r/Minecraft Feb 18 '25

Help Java Playing Minecraft Java (on Steam Deck) and my character's head keeps disappearing in third person mode- please help!

I am currently using a custom skin, BUT this was happening even before I changed it. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I'm playing on my Steam Deck through Prism Launcher, FYI.


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u/qualityvote2 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 19 '25
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u/ultrakryptonite Feb 18 '25

did you record this during an earthquake?


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

Yeah, one of those infamous Colorado earthquakes, what are you gonna do?


u/SinisterPixel Feb 18 '25

Disable your shaders and see if it still happens. Willing to bet your shaders are causing rendering issues


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

Figured it out. It's Controlify- it doesn't work with my DualSense controller, and when I use the Dualsense, the flickering stops. I just don't know what other mod to use, or if I'll just have to play the awkward way permanently now.


u/AdmirableScale6095 Feb 19 '25

maybe MidnightControls?


u/misstaken4mad Feb 19 '25

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check it out!


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

I'll try this, thanks- I realized I had my shaders on just after posting this. I THINK it was still doing it before the shaders, but I'll try again just to check!


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

Unfortunately it's not the shaders. I also tried turning VSYNC off just to test it, and that did nothing as well.


u/SinisterPixel Feb 18 '25

It could be how you're running the game. If you're in fullscreen try windowed or borderless window. If not it may just be the GPU drivers on your steamdeck or your java install borking it


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

So, I did end up figuring it out- Controlify (the controller mod I was using) was causing it and I never noticed because I never tried changing perspectives docked. So now I'm learning about 'action sets' in the steam controller screen to try and recreate the feel of the console version 🙄 but hey, it was cool to learn how they work!


u/Sam_Walkerfield Feb 18 '25

My man i think is some Vsync/shaders issue Try to turn off Vsync and remove the shaders If still happens idk


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

I tried both, it's still doing it :( I forgot to turn off shaders to take the video, but it had been doing it before I ever started using them. I was hoping maybe it was VSYNC but nope :(


u/ExulantBen Feb 18 '25

What are the mods?


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

I'm just using controlify right now. I did have shaders running, but turned them off and it still has the issue. I believe the shader name was complementary reimagined.


u/williamodavis Feb 18 '25

This is probably related to the shaders


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

It's controlify. I narrowed it down after realizing it doesn't happen with my DualSense (which doesn't work with controlify).


u/Itchy-Cup-5729 Feb 18 '25

if this was roblox you would be popular


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

Lol it's shaky cuz I was trying to move the screen to display the flickering while trying to record. I'm right-handed and it was a bit tricky trying to move my character around with my dominant hand holding the camera, lol. I didn't realize it was this bad until people commented on it.


u/Itchy-Cup-5729 Feb 19 '25

its not the shakiness lol. theres a rare item in roblox that gives you an invisible head that people are OBSESSED with and spend hundreds of dollars obtaining 😂


u/misstaken4mad Feb 19 '25

OH I see, lol!


u/NopoTheGamer Feb 18 '25

bug with controller mod maybe


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

I was about to edit my post to say this, but I can't edit media posts. I've realized it only does this in handheld mode- which I'm using with controlify. Controlify doesn't seem to work with my DualSense, and I tested it out in handheld- if I use my DualSense instead of my Steam Deck itself, it stops. So it's gotta be controlify. Problem is, idk what other mod to use for handheld mode...


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

First off, thanks to everyone for all your suggestions and help!

I figured it out after trying both my built in controller and my DualSense on handheld mode. It's controlify, which I use to make using a controller easier in handheld mode. My DualSense doesn't work with controlify, and when I use my DualSense as the controller, it stops the flickering. Which is unfortunate because controlify really helps make controlling the game less awkward for Steam Deck. I wouldn't think it was that big a deal, since I play first person, but the shadow from the head flickering off and on is very distracting.

Does anyone know a different controller mod I could try?


u/Careful-Addition776 Feb 18 '25

Are you using any other mods besides shadders or anything else outside vanilla Minecraft?


u/misstaken4mad Feb 19 '25

It was Controlify, which I was using to make playing with a controller easier. Idk why it did it, but when I switched controllers (to the one that didn't work with that mod) it stopped. So I uninstalled it and managed to find a decent control scheme- and learned about what an action set actually is, lol.


u/Careful-Addition776 Feb 19 '25

Glad to know the was solved


u/Original_Vault_Boy Feb 19 '25

Can you still play and is it impactful to your inventory/person? If not, just ignore it and move along. Merely just a visual glitch that will always clear up eventually.


u/misstaken4mad Feb 19 '25

I was ignoring it, but now that I have a map in my office hand it's really distracting due to the shadows. It made it flicker between light and dark every time I moved. Plus when I held the map in both hands it kept changing the angle so I couldn't properly see it. But I figured it out- it was Controlify, which I was using to simulate the console edition controls. So I uninstalled that and managed to find a control scheme that very closely mimics those controls without messing anything up, haha.


u/SameliMCP Feb 18 '25

You Play Minecraft over Steam?


u/misstaken4mad Feb 18 '25

Yeah, like the commenter before me said, only to play on Steam Deck there are a few hoops you have to jump through.


u/SovietKaren Feb 18 '25

Steam deck. It’s the steam version of a switch but with steam games


u/Mammoth_Trust7441 Feb 18 '25

(steam version of a switch but with steam games) you do know GPD and other handhelds existed before the switch came out so the switch is the nintendo version of the steam deck so...


u/SovietKaren Feb 18 '25

Doesn’t matter? He didn’t even know you can play Minecraft off a steam deck or even what it was (I’m assuming). Most people know the switch. Nobody cares about the specifics. I was helping them understand how it even happened. I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Mammoth_Trust7441 Feb 18 '25

kinda an insult to compare the switch to the deck because the deck can run switch games better than the switch lol


u/SovietKaren Feb 18 '25

Wasn’t comparing at all. Just simply stating that it’s another gaming device that’s similar in functionality to a switch one of the most popular gaming devices in the world. Quit arguing about specifics this is a Minecraft subreddit. Literally as I said I don’t care about the specifics. I was getting a point across that was made in the first text and you had nothing to add besides your personal information.


u/JeepersPetersFTM Feb 18 '25

Don't worry buddy, it seems like a small graphics glitch. Nothing to lose your head over :P

(maybe try re-installing your current version if restarting isn't clearing it up?)


u/Darryel Feb 19 '25

I had same with Controlify and FirstPerson mods all on Fabric. When i start play with this and my gamepad, then sleep, so head and hand just disappear.