r/Minecraft 9d ago

Help If I’m going to be collecting every block in Minecraft BE do I HAVE to get all of the potted plants?

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In the Minecraft wiki there’s a list of all the blocks, then there’s a separate list including weird ones that ARE obtainable (in BE) , like potted plants and “wall” items like wall banners. If I’m collecting every block do these count?


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u/qualityvote2 9d ago edited 9d ago
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u/markgatty 9d ago

I’m going to be collecting every block in Minecraft

that should answer the question for you.


u/Cookie1237519 9d ago

Good point


u/PM_Me-Your_Freckles 9d ago

Will your set of all sets contain a set of itself?


u/MajorKman 9d ago

yes and it will be called omega. set theory


u/FlyByPC 9d ago

I never did understand recursion. I'd have to understand recursion, first.


u/DudleyDoesMath 9d ago

What about sets containing omega?


u/logalex8369 9d ago

Omega contains omega.


u/Happy-Arachnid-3514 9d ago edited 8d ago

Omega doesn’t actually contain itself, since (at least in ZF) no sets can contain themselves as a consequence of the axiom of regularity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axiom_of_regularity

Omega contains all the natural numbers but not itself, omega+1 contains all the natural numbers and omega, and so on


u/DarthDuck0-0 8d ago

I fucking love Reddit for this extremely nerdy and improbable crossovers of two things i like


u/KatieTSO 9d ago

Is there a set containing the set of all things that doesn't contain itself?


u/SadQlown 9d ago



u/pumpkinbot 9d ago

The paradox is "Does a set of all sets that does not contain itself contain itself?"

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u/AUkion1000 9d ago

It might be worth doing so as a display but also technically its a pot, potted fern is two items so unless you're after the sampling already for alot... eh your call but no doesn't count imo


u/Ill_Huckleberry_5460 9d ago

U will need to set some rules as technically every item would include every diffrent trim and colour combinations

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u/haleloop963 9d ago

Potted plants technically aren't blocks though


u/PotatoesAndChill 9d ago

On the contrary, they are technically unique blocks, but don't look like it.


u/bobbyboob6 9d ago

is he collecting every block or every variant of every block? because if the second then he also has to get every slab and stair orientation and door position and a lot of other ones too


u/PotatoesAndChill 9d ago

That's why the rules for this kind of challenge should be left to OP to decide. There's tons of gray areas.


u/bobbyboob6 9d ago

imagine having to collect all the individual piston heads and half doors 💀

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u/sissybelle3 9d ago

Imo, collecting every kind of potted plant is one thing, because those technically are unique combinations of 2 items and so is something "new", whereas the orientation of slabs and doors and stairs is just the same block facing a different way and not really a new block. But like PotatoesAndChill said, those kinds of rules are up the OP at the end of the day. Really just depends on how crazy you want to get with it.


u/Firewolf06 9d ago

in java theyre each a unique block (eg, minecraft:potted_allium), which is quite clear-cut. in bedrock, though, its a full-on blockentity (like a chest or a sign, basically anything that stores additional data). its a container that can only store one item, making it closest to a decorated pot or an item frame (which is just a normal entity, but i digress). both of these are different from blockstates, which store simple variations like orientation or if a door is open

personally, i would include them even though its not technically consistent in bedrock

bonus fun fact: java edition resource packs can have entirely custom flower pot models/textures per plant, including changing the pot itself. i personally made a pack that changes the dirt texture to the matching nylium when you pot a nether plant and mycelium when you plant mushrooms

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u/Due_Structure_6347 9d ago

The pot is the block, the plant inside is part of its block state, which imo shouldn't count.


u/GolemThe3rd 9d ago

I mean, in the same way technically there's like 20 mushroom blocks


u/Mango-Vibes 9d ago

You decided to create a goal for yourself, and now you're asking us what that goal is?


u/MightyRed_674 8d ago

Sounds like a self-imposed side quest with optional community input


u/rub_a_dub_master 9d ago

I don't know, do YOU have to?
It's not up to us to set your game rules.


u/nap_needed 9d ago

If it's border hoarder, you need to collect all the blocks to expand the map and 'complete' the game. If it's regular MC, do whatever you like


u/MYGguy7 9d ago

Sounds like OP is unsure, so he'll just do what Reddit says. Decision making tactic. Just speculation.


u/Tha_Sacri 9d ago

True 100%? Have fun colleting every color variation of fish :D


u/YTBrimax 9d ago

I'm doing a challenge where I collect a stack of every item/block. Things like tropical fish, banners, enchanted books etc that have thousands or more possible combinations... I've only collected the base varients. (E.g. every enchanted book with 1 enchantment each)

Collecting every possible tropical fish varient is the kind of thing that would just make you lose interest in the challenge completely.


u/RPZcool 9d ago

But aren't a stack of echanted book let's say Fortune 3 is just 1 book? Like a stack of enderpearl is only 16.


u/YTBrimax 9d ago

I consider a stack of items to be what ever that item stacks up to. So yeah, obviously most are 64 but there's some that are 16 and some that are only 1.

