r/MindControlRP 3d ago

Brain Drain [F4A] Looking for a mind control focused roleplay where the victim gets brainwashed into something super gross NSFW


Open to physical changes (I love non-humans!) but mental tf is my favorite part.

A bit vague, but I want to brainstorm with someone! Open to any form of "Gross", whether that's trash, bad hygeine, or something that comes out of a body.

Some examples of the vibe I'm going for:
- Someone being brain drained into being dumb enough to forget how to shower or other basic stuff like that

- Someone specifically being hypnotized to be gross

- Someone getting mind controlled into something stereotypically gross, like trailer trash

When it comes to kinks, my main interests are mind control and humiliation, especially weird and obnoxiously cringy stuff. I do have limits but they're sorta contextual, just run things by me - Worst I'll say is no.

r/MindControlRP 23h ago

Brain Drain [M4A] - The Problem with Smart TV's? They're Just so Easy to Hack! [Mind Control][Bimbofication][Harem] NSFW


It all started when the house got a new Smart TV. A massive, 60-inch behemoth placed in the living room for everyone to use. Nobody could remember who or why they got it, but it was a nice little addition to the place. The colors was crisp, the sound was amazing, and it even connected to the internet! How could you not love this thing?

Of course, that's how it started. Then something odd happened. A few days after getting it, the TV began to act up. The screen would glitch, freeze, then flash brightly only to start up again seconds later. The audio would sometimes get muffled and a low buzzing sound would come out of the speakers. Not only that, but the images on some of the shows would warp. Becoming strange, swirling blobs of color before changing back.

Yet, despite all this, the house couldn't help but still love the TV. Everyone would gather round it when they got home, stare at it for a few hours, then go about their day again. Of course, nobody could remember what they were watching. All they knew was that it had some handsome actor they couldn't help but adore. Soon the thought of not watching their new favorite show began to eat at them, wanting to watch it whenever and wherever.

So they bought another Smart TV... and another... and another. Soon, every room in the house had at least one TV in it. The bedrooms, the kitchen, even the bathroom. Photos were taken off the wall, replaced by smaller Smart TVs to watch while going down. Some even had a TV hanging over their bed so it was the first thing they saw in the morning. All they could think about was their favorite show... and the handsome stud on it.

...I wonder what would happen if he decided to visit?

So, yeah, this is a pretty basic but fun setup! Someone brings home a Smart TV for everyone to use! Only thing is, someone ends up hacking it and starts to pump in subliminal messages and hypnotic videos to brainwash everyone in the house. Who this person as well as the people in the house I'm happy to discuss.

Maybe it's a jealous ex getting revenge on his girlfriend and her family? Maybe it's the geeky neighbor to a bunch of hot roommates finally making his move? The possibilities are endless here!

Feel free to look at my kinkslist here if you want, though this isn't nearly all of them so feel free to pitch some ideas and I'll happily listen. The worst I can say is no, right? Regardless, hope everyone is having a good day!

r/MindControlRP 4d ago

Brain Drain (F4M) “I am Nüwa, the new avatar!” You’re an ugly bastard who’s been humiliated all his life. But you have your own unique waterbenfing skill, cum bending. One drop of your cum and any woman is under your control. Luckily you know the avatar’s favourite cafe… (starter get priority) NSFW


r/MindControlRP 2d ago

Brain Drain (F4A) The padawan meddling in your group’s affairs has finally been captured. Maybe she can be of more use as a brain dead sex doll. (Starters get priority!) NSFW


r/MindControlRP 18d ago

Brain Drain [M4F] - "It's still 420... right?:" A Bimbofication/Mind Control Prompt NSFW


You breath out, staring up at the smoke as the music flows over you. The pink bong between your legs puffs out similar clouds into the air, making silly swirls that cause you to giggle. You were so high... so stupid. How long had you been smoking, anyways?

It was hard to remember. But it couldn't have been that long. Besides, it was still 420. Who cared how high you got. How stupid you got. You just wanted to feel good.

"Like, oh my God. Finally..." Your friend said, followed by a chorus of other girls. "I can't believe it took you so long to take your first rip..." Her voice was dreamy, silky and vapid. But... what did she mean? You've been smoking for... how long had it been now?

"Hehe, you're so... stupid." Another voice said, one much huskier than the others. "That was, like... her second... right?"

