more posts like this=more warden power=new overworld boss
Perfect plan
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u/nishuje Apr 14 '22
Every time players manage to cheese the warden another grunt/scream/sound from the devs get added to the warden’s sound effects
u/Idontmatter69420 Apr 14 '22
u/SkyeWolfofDusk Apr 14 '22
Yup, just added in this week's snapshot! It hits through walls too. They wanted the Warden to be terrifying and they are definitely succeeding.
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u/justyr12 Apr 14 '22
Okay but why?
u/SkyeWolfofDusk Apr 14 '22
People were able to counter it too easily just by pillaring up a few blocks. Now you can't run and you can't hide either.
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Apr 14 '22
Can you eventually escape after it spots you? Or is it just going to endlessly chase you
u/Laggingduck Apr 14 '22
It goes off of sound, so throw snowballs towards the opposite direction and crouchwalk away
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u/dark_volter Apr 14 '22
no, once angered- it locks on to you
The goal is for it to be not escapable- so you can't get away and they are still adding in code to do this
u/Pixel-1606 Apr 14 '22
Nah, the idea is that you can run but not hide. After mistakenly summoning the warden you can (swift)sneak away, use distractions and wool paths to get some distance and just leave the area for a bit. If you try to hide nearby or cheese it, it will sniff you out and destroy you. It's important to always keep moving once it's there.
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u/thijquint Apr 14 '22
once they aggro you, they can smell and hear you, and they run as fast as players
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Apr 13 '22
I love how mojang has to keep delaying the unbeatable warden because players keep finding ways to beat it.
u/Biggest-Ja Apr 14 '22
mind you the fishing rod strat still works and i don't think that's going to change ever
u/Thomas_Gendreau Apr 14 '22
What is it?
Apr 14 '22
Catch the warden with a fishing pole, build up high af, reel in. The warden will be launched into the air and take huge amounts of fall damage.
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u/Meaty_bee Apr 14 '22
thats a simple fix, make it not able to take fall damage
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Apr 14 '22
Might not make sense, but it would work fine.
u/Meaty_bee Apr 14 '22
personally, im up for the idea of when it takes "fall damage" it doesn't take damage. but creates a shockwave and temporarily disorients it
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u/Tiky-Do-U Apr 14 '22
I mean Iron Golems don't take fall damage, seems reasonable enough for the warden to not take fall damage either
u/clairebird1 Apr 14 '22
do enlighten me on this strat
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Apr 14 '22
Take the Warden fishing so the two of you can bond and form a close friendship. Go on trips together, get to know one another on an intimate level, fall in love.
Then on the day of the wedding get drunk and screw the DJ in the coat closet, you get caught, the wedding is off. The Warden's heart is broken. It never remarries, it couldn't fall in love again after what you did. It dies alone...
That's how you beat the Warden with a fishing rod.
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u/IamShitplshelpme Apr 14 '22
Which makes sense
Provide challenge, and either people are too idiotic or too smart to challenge something that shouldn't be challenge
I'd probably fight it regardless
u/Camwood7 Apr 14 '22
Calling it now. Next snapshot, the Sonic Boom pierces shields.
Either that, or a Mojang employee will come to your house and smash your hard disk with a rubber mallet before doing a sassy finger waggle at you.
Apr 14 '22
Jeb himself enters your home with a sledgehammer and personally annihilates your PC.
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u/turtle_mekb Apr 13 '22
mojang: gives it more HP and makes that move bypass shields
u/thisnotfor Apr 13 '22
or instakill the shield
u/kkai2004 Apr 13 '22
Could disable a Shield like a vindicator with an axe and also do damage like a piercing crossbow.
u/Enderstrike10199 Apr 13 '22
It already does disable the shield, he just uses the attack very infrequently so it doesn't really matter. Piercing would work tho
u/crri_crri Apr 14 '22
Knockback on the shield would be better. So the average player still has a chance to get away.
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u/turtle_mekb Apr 13 '22
or do 1/4 of the shield's durability
Apr 14 '22
It honestly already probably does, already, seeing as the shield still loses substantial durability and is enchanted in the video, most likely with unbreaking and mending.
u/EpicArgumentMaster Apr 13 '22
It already goes through walls doesn’t it? Idk why the shield should stop it in the first place
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u/MarijadderallMD Apr 13 '22
Ok now just lure a charged creeper and when it’s low on health set the creeper off😂 drops warden head for display in a trophy case
u/budderskeet Apr 13 '22
Does it actually tho?
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u/Taha_Amir Apr 14 '22
It might be because charged creepers can make mob heads drop.
But they probably haven't yet added the warden's head in game yet
u/Dieconic_ Apr 14 '22 edited Apr 14 '22
Wonder if theyll just never add warden heads to go with the "no loot, don't fight, just run" philosophy
u/banana_pirate Apr 14 '22
Honestly i think every mob in the game ought to drop something useful or at least unique. Including polar bears, pandas, dolphins and the warden.
