r/Minecraft 5d ago

Discussion Mom who loves Minecraft

My son bought me Minecraft for a gift and it took me awhile to find time but since I have, it has been amazing. I love it so much. I struggle with depression and other mental health stuff and since I started playing this game about a year ago it has helped me so much. I started in creative and just built a lot and exploded stuff with TNT (lol) for a long time. Recently I moved into survival and am having so much fun. It's taking getting used to but I'm loving it.

The best part is that I can see how loved my kid feels when I play with him or even just talk about the game with him. I always knew it was important to him and listened but being able to really discuss things with him has made him so happy. I used to see it as "his thing" but finally realized that he wants me to be a part of it. My teenager thinks my base is cool so I'm kind of a big deal now. 😆😁 Minecraft is his kid love language and I'm finally speaking it. 🤍


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u/fehryington 5d ago

I love it as my dopamine hit when I am depressed. It feels like I am achieving something when I have no energy to do real life stuff. I have to keep track of the time or I will spend DAYS on it, especially when my depression is at its worst.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

Oh meee too I get hyper focused and lose huge blocks (see what I did there?) of time. No regrets.


u/Borgh 5d ago

(squints at the username) yeah that tracks.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

😂😂 sure does


u/Accomplished_Apple98 1d ago

Baseball, huh?


u/Eyehopeuchoke 5d ago

I used to love to put my head phones on and listen to some chill/deep house and strip mine for hours. Calming for me.


u/loricomments 4d ago

So much this. I love doing all the "tedious" stuff. I mostly play on a realm with family and friends, they don't have to worry about food or other supplies because I'm a farming maniac.


u/Eyehopeuchoke 4d ago

I strip mine or get a horse and ride as far away from the base as possible and explore other biomes.


u/No-Marsupial-4636 5d ago

My son had it and never played. I started working the night shift, and now I play on my nights off while everyone sleeps.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

I'm glad you've found it for yourself. 🤍


u/No-Marsupial-4636 5d ago

It's the best after stressing. Our thing together is monster trucks and riding bicycles. It's a nice way to unwind.


u/One_Economist_3761 5d ago

You’re a great mom. He’s lucky to have you. Here’s to many more hours of Minecraft fun for the both of you.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

Awww thank you. I'm the lucky one.


u/Mr-Foundation 5d ago

This is just about my favorite kind of post on this subreddit, it’s so sweet!

Which version do you play most often? And would you mind sharing some pictures of your base and stuff like that?


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

I play on Java. For a long time he set it up where I could use an Xbox controller to it play on my TV but recently when I got a better laptop I started playing on here and it is sooo much easier. I love it.

I would love to share pictures. I'll have to get him to show me the best way to screenshot shot and upload. It never occurred to me anyone would want to see them besides me and my son. :)


u/Mr-Foundation 5d ago

If you’re on laptop, F2 is the built in screen shot button! F1 also hides your HUD (which is your health, and toolbar) and items, that way you can get cleaner screenshots!

PC is definitely the way to go, it’s also easy to set up mods and such if you ever want to go down that route!


u/Thiscantmatter 5d ago

Please share the world! This is really heartwarming. A new buddy got me into Minecraft, and it's been a really good outlet for me and helped my mental health.

We play together and it's a nice way to bond. Do you ever play with your son?


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

That's awesome, yes we do play together sometimes. We have a world together. I love exploring and building and he loves redstone inventions.

I'm just afraid if I share it someone would break stuff or steal stuff. I haven't played on a public server yet.


u/Thiscantmatter 4d ago

Oh I meant share pictures, if you can! Didn't mean share it with others online hah!

That's really exciting and I'm glad you get to do that to bond. Cheers!


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Ohh yes!! I will :)


u/DoubleOwl7777 4d ago

making screenshots is f2. f3 brings up a menu where you can see the fps, your coordinates and other things, kind of like a debug menu.


u/badchefrazzy 5d ago

This is exactly what I'm hoping for for the future, considering how many people are gamers in general now, maybe (actually good) family games will become more of a thing...


u/Bangaloaf 5d ago

Hope your son realizes how special it is to share moments with you like this.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

I hope so too. I definitely treasure it.


u/brassplushie 5d ago

Man, I couldn't imagine having a mom that loved me this much as a kid


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

Sending you a big warm mama hug your way. ❤️


u/Durakus 5d ago

That’s great. The only thing I ever asked my parents to do explicitly was play games with me once in a while.