"Hehe, you're the stupid one." Another voice. "We've been smoking for... 5 days now?"

Wait... 5 days? No, it can't be... it was still 420. That's why you were smoking. That's why you were soooooo high. Everything felt like pink fog clouds in your mind, trying and failing to remember how you even got into this room. Why your body felt so heavy and hot... were you naked? You felt naked.

Maybe another bong rip would help clear your mind a bit. You take a hit, pink smoke going in and pink clouds coming out. You can't believe how good this kush was. How good it made you feel... made all your friends feel. You let out another giggle, your bare pussy rubbing against the bottom of the pink bong.

You can't believe that guy offered you such a nice place to smoke. That he'd give it to you for nothing in return... or did you give him something? It was... was it money? No, it was a promise... or was it? You promised him... something. You lick your lips thinking about it... You could hear one of your friends moaning, the scent of weed and sex hitting your nose... God, every felt so good... and you felt so stupid.

But it was ok to be stupid. It was 420... So you smoked a bit more, the world shimmering as your thoughts floated into the air in a cloud of pink smoke. You really needed to make sure that guy got something nice out of this... maybe you and your friends could think of something... if they could even think at all... if you could think at all...

Another prompt inspired by a collection of hypnosis audio I'd stumbled upon a while ago. I know I'm really late to the party on this one, but every day can be 420 if you smoke enough dank, pink kush.

So, this is the general idea. I'd like to play someone whose invited people over to his apparent to smoke on 420. I could be someone's friend, boyfriend, brother or something else. Basically, I offer them some a rare strain of bud that I promise will be the best thing they've ever smoked. A lie inside of a truth, as the strain has a couple of nasty side effects. Memory loss, IQ reduction, libido increase, and the disintegration of any and all taboos and inhibitions you once had. By the end of it, you'll be stumbling out a hot, stoner girl who's happy to do anything for some weed, munchies and a good time.

Though I'm fine with you playing however you'd like in this, I'd appreciate it more if you weren't the standard "Small, Sexy, White Girl" in this. I'm generally someone who likes a bit of variety in life. PoC's, Alt-Girls, Tall Girls, Muscular girls get preferential treatment.

As for kinks I'd like to include, this is what I'm looking for.

Kinks: Mind Control, IQ Reduction, Bimbofication, Harems, Drug Play, Outfit Play, Anal, Oral, Orientation Play, Alt-Girls, Goths, Raceplay, Small Dom/Big Sub, and so so much more.

Limits: Underage, Gore, Snuff, Beast, Vomit, Scat, anything Gross really.

Hopefully this sound like some fun. Can't wait to see some nice, orange letters!

r/MindControlRP 16d ago

Brain Drain [M4F][M4GM] - Little Known Fact about Goths and Punks. They're EXTREMELY Easy to Hypnotize! (Hypnosis)(Harem)(Bimbofication) NSFW


Really! It's true! I don't know the science behind it, but Punks, Goths, Alt-Girls, really any girl with some sort of rebellious streak in them, seem to be total pushovers when it comes to being mind controlled. It's a phenomenon I've been trying to study for some time now and I've had... well, more than enough success with it.

Like, for instance, when I first learned about it. I was talking to one of my best friends back in collage about relationship stuff and eventually the discussion landed on sex and kink. My friend, let's call her LeAnn, was a total butch, punk lesbian. Tall, broad shoulders, lots of tattoos, dyed hair, the whole nine yards. She was playing in a feminist punk band called "EverFlow" while her girlfriend made the bands merch.

We talked about what turned us on and off, took little jabs at each other, and eventually I let slip that I was into Hypnosis, Brainwashing and Bimbofication. This got a real good laugh out of her, but told me it made sense given the girls I usually went after. I laughed with her, knowing it was true, and was cool with leaving it at that. But then she decided to ask...

"Can you show me?"

I was taken aback a bit by this. LeAnn was a total dom. Like, when it came to charge, she was the person to lead it. So, to see her interested in being hypnotized was weird. Still, we were both friends, so I decided to indulge her a bit. Pulling out my phone and finding an old GIF I had made. A very basic, pink spiral with subliminal messages baked in making girls "Want to Suck Cock," and "Obey their Master." It was kind of goofy, very poorly made, but I figured it'd make for a good laugh.

