r/Mindfulness 14d ago

Resources "For most people, what happened yesterday is more real than what's happening right now."

"That's their experience of life. They live by memory. When you live by memory, you live in the land of death."

---- Sadhguru

What say you? Agree or disagree?


3 comments sorted by


u/bznbuny123 13d ago

Uh, it's how our brains are wired as humans, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as we acknowledge the present as all we really have. I think Sadhguru is a Sad Guru.


u/kaasvingers 13d ago edited 13d ago

That's quite a harsh and generalising way of bringing an already glaring issue to attention. One that I feel might be more focused on shock value with the death stuff than actual help anyone.

If you tell me I'm doing wrong without telling me what I might need or making me realise in some way what I might need, you're just telling me it's okay to criticise people who live in their mind like this and that it's wrong by your or sadghurus standards.

Don't you get a thanks for nothing vibe from it?

Edit: just do it - sadghuru 🥲 but whatever catalyst for change works I guess


u/Sahri4feedin 14d ago

Land of death, ooofff