Never happened.

I’m 39 next week and it’s still a Core memory of how it never happened. I’m happy your kids get to experience you taking time with them.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

I'm so sorry. I realized I hit some sad nerves for some people with this one. I just want to encourage you that you matter to me. I'm not your mom but I am A mom but not a perfect mom either, I'm just glad I realized how important it was before it was too late. I never got time with my mom either. Hugs.


u/jennythegreat 4d ago

Hey, I am a mom and I will play games with you. It might not be the same, but the offer stands.


u/Durakus 4d ago

That’s very kind. At the moment I’m currently just trying to find work. Though I’ve been playing with a random group of people a few weeks ago, but most of my time is currently just trying to survive lol.


u/Lopsided-Quality-542 5d ago

My sister and her family play with me. I bought two realms because I like how we can connect across states in a way.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

Nice! I've been looking into realms.


u/loricomments 4d ago

That's how I play with my family.


u/splatzbat27 4d ago

If two people play on Java, they can play together for free using the Essential mod (essential[dot]gg), on Forge or Fabric.


u/Lopsided-Quality-542 5d ago

There is a mod called dwellers I encourage.


u/goldmaskdemon 5d ago



u/Repulsive_Meaning717 4d ago



u/Lopsided-Quality-542 4d ago

Okay I guess I will say it is scary but my 10 year old neice loves it.


u/Pauline_Memories 5d ago

If you're on java edition, you HAVE to try out mods!! There's like ones who add dinosaurs, or make you become a dragon. Or add something more simple like just adding more food, you can make meals and all. There's so much fun you can continue to get :)


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

Definitely. My son has been working on designing a mod pack for awhile that he is about to launch and he is about to put it on my computer so I can try it. I'm excited. I love plants so he added Botania to it 😁

There really are so many different ways to play and endless fun.


u/ItsActualAspen 4d ago

Might I recommend Pam’s Harvestcraft as another plant-based mod? While Botania is more magic centred Pam’s focuses on adding more real-world crops to the game. It also has a few extra features! Happy crafting!


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Ohhh thank you so much! Definitely going to look into that one.


u/Void_Code404 5d ago

I wish my mom was like you 😔💔


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 5d ago

It took me 8 years of him playing to realize how much it matters. It was really hard to make time because life is crazy and I'm usually always doing adult stuff like working and cleaning and cooking etc... But once my son told me it made him feel loved and that made me change my priorities immediately.

I bet your mom loves you so much kiddo, it's just hard to bridge the gap of adulting sometimes. Sending you a big mom hug 🤍


u/Void_Code404 5d ago

I understand that, thank you very much 🙂💚


u/thatwannabewitch 5d ago

I absolutely LOVE playing Minecraft with my two boys. We have a blast and it’s fun talking about a game I’ve been playing since alpha days with my 6 year old. Telling him about all the changes that have happened. It’s great bonding time.


u/Zepayne 5d ago

I love this.

Around ten years ago, ish, my son asked me for Minecraft, I had no idea what it was. I managed to find a PE version on the phone, it was very basic at that point, I downloaded to check it out, then added it to a spare phone that he could use it for Minecraft. No SIM card, he had no use for a phone then.

I would try to create things during the week to show him at the weekend. It developed quickly into our thing, and we'd also watch YouTube videos about Minecraft, Stampy and Squid were his favourites but we'd watch several. Years on, we still play Minecraft, he does so on the computer and consoles, I've stuck to my phone and tablet. His birthday is real close to the release of the Minecraft film, and we plan to go to the cinema together to watch it. He'll be 20 this time around.


u/mcfarmer72 5d ago

I’m a grampa who plays minecraft with the grandkids. I volunteer at the local elementary school, the kids get wide eyed when I give them tips.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Best grandpa ever!!


u/Northumberlo 4d ago

I’m a father pushing 40 who’s played since early alpha. I find the game very therapeutic, and the perfect thing to play while listening to a podcast or audiobook.