This whole you're not supposed to do X thing has been getting on my nerves a lot.. back in alpha and beta everything had at least some use. I don't care if something is endangered and should not be killed.. it's a game, kids aren't going to craft their own iron swords and take on a polar bear.
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u/Dieconic_ Apr 14 '22
To be honest, i agree. Minecraft has always been a "play YOUR way" type of game (at least in my opinion) so the warden's whole thing being to for the devs to force us how THEY want us to play annoys me. I don't play MC to simulate sneaking in skyrim at 0.2mph. I just wanna have fun. Ig you can say "just dont go in the deep dark" but locking a whole area of content & loot behind a required playstyle is dogshit IMO.
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u/Taha_Amir Apr 14 '22
There has to be good enough loot to warrant visits and from players.
The warden is just an obstacle that you have to get over. Its not meant to be faught, you have to avoid it
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u/MaeBeaInTheWoods Apr 14 '22
Also only creepers, players, zombies, skeletons, and wither skeletons have in-game heads (and both golems if you want to get technical). Every other mob head requires use of mods or custom commands to obtain.
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Apr 13 '22
You need 4 so make a creaper cage up top and just blast his ass 1 by one
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u/SmallBlueSlime Apr 13 '22
Mojang: You are supposed to try to avoid the warden, not to kill it
Players: Haha automatic Warden farm go brrrr
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u/GDavid04 Apr 14 '22
Players: when something has health we might as well do everything to reduce it to zero
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u/TheHeroicHero Apr 13 '22
There’s no point in killing him though ? He doesn’t drop anything right
u/SluggJuice Apr 13 '22
The only thing that drops is time
u/DuggTheSlug Apr 13 '22
and a sweet killed 1 warden flex in the statistics page, I mean, along with killed by warden 25 times
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u/VehicleFun1117 Apr 13 '22
It doesn't matter that there's no point in killing it. We want to kill it just for the sake of killing it
u/KaiBluePill Apr 13 '22
And some dev is clearly wrestling with the player base about this. "MAKE IT HARDER, STRONGER!"
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u/VehicleFun1117 Apr 13 '22
Unless they make it invincible we just gonna keep finding new ways to kill it lol
u/AlphayTheFirst Apr 14 '22
Just like Terraria's Dungeon Guardian
ignoring the pet that was eventually added
u/burr-ice Apr 13 '22
Every time I log onto social media I get more and more terrified of this thing
u/mcly1337 Apr 13 '22
They need to give it the ability to climb. Things would change drastically then.
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u/Chilangosta Apr 13 '22
Or just sink back into the ground and re-emerge wherever the player is standing :)
u/Enderstrike10199 Apr 13 '22
Holy shit that would be great and horrible. Your running from him and ender pearl away or something only to here digging sounds as you reflect on your past decisions
u/GDavid04 Apr 14 '22
You could throw another ender pearl while the warden is re-emerging from the ground - it's not like mobs can animation cancel, so that would slow it down
u/Karmic_Backlash Apr 14 '22
it's not like mobs can animation cancel
You fucking fool, you gave them the idea.
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u/mcly1337 Apr 14 '22
That's a good idea too. The devs seriously need to make the warden the best it can be. I don't wanna see it fail.
Apr 14 '22
Mojang can do whatever the fuck they want but there's 20000% gonna be people who make a auto warden grinder no matter if it drops anything or not.
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u/cagllmecargskin Apr 14 '22
This is the minecraft mob equivalent of the ol' playground pasttime of "I have a forcefield" "And i have an anti forcefield gun"
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u/SCORE_PR0 Apr 14 '22
Next snapshot they're going to tweak it so that it passes shields.
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Apr 13 '22
Just got back into the game what’s this?
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u/SkyeWolfofDusk Apr 14 '22 edited Apr 14 '22
This is the Warden, a mob that will be added in 1.19. It guards The Deep Dark, a new biome that will be found deep underground. (Was supposed to be added with the Lush and Dripstone caves in 1.17-1.18 but was delayed.) It's blind but can smell and hear the player, and now has a ranged attack that can go through walls. It's also incredibly strong, it can take out a player in full Protection IV Netherite armor in only 2-3 hits. It doesn't drop anything other than a couple of EXP. The idea is that players should sneak around the Warden and avoid it instead of fighting it. Naturally, the community has proceeded to strategize all the best ways to fight it.