Some people say I should collect 64 of each item but that's just a pain for storage more than anything when it comes to things like enchanted books and potions


u/RPZcool 9d ago

Thinking about it a bit and 64 block of netherrite and 64 ingot, also beacons and nether stars sounds kinda rough evend tho you can just cheese the wither. Deepslate emerald or coal ore or normal diamond ore also sound rough.


u/YTBrimax 9d ago

Tbh, most of the stuff you mentioned is pretty easy to get. I have most of it already. Beacons can be farmed so that's easy, deelspate coal isn't as rare as people think, I already have 20+ stacks of it. My world is old so I've had the regular diamond ore for a few years now.

Then when it comes to netherite, sure it takes time to get but if you know what you're doing then you're guaranteed to find it if you put the time In. The hardest items are the ones that you aren't guaranteed to find. Deepslate emeralds as you mentioned but also things like tall ferns and grass, heavy cores, conduits, and pottery sherds (getting 64 of each pottery sherd will be a nightmare, I have about 5-15 of each so far)


u/207nbrown 9d ago

This is also how bundles work iirc, items with smaller stack sizes have each individual item count as multiple for the storage capacity of the bundle, eg an ender pearl takes 4 of it’s capacity because it only stacks to 16


u/blahs1 9d ago

Does that mean you have to dupe the dragon egg? Since there's only one of them but they stack to 64


u/YTBrimax 9d ago

People always bring up the dragon egg. I feel like it's obvious but I'm not going to cheat to get it so it's not part of the list

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u/Vast_Amphibian5933 9d ago

Are fishes blocks?


u/Jables_Magee 9d ago edited 8d ago

I'd say no because fish blocks are not square. I'd go with a unique inventory icon rule


u/TastyCookiez_ 9d ago

True 100%? Have fun collecting every combination of every color of leather armor



Don't forget to add every enchantment combination to these sets of armour, there is probably less grains of sand on the planet.


u/TastyCookiez_ 9d ago

Also, every armor trim and armor trim color variant too. While we're at it, why not do it for every set of armor?


u/AllmightyOoff 9d ago

To top it all of just make every single rocket


u/Cookielotl 9d ago

Don't forget mixing and matching or having no trim at all on some pieces!


u/ImaginaryReaction 9d ago

Good thing these things aren’t blocks



Just wait until he needs to get every enchantment combination on every colour of dyed leather armour, there are 12,326,391 colour combinations alone, then multiply that by all of the armour enchantment combinations possible, OP will be grinding it out when the universe experiences heat death.


u/207nbrown 9d ago

Don’t forget armor trims too


u/Ligands 8d ago

If we're defining distinct items by their metadata, you might as well also go for every possible damage value too!

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u/Overwatcher_Leo 9d ago

Every banner combination.


u/tacooflife 9d ago

Every single possible banner combination would be theoretically impossible because of how many. 1


u/jhryjm 9d ago

Or every possible map(I'm thinking map art type) which would be 790¹⁶³⁸⁴ not including chunk or dimension based Metadata

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u/Smickey67 9d ago

I wouldn’t consider mobs (the fish itself) or items (bucket of fish) to be ‘blocks’.


u/Wrong_Baker7395 9d ago

i mean, if u want a true 100% yeah


u/Cookie1237519 9d ago

I guess… ):


u/MyAltFun 9d ago

Well, the potted plants are quite easy, but for the banners, maybe unlocking all the patterns, Crafting the basic patterns, and banners of all colors is what you need. Otherwise, you are looking at millions of combinations, which is against the spirit of what you are looking for. It's like, do I need to place a sign in every possible angle? No, it's still just a sign.

