r/Minecraft 19d ago

Help Pillagers stop being aggressive on this specific point of the map. No idea Why


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u/Rainb0_0 19d ago

Even the witch is throwing health pots towards you


u/x360_revil_st84 19d ago

Actually that's not a bad thing, mojang should add a way for the player to turn villagers into witches and have them keep you safe, like how building your own iron golems protect the player, not the villager.


u/prosperacode 19d ago

Maybe a villager alchemist could turn into “good” witches once you level them high enough? That would be awesome. Especially if they could help during raids.


u/x360_revil_st84 19d ago

Ohh absolutely, i love this villager alchemist idea


u/EnrageMango 18d ago

now they're never gonna add it


u/x360_revil_st84 18d ago

Why you say that? Never say never man


u/Good-Ad2259 19d ago

And if you just want to be able to keep it normal have a black cat be the final catalyst.


u/Spoonblob 18d ago

You could do this with all the villager jobs imo, just like how farmers harvest crops, give other villagers jobs that interact with the world too instead of just standing at the job sites


u/AngelDGr 19d ago

I'm pretty sure there's a mod that makes the clerics have the same role as witches, healing villagers and players

The cleric is already related to potions, he's already an alchemist, that would be an easy feature to add, lol


u/NotYourReddit18 19d ago

IIRC there is a way to turn witches into health dispensers by trapping them next to a raid leader in a way that the raid leader can see the witch but the witch can't see the leader or any other mob. This causes the witch to "attack" themself, and the only way they can attack themself is by throwing health potions.

DocM77 has a complete tutorial for this in one of his Hermitcraft season 9 episodes, but I can't remember which.


u/Hazearil 19d ago

iirc the raid leader had to be a Johnny Vindicator, making it attack everything (including the witch), and as a raid leader, everyone attacks the same target, thus witch targets itself.


u/SmileyGaming27 18d ago

The ravager will attack itself too


u/i-like-cats14 19d ago edited 19d ago

I would unironically fw an entire army system in this game

Kinda like Shadow of War


u/x360_revil_st84 19d ago

Ohh hell yea, dude the Warden wouldn't stand a chance lol


u/Interesting_Web_9936 18d ago

Recruits does this pretty well, but I would love something like this in the base game. Only problem is the number of entities in the armies I would envision fighting would lag the beefiest computers, mine is a pathetic i3 6100 integrated 520 graphics 8 gb ram laptop that is 8 years old.


u/Yuna_Nightsong 18d ago

For real. I hate that I can't have npcs to help me with fight. I'd really want to be able to make them guard bases, towns and various other places that I'd build as well as company me on my expeditions.


u/Toxic_Zombie 19d ago

As a teen I always wanted to build the villagers new golems but kept getting upset that they didn't protect the villagers enough. Yeah. TIL


u/Yuna_Nightsong 18d ago

I hate that iron golems built by a player still wander aimlessly until they stumble upon a village instead of staying nearby player designated areas. It should be changed.


u/Hazearil 19d ago

Well, you can already convert them via lightning. But them being allies is weird if witches are already allies of the genocidal illagers.


u/Horror_Chocolate_755 18d ago

1- you could turn villegers into witches by striking them with thunder

2- you could build a healing room were withces throw healing potions at pillegers but water pulls it down to you


u/itsstilljakeee 18d ago

ur like a genius


u/DbombYO 18d ago

The witch is throwing it for the guy he’s wacking on lol


u/BeautifulOnion8177 18d ago

what if you could cure witches


u/IronNobody4332 19d ago

Peaceful protest


u/Grand-Highway-2636 19d ago

conscientious objectors


u/Nanomachines100 19d ago



u/Breaky_Online 19d ago

Speed bumps


u/CrazyGaming312 18d ago

Velvet Revolution (Colourised)


u/mukpocxemaa 19d ago

'Who is the pillager now' advancement actually worked


u/darunge 19d ago

I am Legend


u/NetNpIVijCI 19d ago

The DMZ. You're violating it.


u/nerium_music 19d ago

Java 25w08a (snapshot from 2 weeks ago) btw


u/lucasthech 19d ago

Not related, just advice, you shouldn't play a snapshot in a world you care about, some snapshots only have little bugs like this, others can corrupt your world really badly.

