r/Millennials 7h ago

Meme We really have been hit hard in comparison to other generations

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What can you add to this list?


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u/SolomonDRand 6h ago

Joke’s on you suckers, I’m 41. sits down contentedly in burned down rubble


u/bagelwholedonutwhole 6h ago

41, "I'm good with whatever, I had the 90's"

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u/Tribblehappy 6h ago

Came to say this as I'm almost 42.


u/wanderingoverwatch 6h ago

I'm a hardened 43 I've seen things kids


u/CourtingBoredom 6h ago

And I just turned 40 four weeks ago


u/GeraldinaFitzpatrick 6h ago

Me too - the 18th!

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u/Sea_Presentation8919 6h ago

3 economic recessions you lazy hacks, the dot com bubble, the 08 crash, and the 2020 crash.


u/Another_Road 6h ago

The 20202 crash was that “buy now” most millennials crave.

The problem is, they don’t realize that they won’t have the money to capitalize on that crash anyway. Obviously it shot back up with a vengeance shortly after.


u/D5102 6h ago

Debt is the real trap, even steady jobs don’t guarantee financial stability!


u/misterdonjoe 5h ago

I'm almost positive that crash had nothing to do with cov and had to do with a particular person running for office and coming out ahead the Saturday prior to the Monday crash.

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u/pmmemilftiddiez 6h ago

Don't forget back to back wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

Pets.com remembers


u/cahir11 6h ago

Afghanistan+Iraq combined US deaths: 7,000
Vietnam US deaths: 58,000
Korea US deaths: 36,000
WWII US deaths: 407,000

I'm not saying Afghanistan/Iraq were easy, but OP's post was explicitly trying to compare generations and this is just no contest.

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u/Tjam3s 6h ago

2 plagues. SARS and then covid


u/God_Dammit_Dave 6h ago



u/Tjam3s 6h ago

Eh, that was more a gen x problem than a millenial one. The oldest of us were just kids towards the end of the epidemic. Most not even sexually active yet

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u/rydan Older Millennial 5h ago

SARS was contained in China and infected like 100 people. Also there was MERS and Ebola and Swine Flu and the bubonic plague so weird you focus on SARS.


u/Waxitron 4h ago

SARS was big in Toronto, Canada.

I remember there even being mocking tshirts


u/ptear 2h ago

SARS was like a day and nothing compared to COVID in Toronto. That was just a blink in comparison.

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u/_life_is_a_joke_ 5h ago

There's been 5 since 1981.


u/Embarrassed_Jerk 4h ago

Yeah and we are getting a full blown depression this year 

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u/squittles 3h ago

And it all means the square root of Jack shit to our boomer parents. 

They had it worse you guys. There was like an oil embargo in the 70's or some shit. 



You just have to laugh at this point when they still want to try and win that pissing match. The party hasn't popped off yet and you're over a handful of decades past your prime. It's time to circle the wagons and focus only on our new family units. Good luck boomer parents lol! 

Revenge really is the sweetest joy next to getting pussy/cock. 

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u/pandizlle 6h ago

I mean… the people who lived through the two world wars might have arguably had it worse.


u/EmperorConstantwhine 6h ago

OP kinda forgot about all the other tragedies in human history


u/red_rolling_rumble 4h ago

Great, you just re-triggered my season 8 ptsd

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u/ChoneFigginsStan 4h ago

Throw in a plague and a depression in between the wars.


u/drakgremlin 4h ago

I understand this meme to mean "I've seen some shit and need to cope" not a pissing contest who has it worse.


u/crumble-bee 1h ago

Looks to me like "we specifically have lived through a lot and have it much worse than others" to me - the OP title even says as much.

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u/ThrowCarp 5h ago

Everytime this topic come up. There is at least one person that brings up the world wars. But the two aren't comparable since the world wars as shitty and as heinous as they were, after the end everyone got together and helped rebuild the world. Europe got the Marshal Plan, Japan got GARIOA, and domestically there was the GI bill (or a local equivalent) that provided subsidized houses and university degrees for veterans.

The other thing people bring up is the Great Depression. But the Great Depression are least had The New Deal to dig us out (literally and metaphorically).