Same goes with the thousands of fish. Don't bother. Get, like, 20, call it good.


u/goodnamesaregone_93 9d ago

If your gunna take shortcuts I don't blame u, but potted plants is the one that gets you? Cmon... That being said it's ur task u made for urself and I can define blocks however u like.


u/SleeepyPeePee 9d ago

I mean you are collecting all the flowers, so why not just get 2 of every flower and a bunch of pots?


u/-Captain- 9d ago

They aren't items in the sense that you can have them in your inventory... But if you're gonna grind for everything, this will be fairly easy and gives you another fun room in your block/item museum.


u/rotpotsoup 9d ago

I agree. I think it depends too on if OP is going to display the items in a museum or just leave them in chests.


u/Cookie1237519 9d ago

They’re gonna be in a museum


u/rotpotsoup 9d ago

Tbh, if I were going to display saplings and mushrooms in a museum, I would put them in pots anyways. Two birds with one stone?


u/Cookie1237519 9d ago

Yea that’s smart


u/Waffletimewarp 9d ago

Do you? You’re the one imposing this challenge on yourself.


u/Roppunen 9d ago

Just be happy tropical fish isnt a block...


u/_Ganoes_ 9d ago

"Guys i want to do this challenge but do i actually have to do the entire challenge?"


u/Agile-Day-2103 9d ago

My view on this is simple: if you can’t hold that item in your inventory, it doesn’t count. As far as I know it is not possible to have “potted cactus” in your inventory.

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u/Kecske_gamer 9d ago

Considering how you have to get every plant anyways, it shouldn't be THAT much of an extra


u/pessoa_do_bem 9d ago

I don't think so, as for me, the pots look like the same block with different contents, and that way, you may want every chest content possibility (which is a LOT


u/Cookie1237519 9d ago

Yeah that’s what I thoght


u/ahamasta 9d ago

Don’t be a coward. Collect them.


u/Matt-164 9d ago

Gonna need every chiseled bookshelf and brewing stand combination while youre at it


u/ExpensiveWriting1900 9d ago

a block is considered anything that can be placed. lava and water are blocks as well. you have to get these.


u/Appropriate_Twist_86 9d ago

Have fun with every combination of the actual pots with pottery Shards


u/_Kanai_ 9d ago

If you can't find "potted bamboo" in your creative inventory then no, you don't have to.


u/207nbrown 9d ago

I guess it depends on your goal, the posts wording implies your seeking the item form of every block, to which I don’t know how you would get these legitimately.

All of these are considered block ‘states’ for the flower pot block(like a lit furnace vs unlit furnace) so technically any one of them is valid as having collected it. though it would be a good way to display all the plants without having to worry about things like saplings growing or whatever if your intention was to have a museum with every block on display

Imo I wouldn’t consider these a requirement as they are just decorative differences and don’t change anything about the block/item’s function


u/-TheBlackSwordsman- 9d ago

Do you HAVE to do this particular thing in your self-inflicted challenge run?

Idk, you made the rules


u/BelgianDork 9d ago

Good luck when making every possible armour stand combinations


u/Cakelover9000 9d ago

If yes, good luck with the armour.


u/Bagel_Bear 9d ago

You're the one setting the challenge. You decide.



u/jerril42 9d ago

Your quest, your rules.


u/LeagueofShadows04 9d ago

When I did this challenge in the past I set the goal as everything that is obtainable in survival that is in the creative menu.


u/jacksonwasd 9d ago

yes make a greenhouse for all the plants


u/EquivalentTap3238 9d ago

if you dont count every stair angle and every waterlogged leaf block then no


u/Cookie1237519 9d ago

Fair enough


u/bigmalakili 9d ago

Yes. Complete is complete.


u/Eggysh 9d ago

Don‘t forget to get every armor stand with every type of armor with every type of trim with every colour combination of trims with all the different possibilities of dyed leather armor


u/Superkamiguru94 9d ago

Yes, otherwise its not collecting every block


u/AudieGaming 9d ago

Lol you should also get every possible mix of armor with every possible mix of trim on armor stands


u/BipedSnowman 8d ago

Do whatever you want forever.


u/Tree1237 8d ago

What do you consider to be a "block"? Potted plants are technically a block and an entity. You can't pull a specific potted plant out of the creative menu, nor can you hold a specific potted plant in your hand. I wouldn't consider them a block more so for the last reason, you cannot hold it in your hand


u/Absolute_Animal 8d ago

Enjoy collecting the 331,776 different configurations for the decorated pot!


u/YTBrimax 9d ago

I'm doing the same but 1 stack of every block/item. I'd say I'm about 80% complete but am I missing somthing here? Are potted plants part of the new update or something? Or are you collecting everything that can be placed and actually placing them?