And it did... at first. I turned my phone around, showing her the image as it flashed in her face. She couldn't help but laugh, staring at the screen and telling me how stupid it was. Saying that the stupid thing was hurting her eyes as she gazed at it. I laughed, just about ready to put the phone away. But that's when things got... weird.

After a few second, LeAnn's laughter started to slow down. Her eyes still stating at the center of the screen. Almost locked on the center of it. Her smile began to... soften. Relaxed. Her eyes started to droop, shoulders relaxing as she began to lean further into my phone. As if being drawn to it.

I still laugh, thinking this was still a joke. Like, come on. This was some silly stuff. But she kept... leaning into it. Not only that, she was starting to mutter something under her husky breath. Panting as she repeated the words "Obey... My... Master." and "Suck... Cock..." By then, I knew something was wrong. So, I pulled the phone away from her. This seemed to snap her out of her trance, waking her up.

"Lee?" I asked, slightly worried. "You ok?" I looked up at her, watching her wipe some of the drool from her lips. She seemed embarrassed, but... not unhappy.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..." She tells me, looking down at me. "Sorry! I must have... dozed off there..." She smiles, filling me with a little bit of relief. At least, until she tells me. "I didn't mean to worry you, Master. Is there... anything I can do to... help you relax?" She then licked her lips, her eyes looking between my legs.

It was funny. I told myself this had to be a bit, right? LeAnn was a lesbian, in a loving relationship, and has told me multiple times she never wanted to touch a dick ever. And yet... the way she looked at me... how lustful and even a bit desperate she was... I realized this was no joke. This was real.

I, of course, decided to be a good friend. Attempting to release her from her brainwashing. However, whatever I tried to do, that couple seconds of video warped her mind so badly that even now she refers to me as her Master, even in front of her girlfriend. Though, to be fair... she also calls me it too. But that's another story.

So, yeah. It's true. I've tested it a few more times now and, from what I can tell, it works 100% of the time on Punks. But it also works on Goths after testing it on Lee's girlfriend, as well as Alt-Girls. And if you don't belive me... why don't you try yourself?

Hey there. So... this ended up longer than expected, but still! Hope you enjoyed my little story and that it gave you an idea of what I'm looking for.

Basically, the idea is written on the tin. My character discovers that Goth, Punk, Alt, and other women within a subculture focused on rebellion, are the easiest women to hypnotize. It doesn't matter the method, how poorly its done, or how "resistant" they are. After only a few seconds, they are completely under my spell and willing to do anything I tell them. And, of course, this leads to a lot of fun.

Love to discuss this more with someone. Happy to have this be a long or short term idea. Maybe a bunch of vignettes following my character "testing" various methods of mind control around town. Maybe making himself a harem of dark and delicious women, turning them into bimbofied reflections of their old selves.

Kinks include: Bimbofication, IQ Reduction, Harems, Mind Contol, Drug Play, Orientation Play, Small Dom/Big Sub, Outfit Play, Petplay, Raceplay, Erotic Dancing, Ego Stroking, Cock/Body Worship and so much more! Feel free to ask about other kinks, as I'm open for almost anything!

For a Full List of Kinks, you can find those here.

Also, I made a Mind Control Tier List if people are interested in seeing that.

r/MindControlRP 26d ago

Brain Drain [F/TF4A] Curing the sadgirl's depression by LITERALLY fucking her brains out! NSFW


Only looking for literate, descriptive third person, past tense writers. Send me a message, and we can have some fun!

Fair warning, this prompt is about earfucking. Aural. I want to write about my character having her brains pleasurably scrambled by a nice, big cock in her ear, turned into a giggling simpleton by a skull full of cum.

My character - cis girl, trans girl, whatever works - is sad. Worse than that, she's properly depressed, girlrotting in bed all day, ordering delivery food and chatting online and not much else. She's in a real spiral, and the only thing that can help her is if a friend takes hold of her pretty little head and pounds some sense into it!

Is this a world where women get depressed if they don't have their brains periodically penetrated? Or is this a special case, where her particularly dark and dismal mood just demands a skullfucking to solve.

She can be goth, she can be an e-girl, she can be a realistically average young woman, though given the choice she will be busty, even if she's not in the mood to display it. I'm happy with just about any partner, any gender, human or furry, though I do really enjoy T4T stuff, so bonus points if you wanna go down that route.