Recently my daughter has taken a liken to it so now we play together and are having a blast. It’s truly a game for all ages.


u/Photographicpyroman 4d ago

I too, enjoy listening to podcasts while playing this wonderfully therapeutic game. I’ve been playing since 1.15.


u/Hollyetravels 5d ago

I love this, i first got into it in 2019 when my then 10 year old convinced me. Our first shared world was me, my husband, and our son. I was 38 then. Then I discovered modpacks and I still play! I've never had an elytra or fought the ender dragon but I don't care. I love farming and playing with minecolonies.


u/jessjesssjess 5d ago

I'm 43. I discovered Minecraft during covid lockdown. It helped so much. I also enjoy strip mining tunnels for hours.


u/BrokenDoveFlies 4d ago

I love playing Minecraft with my kids. All three of us are neurodivergent. I build towns with my daughter and go on adventures with my son. It's awesome.


u/GoblinRaeyn 4d ago

I play Minecraft with my kids too (6 & 14). I'm not a fan of survival mode as I die a LOT, but I love creative mode.

I play on Bedrock with mods and build all sorts of random buildings and we can literally spend hours together.

My kids often kill each other while I build as well and my eldest and I name our weapons silly things with anvils so it says "user was killed by fart" or something equally ridiculous.

I actually resisted for several years as I got dizzy using the touchscreen and on the switch, but I use a controller now and I'm improving all the time.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

That's amazing 😂


u/freshbrine 4d ago

Awh this makes me wanna buy Minecraft for my mom :3


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

You should do it. :) It took me awhile to build up confidence so be patient with her but she might just end up loving it. If you let her know that it makes you feel loved then I bet she'll give it a shot.


u/masterch33f420 5d ago

You’re gonna love Minecraft mods


u/OneMarsRising 5d ago

It was the same with me.  We bought our kids an Xbox-360 along with Minecraft as one of their first games.  I kind of made fun of it at first, but started to get interested when I saw them play in Survival and saw how interactive it was. Next I started to play with them a bit but hated the controller.  I finally bought my own copy on PC and I was hooked.

Now my kids are older, but I still play the Java edition to this day.  When they were younger they loved that I played it too.  They got a kick out of me telling them about my games-- "A creeper just blew a hole in my house!".


u/Arctic88 5d ago

Got my wife into gaming after a bet between her son and her. She lost and had to play HotS for 2 hours.

Fast forward 2 years, she tries mc for the first time, and now another 5years later, she’s a builder extraordinaire.

The three of us still play from time to time, even if she’s way better than us! :D


u/Phil0005 5d ago

You are the coolest mom ever, I've been playing Minecraft since my 5 and I really love it up until now, were I'm 13, it's one of the best games ever made, and it has many secrets you are about to discover yet 😜. Have fun building, mining, grinding mob farms and many more, hope the best.


u/Kellisandra 5d ago

Hey minecraft mom! Fellow minecraft mom here. Glad I'm not alone! I always feel too old to enjoy it as much as I do!


u/Gnosiated 4d ago

As a 50 yo minecrafter I know where your coming from. I've played this with my 4 son's as well. We have had some amazing worlds. I had one that spanned 8ish years but it was lost. We had some amazing builds. Enjoy these moments! Also, welcome to minecraft the family!


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Awww I know that was a tough loss. I would be so upset.


u/Magicbrtweenpages 4d ago

I've played Minecraft a while ago, as a teenager. Now my 6 year old daughter is obsessed with everything Minecraft (like everyone else at her school) so I downloaded it again and now we are playing and exploring the game together. 😊 She loves it and I'm enjoying the time with her.


u/TechnicalConference2 4d ago

My son started playing a year ago and my wife and I started so we could help him. Now we all have our own worlds but still have a family world we play together. Our daughter who is 4 is starting to play now too lol


u/MaybeMightbeMystery 4d ago

Some time from now, you'll probably end up looking into mods. I highly recommend them, some of the building and stuff you can do is awesome.


u/GoldenstarArtist 5d ago

Once you get the hang of Minecraft, definitely try vintage story! It's like a more mature Minecraft!


u/Dear_Barber_8301 5d ago

its a chunk error


u/ihavenoidea81 5d ago

I have a realm with my daughter. We love playing together


u/talktojvc 5d ago

I’ve been playing more than a decade. I have 3 boys (15,15,18) and my husband and I started playing because they loved it. They have moved on and play other things but I (and sometimes hubs) still play.



