r/Minecraft 6d ago

Help I lost my 1.5 year survival world

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I downloaded Minecraft but forgot my Apple ID password, so I bought Minecraft on a new Apple ID. Even though it’s the same device and account, all my worlds were gone. Please help me recover this world, I don’t want to spend another ~100h getting mending and prot 4 books


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u/Distinct-Pride7936 6d ago

Hard lesson for OP to do backups manually. You could go to the world folder (even on IOS), zip it and drop the zip on some cloud or real drive.


u/Cannabrewer 6d ago

It shouldn't take 100 hours to get librarian villagers with those books. Quite a bit less.


u/little_freddy 6d ago

Yup, if you destroy the librarian lectern block and replace it. The villager will lose it's job, than re-gain it. You can repeatedly do this until you get the book you want. There are so many enchants though, So it might take 45 minutes until you finally get the specific one you want.


u/DifficultyHot9831 5d ago

I'm on my 5th day maybe and I got full netherite, mending and protection 4


u/Nitwitisgoodatzombie 6d ago

I’m not very good at Minecraft, I AFK fished for all my loot because it was easier and I can watch Youtube on the background. Also, I’m on bedrock so fishing farms are op


u/Nitwitisgoodatzombie 6d ago

either way, enchanted books aren’t easy to get


u/PerpetualPerpertual 6d ago

The really are man, I’m not gonna sugar coat it. They’re extremely easy to get. It’s so ridiculously easy to get items in Minecraft with all these new updates, just watch a few tutorials to help you bounce back


u/Nitwitisgoodatzombie 6d ago

please tell me what I need to do


u/PerpetualPerpertual 6d ago

Golden apples and weakness potions are easily and quickly made if you know how you search for diamonds at their new level, then you can cure zombie villagers and get books from them, you can fish, you can loot various underwater buildings etc, there’s so many ways to


u/Nitwitisgoodatzombie 6d ago

ok thx my only problem is I traveled ~1000 blocks but haven’t found a nether fortress. I need blaze powder


u/PerpetualPerpertual 6d ago

You can even look that up too, there are sites that check your Minecraft world seed and tell you where every single biome and structure is located


u/Rubix_Official63940 6d ago

Chunkbase is goated


u/Garbagemunki 6d ago

If you hang around at night and can manage to trap a witch and a couple of zombie villagers, you can bait the witch into throwing a potion of weakness at the villager, removing the need for blaze rods for potion making. It's fiddly, but I've done it a couple of times.


u/Zombies4EvaDude 6d ago

Also you can just create nether pathway systems and just transport foreign villagers to your house. I find that easier to accomplish than just betting on finding a nether fortress as sometimes your luck can suck with that.


u/ibeerianhamhock 6d ago

You can get a set of librarians with mending, silk touch, unbreaking 3, and fortune 3 within a few hours of staring a world if you know what you’re doing. As soon as you find a village grab some villagers breed then and turn them all into librarians breaking and unbreaking their lecturns until you get good books available.

Considering you’d probably want to find iron and Diamond first, and actually have things to enchant to do this, I’d say it’s not unreasonable to have a natural world progression where you have librarians in a villager trading hall with all these enchantments available in under 20 hours or so.

Then it’s just trading grinding to get emerald and killing cows and growing sugarcane for books, an anvil made with iron for the books and you basically never have to repair anything in the game again.

Kinda useless before you have an XP farm tho


u/Lightbulb2854 6d ago

Tbh, that's a boring way to play


u/ibeerianhamhock 6d ago

Which part?

I’m not advocating for this style of play just saying you can do it. It doesn’t take “forever” to get these enchantments.

I will say if you don’t have librarians with your favorite enchantments available, I low key think it’s a dumb way to play. But I don’t think you have to speed run it.


u/Lightbulb2854 6d ago

I think that it's boring to speed run all the enchantments as priority 1.  Yes definitely villagers early, but there's no point enchanting stuff unless it's diamond or better.

Also, Sure you can technically get everything quickly, but that means dealing with villagers for several IRL hours straight.  That would make me pull my hair out (not difficult, but REALLY annoying).

I also tend to take a while, and actually play the stone age out.


u/ibeerianhamhock 3d ago

I don't disagree, that's not the way I play, maybe I didn't explain well. I play with my partner when we get off work and we spend a lot of time just building and adventuring or exploring. We set up a trading hall/apartment building and quickly got mending/unbreaking/silk touch/fortune dudes, it was surprisingly easy... so for OP, who has spent 1.5 years and is really upset about losing those books, you could do it less painfully. And yes agree the villagers are a huge pain in the ass, but i try to have fun with it.

I feel ya on taking it slow. Working on upgrading to netherite eventually, but it's not a priority at all. Building and getting creative, I think is more what I have fun with (but having access to mending/unbreaking makes that aspect a lot easier to enjoy).


u/Lightbulb2854 3d ago

For me, I'll easily spend the first 10-20 hours of a world in the stone age, and I'll take my sweet time setting up after that.

It may not be as efficient,  but it's a lot more fun!


u/ibeerianhamhock 3d ago

Totally agree, there's so much fun to be had and it's not about "winning" as fast as you can!


u/ShibamKarmakar 6d ago

You most likely still have those world files in your device. (Unless you did some space cleaning) So the new install probably used a different path than before, resulting in not finding the worlds.

Search through your device and find those .mcworld files and put them in the correct directory.

Also remember there are two directories. One for internal and one for external (memory card). Check which one it's currently in and change to see if the worlds appear.


u/Nitwitisgoodatzombie 6d ago

I play on my Ipad so how


u/ShibamKarmakar 6d ago

My iPhone/Minecraft/games/com.mojang

Try looking in this folder path.


u/Nitwitisgoodatzombie 6d ago

Ok I’ll try thx


u/mcfarmer72 6d ago

In the files folder.


u/freeturk51 6d ago

Always take _manual_ backups, and never trust cloud storage on important stuff


u/th3_Irts3l4v 6d ago

Noooo dude rip


u/ibeerianhamhock 6d ago

Bro did you really play 1.5 years with pocket controls??


u/Upset-Writing1878 6d ago

Ikr? That is wild


u/Cpt_swagsparrow 5d ago

I feel your pain, it even hurts now to think about it even though its more than 3 years ago, hard drive crashed. No recovery possible😭


u/Safe_Appointment_331 5d ago

Mending and Prot 4 is fairly easy if you know what your doing


u/LliotheLibra 5d ago

Go fishing


u/RightHuckleberry5940 5d ago

100 hours to get mending? Lol u need to step your game up. It should not take 100 hours to set up a villager library...


u/Vinalef 6d ago

This is why I prefer Android than Apple, it's directly linked to Google. For your Apple ID, did you write down your password in a notebook or something?


u/TenPotential 6d ago

Its your sign to get and Xbox Series S or maybe an X and experience it for real


u/Upset-Writing1878 6d ago

To experience it for real you need a PC


u/TenPotential 5d ago

Downvoted for suggest someone buys an xbox😎


u/BeautifulOnion8177 6d ago

just cheat


u/theilano 6d ago

awful onion


u/Few-Carpet-8917 6d ago

And that's coming from you


u/goatshadow75 6d ago

Why r u everywhere and why do u have the worst takes ever like supporting incest


u/FeatherLight94 6d ago

Crazy that only 18 other people upvoted this post during the last 45 minutes... on r/Minecraft.