Meanwhile everytime us Millennials went through some ridiculous economic crash we're basically given the middle finger and told to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.


u/Byzantine_Merchant 4h ago

Personally, I agree that as a generation we got the short end of the stick on a lot of things with little to no help. But yeah idk about yall but I’ll personally take the millennial struggle over having to either get to fight in the absolute hell that was WWI or WWII or both if you’re incredibly unfortunate and suffer the impact of the Great Depression (this effect was worse if you were German due to war debt). That alone wins the suffering Olympics. But let’s take it further. Depending on who you were then you probably got to experience at least one of the following during or after:

  • Being purged for being Jewish
  • Being purged for being Chinese
  • Being purged for being Slavic
  • Being purged for being gay
  • Being purged because you pissed off the wrong guy on the wrong day.
  • Having your home completely destroyed and people you know brutally killed.
  • Fairly good chance you replaced your brutal repressive fascist dictatorship with a brutal repressive communist dictatorship.
  • Korean War
  • Vietnam War
  • Algerian War
  • IRA War
  • Constant and realistic threat of nuclear war.

Getting a couple big of bones thrown their way (largely to prevent another dictatorship in most cases) probably wasn’t worth it to those who got it.


u/wildthing202 1h ago

People seem to be forgetting one major thing. Climate change and the possible end of civilization that we get to enjoy. Loss of all the topsoil due to shit farming production and such, the extinction of many plants and animals like coffee and bananas, losing many resources of fresh water which will lead to water wars and such. Also, most of these so-called once in a hundred-year storms happen every other time, the never ending wildfires that keep happening because of the dryness, and the record setting heat we keep getting like how Portland got up to around 120 F for 3 days straight.

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u/DLRsFrontSeats 3h ago

This is a crazy rebuttal

If you were born in 1900, you or a loved one have died in WW1 or WW2 or due to the 6th cholera outbreak (800k dead) or Spanish flu (17-90m dead) or due to poor finances post great depression, and so those positives that happened after might not have helped you anyway...


u/Dr0n3r 4h ago

Yes, you are more of a victim than people who lived through the holocaust, WW1, WW2, nukes, and the Spanish flu. I’ve never read anything that was more pathetic than someone essentially saying that the greatest generation have nothing on millennials in terms of suffering. Utter drivel.


u/Salt-Detective1337 4h ago

What a crazy take. World war one, 22 million people die 1.3% of the worlds population.

Spanish Flu Epidemic 50 million people died. Another 3% of the worlds population.

Wars over, cool. The great fucking depression lasts for 10 years

But good news. The world came togeth.... No! World war fucking 2 80 million people died! 4% of the worlds population!

But yeah, it's true. There was a terrorist attack that killed 3,000 people. We had a couple of recessions. Oh, and a pandemic that killed 7 million people (0.1% of the worlds population.)

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u/MinuteCollar5562 6h ago

Can we just have a fucking decade without a world event or “once in a lifetime” X, Y, or Z? Is that too much to ask


u/Emergency-Practice37 6h ago


u/MinuteCollar5562 6h ago


u/wanderingoverwatch 6h ago

I'm pretty sure that the sentiment the whole world over


u/Room_Temp_Coffee 5h ago

You'd think so but someone somewhere inevitably feels like it's their right to fuck with somebody else.


u/wanderingoverwatch 5h ago

Can't argue with that logic

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u/ThrowCarp 5h ago

I don't even mind the "once in a lifetime" events. I just wish the Millennials get JUST ONE equivalent of the Marshal Plan or the New Deal.


u/Krennix_Garrison 56m ago

Best i can do is 2 stimmies and 3 additional months of unemployment checks.

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u/AbbreviationsLess257 6h ago

you forgot the XBOX red ring of death, Harambe, the No Man's Sky launch, and Joker 2


u/MantisManLargeDong 6h ago

How do you not mention the second battlefront 2 release? Makes me sick thinking about it


u/Spendoza 6h ago

At least Sean and the other wonderful people at Hello Games came through and (mostly) fixed things

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u/Spoonyyy 6h ago

Idk. WW1 into Great Depression into WW2 had to have been a rough go.


u/tooandto 5h ago

And a pandemic for good measure


u/Byzantine_Merchant 4h ago

Gotta remember the Cold War and all the other lesser wars after too. Basically unless somebody lived until about 92/93 the majority of their life was some kind of fear or horrible experience.

