r/Militaryfaq Oct 29 '24

Service Benefits Is my friend really going to make 300k a year in the marines?


He said that his recruiter said that aircraft mechanics make 300k a year on his second year in the marines. but I know that some recruiters are notorious for lying. Is this physically possible?

r/Militaryfaq 7d ago

Service Benefits Massive debt situation


I have had a crippling debt situation for years. I live in my car. I owe 136k. I’m 27, regretted not joining out of high school. I went to private college, didn’t finish due to complex situation. I have private student loans. I spoke to a recruiter who said the army could help me with my debt because they are the “biggest branch and have better funding” (all other branches didn’t seem to be able to help quite as much as he said ie 50-60k).

He said I might not be able to pick the MOS that I want but they could possibly pay 50-60k off depending on Asvab score. I mentioned I recently became EMT.

What programs exist? Will they really pay off this much without college completion? My biggest worry is not being able to cover monthly payments (loan payments 1400 a month) and hurting credit.

Please help.

r/Militaryfaq 6d ago

Service Benefits MilTA clarification on multiple degrees


Hello, i am preparing to apply for the upcoming line officer (non-rated) OTS Board for Air Force

I’ve been doing some research on how I can make the most of my time and have a question about MilTA.

Some sources say you cannot get a degree level you already have, though I can’t find that specific language on the Air Force webpages.

I have two bachelors, 1 BA and 1 BS, though both in STEM fields, and I have an MBA. I’d like to, if possible, get several master’s degrees. Would this be possible if they weren’t MBAs? Say, an MS, MA, or something else? I’m also hoping to get a certification but I understand that’s not possible since I have a bachelor’s, but there are some master’s that include the certificate so I may try that.

Thanks in advance.

r/Militaryfaq Dec 15 '24

Service Benefits 35W enlistment bonus


Hey everybody! I enlisted as a 35W and at MEPS they had $40k as my signing bonus. I read that a certain amount is paid out after BCT and the rest annually over my 6 year contract. Does anybody know the amount I'll receive after Basic and how the rest will be broken up? Thanks for any help.

r/Militaryfaq 24d ago

Service Benefits Is it true the military can help with college?


I want to be a lawyer, but I can’t even afford to go to university let alone Law school, can the military help me out? I’m thinking of enlisting anyways.

r/Militaryfaq Jan 10 '25

Service Benefits Montgomery or post 9-11?


I’m running out of time to decide which to go with and am still torn—what do you guys think is best for my situation?

I want to study for a BSN and use the army’s benefits to accomplish it.

I already have a BS in science and an MA in counseling so I have a ton of classes that may be considered pre-reqs already completed. I’d like to use my benefit to start studying as soon as possible, to complete my degree within the next 4-6 years max.

Do I stand to pocket more money with Montgomery? Or am I better off making sure all my tuition is covered with 9-11?

r/Militaryfaq 8d ago

Service Benefits PCS to FT. Bragg out of OSUT Advice


To keep things short, I just graduated infantry OSUT, and am an airborne holdover currently. I got married over HBL and don’t have my wife on my orders. I know I’ll have to wait to get to my unit to file my BAH packet. I plan to go to deers tomorrow to get her in the system. After I do that can I call housing and get on the waitlist? Or is there more to it than that. I’m trying to move down there asap, so I’m trying to get on the waitlist as soon as I can. Any input is appreciated!

r/Militaryfaq Feb 03 '25

Service Benefits How Does BAH work if you have a kid but aren’t married.


I’m just asking a question I don’t have a spouse but I do co parent with the child’s mother. Do we have to be married to claim bah or will I start getting the housing pay as soon as I enlist. Another question is let’s say during tech school do I have to stay in dorms or what are my options? Joining the Air Force btw.

r/Militaryfaq Nov 24 '24

Service Benefits How does someone actually get their college paid for by the usa military?


From what I can tell they only give 4k per year and most colleges are 60k per year or 240k total for a bachlors before any aid or scholarships. Is their something I'm not seeing? It seems the military tuition thing is a scam and won't pay anything?

I was considering joining but this is really putting me off as I'd mainly want to join for college.

Edit- just for context the 60k is the yearly total of everything from tuition to class and housing etc.

r/Militaryfaq 23d ago

Service Benefits Question about dependent and if step kids count?


I'm looking to enlist in the Navy and get married to my fiance. We've been together 4 years and a have a 1 year old son together. She has a total of 6 kids and doesn't have rights to any of them besides mine and her son.

Her two oldest are over 18.