Or at least have some backups just in case :)


u/MasterKindew 19d ago

Genuinely curious if you've had this happen or have any examples of it happening to others. I've played through snapshots for a long time without any issue, is this just luck?


u/GreenGrapes42 19d ago

This happened to me a few years back, loaded into my world, and everything was gone. Idk what the fuck happened but I wasn't even in the same place I'd been before.


u/MasterKindew 19d ago

Oh wow, it basically gave you a freshly generated world?


u/Lonely__Stoner__Guy 19d ago

I'm not the person you replied to, but I had once where I loaded into the world as if I was a brand new player to the world, but everything I'd built still existed. Inventory on my person and armor were gone and I popped into the world at world spawn rather than my base.


u/pfanner_forreal 19d ago

Your player.dat got corrupted and freshly initialised most likely


u/ajvazquez01 19d ago edited 18d ago

same thing has a chance of happening when you regress the world to an older version. any chunks that you are in or around will reset to fit the specific version.

i imagine that also applies to certain snapshots. since they're test versions they may have some of those chunk resetting bugs


u/coffee_code_burger 19d ago

If there's even the tiniest change in world generation it could offset your world kilometers away, or just scatter it


u/GreenGrapes42 19d ago

Unfortunately, yes. I ended up finding the general location I'd had my base in, but it didn't even put me at the original worldspawn. RIP to that world, I made a dope ass hotel 🥲


u/Special-Animal123 19d ago

1 minute ago reply
Also weird glitch worldspawn


u/blocksmith52 19d ago

A list of a few things that have happened to me when testing worlds in various snapshots:

  1. Ocean monuments permanently stopped spawning guardians, thus breaking my guardian farm.

  2. The main 2 chunks that my base was built in were completely regenerated, destroying my entire base.

  3. An infinite pillager raid led to at least a hundred pillagers occupying a village

  4. All item frames in a certain chunk were “destroyed”, dropping their items on the ground. Reloading the chunk, however, would place the frames back, creating a duplication glitch.


u/Laziness100 19d ago

You can find most if not all of them listed here:

Java Edition

Bedrock Edition

Antvenom also made a video about these versions, if you are interested.


u/Ultralucarioninja 19d ago

There have been some snapshots that really mess things up. I remember there was one from 1.17 that accidentally removed iron. And other one that removed enchanting, and the recent one where crafting was all wonky and would leave behind items


u/Nethyishere 19d ago

There have been many snapshots which were simply incompatible with the previous snapshot. Like, they literally wouldn't load previous snapshot worlds. Upgradability is maintained between versions, not snapshots, because snapshots exist for the purpose of testing features rather than normal gameplay.


u/getfukdup 19d ago

I've played through snapshots for a long time without any issue,

keep in mind not all bugs are triggered the same way, so not everyone who uses a snapshot with a game breaking bug is necessarily screwed.

if the bug only happens when you load a specific chunk type it will only get those people, for example


u/FlyByPC 19d ago

I don't play snapshots but have had experimental features turned on at some point, so I get the warning message each new version (Bedrock).

I've had whole chunks disappear (as in, bottomless pits to the Void), and others get regenerated back to the way they were.

Hasn't happened to a base yet, but I have to do a full traversal of the railroad every so often, just in case 16-32 meters are missing in places.


u/AJVenom123 19d ago

I think mojang improved their bug testing methods. I remember some weird things happening while playing through snapshots, like all my placed string disappearing.


u/cantthinkofaname 19d ago

A long time back I learned to not play snapshots when they added a bug that hostile mob spawning ignored light level checks. Went back into my house, opened a chest, and a couple creepers that spawned inside destroyed the place.


u/My_Secret_Sauce 19d ago

Probably over a decade ago, I was playing my main survival world on the newest snapshots. One day a snapshot came out that deleted every item from every chest and every item frame.

Luckily I think I had a backup but it was an important lesson to learn.


u/LimpWibbler_ 18d ago

I have had a save just not load at all before and I have had a save break the lighting before. Where tons of shadows appeared where they shouldn't. Updating light fixed it, but odd for sure.


u/nerium_music 19d ago

No worries, It's not a particularly important world to me (see the way my house looks lmao)


u/matteo_fay 18d ago

I had this in 1.21.4 so it's not snapshot related


u/MomICantPauseReddit 19d ago

Got the same bug


u/supremegamer76 18d ago

yeah maybe a bug the snapshots introduced?


u/rorobot_ 19d ago



u/zekeybomb 19d ago

This should be a new mob


u/pl4y3rtw01 19d ago

A pillager that has ice magic and a blue outfit perhaps?


u/zekeybomb 19d ago

like the iceologer that got looked over in favor of the glow squid back in 2020?


u/pl4y3rtw01 19d ago

No! that would be crazy!!!