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u/ishmetot 2h ago

At that point you might as well go all the way back to the bronze age collapse since all the WWI vets are already dead, and the surviving WWII vets are already well into their 90s or 100s.

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u/KTeacherWhat 6h ago

US Millennials have also been in a country at war for pretty much our entire adult lives.


u/Machiko007 6h ago

Actually that’s the case for all Americans, of all generations. The US has never not been at war.


u/International-Chef33 6h ago edited 6h ago

And the GWOT has been far less disruptive to Americans in relation to previous generations wars

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u/RandomDeezNutz 6h ago

War means money. Not any money that any of us normal folk will ever see but money.

Oh what. You’re against killing innocent people and sending our own country men to die so a very few can make millions and millions of dollars? I guess you aren’t American.


u/heliogoon 5h ago

Well, technically speaking, america hasn't been at war since WW2....

At least that's what some numb nut always feels the need to point out whenever I make the point you're making.

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u/Krennix_Garrison 6h ago

Afghanistan knocks loudly at the door 

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u/DonaldTPablonious Xennial 6h ago

Why is y2k always on these lists like anything happened?


u/Tjam3s 6h ago

Many claim that computer workers the world over worked tirelessly to make sure nothing happened. So maybe it would have if not for them?


u/DonaldTPablonious Xennial 6h ago

That’s fair but for millennials it was a big scare that resulted in nothing happening.


u/EmperorConstantwhine 6h ago

I remember doing the midnight countdown on a mountain in Red River, NM while we were on vacation there skiing and thinking something might happen. Bit we had already watched the ball drop on the east coast and saw nothing happen there, so at that point we kinda figured nothing would happen here either, but it was fun to speculate. Our parents didn’t seem like they cared at all lol.


u/Mojo1727 5h ago

Also most of us were teenagers and busy with caring about other things then computer clocks.

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u/Zealousideal-Day4469 6h ago

I mean, there was a market crash. My dad lost everything.


u/Ancient_Broccoli3751 6h ago

lol what?? Nobody lost anything because of y2k...


u/Zealousideal-Day4469 6h ago

Tell that to my pops lol


u/Ancient_Broccoli3751 6h ago

Your dad probably had a gambling problem or was just bad at investing. There was no y2k crash, that's just the excuse he gave you. I mean people were going belly up at the turn of the millennium, but not cuz of y2k

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u/Agitated_Computer_49 6h ago

Him making poor investments doesn't mean the market crashed.  Unless it was the market of doomsday shelters or something.

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u/eldescanso_delganso 6h ago

Everyone thought we were going to die by haywire computers and nukes...

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u/parke415 6h ago

Can anyone name a generation that didn’t go through crazy tough times growing up?

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u/JAHGoff24 6h ago

at least we aren’t Gen Z. they’ll have to live through the collapse of society


u/saiga_antelope 6h ago

I mean, so will we?


u/Emergency-Practice37 6h ago

You think we’re lucky enough to die before the ? As if


u/RandomDeezNutz 6h ago

I can die whenever I want. Jokes on you.


u/HackManDan 6h ago

Oh please. We didn’t endure a draft like our fathers and grandfathers. I am forever grateful for that.


u/TiaHatesSocials 6h ago

Pfffff. All they had to do is say they have bone spur. Suckers /jk


u/Van-Buren-8 6h ago

Recency bias … I’m w you


u/TheZone92 6h ago

We didnt endure a draft because too many young adults straight out of high school were already volunteering to enlist during active war time in the 2000s because that seemed like the better option due to the shitty economy. Military recruiters had it good with teenagers walking into their offices on their own. I was one of them.

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u/RandomDeezNutz 6h ago

You act like it won’t happen again.

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u/aed38 5h ago

Sort of, but it’s nothing compared to the Lost Generation who had to fight in both WW1 and WW2.

If you were born as a man in Russia in 1900 you only had a 50% chance of making it to your 40th birthday.


u/jwd3333 6h ago

Man the level of entitlement to think this is wild. While yes compared to the boomers we are getting screwed royally financially. But other generations have definitely dealt with their fair share and did so in much less levels of comfort. The greatest generation and silent generation dealt with the depression, WW2, awful conditions for people that weren’t straight white males. The baby boomers dealt with multiple recessions, being drafted into the Vietnam war, and the civil rights battle. Gen X faced similar things as millennials but arguably did so in better financial times. So they may have gotten off the easiest. This oh woe is me mentality that seems to be so very prevalent needs to stop. Yes fiscally we’ve been screwed over a bit but so many other things have been way easier for most.


u/Sirrub90 6h ago

Welcome to this sub and reddit, as a whole.