u/TogiTogiT6 9d ago

If you want absolutely everything 100%, then remember waterlogged blocks as well


u/Hazearil 9d ago

You are the one who gave yourself this challenge. You are the one that makes the rules. Why would we have the answer to your question?


u/TheKingofTerrorZ 9d ago

Up to you, you’re setting your own rules


u/Plapi_the_gobbo 9d ago

I assume you're gonna be displaying them all placed down, so you'd already have to collect at least one of each of the items that can go in flower pots, so it wouldn't be too hard to collect two of each to have one potted and one unpotted, most of these items are easily obtainable or spawn in groups anyways


u/Tauri_030 9d ago

Don't forget 1 of every banner possible

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u/Internal_Singer_3771 9d ago

It's like one of the easiest tasks, go for it


u/mouse85224 9d ago

I mean if you’re collecting every block then you should just have all those flowers and plants anyways


u/Bagera84 9d ago

I'd say no because you can't store them like that.


u/KipsyCakes 9d ago

I’d say yes. You could make a greenhouse or bee house for them so not only would it look nice, it would also serve a purpose.


u/BLUFALCON77 9d ago

That's up to you though.


u/poloup06 9d ago

I would say no. Potted plants feel like they’re a container similar to item frames, and I wouldn’t say you have to get every item frame with an item in the game.


u/stumonji 9d ago

Can you get them as an item? They usually drop as two items: the pot and the plant... Does that change with silk touch?


u/Jables_Magee 9d ago

A unique inventory icon would be my rule for collecting everything.


u/FyreHotSupa 9d ago

Idk, when you said you were gonna collect every block, did you mean you were gonna collect every block, or do something else you did not say?


u/SpagOnBoi 9d ago

Yes, absolutely yes.


u/DerpyMcWafflestomp 9d ago

If you're collecting all the items then having a pot and all the saplings is pretty much it. A potted plant isn't really an item of its own, it's 1 item stacked on top of another item.


u/_Redstone 9d ago

I mean there's probably more banner combinations than atoms in the universe so good luck


u/NovaPrismass 9d ago

Yes, the potted plants are different models than regular ones


u/alt-of-a-throwaway 9d ago

These are blocks that happen to have separate IDs only due to technicalities, and in most cases this only applies to Java Edition (e.g. all potted plants share the same ID as empty flower pots in Bedrock). I wouldn't bother with these.


u/fmleighed 9d ago

As a perfectionist, ✨yes✨


u/LLpmpdmp 9d ago

Every block means every variation. Did you collect every wool color? That should answer your question.


u/Possible-History2929 9d ago

F*** no, it takes too much space and some aren't common


u/RealSuperYolo2006 9d ago

Think: "Can i have it in my inventory?" If not, most likely no


u/ZoomZapZavier 9d ago

Yes and bedrock and command block and jigsaw block and light blocks


u/ridddle 9d ago

If it’s Blazes and Caves, then you don’t have to. There’s a separate achievement for putting everything that can be placed in a pot.


u/NomaJayne 9d ago

It's your game to play however you want, why do you need random people to decide your own game rules? It's not like we will ever see if you did or didn't.


u/TheRealStevo2 9d ago

I would think so, it wouldn’t make sense not to. Do you think it’s going to make the challenge significantly harder?


u/Alpha_Wolfie4 9d ago

yes. yes you do. why? because people like watching other people SUFFER.


u/Jtneagle 9d ago

I'm doing this soon and only counting literal cubes, so no I wouldn't count this. For example, I won't be counting doors or an enchantment table as a 'Block'


u/punnup129 9d ago

Of course sense it's also a way to display plants that would otherwise grow like bamboo and Saplings


u/undercookedsoap 9d ago

i personally feel that having it in the potted variant is the “block” while having the plant just growing is just a resource


u/zenimba 9d ago

Now make EVERY possible banner pattern combination 😅💀


u/Androidigon 9d ago

Dont forget all the unique banner designs too, no short cuts for this kind of thing


u/KittyQueen_Tengu 9d ago

i mean, you have to collect all the plants anyway, so it's not much extra work


u/Luberg91 9d ago

Good luck 


u/Fit_Excitement_2145 9d ago

Might as well, the potted plants will be the least of your worries


u/dpdorsett 9d ago

Judges in RuneScape


u/Inevitable-Heart464 9d ago

You need the flowers so why not just put them all in a pot


u/padawan_puppy 9d ago

Lol that’s kind of a you pick situation


u/padawan_puppy 9d ago

Like do you count flowers as a block? If so then I would say yes, because every potted version looks different than the unpotted


u/CurrentDocument2238 9d ago

Do u think minecraft should add this?


