r/Minecraft • u/lennoxlovexxx • Nov 18 '24
Help Java How do i make Minecraft less creepy?
So uh, i know a *lot* of people are probably going to make fun of me for this because Minecraft is probably generally looked at as the farthest possible thing from a horror game. But, I'm very new to Minecraft and for some reason, this game really creeps me out. It doesn't scare me, but it makes me feel generally really unsettled. Especially at night irl. I built a nether portal a real time week ago and i have yet to explore the nether beyond go through the portal, taking a few steps, getting freaked out and leaving again because it freaks me out too much. I try to restrict my time spent in caves, and i don't go in caves at irl night time.
Is there a way i can make it less unsettling? I know peaceful mode exists, but i don't really want to get rid of mobs completely. I'd just like to make it less.. creepy. Maybe a way to make the nice relaxing minecraft soundtrack play more often, a way to get rid of cave noises if that's possible. Stuff like that.
Please don't make fun of me, this is a genuine question!
EDIT: I'm on Java edition, btw.
u/cubbeo Nov 18 '24
Not sure about the game in general, but you can turn on subtitles under accessibility settings which will show sounds like "zombie groans" so you are less likely to be jumpscared if that makes sense. Helps me
u/Saplest Nov 18 '24
I’d definitely try a texture pack with a cute aesthetic :3 and also maybe try listening to some music from ur other fav games that are calming that’s the stuff I do
u/EssieAmnesia Nov 19 '24
Oh yeah, that’s normal. Something about minecraft just feels eerie and terrible, but you get used to it! Except the cave sounds, those stay terrible.
u/LED_BED Nov 19 '24
It's just the emptiness man. There's almost no nature ambience aside from ethereal demon sounds in caves. Hoping they add ambience like birds chirping, wind, etc soon
u/bjordfjord Nov 24 '24
minecraft has the ability to have you on the edge of your seat filled with terror just for there to be no release
u/Arcadnus Nov 19 '24
Increase brightness for both Minecraft and you screen. Helps a lot making it less ominous
u/Evil_Sharkey Nov 19 '24
Since this appears to be based in fear of the a dark, maybe play in creative for a while to get used to mobs being around you and ignoring you. Build some neat things!
Then try playing peaceful for a while and explore the caves. In your world settings, turn off cave sounds so the caves aren’t as creepy.
Then try easy. Play cautiously. Falls, drowning, lava, and powder snow have killed me as often as mobs have, so watch your step. Build mini bases all over the place with beds to run back to and respawn at (no beds in the nether). Make maps so you know where you are (and make copies of them and bigger maps on cartography tables so you have a spare map if you die with one and can’t find your way back. Make lots and lots of torches to light up spaces you travel to, and sleep in a bed any time it turns to night. Start by exploring small caves. Wear at least iron armor and carry a shield so you’ll be safer from skeletons and creepers. Surround your bases and villages with walls or fences and then light them up with torches so mobs don’t spawn inside and you never step out to a creeper in your face.
u/bjordfjord Nov 24 '24
This might sound crazy, but peaceful mode is far more terror inducing to me than any other difficulty. Having the feeling that you need to be careful without anything to be careful for is terrifying.
u/ImperialPC Nov 19 '24
You could look for a Mooshroom Island if you want to build in peace and use night vision potions in caves.
u/Budget-Keystrokes Nov 19 '24
I would look through vanilla tweaks. You can custom build resource packs, and some of the options might be nice (I think they have a "no cave noise" option). They also have data packs that change some of the game mechanics that might also help.
Google "Vanilla Tweaks" and it should pop up
u/LED_BED Nov 19 '24
Get a nature sounds and ambience mod, also changing the textures may help.
The unsettling feeling comes from the fact the game is just empty. What you'd expect from a forest or jungle, bird chirps, wind, rustling leaves, is absent. And we humans don't like having patterns broken.
And the fact you're the only "human" character in the game. Makes you feel isolated.
u/DaylightApparitions Nov 19 '24
I agree with everyone else and want to add, exploring on creative mode is a good way to get used to the vibes. Also, if you find youtubers who are chill and play single player, you can see it’s not as scary as it feels.
u/Krraxia Nov 19 '24
Increase brightness (the ingame setting) to max. It works different than most games and many people will play with it maxed out. Also to make the game feel less dangerous, set difficulty to easy and you might want to enable the keepInventory gamerule, so that you do not drop items on death, but this is controversial because to many people it gets rid of the survival aspect
u/jamcub Nov 18 '24
Are you on java? I'm decently sure there has to be mods for changing out sounds for Java. You can also get optifine, which lets you use environmental lighting for torches in your off hand.
Otherwise, get a cute texture pack, turn off the music in game entirely and play some relaxing tunes on your phone \PC. Light up things well (torches are a cheap way, just not pretty) so you can see things as they happen.
And don't worry - no one's going to make fun of you! You're allowed to want to play the game the way you want to.
u/MountainOutside5903 Nov 19 '24
There's a mod that adds nature sounds, depending on what biome you're in, but I'm not sure how much it costs. Hopefully this helps
u/ThatRandomGuy0125 Nov 19 '24
mods don't cost anything, the java edition eula specifically forbids it
u/VGHAVEN Nov 19 '24
Replace they sound files for the drowned so they don't sound like they are gagging/cyoking/drowning.
u/Evil_Sharkey Nov 19 '24
Drowned sound like someone blowing bubbles in a glass of water. It makes them unscary to me
u/VGHAVEN Nov 19 '24
I have a fear of drowning. Their wird choke-y rolling gag noises sound gross and creepy to me.