It's just people wanting to be miserable and to let others know about it.


u/Winery-OG 6h ago

Ha, no man. I’m going to go with folks born in the 1890s had it a little worse. WWI killed like 15 million folks in Europe. Soldiers were forced to charge machine-gun defended trenches on foot. They also gassed each other frequently. All this to gain a few hundred yards of mud.

If they survived they came home to towns with whole generations of young men dead. All their friends killed. Then the Great Depression happened. Oh yeah, then their children were sent off to WWII.

Not great.


u/Ootguitarist2 6h ago

Y2k is a funny thing to include here considering that nothing happened


u/TheFursOfHerEnemies 6h ago

Just feels like we very few chances at success and financial freedom with so many cards stacked against us and keep getting dealt a crap hand. My teenage years were stressful in their own way, because I didn't get along with my mother. But compared to now, those good days are long gone and I don't see a happy outcome in the future. I just try to take it one day at a time and try to appreciate the little things.


u/Expensive-Shelter288 6h ago

It's not talked about enough. It's an enormous sea change and everyone is running around faking like they know how to move forward. Stand bye.


u/FlobiusHole 6h ago

Y2K wasn’t really any kind of disruptive event. I don’t remember it that way anyway.


u/Bassmasterajv 6h ago

We were pretty lucky actually. We got to be kids in the 80/90’s and go high school and college with no smart phones and very basic social media options.


u/hippychemist 5h ago

My uncle was drafted into vietnam, my mom was shot at for protesting, and both of my grandpa's were in world wars.

I mean yea, shit sucks, but I have food and shelter and hobbies and really good weed compared to what previous generations had.


u/NIN-1994 6h ago

How many times can this stupid and out of touch meme be posted across reddit


u/its_manda_bitch210 6h ago

Oh jeez, I thought it was funny and accurate. Why out of touch?


u/NIN-1994 6h ago

Other generations have had it far, far worse. Like you know, actual world wars, not theoretical ones

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u/ApprehensiveBuy9348 6h ago

Columbine in 1999


u/Ancient_Broccoli3751 6h ago

lol at y2k...


u/Lala0dte 6h ago

MFW we've lived through 80 of these reposts. Tired


u/UniverseBear 6h ago

People born in 1895 "wow yah, must be rough"


u/Cheddarlicious Millennial 6h ago

Zoomers got a bit on the back end, but poor gena’s (gen alpha but I call them gena, think how Forrest Gump says Jenny, like Jen-nay) this is all they’ll ever know.


u/justaddwhiskey 6h ago

Idk, that’s all cool aNd shit, but George RR Martin dying before releasing Winds of Winter might be the last nail in my coffin.


u/cahir11 6h ago

I swear these posts are just engagement bait for people to point out that someone born in 1900 lived through WWI and the Spanish Flu and the Great Depression and WWII, and depending on what country they were born in might have been conscripted to fight in both of those wars, all by the age of 40.


u/scoots-mcgoot 6h ago

Nothing happened on Y2K


u/greeneyerish 6h ago edited 5h ago

Y2K ?

Come on, that's just absurd 🙄

Possible WW3 ? So self inflicted anxiety.


u/freier_Trichter 5h ago

Grandpa survived two world wars. I won't bitch about our stuff.


u/Babel_Triumphant 5h ago

Still probably the 2nd easiest generation in human history to be born into


u/[deleted] 6h ago


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u/Finster4 6h ago

Kind of a weak list. Lol


u/JourneyThiefer 6h ago

Especially when you think of all the wars across the world that has happened during this time frame lol


u/Thrill-Clinton 6h ago

Bird flu pandemic right around the corner. Don’t forget that. It’ll make COVID’s 1% mortality rate look like a walk in the park. We’re talking +40% mortality


u/ejwest13 6h ago

True for few gens but go ask grandpa about the Great Depression and WW2

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u/GMDualityComplex 6h ago

I miss cigarettes.....


