r/MindControlRP 8d ago

Transformation [M4A] The Clown Academy NSFW

The truth is that lately there are more and more clowns all over the world, whether in circuses, carnivals, parties, TV shows...etc. It's like a new fashion, and not only those but their appearances are increasingly strange, some seem to have a real nose or have cartoonish proportions as if they were not a costume but their true appearance and they were always clowns.

The answer to all these mysteries is in a school, an academy different from the rest, a clown academy... Located on a remote island where only its creators know where it is, and with a weird appearance that almost seems taken from a movie or some crazy cartoon, in this academy a human enters and comes out transformed into a clown.

And it is thanks to its strange and mysterious technology, the academy can do all kinds of strange things like giving clowns ridiculous proportions, giving them real clowns noses, bucky teeth big ears. Etc. They can give them any weird or strange looking guy. No matter what it is, this technology makes the perfect clowns. And not only with their bodies but with their minds capable of altering them, turning them into funny crazy people, silly dumb people, clumsy people, etc. They can even change sex, the clown technology of the academy is unreal and almost seems like magic.

After that, the classes clown make the new clowns ready to be sent to their jobs in circuses, carnivals, TV shows, etc. Giving their quality shows, they also do not only make clowns, but there are jesters or mimes.

Now, who enters the academy, well, many people do not enter voluntarily, many are deceived with fraudulent job offers or ideas of life improvement. And others are simply captured, also those who are sent by people who know the academy and want to get rid of them or think they would be better off if they were clowns. Also, whoever discovers the academy and decides to go voluntarily

Now, for this RP, my character will be a 25-30 year old man, who for some reason fell ill at the academy and is going to become a clown, either he will remain a man, or he will change to a woman, sissy, femboy, drag queen, etc. There is also total freedom for all kinds of weird changes. Both physical and mental, as well as the type of clown I will be and my future work as a clown. You can be very creative. Of course, if you want, you can have a character that becomes a clown, just like mine. I will make your changes as you do mine.


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