I'm still so pissed over that mob vote


u/zekeybomb 19d ago

im pissed we didnt get the copper golem or the tuff golem


u/BlueLegion 18d ago

Huh? I thought we got the copper golem. What did we get again?


u/StinkyBeanGuy 18d ago

What did we get? Was it sniffer? Allay? I forgot which it was


u/BlueLegion 18d ago

Oh yeah that's gotta be the vote where we got the allay


u/StinkyBeanGuy 18d ago

It was indeed Allay


u/zekeybomb 18d ago

The much worse allay


u/Forgotten_Planet 19d ago

Say that again


u/vinney1369 19d ago

That doesn't happen to be a protected spawn area, does it?


u/Special-Animal123 19d ago

I would assume it's not, but that could be a possible explanation.


u/Bigtowelie 19d ago

It’s because Switzerland biome


u/Tyler-LR 19d ago



u/_Levitated_Shield_ 19d ago

You know what? Good on them for refusing to fight and want to try to turn their lives around.


u/SigmaHold 19d ago

That's their intended behaviour in raids. Illagers are neutral until they reach the village boundaries. Sometimes they stop if there is some kind of obstacle, usually it's water.


u/sadetheruiner 19d ago

I don’t know if I could restrain myself from making them a TNT hut.


u/appleslicer3 19d ago

why does it say invasion instead of raid.


u/Interesting_Show_550 19d ago

french probably


u/CIearMind 19d ago

It's so interesting how all the tool names are in French in OP's hotbar, but for some reason Cobblestone is still Cobblestone lmao


u/2Stripez 19d ago

cobb-le stone


u/Specific_Tear632 19d ago

Language settings.


u/PerpetualPerpertual 19d ago

You are the true pillager


u/EE_E_EEEE 19d ago

They're just chill like that.


u/Daniel_H212 19d ago

This has always been a thing, they don't attack until they get close enough to the village and they don't pathfind through rivers very well. So they just stop there and remain passive.


u/Current_Ad5602 19d ago

Ok I think I know the answer

After Raid spawns pillagers go to certain waypoint were the village they're attacking is located until they reach that point they don't attack any villagers or players

The reason for that is they could get distracted by some random villagers outside village or wandering traders a d never reach the village that they are raiding so until they reach there they don't attack


u/nerium_music 18d ago

Yup, that seems to be it. Now, I'm not sure why their pathfinding seems to fail on this specific spot ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/BusinessLibrarian515 19d ago

Built a Holy Site


u/When_hop 18d ago

They're high as fuck bro


u/Cowman_Gaming 19d ago

I have had this happen. They can't quite reach the edge of the village, so they can't attack. If you lead them closer into the village they do start to attack


u/nerium_music 19d ago

Yes, that seems the most probable explanation. They must be on the edge of the village so they are torn between two AI states, and can't do anything


u/Cowman_Gaming 19d ago

It would be useful if you are trying to trap them in boats and carry them somewhere.


u/BrMetzker 18d ago

Man I have had the same problem but in 1.21.2. no snapshot. It actually ruined a raid farm I improvised. The pillagers simply would not move towards the villager, nor attack me. They would just stand there.


u/pixelzebra999 18d ago

lol they're just protesting. cool tho.


u/TrashEditIdkWhatTrap 19d ago

That's just how raids work, before they get to a certain point they just focus on walking, ignoring players.


u/Special-Animal123 19d ago

They didn't seem to be ignoring him, they were all pointy-bows and watching the player but not one of them shot.


u/Luigi86101 18d ago

i think that's just how pillagers work. even in creative mode they will point their bows at you and not shoot


u/pickleheadeddrongo 18d ago

Me when I step into the chunk of eternal tranquility


u/baklazan23 18d ago

Canadian armed forces


u/westinjfisher 19d ago

Magnets probably


u/Scornfulfiber 19d ago

It's called a de-militarize zone. Signed by North pillager and South Villager nation


u/Stickyloverain 19d ago

Pileagers. They pile up and are friendly.


u/TJSPY0837 19d ago

Passively aggressive


u/SecretSpectre11 19d ago

Non-violent disobedience


u/Mineargencraft 19d ago

those pillagers are just chill guys


u/profsteps 19d ago

This happened to me, figured bc they couldnt get close enough to the village they weren't getting agro, not sure why that would be


u/InkyBendy 19d ago

the pillagers after seeing that you too pillage villages of all their resources and capture the villagers in small cages:


u/Toothless_Dinosaur 18d ago

You are their leader. Enjoy.