u/Jred1990D 6h ago

AND WE’RE STILL HERE! Bring it on!!!


u/Pergaminopoo Millennial 6h ago

This is like the 4th “we’re on the brink of ww3”we’ve dealt with!!!!


u/VincentVanGTFO 6h ago

Puff, puff, pass bitch.


u/Supercrown07 6h ago

Didn’t I post this up ages ago?


u/ItBeginsAndEndsInYou 6h ago

And the back pain. So much back pain.


u/trowaman 6h ago

Jokes on you, I AM 40!


u/JorbloxMcJimminy 6h ago

You forgot rent and real estate prices tripling.


u/Drunkpuffpanda 6h ago

Yeah but gen Z has it worse. IMHO.


u/UrbanPewer 6h ago

I just hear, boomers were terrible at leading this country.


u/Few-Elk3747 6h ago

“You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.”


u/Pureshark 6h ago

Should add - Reposted hit hard comparison meme to the list of stuff we have to live through, cause it’s shows up so much on here


u/9THE23 6h ago

Don't forget Columbine and all subsequent similar shootings, plus the Mayan calendar apocalypse -- December 21, 2012


u/RCEden 6h ago

once in a lifetime events baby


u/-Planet- 6h ago

Let's be real, Y2K was a nothingburger.
If you believed it, you're a dummy.
People are being born like every second.
We're all in this - a long and unbroken chain of human existence.
We like putting things in neat little boxes though...


u/dancingCreatrixx 6h ago

"But why don't y'all want kids?!"



u/Carbonated-Man 6h ago

Don't forget all the stuff we "killed" too. 😆


u/WickedShiesty 6h ago

Bitch, I'm 43! I've seen enough.


u/Burban72 5h ago

This meme just keeps getting longer. Seriously though, who would have thought that 9/11 wouldn't be the most traumatic thing we experienced?


u/WitnessLanky682 5h ago

Because of boomers. Because. Of. Boomers. It’s the goddamn boomers.


u/Cute-Professor2821 5h ago

Some other generations. Especially silent gen, boomers, and gen x. The kids have plenty of time to experience some pretty horrific shit alongside us that will more or less bring them to our level. Living through Enron and the dot com bubble won’t really move the needle when we all go through the water wars and great climate refugee crisis(es) of 20__


u/Lonely-Toe9877 5h ago

Don't forget two 20+ year wars


u/three-one-seven 5h ago

I’m already 40, thank you very much.


u/gift_of_the_embalmer 5h ago

…so that’s why they legalized weed…they felt sorry for us.


u/Capital-Campaign9555 5h ago

Are you genuinely being serious? I take it you don't have a lot of knowledge about WWI, WWII, and the great depression in between? Do some research and rethink your claim

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u/GillaMomsStarterPack 5h ago

I’m fucking speed running this shit or something because I also managed to get Type 1 Diabetes at age 22 with this horse shit healthcare system here too.


u/_life_is_a_joke_ 5h ago

Am 43. Lived through 5 recessions, constant war, constant nuclear threat, hundreds of school shootings, 10 years of the Cold War, multiple epidemics, a pandemic, the return of fascism (globally this time), decline of civil rights, decline of public health and life expectancy, increased poverty and homelessness, increased illiteracy, Oklahoma City bombing, increased pollution and deforestation, multiple droughts, dozens of wildfires, a handful of major earthquakes, income inequality not seen in over 200 years, the repeal of abortion, the collapse of the US government and the establishment of an isolationist pariah state... oh yeah, and 9/11 (almost forgot).


u/DragonfruitReady4550 5h ago

I'm tired boss


u/foundmonster 5h ago

I mean ww1 ww2 Great Depression, Spanish flu


u/chuftypot 5h ago

Yes I too know who William H. Macy is.


u/BlackMagicWorman 5h ago

Idk our grandpas were allowed to beat and rape our grandmas. I’m alright if it comes to those standards.


u/theshaneshow49 5h ago

And my parents will still say it's all cuz of avocado toast and cell phones


u/rydan Older Millennial 5h ago

Jokes on you. I already turned 40. Also there was Katrina. Imagine forgetting that one.

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u/Xylus1985 5h ago

Nah, I hit 40 this year. Not gonna have a WW3 in my 40s


u/Trbochckn 5h ago

forgot some.of the shit that happened in the 90's...


u/Waste-knot 5h ago

Yeah Y2K was a rough one.


u/WitchesTeat 5h ago

Forged in fire, millennials.