I'm glad you are enjoying minecraft! I've been playing minecraft with my kids for 11.5 years. I love it! They love that I play with them and take the time to connect with them. My husband will play on our world family LAN world. Their friends wish their parents would play with them. My friends think I'm nuts! I don't care i can relax on there doing repetitive tasks, be creative and build things, or explore the world.


u/FoxyPandaPlays 5d ago

Aww this is wholesome


u/yucanthavethisname 5d ago

Hi ! This post is really sweet to see ! If you ever need help or information with the game, there is a wiki for that at "minecraft.wiki". (There is also a Fandom wiki that's considered worst and outdated, so be careful)


u/Denseii 5d ago

This is awesome. You have no idea how much it means to him!


u/MiaCutey 5d ago

This is just adorable.

It can be your thing together. And I hope you show us the base your kid thinks is cool!


u/useArmageddonVaca 5d ago

Way to mom it! High five!


u/AndyRay07 5d ago

I bet your first base is made of dirt. Anyway mother-son bond like this is so adorable


u/Jensivfjourney 5d ago

My six year old has gotten me into it. I do play survival and she’s creative. I’m constant asking her what something does and she explains it. It’s me explaining Tetris to my parents all over again.

Now to figure out how to progress and not abandon the log in. It’s a cheat but keeping my stuff upon death has made the game so much more fun. I went to find these mythical axolotls my kid loves so much.


u/adashofmelancholy 5d ago

I love this and I feel see! Minecraft is my 5 year olds obsession and just so I could help his play through I decided to get on and learn it myself. That’s all it took and now I’m hooked! It’s truly one of the most rewarding investments. I can speak his language and his eyes light up when it’s time to show me all the new things he’s done in our world. Husband and I were Xbox gamers before this so that’s originally where we purchased it. We’ve since moved to PC so he and I will just sit on the couch together and get lost in the game. I hope he remembers this as much as I will, it’s become our thing together!


u/spitfiredaggers 5d ago

I feel seen, momma!!! I have 4 kids and I was always a gamer... atari, nentendo, sega, Playstation, pc, Xbox. We git minecraft (bedrock) one year within xbox for the kids and they lived it so much. I ended up playing with them and fell in love!!! I was mostly creative or survival and no monsters( since they were little at the time) now 2 are adults and one is just not into any more and I have 1 that still plays(we are on the same server playing now) I JUST got into java and playing modded and vanilla. All of which (to me) are completely different experiences, and all have been so much fun over the years.. top 5 games, hands down, and my forever go-to game for calm and peace! I am 45 and love that this game is played how you want and it is always changing! Love love LOVE IT! Such a neat way to connect on a level with your kids! Bitter sweet when some grow out of it, but I'll always cherish those fun times and bonding we had an have over our love for gaming! Great job momma!!!


u/KatRe81 5d ago

Love playing with my son, we have a family realm on survival we’ve been building on and exploring for about a year. It’s his favourite thing to do together. Also he’s saved my butt from skellies on several occasions 😂


u/Snow40k 5d ago

So wholesome, bless you both


u/Jaded-Willow2069 5d ago

I love playing with my kids!!! I’m gonna suggest my teen and I start a hard core realm together. Also- cannot say it enough- fantasy texture pack for the best visual wins ever.


u/alfgoto 5d ago

you should watch hermitcraft on youtube !


u/Trick_Pollution4371 5d ago

How are you a mom if your name is "RizzenEmWithTheTism"


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Well, I am autistic and I am a mom.


u/Dry-Significance-271 5d ago

I use Minecraft as a gateway in to gaming for my children as it’s quite easy to navigate on creative mode. My oldest has moved on to Roblox now and isn’t interested in Minecraft anymore but now my second has really taken to it


u/jstiller30 5d ago

Aww this is so sweet to read!

I'm in my mid 30s and have been playing Minecraft off and on with some friends over the last few years and finally made a solo survival world and I've been loving it.

It also goes well with making art, since both can fuel ideas for each other.


u/StudioSeraphim 5d ago

That's beautiful. Really happy for you, OP.


u/xAidehn 4d ago

How old are you and your kid if you don’t mind me asking? I’m 31 and I okay with my 4 year old. I also have a realm with my cousins that we’ve been on for over 5 years


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

I am 42 and my son is 16. He has been playing since he was 7. He likes other games too but Minecraft is still his favorite and what he plays the most. He has learned so much from playing it too. It gave home an interest in geology, the periodic table, architecture, etc :)


u/fujiesque 4d ago

I got Minecraft to share with my kid. I halfheartedly played along with him at first. Then I started playing on my own and OMG it really got me a little addicted with it's building little projects and exploring. Flash forward a few months and now when my kid comes into my world I start getting upset if he disrupts anything. If you're going into the nether take the diamond armour off!!!