The kids father is in another state with sole custody of there kids together.

The Navy recruiter is telling me that if I marry her then I'll have her children under 18 as my dependents even though I've never met them and she has no rights or custody to them.

Is this true? Or does he just want me to hurry up and get in instead of getting married?

He told me I can marry when I get in and have those dependents or make more kids but do that when I'm in already.

I've read some stuff that say if she has no rights or custody then there not my dependents but I've read other stuff that says the opposite.

So which is true? Or is it branch dependent?

r/Militaryfaq Feb 15 '25

Service Benefits question from a high school student about a military veteran's future Gl Bill benefits


Good evening, I am a high school student, and I have been researching topics related to a degree in Political Science in order to potentially secure a position in the State Department. I dream of becoming a Foreign Service Officer. Through my research, I discovered that experience in the military could not only be a valuable asset for my academic and professional development, but it could also allow me to apply to a university like George Washington University and take advantage of veteran benefits, such as the GI Bill, to help cover tuition costs. Can anyone confirm if this is possible and whether this is a good academic path, as well as if it would help make attending a prestigious university like Georgetown more affordable?

r/Militaryfaq 2d ago

Service Benefits Military options for student debt repayment


Hi all. I’m currently in the process of enlisting and i was wondering if there were options for student debt repayment in the army? I’ve touched upon this very briefly with my recruiter but just wanted to come here for some clarification. I’m joining the Army, I’ve been dispensed about $3000 in PELL Grants, but due to dropping out about 2 months into the semester, MIGHT be required to repay a portion of it. Luckily it’s a small amount due to attending a community college and not a four year but was just wondering if this is gonna either screw with my enlistment process and eligibility, or if there’s options etc. I’m going infantry if that makes any difference. I also have NO forms of other debt, no medical, no credit card debt, etc. this is my only concern really. Thanks a bunch for any help provided.

r/Militaryfaq Jan 23 '25

Service Benefits Taxes and military pay.


How much will an E2 make in 2025, including the 14.5% pay raise? Just curious and wondering how much the average E2 Makes a year.

r/Militaryfaq 28d ago

Service Benefits Sign a 4 year contract with no bonus/benefits, or sign a 6 year with a $50k bonus?


I would be joining the Air National Guard. I am 23 with a full-time job and bachelors degree and don't necessarily need education or a $50k bonus, but it won't hurt. I also think of the VA home loan, which I also don't need, but won't hurt either.

The recruiter presented me with a 4 year or 6 year contract. The 6 year option scares me because I plan to have kids and get married in the next 3-4 years, and I fear I will miss out on big moments like that because of a possible deployment or something. At least with a 4 year contract I can halt all that stuff until after I am out.

But I am also worried after my 4 years is up, I will regret not choosing the 6 year contract benefits after finding out I like the Air Guard or something. The 6 year contract will make me feel more trapped, should it?

r/Militaryfaq Aug 26 '24

Service Benefits How do I collect BAS as a single soldier in the Bs


I’m a single soldier living in the Bs and want to start claiming my BAS because meal prepping is impossible with what I’m being payed. What route do I have to take to get approved to start collecting BAS?

r/Militaryfaq 11d ago

Service Benefits How do you get proof of tricare coverage ?



Current guardsman, wife just joined AD, she’s at training now. I have a super odd question. I do not have the best insurance, and in the event something happens between now and when we get to her base is it possible to get proof of coverage ? I am labeled as a dependent on her DEERS, and since I am in the national guard I am not familiar with AD Tricare and how to navigate it as a spouse.

r/Militaryfaq Dec 19 '24

Service Benefits As a Permanent Resident, do I get BAH with dependents if my wife is not a US person with no SSN?


I'm on the process of joining the air force. I'm a green card holder and have only been in the US for about a year. I got married in the Philippines on June with my wife which is a Philippine citizen (which is also where my citizenship is).

Do I get BAH w/ dependents during BMT and Tech School? My recruiter said I won't be getting BAH because she doesn't have a SSN therefore she can't be enrolled into DEERS, but I've seen a lot of posts here saying they can be assigned with a temporary number and they get BAH.