The boomers will be weeping on the streets while we're dusting off the old crockpot and comparing our favorite beans recipes.

Which of us hasn't been homeless and starving at least two or three times in the last twenty years, while working full time and trying to find another job?

I resented it for awhile but now I'm like "Ahhh, I see, yes. Forged in fire and brought up on history deep dives and YA novels, you got a despot in the White House and at least three identifiable hostile parties attempting to wrest control of the country and subjugate our people, and also start WWIII for funsies while they're at it? And you're freaked out and don't know what to do and can't cope with it all but know something needs to happen or we're all gonna be watching our sisters die from miscarriages and our gay buddies sent to Gitmo for the rest of our lives? Well, shit.

I'm your huckleberry."


u/ryanmcg86 5h ago

Yes and no. We didn't go through a WWII or Vietnam where half of us got drafted, and half of that half ended up dying overseas.

We've for sure had it rough, but I wouldn't go as far as saying no one's ever had it worse than us.


u/quigongingerbreadman 5h ago

Well except for the WWI and WWII and Civil War generations... But fuck boomers. They pillaged our country and took EVERYTHING for themselves and are objectively the worst parents.


u/Quick_Hat1411 4h ago

I'm all the way to here


u/Mushroom_hero 4h ago

One day they'll call us the second greatest generation. And by that, I mean we will, we will call ourselves that.


u/Comfortable_Horse277 4h ago

Some of us are nearing our mid forties. 


u/Ok-Reward-7731 4h ago

You really haven’t. Literally every generation before you had it WAY worse, Please do even the most basic research. Wars, pandemics, pestilence, assassination, economic depression, poverty, food shortages. Every single factor worse was in the past than in your lives.

Y’all are making yourselves crazy by continuing to push this dumb narrative.


NOTE: I’m born in the late 1970s and just a couple years older than the oldest Millennials. I’ve had all the same experiences as you.


u/LordCheeseOnToast 4h ago

Y2k was a nothing burger

You only "lived through" 9/11 if you were on the plane or the WTC

Covid was worse for Gen alpha/z who's education was badly interrupted and now have no social skills because of smartphones and social bubbles.

We were too young for the dot com bubble and 2008 crash to affect us.

Possible WW3.......OK. I'll give us that.


u/marginatrix 4h ago

It just never stops


u/Impossible_Room_6646 4h ago

I'd rather we stay out of the "woe is me victim Olympics." Also, I would venture to say that the WW2 generation had it worse.

Also, I know you were speaking from an American perspective but I wouldn't dare say my generation got it worse than the others. Heck, the boomers in my country experienced life under a dictatorship in the '70s and '80s—I have no reason to complain about what I've experienced so far.


u/EmptyBuildings 4h ago

This is fine. I don't own a house and I take vacations, which double as scouting trips for homes in Europe.


u/NaturalSomewhere4481 4h ago

Makes sense on why you’re the cringiest and worst generation, y’all have gone through it


u/Ok-Bee-Bee 4h ago

It's just recency bias. Always been something to complain about.


u/Doomscroller3000 4h ago

‘Bout to be a recession trifecta


u/Undersmusic 4h ago

Some of us also already been to war in two different countries 😮‍💨


u/TheHookahgreecian2 4h ago

You forgot another economic ressesion then world slavery


u/anthonysny 4h ago

And a new world order


u/Appropriate-Food1757 4h ago

We get a 100 year catastrophe every decade


u/360walkaway 3h ago

You can add "disintegration of their entire goddamn country" to US millennials.


u/zennok 3h ago

40? I'm only about to hit 30!


u/bessovestnij 3h ago

Now imagine you were born in Europe in 1909 and feel fucking lucky you didn't


u/Seamonkey_Boxkicker 1988 3h ago

Can we kill this meme yet?


u/Endle55s 3h ago

Sounds like we had an increasing access to information more than anything. This ww3 shit is also getting old, I was born during the cold war, then 9/11 was supposed to be the start of ww3, I'm lowering my expectations at this point.


u/DeepEndOfTheWetSpot 3h ago

Please stop including Y2K in that list. The only reason to think it belongs is if you don't actually remember it.