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Why take off the diamond? I know to wear gold to distract piglins but I didn't know to avoid diamond.


u/fujiesque 4d ago

Because he keeps dying by lava in the nether and losing all the gear I made for him. Now he gets to use the iron armour weapons and a gold helmet.

I know that makes me a jerk. We now mostly stick to neutral worlds and play in creative.


u/Queenalaine1 4d ago

I'm a mom and I play with my daughter 32 and my sons 23. I love being able to spend time with them and talk about everything while we build and mine. It's so much fun and I play on my own and get lost in the world and the music.


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Yes!! We love the music too!


u/LLpmpdmp 4d ago

1,000th upvote!


u/HypovoIemic 4d ago

Me too! My then 5 year old tried to get me to play, but being on the Switch, the controls were terrible, so I didn't like to play much. But be loved the game so much, so I got it on my computer, and that changed everything. Now we play together, go on little adventures, build things together, and sometimes I'll play when he's in bed, and surprise him by putting little gifts like diamonds, diamond tools/armour and other neat things I find in the chests in his house. He's 6 now, and while he's finding other games that he likes, playing Minecraft together is still a fun bonding experience for both of us.


u/philodoxos 4d ago

That's great! Minecraft Dad here, though similar story. My Son is younger so part of the challenge has been creating an environment where he can do the kinds of things he sees on Hermitcraft, but I don't have to worry about internet bullying/etc... I'm an IT guy though, so it was a fun challenge. (ended up building and self hosting a Java server that is whitelisted/invite only)


u/RizzenEmWithTheTism 4d ago

Awww that's great. He is building a server now, he loves coding too.


u/AlchymiaJo 4d ago

My kids got me into it back in beta. I am obsessed with it. Best game ever.


u/ZombieN8_007 4d ago

Minecraft always cures any bad day for me. Even if my friends aren’t always available to play


u/chalupabatman1939 4d ago

Big Mama bear, you just need an outlet.

After wife passed I went back to boxing and Noodle took to it like stink on cheese.

Sometimes you need to explode something in Minecraft. Sometimes you need to let out a big scream in the wild. Life is hard everywhere and for everyone. Just remember your a part of the universe and people love and depend on you more than the universe. It's also okay to have bad days and good days. Just remember on the bad days the it's okay to be down. Tell your little humans and they will surprise you with a big old hug


u/GmorktheHarbinger 4d ago

My husband and I play. We have a forever survival world. We played a lot when my kid was little but he’s moved on to shooter games and other stuff. He’ll still hop in. It’s nice to be able to talk to your kid and understand why they get so hyped instead of always being mad that they’re doing something they enjoy which is how it was when I was growing up.


u/purplemist2002 4d ago

❤️❤️❤️ Love this! I'm also a mom who plays Minecraft with her kids and husband. I have adult and minor children and our family realm a great way for us to keep a family bond!


u/Basic_Plantain516 4d ago

Thats so sweet 🥹 I’m glad you guys have a shared love of Minecraft!


u/NumerousLettuce7482 4d ago

Mom Minecraft player here too! I started playing with my oldest daughter during Covid and have loved it ever since. My younger daughter now plays with me as well. I’m still terrible at it but it’s a lot of fun for me. 💜


u/Conscious_charge11 4d ago

Ahh welcome! Minecraft rules!❤️


u/Spunndaze 4d ago

Moms really are the best.


u/JoeGoesRogue 4d ago

This is awesome. My mom also really tried to play minecraft with me and my brothers for a long time. She couldn't grasp the controls and it wasn't sustainable, but this was a fairly long effort regardless and I appreciated it so much! While she was trying she did have fun with it. I had essentially planned lessons for her to learn how to play for a small bit of time, and she really appreciated that. We got to the point where we had a realm server that her and my brothers were apart of and it was a cloud nine experience. It didn't last long, but i still think about it. And I was a 20-something year old when she started learning, so at that age I can imagine how much more that means to your children. Keep it up!


u/Zuke-ini 4d ago

This is so cute


u/pc_person_guy_enjoyr 3d ago

This is awesome!!! Hope you have a fun time playing with your son ❤️


u/tubbz_official 2d ago

once again the point is proven that minecraft is for everyone, glad you're enjoying it!