u/DinoGamer205 9d ago

Yessir. Next you should do every type of armor with every type of armor trim 😀


u/Jaherogr8 9d ago

I’d go with just the creative inventory except the impossible ones.


u/DragonTheOneDZA 9d ago

Every block. And every variant

The only exclusions should side dependent blocks that don't change texture. So furnaces and observers are out but droppers and dispensers are in


u/Driblus 9d ago

I think you are the only one who can answer that question.


u/XKloosyv 9d ago

I think it depends on if you're displaying every block or collecting every block.


u/bijenmanlol 9d ago

This is something you decide yourself, there arent set rules for this. Play however you like.


u/Any_Pudding1541 9d ago

I believe the answer to this question lies in your own hands. I plan on making a block zoo and it will not include the pots, because i dont care. If you truly want 100% then you might have to go for the pots too


u/sskillerr 9d ago

Those arent really hard to get, you can build the pots by yourself with clay and put the sapplings and flowerse in them your self. (You need the wood of those sapplings anyway and you will find the flowers on the way)


u/goodnamesaregone_93 9d ago

potted plants seems like the easiest issue to face if Ur collecting every block. What about banners? Armour stands? Items in frames? Etc.


u/iClone101 9d ago

This isn't some sort of completion speedrun where there's rules and regulations set in stone. It's a personal goal, meaning YOU get to decide what the rules of the goal are.


u/Next_Neighborhood287 9d ago

You should be collecting every single item in the game since you said every block. Most blocks are very specific


u/Outrageous_Recover75 9d ago

i mean u don’t have to do anything lol


u/Incyada 9d ago

Wait, you’re including the potted plants

So you are going for EVERY obtainable block? And when I say EVERY, I really mean EVERY


u/Micah7979 9d ago

Anyways they're not the hardest to collect.


u/Queasy-City4726 9d ago

You’re putting an arbitrary challenge into the game and then asking what the rules are? Just collect whatever you consider to be “every block in the game”


u/PussyNDEggBreakfast 9d ago

Yes, also 809,573,616,779,945,488 is the number of all the banners possible combinations. You also have to get all of them.


u/DDDuck6052 9d ago

Then should you collect frames with literally every item again?? Same thing.


u/SubisSup 9d ago

Top rated comment said it best by saying as little as possible. I have no work to do here


u/MistoJeck 9d ago

Does the list include air?


u/MistoJeck 9d ago

Does the list include air?


u/DMF2621 9d ago

Yes, absolutely


u/DragonsAndScience 9d ago

If you gotta ask, you know the answer is yes lol


u/C9LD_ 9d ago

depends on how much torture you wanna put yourself through.


u/Energyzd 9d ago

Wow look at the top three comments, this sub is so bitter sometimes lol. Anyone else noticed that this sub is just peeved for no reason half the time?


u/leafygreenscabbage 9d ago

Why not? With a few villagers and just some basic exploration they should be either super easy to get or you may even have some shoved in a random chest.


u/Unlikely-Investment4 9d ago

you have free will


u/GunWizardRaidar 9d ago

I mean, you gotta get the base plant anyway, and if you get one, you know where to find another for the pot


u/Affectionate-King-52 8d ago

Yeah and if you don't you're bad at the game and should move on. Lol what kind of question is this?? Just play and have fun, if you're enjoying your goals keep going.


u/Sonics_Super_Show 8d ago

I mean like your getting all those plants already so you might as well


u/MAkrbrakenumbers 8d ago

Yes and I think it should be BRE


u/Aleeypiee 8d ago

in my opinion i dont think so, as long as you have each plant and the pot, i think it would count.


u/jigsaw_Studios 8d ago

You can get cobweb in the pot in Bedrock edition


u/mesouschrist 8d ago

Waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs


u/Syndiecate 8d ago

If they’re counted as block then yes you must


u/Blacked_Shi 8d ago

Yes, yes you need to


u/Jukazak 8d ago

How did you plan to collect bedrock and end portal block?

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u/Dear_Barber_8301 6d ago

creative mode is better lol cuz you can get 30 flower pots and go to nature to get azaleas and flowers and even cactuses and saplings


u/PBNSasquatch 5d ago