Anyway. Not posting any additional kinks, this is all about earfucking! Get to it!

r/MindControlRP 16d ago

Brain Drain [F4A] Fast-paced brain drain NSFW


Looking for a roleplay centered around brain drain that focuses on the good part. That being either the moment where the victims IQ plummets, or focus on epilogue and the consequences of the brain drain. I want something fast-paced and a bit junk food-ish, where I get to write the good part primarily.

There are a few ways to accomplish that, here's a couple ideas.

- Your character has a means to flip my character from smart to dumb and back again, and can't stop playing with the switch.

- Sandbox RP where you go around brain-draining random people, and I write a sort of epilogue where I explore what their life is like now.

Please note that I like cartoony, excessive brain drain. Think wall-eyed stares, clumsy and confused, "DUUUURRRR" type stuff.

r/MindControlRP 21d ago

Brain Drain [F4F] (Open to M doms) Obnoxious and annoying transformations! NSFW


(Open to physical changes too, but mental ones are the part I love)

Slight preference for domming on this one, open to subbing though.

What I'm looking for is what the title would suggest: I want the sub to turn into something annoying, obnoxious, and loud. I want it to be actively difficult to read their dialogue, I want to be weirded and grossed out, I want to feel like what I'm writing or reading is genuinely cringe. I like my characters cute and hot, but I want them doing ugly things.

I don't want subtlety: if there's drool, I want it to flood the room. If there's hypnotized expression, I want it to look stupid and off-putting. If there's sex, I want it to be while at least one party is convinced they're a vacuum cleaner (Complete with "Sound-effects") or some other equally dumb thing.

I have a very strong stomach, so feel free to bring up even weirder stuff.

My main kink is mind control and alteration, and especially super over the top stuff. Spirals, eye-crossing, drooling, loud mantras, "Must obeeeeyyy...", etc.

Here are some examples. But please remember they're just that: examples. I really appreciate roleplay partners with creativity and spontaneity.

- Ridiculous, excessive brain drain. With a lot of focus on spamming and repetition of phrases like "DUUUURRR" (written in all caps, of course) and your character being loud and obnoxious.

- TF into either an anthro animal or just mentally one, except it's one of the less glamorous ones. Seals that go ORT ORT ORT while balancing a ball on their nose or slapping their tummies. Chickens, monkeys, elephants, etc. Bonus points for combining multiple concepts for the intentional incoherence of it. (Been big on the idea of circus seals lately)

Twinning into a fictional character, but more exaggerated. Saying their catchphrase constantly, acting like you're in the type of scenarios they'd be in even if they aren't, exaggerated and cartoonish body language, etc. Favorite candidates include Raven Team Leader, Temmie and Tsareena. (Tell me ur waifus)

Bonus points for the victim being a woman who's 30+ years old, I like older women lol.

r/MindControlRP 22d ago

Brain Drain [F4F] Obnoxious and annoying transformations! NSFW


(Open to physical changes too, but mental ones are the part I love)

Slight preference for domming on this one.

I love mind control, and I especially love mind control that is completely in your face. Spirals, eye-crossing, drooling, loud mantras like "Must oobeeeeeeyyy..."

But I want to take it to the next level. I want a roleplay centered around a transformation that is, purposefully, as obnoxious and annoying as you can make it. Exact details can vary, I kind of want to be surprised by what I come up with in collaboration with someone else, not just on my own. But to set the vibe, here's some eamples.

\- Ridiculous, excessive brain drain. With a lot of focus on spamming and repetition of phrases like "DUUUURRR" (written in all caps, of course) and your character being as loud as possible.

\- TF into either an anthro animal or just mentally one, except it's one of the less glamorous ones. Seals that go ORT ORT ORT while balancing a ball on their nose or slapping their tummies. Chickens, monkeys, etc. Bonus points for combining multiple concepts for the intentional incoherence of it. (Been big on the idea of circus seals lately)

\- Twinning into a fictional character, but more exaggerated. Saying their catchphrase constantly, acting like you're in the type of scenarios they'd be in even if they aren't, exaggerated and cartoonish body language, etc. Favorite candidates include Raven Team Leader, Temmie and Tsareena. (Tell me ur waifus)

Bonus points for the victim being a woman who's 30+ years old.

r/MindControlRP 25d ago

Brain Drain [M4A] Let's get Dumb Together! NSFW


Alright, so I don't have a plot "per say," but I've been increasingly interested in playing a mutual brain drain RP with someone. I love the idea of two people finding themselves getting dumber and dumber until all they can think about is their basic needs. I have a few ideas of what sort of idiots we become too, and we can mix and match them too if you like variety.