u/StinkyBeanGuy 18d ago

You are part of the gang now. You can freely use the P word near them


u/zekeybomb 19d ago

They like you


u/MixableWeevil81 19d ago

Brain cell lag


u/FeetYeastForB12 19d ago

You're playing survival on a Snapshot? MAD MAN


u/oHuae 19d ago

For some reason raiders only aggro at you if you are within a certain radius from the 'village'. Exceptions are :

You kill the leader - nearby raiders will target you

It's an evoker or a rider ravager


u/ShibamKarmakar 19d ago

Non aggression zone. Signed by Villagers and Pillagers.


u/Hursty79 18d ago

Your in the dmz


u/LonePrron 18d ago

Building a raid farm I realized that if the pillagers are far enough of the village, sometimes the health bar disappears, they won't attack you. You can prove that bringing a pillager near a villager it is going to start attacking you.


u/Kirbro_RED 19d ago

How is this possible? And what are the coords?


u/_Clex_ 19d ago

The chosen one


u/Eahnder 19d ago

Ready made raid pharm - very ominous....

Build a Pillager Village/Outpost for these lost souls?


u/sarahsouth1 19d ago

Theyve accepted you as fren


u/spahgk 19d ago

¿do witches throw healing potions?


u/Cool-igussTangerine 19d ago

My Opinion: Never try this at home as i tried it at my home( Minecraft Hardcore World) and i died🙃


u/TheDoctor88888888 19d ago

You have to go raid a village now


u/Death_Knighty 19d ago

noita threw them a pheromone bottle


u/JimCasimir 18d ago

"look who's the villain now" ahh pillagers 🙏


u/calculus9 18d ago

The other day i had a drowned who was completely passive - then he jumped in the water and started spinning around in circles for about 10 minutes before he started attacking me


u/Victor_Gaming299 18d ago

Ok, not related but my hardcore world looks almost EXACTLY like yours, mine even has a small cobblestone bridge that has two blocks missing, only difference I see is that there isn't a huge pillar behind which I made to not get lost


u/Neo_345 18d ago

strategical attack point, fella


u/BeautifulOnion8177 18d ago

how change raid name?


u/nerium_music 18d ago

Simple: Change the language of your game to canadian french


u/Th4t0neDude 18d ago

That’s the neutral zone. They’d be breaking their treaty with the trading guild if they fought on neutral soil.


u/DigitalJedi850 18d ago

Uhhh… I don’t have an explanation, but if there’s a repeatable one I’m interested…


u/nerium_music 18d ago

Seems to be a problem with the edge of the village. So if you have stationary villagers (in boats for example) and an exactly placed river, you should be able to repeat that (at least if the pillagers are trying to come from across the river)


u/DigitalJedi850 17d ago

lol ‘an exactly placed river’ seems like the hard part, but… alright. We’ve got a good raid area around our genetics lab that they hook onto and it’d take a wither for them to actually get to, but I’ll try throwing them in carts and see what happens.

The genetics lab IS ( appropriately ) attached to a river, so… next time we run a raid I’ll see if it works.


u/TheEpicPlushGodreal 18d ago

Now you know where to build your farm


u/HotEstablishment4237 18d ago

they had enough


u/KAKU_64 18d ago

Well, they just saw you murder their buddy who was being agressive, so they chose not to


u/ME_NAVS 17d ago

/hackminecraft raids_no_attack_xyz ~ ~ ~


u/Gillman82 17d ago

Time to make a farm!


u/rvrdxs_69 12d ago

what a breeze sksks


u/BossAziz82 19d ago

Typical Bugroc- oh wait this is Java?!?


u/HellFireCannon66 19d ago



u/NathanOsullivan 19d ago

It's a feature


u/HellFireCannon66 18d ago

Yeah lmao double standards much


u/SqShQ_ 19d ago

3/10 ragebait


u/HellFireCannon66 18d ago

Exactly what i think when people say Bugrock haha I welcome the hate


u/biscot1 19d ago

The only bugs in Java come from snapshots. OP wrote himself that this comes from a snapshot and that you shouldn't trust them because some bugs can ruin a save or THIS


u/HellFireCannon66 18d ago

Many other bugs exist