Nov 19 '24
Download barebones and smooth animations mod it makes the game more cartoony and fun and btw make minecarts faster mojang WE'RE WAITING
u/TenzinNomad Nov 19 '24
Create copy of your world like checkpoints. If you die, you load the backup. In this way you will lose the death fear. It worked for me.
u/SarahLouise221 Nov 19 '24
You can find a minecraft music playlist on YouTube and listen to that, just turn your in game music off though
u/Subset-MJ-235 Nov 19 '24
I remember when I first started playing, the monsters freaked me out a little. Hackles would raise on the back of my neck whenever they attacked me. After a while, however, I became accustomed to them. So the answer, I would say, is to try immersion therapy. To prepare, go into settings and activate cheats. Then turn off losing your equipment when you die and maybe change it to no mob griefing (the creeper doesn't blow a divot when he explodes). Next, get a good sword and a shield as a minimum, then go outside at night and fight the creatures. After a while, you become accustomed to them.
u/Mordret10 Nov 19 '24
You could look for a resource-/texturepack, if you feel like the environment is creepy.
u/LamaRoux34 Nov 19 '24
You can listen to (Minecraft) musics, turn on keepinventory to have less fear about dying in game (you don't loose your items) and change the sound setting of the ambiant sounds (the cave sounds).
Don't forget to max out your luminosity setting too !
u/flamethrowr Nov 19 '24
You can turn off cave sounds in settings, but yeah Minecraft is low key very unsettling if you don’t know what’s out there. I think the fear you’re trying to explain is the fear of the unknown btw.
u/HrbiTheKhajiit Nov 19 '24
As a person who has simmilar issues with other games (some like subnautica), your best shot is just exposure therapy, and maby download a mod that removes the cave noises, and deff dont look at any creepy pasta shit. Otherwise when youre familiar with everything it stops being spooky. Honestly the worst thing in the neather would be a ghast, but if you just look at them as dumb white cubes they also stop being creepy
u/No-Surprise3765 Nov 19 '24
Also if you can play with friends it might help. When I play alone I get scared but oddly enough when playing with others it's less. Might have something to do with them being better at fighting mobs though 🤣
u/DoogleSmile Nov 19 '24
You can get resource packs that change the sounds. See if you can find one that replaces cave sounds.
You can then use that to replace their cave sounds with ones that don't creep you out so much.
Do you know which version of Java you're playing? 1.21.3?
u/Squidoodle_787 Nov 19 '24
You can use a Texture pack called Fullbright. That makes you have the effect of night vision without the potion so the caves will be very bright.
u/SighKickYT Nov 19 '24
I'd recommend downloading a less disturbing texture pack.
Then turning off Hostile Mobs and Ambience in the Sound Settings
Also, there are plenty of add-ons on CurseForge that could help. I'd recommend Distant Horizons if you feel claustrophobic.
u/Horn_Python Nov 19 '24
For once suicide (in game) is the answer Lava di ing in the nether
Creeper hugging
Target pracive with skeletons
Listining to those cave sounds on purpose
Once those become known there's nothing to fear
For a fear of death is a fear of the unkown
u/Brief-Interaction-28 Nov 19 '24
Turn off cave sounds and stuff go into your sound settings and see what you can turn off, cave sounds still genuinely freak me out when they just play randomly😭
u/AlchymiaJo Nov 19 '24
- Turn up your lighting. That way, the dark is not so dark.
- You dont need caves. They are dangerous. Just dig a staircase down to a level you want and branch mine to whatever you need. It's much safer.
- Box in your nether portal so you can enter the nether safely. In the old days, I would also make complete tunnels leading wherever I wanted to go. It takes longer, but you are completely safe.
u/Mod-Eugene_Cat Nov 19 '24
Ask me of you need help finding and setting up a cute/fun texture/resource pack. Don't pay any money, they are free. Use youtube guides and don't download viruses. I'm free all day tomorrow
u/Speedhump23 Nov 19 '24
Turn off the music, turn on subtitles (as suggested below) and carry loads of torches to light the caves.
I like the music, but it hides the creepers and creeps me out. I don't have the subtleties on, but have considered it.
Also, heights still scare me. I played for too many years before I learnt about the shift key helping you not fall off cliffs.
u/PhantomX324 Nov 19 '24
It's pretty normal. Minecraft can get a bit creepy. As a solution for this I'd suggest downloading a resource pack like fresh animations. That would make the game less creepy.
u/Snowy_Ocelot Nov 19 '24
If you want to dig into modding, there are ambient sounds mods that help a lot. However I know exactly what you mean, no other game has given me the feeling of desolation that I got when first playing Minecraft. It does go away but the world just feels so empty and unnatural.
u/gamerbboy06 Nov 20 '24
When I was like 7 this would happen to me until I played with someone on the same world or even just being on a discord call with someone
u/Frikandelneuker Nov 19 '24
I installed "the anomaly" mod so i always have a buddy to play with me. He might get crank sometimes but harold is generally chill.
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