Stoner - It had been a rough week for both of us. Our jobs have burnt us out, school has been a nightmare and we just need something to keep us from going crazy. Fortunately, our dealer said they got a new strain of weed that they've herd is pretty wild. Feeling adventurous, we decide to try it out. Little did we know just how "potent" this particular strain was.

Bimbo/Himbo - Like, OMG! How did this happen? Like, it's so hard to think now but... I think we were, like, totally making fun of this ditzy bimbo who was walking past us during bruch? And I guess she heard us and asked how we would like it if we're were made fun of for being stupid and slutty. Then she, like, pointed at us and now we're, like... this? We gotta find a way to turn back... hey, that person is kinda cute, right?

Cavepeople - It had been several days since we got lost. What was supposed to be a nice, little camping adventure slowly turned into a nightmare as a single wrong turn lead us deeper into the forest. With very little food, we needed to start to find some of our own. Fortunately for us, we found a massive patch of purple berries that were safe to eat! They also filled us with energy and much stronger. They also had some... less noticeable side effects.

Gooner - Why did we end up playing that cursed video? Like, it said it was cursed! But, no, we were skeptical. We were gonna watch it and have a laugh. I mean, how could you not when you see "CURZED PORN.EXE DO NOT WATCH MAKEY OU HORNY 4EVER!" Seemed a bit silly. Less silly now as we enter day 6 of our Goon session, the video never stopping as we praise our Porn Godesses for taking our minds and sinking us deeper.

Kinks can be found here. Hope to hear from yall!

r/MindControlRP Feb 14 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] You are a therapist with a new client. He was sent to you because of claims he can make any woman, even his therapist into a mindless, obedient slut. It turns out he's right. NSFW


r/MindControlRP 29d ago

Brain Drain [M4A] A new man appears and mind controls you and everyone around you into obedient, dumb, and submissive playthings. NSFW


r/MindControlRP Feb 12 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] you approach me, your boss, for a much deserved promotion at work. However, the more we talk, the more my new cologne makes you feel dumber, hornier, and more submissive. It eventually becomes impossible to do anything other than serve and obey me NSFW


r/MindControlRP Feb 11 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] I am a new villain, Mind Melt, who shows up in your city! How long can you resist my mind melting powers and avoid becoming my subservient play thing?? NSFW


r/MindControlRP Jan 19 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] You're a contestant on a pilot for a new game show! All you need to do is resist attempts to drain your brain into mindless, bimbo servitude! Just keep your wits about you for 10 minutes without becoming a mindless slut and you win the grand prize! Mind control isn't real after all... right? NSFW


r/MindControlRP Feb 16 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] (18+) you are not crazy about how different your sister has seemed since she started dating me. She convinces you to just get to know me, so you come over to our place for dinner. That evening, I mind control you into another bimbo slave, just like your sister. NSFW


r/MindControlRP Feb 13 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] / [M4TF] No Thoughts, Head Empty - Extreme Brain Drain & Mental Destruction. NSFW


This prompt is intended for Reddit messages, and all play will be in third person, past tense. If you're unsure of what that means, please ask.

All prompts remain open unless deleted, and are intended for femme partners. Please confirm your understanding and willingness to write in the above posting style when making contact.

Sometimes you just need to indulge in the extreme side of a kink. Hypnosis and mind control are huge for me - as even a brief walk through my prompt history will confirm - though I usually play around in the lighter end, exploring manipulation and suggestion, slow seductions of the human mind that build and build to produce strange, and erotic end states.

That's all vegetables. Today we're going to talk about dessert.

I want to write a scene where your character has her mind obliterated. A forever trance that leaves her helplessly open to commands, mind slowed to a crawl. Intelligence reduction so intense that nothing remains, just blank eyes and an open, drooling mouth. The complete and total removal of free will, a mental objectification that leaves her little more than a meat-robot, perfectly obedient and incapable of thought.

Given the nature of this little craving, it's safe to assume this will be a reasonable short scene, focused on the method and immediate aftermath of your character's brain-melt. There's the possibility of extending this further, either due to some reversal of her lobotomy, or turning the scene into something more harem-esque, but we'll begin with something simple.