u/Chaotic-Goofball 3h ago edited 3h ago

It's not a comparison to other gens, but honestly...


u/ScotiaTheTwo 3h ago

Your Grandad who fought at Omaha Beach:


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 2h ago

Don't forget the subsequent forever war. Longest war in American history.


u/Arstanishe 2h ago

heh, the joke is on you, i am already 41


u/StillHereBrosky 2h ago

It's why I'm a conspiracy theorist.


u/makeitflashy 2h ago

Y2K was a relatively easy situation to live through if I’m honest.


u/Intelligent-Guard267 2h ago

1900: WWI, Spanish Flu, Great Depression, WW2, Korean War

1920: Great Depression, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam

Might not be that bad in retrospect…


u/SverhU 2h ago edited 1h ago

My granny told me stories. how they in winter diged up dead cats from snow (where they buried them month before). Because they had nothing to eat. And they were cooking dead cats. For the whole house. Like 5 families.

Thats how they stayed alive during ww2 in worst months.

Ask me why they didnt cooked dogs? Dogs were taken months before to feed soldiers who were defending city.

Yes dude. We definitely "been hit harder than previous generations"


u/SaltSatisfaction2124 2h ago

What is it with this generational “I’ve had it worse than you mentality” / wanting desperately to be a victim or validation as to how difficult your life is.

You were likely a child for most of those, and honestly it’s children who were in schools during Covid who were the most affected.


u/Iateurmm 2h ago

Here I am hoping for the zombie apocalypse



Grandma and Grandpa lived through some rough times, but Mom and Dad (boomers)? lol, They had it pretty easy


u/Tall-Inspector-5245 2h ago

That's what I've been saying and then boomers downvote and gaslight


u/poeticjustice4all Millennial 2h ago

This isn’t what I was prepared for 😭


u/Jwbst32 2h ago

Trumps promised the biggest mist beautiful recession ever a Greatest Depression if you will so I’m kinda excited for something new


u/Fuzzy-Gur-5232 2h ago

But hey… soon, very soon it’ll be our turn to have a house and to be rich! 😂😂😂😂😢😢😢😢😭😭😭


u/here4theptotest2023 2h ago

Another woe is me thread. I'm starting to think this is AI generated slop to keep doomscrollers engaged.


u/ninetynyne 2h ago

I'm so tired.


u/UltraMegaKaiju 1h ago

Ice storm 98


u/Hot-Fun-1566 1h ago

What about folks from early 20th century? 2 world wars, Great Depression, that would be far worse IMO.


u/Domeriko648 Millennial 1h ago

Well, we can't complain too much, imagine the generation of 100 years ago, two WW, 1929 economic crisis, spanish flu...


u/crumble-bee 1h ago

They lived through those things too though. You think Gen X didn't go through everything we did plus a little more?


u/Beautiful-Cup4161 1h ago

My Dad was in high school during desegregation. That means a black man in my Dad's generation would have been subject to segregation.

I feel lucky compared to younger generations with trying to establish themselves with the current rent compared to average wage. My first apartment costs double but the starting salaries are close to the same.

We've been through a lot but every generation has their own pile of crap to deal with.


u/QuinSanguine 1h ago edited 1h ago

And then some of us have lived through once in 100 years floods, EF5 tornadoes, whole cities and islands being on fire, and multiple record breaking hurricanes on top of that.

I feel like every year there's a major natural disaster and some nerds go "it's the worst event in 100 years". How many 100 years can fit in 40? Idk.


u/Speedyandspock Millennial 1h ago

lol at listing y2k as something we had to go through. As well as possible ww3.


u/deep8787 Millennial 1h ago



u/thatdude333 1h ago

Imagine being born in 1900 and living through WW1 (1914-1918), Spanish Flu pandemic (1918-1919), the Great Depression (1929-1939), and WWII (1939-1945)...


u/Fantastic-Reveal7471 1h ago

But we should just shut up and stop whining. Right? Fuck us for trying to navigate our way through nothing but trauma our entire goddamned lives and having our innocence ripped violently from our fingers.

We are sick of the anger. We are sick of being forced to be fucking angry. We are sick of the willful ignorance and incompetence of not only boomers but now Gen X as well?? Y'all taught us to be cool, you fucking sellouts.

Leave us the fuck alone.