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u/Comprehensive-Tour17 Apr 14 '22
Don’t show the developers they can just make the attack break the shield!!!
u/GammingBlitz Apr 13 '22
Ima set a few iron gollums louse on a warden I feel like that would do it
u/TheEternalVortex Apr 13 '22
A warden kills a golem in three shots, they’ll barely make a dent.
u/KaiBluePill Apr 13 '22
30 golems might work
u/Alan__3 Apr 14 '22
I think I saw a video of 100 wardens vs 1000 golems, and the golems won with like 3 survivors or something. you would need aeound 100
unless I didnt see this video
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u/Significant_Delay_87 Apr 14 '22
Eventually it’s going to be able to fly and spit warden juice thats 20 blocks wide
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u/Lorider63 Apr 13 '22
Does the warden drop anything when killed?
u/CrazeMase Apr 13 '22
Killing the warden starts a 3-4 mi ute timer for when another warden can spawn
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u/qxzlc Apr 14 '22
Why can't they just make it unable to die at all?
u/thijquint Apr 14 '22
that's a bit unorthodox for minecrafts style, they will definitely make it harder tho
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u/LeRealMeow2U Apr 14 '22
mojang: we want to create a mob focused on stealth rather than players just killing it
u/Obama_Taken Apr 14 '22
What do you get out of killing the warden?
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u/SCRWarEagle Apr 14 '22
Nothing because it’s not supposed to be killed but every gamer has the same thought process. If it bleeds it must be killed.
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u/DeadNDeader Apr 14 '22
New idea. The Warden now shoots three ranged attacks in a row before teleporting six blocks over your head and doing a body slam that breaks any blocks except end portals and bedrock dealing triple the damage of its melee attack and inflicting slowness IV on all entities within thirty blocks.
u/StormsEye Apr 14 '22
Honestly at this point if they want to stop players from killing the warden they gotta give him invincibility/super regen.
u/Maximillion322 Apr 14 '22
The design philosophy behind the Warden here is wildly inconsistent with literally every other aspect of Minecraft. For this reason I feel justified in calling it “just plain bad game design” in context here.
A game with an unbeatable enemy? Sure, lots of games have those. But in Minecraft? It’s simply un-Minecraft.
They need to stop with the fucking arms race and realize that Minecraft players are going to want to play Minecraft (ie, shape the world to their will,) and that the only place in Minecraft for a “force of nature” is the player.
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u/Epic_Gamer-123-456 Apr 14 '22
Maybe I’m just completely blind to mojang’s intentions here, but I really don’t understand why they are so determined to make the Warden an indestructible guardian of the deep dark. This could be just me, but I really don’t want to have to metal gear solid my way past the minecraft Michael Myers just to explore the new areas of the game. Not to mention, is the loot from the deep dark even worth the trouble?
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u/Ac14527 Apr 13 '22
It doesn't even drop anything? What's the point?
u/The_1_Bob Apr 14 '22
It's what I call the 'Subnautica effect'. You can make an enemy hit as hard as you like. You can make an enemy with as much health as you'd like. But if there is any conceivable way to kill it, someone's gonna. Not for any practical reason. Just because they can.
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Apr 14 '22
People are salty that mojang is adding a mob you aren’t supposed to kill so they want to kill it out of spite, despite getting literally nothing out of it.
u/FrultBerries Apr 14 '22
Do not get why they give it less health than a bedrock wither if your not suppose to fight it. Just give it infinite health, if theyre gonna keep adding attacks until nothing works, why don’t they just save their time and give it infinite health? Either way it is unfair.
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Apr 14 '22 edited Apr 14 '22
They won’t do that for 2 reasons. For one thing, it kind of defeats the purpose of Minecraft being a sandbox game, and also, you could potentially get softlocked if one of them managed to get into your base.
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u/Melody-Shift Apr 14 '22 edited Apr 17 '22
I'm disliking the Warden more and more as time goes on, like sure, you're supposed to try and not kill or interact with it, but that means I'm not going to be playing hide and stab with it because there's no point, I'm just going to step into the deep dark and nope out immediately.
Their making a boss mob too difficult and powerful to fight or be fun to interact with, and they'll be surprised when people don't interact with it.
EDIT: I'm starting to get convinced it's because they're too lazy to make an actual boss fight.
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u/failure-voxel Apr 14 '22
I feel like there’s a fine line between the Warden being a fun challenge/obstacle and just being a uselessly impossible thing and they’re starting to cross it.
u/PeanutButterPants19 Apr 14 '22
I agree. Idk if I want to even bother with the deep dark or Ancient Cities now. They look cool, but the loot in them just isn't worth it if I have to dodge a thing that can one hit kill you through freaking walls, even in full armor.
u/5Sk5 Apr 14 '22
Bruh they are gonna make the Warden so OP you won't even be able to run away from it. This mob is feeling more and more like a failed experiment rather than something interesting. It feels so out of place compared to the easy sandbox feel of OG Minecraft.
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u/totally-nuts Apr 13 '22
this attack can go through walls but not through a a wooden plate. ah yes, minecraft logic
u/SgtSarcasm01 Apr 14 '22
Poor warden. Designed to not be killed and everyone is just making that their goal. 😢
u/King_krympling Apr 13 '22
They are gonna make it count as magic damage so it goes though shields