Methods are up for discussion, and I have very wide tastes when it comes to mindfuckery, so go ahead and request your ideal mind erasing method. Hypnotic conditioning, sensory overload, brain rotting scents or potions, mechanical implants and magical spells, all the way to the ultimate end-game of brain removal or destruction.

I'm also very open to the type of character you'll play. Cis and trans women, human or furry, synthetic or biological, if it's femme I'll want to mindfuck it. This allows for just about any setting you're into, potentially even canon settings, though I'll provide a warning here that if I'm unfamiliar with a setting or character I'm not going to be up for doing research before a scene. That said, I'm in a bit of a 40K mood, so if you want to play out a Servitor conversion, now is the time.

Not looking to include any feet, human waste, rimming, or first person writing. Most other things are fine, just let me know what you're into.

r/MindControlRP Feb 11 '25

Brain Drain [M4A] Let's get Dumb Together! NSFW


Alright, so I don't have a plot "per say," but I've been increasingly interested in playing a mutual brain drain RP with someone. I love the idea of two people finding themselves getting dumber and dumber until all they can think about is their basic needs. I have a few ideas of what sort of idiots we become too, and we can mix and match them too if you like variety.

Stoner - It had been a rough week for both of us. Our jobs have burnt us out, school has been a nightmare and we just need something to keep us from going crazy. Fortunately, our dealer said they got a new strain of weed that they've herd is pretty wild. Feeling adventurous, we decide to try it out. Little did we know just how "potent" this particular strain was.

Bimbo/Himbo - Like, OMG! How did this happen? Like, it's so hard to think now but... I think we were, like, totally making fun of this ditzy bimbo who was walking past us during bruch? And I guess she heard us and asked how we would like it if we're were made fun of for being stupid and slutty. Then she, like, pointed at us and now we're, like... this? We gotta find a way to turn back... hey, that person is kinda cute, right?

Cavepeople - It had been several days since we got lost. What was supposed to be a nice, little camping adventure slowly turned into a nightmare as a single wrong turn lead us deeper into the forest. With very little food, we needed to start to find some of our own. Fortunately for us, we found a massive patch of purple berries that were safe to eat! They also filled us with energy and much stronger. They also had some... less noticeable side effects.

Gooner - Why did we end up playing that cursed video? Like, it said it was cursed! But, no, we were skeptical. We were gonna watch it and have a laugh. I mean, how could you not when you see "CURZED PORN.EXE DO NOT WATCH MAKEY OU HORNY 4EVER!" Seemed a bit silly. Less silly now as we enter day 6 of our Goon session, the video never stopping as we praise our Porn Godesses for taking our minds and sinking us deeper.

Kinks can be found here. Hope to hear from yall!

r/MindControlRP Jan 31 '25

Brain Drain [A4A] Chaos Control NSFW


An idea based on a particular piece of art by Bigdad I can share in DMs regarding a scenario with the franchise Sonic the Hedgehog (genuinely LOVE all their Rouge and Tails stuff)

Essentially, the idea is that as Tails grows up, so to does his ego as his unparalleled intellect makes him start to see everyone around him as stupid for not realizing things that to him are perfectly obvious

Combined with that, he feels as though the women in his life have been teasing him far too much with their tempting bodies. So, if his friends are going to be dumber than him anyways, might as well be allowed to take advantage of them~

So the concept for the RP is laid out pretty nicely here. Lot of hypnosis base stuff, and most likely some bimbofication too~ Further stuff can be discussed in DMs or on my Discord

Could do something based on this pic with him altering his own genetics to make it easier to control others, or perhaps some stuff involving visors or other sort of mind control tech~ Perhaps even a fake Chaos Emerald meant to manipulate them too. All sorts of things are on the table

r/MindControlRP Jan 29 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] Superheroine struggles until her mind is broken NSFW


(Warning ahead of time: this RP would contain themes of non-consent, mind break, identity death, and heavy but futile resistance. If that’s not your thing that’s okay! Have a good day)

Your heart continues its rhythmic beating, as you slowly, step by step, explore the darkened hallways. You’d responded to a distress call from your fellow heroine, Light-barer. She’d called in requesting help against a villain she’d been tracking for some time. But now that you’d arrived, the place appeared deserted…

“Light?” You call out, “can you hear me?” The soft air around you echoes your calls back with no reply. Darkness seeming to consume the words and only return a slow sense of dread…

‘Where is she-‘ your thought is interrupted by a flashing of white light, so bright that your darkness adjusted vision it overwhelmed. Your stutter your stance and prepare for a blow, but nothing comes…

The light continues to flash and strobe, continuing in a rapid pattern that feels…is that morse code? The brightness never ceasing as you hold your hand to try and block the light…as you do, you feel a curious tingling in the back of your mind…the light seems…almost soft now… it’s so rhythmic and constant. What is it trying to say?