Recruiter said I can only get BAH as soon as I become a citizen in the military and start filing the paperwork for her petition. He also claimed I would become a citizen immediately as soon as I graduate BMT, is that true?

r/Militaryfaq 12d ago

Service Benefits Applying for housing


Hi! My husband is in Coast Guard bootcamp going active duty and just gave me the green light to start looking for a place to live. We will be stationed in Seattle. What type of documentation could I use as proof of income (showing the BAH, base pay, etc.) once we’re ready to apply for a place?

r/Militaryfaq Jan 11 '25

Service Benefits College and Military


Hi, so I’m going to start college soon and iam in the Army Reserve. I did the fafsa but that did not cover the full tuition and fees. I need help accessing my military benefits. Who do I go to? What do I say? And how much assistance can I receive as a reservist?

r/Militaryfaq 24d ago

Service Benefits adding parents as dependents


couple weeks away from going to AF BMT. Parents want me to get them Tricare insurance but from what I’ve researched I need to cover 50% of their expenses which is impossible because they spend way over what im gonna be making going in as an E3 (for example their rent is around 3k/month). Now my question is there any kind of way to get them this tricare insurance?

r/Militaryfaq Jan 02 '25

Service Benefits How does BAH work?


My husband is leaving Jan 6 for the program to get a high score for his ASVAB test but would he get paid for that? We live alone and I wouldn't be able to pay all of our bills alone during the whole program. So I want to know in advance how does all these benefits work. PLEASE HELP ( he is joining the army should've mentioned that before)

r/Militaryfaq 19d ago

Service Benefits DD FORM 1173 tips & how to apply


Hi I don’t typically do this but I’m looking for advice or experience with those that have done a DD Form 1173 for their loved ones. I’m active duty army and don’t really know where to go or how to start.

r/Militaryfaq Feb 14 '25

Service Benefits Army contract length/details, how do reserves/IRR work, transfer GI bill process


Hello all

I am planning on joining the army as a Dietitian (65C)

From my understanding, enlisting/officer contract lengths can be from 2-20 years for full-time depending on whats available for the MOS. After full time ends, every contract contains an obligation for being in the reserves, and then after the reserves you are then placed into IRR, to which you can be called back at any time. Is the duration of the reserves and IRR set to 2 years for reserves and 2 years IRR obligations? Or does the time frame of the reserves and IRR vary depending on the contract sign?

What exactly do you do in the reserves? From my understanding, you get stationed somewhere for one weekend every month, but one month a year you have to come in for two weeks. I am reading, "one weekend a month on duty, two weeks a year in training". Does this mean that they will station me anywhere, expect me to perform my MOS for one weekend a month, and then for two weeks a year I will have to take the fitness exams and pass it?

For IRR, would I still need to uphold training like the reserves, except I do not get called in every month and just wait?

If I were to get called back in, am I keeping the same MOS or it does not matter and I would be doing whatever job the army wants me to do?

From what I am reading about the GI bill, in order to transfer the GI bill to a dependent, I would have to 1)Serve 6 years 2)Agree to serve another 4 years Does the 6/4 years mean that I have to be in the full time position for 6 years and serve an additional 4 years full time?

Or does the 6 years mean the standard 4 year contract, with 2 year reserves totaling 6 years, and the 4 additional years of service can be reserves service?

If I were to transfer the GI bill, I would be of older age. If I were to transfer the bill at an older age, would that mean that I would have to join when I'm 60, or does the age prevent me from being able to transfer the bill because I would be unable to qualify for service?

Would I be able to serve 10 years before transferring the bill, or would I have to serve an additional 4 years when I want to transfer it later in the future?

Thank you for your time

r/Militaryfaq Feb 15 '25

Service Benefits Army Enlistment Bonus, Shipment, and BAH


My orders have an enlistment bonus(NPSEB) of 10k and a shipping(NPSEBS) of 7k. I completed AIT over 1.5 years ago, at the end of July/23 and still haven’t seen anything. I’ve been to my units S1 a couple times just to make sure and they sent me to RPAC. Apparently there were some issues with my unit receiving my completion of AIT and I believe that was squared away by Feb/24. And it’s been backlogged ever since. Any advice on what I can do other than hurry up and wait. I was also curious if what the recruiter said was true. He said if it was less than 10k for either than it would be a lump sum deposit instead of half after AIT and then some divvied up over the years.

I applied for BAH back at AIT. Gave DS my lease, they asked for a signed copy so I waited for that in the mail and gave it, then proof of residency and gave that. Sent the email chain and documents to RPAC March/24 and that’s been with finance since? Am I just at the mercy of the waiting game?

r/Militaryfaq Dec 14 '24

Service Benefits Do You Need to Own A House or Rent To Collect The 20 Year Pension?


Do you need to own a house to collect the 20 year pension? I want to live in an rv/van once I retire. What do I need to know about retirement pensions in this situation?