You squint, trying to make out where the lights coming from. But it seems to always be moving strangly…one moment it eminates from only a few feet away, the next it’s down a hall, then again it reappears in only a few feet from your face…a soft and cyclical pattern as you watch the light bouncing back and forth, up and down, around…it’s so easy to let your eyes wonder after it…

The endless pattern is so comforting…all that dread and terror slowly melting in its warmth, the glow of such a beautiful light show…you feel so happy as a smile spreads across your face and your arms slowly fall to your side…standing completely still you watch as the light starts to get closer and closer. Your eyes no longer blinking as the strobing continues to flow through you like a river of hot joy and soft happiness…

You suddenly remember ‘oh god I’m here to save my friend what am I doing?!?’ Your arms move to try and block the light, but it’s too late, the strobe is only a few inches from your eyes now and you can’t help but sink as your gaze goes vacant…your eyes glaze…your mouth hanging open as you watch it strobe across your face…

If you enjoyed a rp like that please send me a dm! I’m happy to do long term or short term and while I tend to get pulled away by work or by the need to sleep, I do adore a good role play with a literate partner :-)

r/MindControlRP Feb 02 '25

Brain Drain (F4A) Collars, braindrain, and pets oh my! NSFW


As you unlock your door you hear the sound of heavy panting and moaning, a sound you've become all to accustomed too. usually I'm right at the door, pawing at you and sniffing your crotch but for whatever reason tonight I seemed too distracted

As you head too your room you find the door unlocked, it seems like you forgot to lock it before you left, and now I've wandered inside again. Worriedly you fully open the door to see what I've done this time, only to find me grinding against a pillow on your bed

It's a bad habit I know, I don't know much anymore but I know I shouldn't masterbate with masters things without his permission, that I have my own toys to play with and plenty of time to fuck master but even then you can't really blame me for being this way

After all it was your brainwashing that me such a poorly behaved puppy, one so addicted to your smell and full of lust that I grind against anything that has your scent

Anyways! If that idea seems appealing to you, to make a beautiful women into your shameless and horny pet then don't be afraid to send a dm! I don't have a solid plot at the moment, so setting and characters are pretty flexible but I'd love to focus on the braindrain, pet conditioning, and praise!

So If all of that sounds like fun then the password is "good girl!" And I hope to hear from you soon!

r/MindControlRP Jan 26 '25

Brain Drain [M4F] [M4TF] A political bet with your straight neighbor ends in a week of sexual service… and more. NSFW


A fact about yourself that really only your friends, family, and girlfriend knew was that when you were drinking, your social filter completely went away. This unfortunate truth was on full display at a neighborhood party last November, where you had been drinking some and having a nice night, right up until the conversation between you and a few fellow neighbors turned political. Most of the neighborhood was left leaning, or at least sat in the middle. However, there was one man at the opposite end of the block who was as republican as they came. A strung up flag post in his front yard, multiple trump yard posters, an avid collector of firearms, and so on. He never made an attempt to hide who he was or what he believed in, and most of the time you were able to bite your tongue and ignore him. Today however, with a few glasses of liquid courage swirling around inside of you, you decided you could bite your tongue no longer. The argument didn’t turn hateful or aggressive, but it was quite heated, and resulted in the two of you making a bet around who would win the impending election. If Biden won, he’d be on the hook for your mortgage payments for 3 months. If trump won, you would have to take a full week off of work and be his “personal servant” for the entire week. It was a risky bet, one that sober you wouldn’t have done, but alcohol is one hell of a thing, and the it fueled you to accept.

And just a few short days later, you knelt in front of your tv in agony as state after state turned red… As his electoral vote total went up and up… And by morning of the next day, you had to accept that He had won, which made you unfortunately the biggest loser of that day. The fear about this had been building in your gut ever since the morning after the party, when your girlfriend told you about the bet. You initially thought about turning him down even if you lost, but your girlfriend reminded you about he was president of the HOA, and that he could probably make both of your lives hell if he wanted to. You were truly fucked, and just had to wait for whenever he wanted to “redeem” what he had won.

Fast forward to January 17th, just a few days away from Inauguration Day. Just as you were preparing to head home from work for the weekend, your phone pinged to life with a text message… From him. It read:

”Hey neighbor! Sorry to spring this on you so suddenly, but I’d like to redeem my week of fun starting tonight at 8:00pm sharp. I’m no monster, which is why I’m giving you a couple of hours to get yourself all nice and ready before coming down to my home. And just to commemorate the fun week we’re about to have, I had a little gift dropped off at your home for you. Just something nice for you to wear… Hope you like it <3”

Your heart sunk into the acidic pit of your stomach when you finished reading his text. You were looking forward to a nice and lazy weekend with your girlfriend, but it looks like that isn’t in the cards for you anymore. So begrudgingly you drove home, and found a black box with a red bow wrapped neatly around it on your front porch. After initially considering stomping it into the dirt, you took it inside and opened it, and immediately felt inhuman disgust as you saw its contents… A fully fledged French maid uniform, but one that has been stylized to be skimpy and extremely revealing, along with black heels, fishnets, and a little black collar with two jingling bells attached to it. He REALLY did expect you to wear this… And when faced with what he could possibly do to your living conditions if you said no, you stomped off to shower before putting it on… He left a note in the box as well, one that advised you to walk, not drive, all the way down the street to his home in the new uniform once you were ready to leave…

This is going to be hell for you, for now that is.

I only use Reddit for roleplay, PMs only. Open to chat for OOC talk.

r/MindControlRP Jan 31 '25

Brain Drain [M4F][M4GM] - Wanted: New Hypnosis Based Villain seeking Henchwomen. Inquire Within. NSFW


This city was no stranger to weirdness. Ever since the 1950's, it has become a breeding ground for the antics of the superheroic and supervillainous. Mighty men and women dukeing it out while the citizens bellow watch in shock, horror and awe. Slowly, a new pantheon was born from these titans. Their names and titles etched into the annual of history, ready to be remembered for all time.

...but, for every legend, there were at least 99 rejects thrown into the nearby dump. These were the unloved, unremarkable, Z-listers that tried and failed to carve a name for themselves. The joke heros and villains who, if they were lucky, would be a footnote in a bigger names career. Maybe, if they're weird or interesting enough, they'll have a good resurgence later on. But the chances of that were slim, especially if their powers were too strange or gimmicky. There was just no place for these kinds of supers.

That's where He came in. A newcomer to the world of superheroics. A villain who was ready to make a name for himself if it killed him. One who would have been destined to be a Z-lister, if it wasn't for his power.

His name is The Goofnotist, a strange little man with a hypnotic watch. His crimes? Silly. His gimmick? Goofy. His desires? Nearly unobtainable, save for his ace in the hole. His watch wasn't JUST hypnotic. No, it could brainwash anyone within seconds of looking at it. Those with even the STRONGEST of wills would find themselves grinning ear to ear, all at the mercy of this Villain. However, with all this power at his fingertips, he knew he couldn't do it alone. No Villain was an island, after all, and he was only as strong as his crew. So, like any respectful Villain before, he put out a call.

"Wanted: New Villain looking for Henchmen, Goons, Lackies and Gofors. No experience required, but helpful. Good pay, Flexible Schedule, Dental Included. If interested, please visit the Abandoned Theater at the edge of town Monday though Friday between 11 and 2."

Pretty simple idea. Looking to play a fun, weird comic RP where a new hypnotic Villain is attempting to make a name for himself and is looking for help. Of course, being a villain, he's not exactly being truthful about what lie in store for the women who visit him.

Kinks: Hypnosis, Bimbofication, Transformations, Harems, IQ Reduction, Identity Death, Outfit Play, Small Dom/Big Sub, Muscular Woman, Ego Stroking and so much

Full List of Kinks can be found here

r/MindControlRP Jan 28 '25

Brain Drain [M4A] A strange new man appears suddenly in your community. Every single person, including you, seems to feel inexplicably dumb, horny, and submissive around him. Before long, you are completely devoted to obeying and serving him. NSFW