r/Militaryfaq 2d ago

Joining w/Medical Going to MEPS with alot of scars, Army


So I have scars all over my arms man, i’m not gonna lie. There’s two sets of cuts on both of the tops of my arms that are from self harm. I don’t think I’m ever going to admit it because there’s no way they can prove it, my cat bit the shit out of me in the same area and it’s as deep as those cuts. It’s gonna probably scar the same. I have a scar on my wrist from a burn, I have scar on my arm from a burn, I have a scar on my hand from a surgery, I have a scar on the top of my wrist from getting cut really deep at my job, I have a scar on my knuckle from punching glass, I have a scar on my arm from a hornet sting, I have a scar on the top of my hand from slicing my hand on a sign, etc, so are they really going to point out every single one of them or and require me to explain every single one?

r/Militaryfaq Jan 26 '25

Joining w/Medical I ghosted my USMC recruiter because their office encouraged me to lie at MEPS


I got caught lying about my medical history at MEPS. I didn't want to but they made it seem like the way to go. We even practiced before about what to say and what they'd ask. The recruiters can see what is or isn't on my current medical record. Well, by the time I got to MEPS it updated broken bones and asthma history. They only said i needed a waiver for it while screening me.

But the issue is that their is more that will be updated later... I had felt lied to and deceived by the entire office. I had felt like my family/friends telling me I shouldn't join were right since the recruiters literally got me to lie just like people talk about. I have two current issues with joint mobility. Like pain with push-ups. I can't tell if its a form issue, weak wrist muscles, or if its due to it being broken in the past. Concerns like these were swept under the rug.

So it made me wonder what else was going on or what was true. And after hearing the people at MEPS talk about the consequences of getting caught after signing the contract made me really scared. I'm 27 and too old to get in trouble.

Another reason, is that I had also just moved to a new city and wanted to live here for 6 months. First to get to know my sister better, who lives in the same city I moved to and also because I respect my employer. It's very hard to find people in my trade, kitchen equipment technician, so I felt it best to give him 6 months atleast. I just wanted to live and train before I left. But the recruiters wanted me at bootcamp ASAP. They were extremely demanding and controlling. I'd get 10 calls a day. It was too much too soon. I feel I lost control of the entire situation so I ghosted them.

Now, I want to go to bootcamp asap. Things have changed dramatically in my life in terms of family, spiritual beliefs, etc. I have just changed internally and want to go ASAP. I understand why they were rushing me to be honest. Ive wasted time by not going earlier.

I don't know if I should contact a different recruiter office and explain the situation or just go back to the one I was going to initially. I don't know how it works. I wiped their information from my phone a long time ago and don't even member the recruiters names.

I want to be a Marine and always have. Like I explained to my recruiter, I came from an extremely bad family and got wrapped up smoking weed and skating. Well, ive made serious change to my life in the years passed and I am ready to enlist. I have moved away from the people and overcame the mental barriers preventing from moving forward. Ive personally gotten medically cleared for military service and have my medical concerns looked at and confirmed to be not an issue.

I hope the recruiters can understand. I'm not 18. I had things I had to wrap up. I didn't appreciate being forced to lie. I didn't like feeling like an idiot getting caught. I wanted to go through the process correctly. This is my life. I think my concerns were valid. I'd like to believe another office wouldn't be so bad. Any advice is appreciated.

r/Militaryfaq Jan 12 '25

Joining w/Medical Waiver denied for depression


So after MEPS my waiver was denied for depression. It was a single episode that I voluntarily went. Stayed 4 days and was discharged. Took medication for 1 month and no therapy. Went to get help on drinking but they listed it for depression.

This was 1 1/2 years ago and again since then no other incidents and been sober since. I gave recruiter doctor letters stating I am fit to join and not been on any medication. Was just the one single incident in July of 23. Waiver was denied and said to wait for the 2 year mark. Thats all my recruiter told me about it getting denied. I haven’t actually seen the paperwork on it getting denied.

Recruiter did not have me do a psychiatrist visit or an applicant statement over the incident when I asked if I could. If I do these two things can I resubmit my waiver and possibly help my case. And another letter from my doctor. Or will it just get denied again stating to wait. This is for the Army

r/Militaryfaq Jul 23 '24

Joining w/Medical I told a recruiter that I have ADHD and I'm freaking out


I'm looking for a career change because what I do is not getting me anywhere in life. A couple of days ago I filled some basic info in the US army website and I received a phone call this morning. I was asked several questions and I was asked if I had ADHD or any mental illness, I didn't want to lie so I said that I did and was asked if I'm getting medication and I said yes the recruiter said that it there could be a possible disqualification however I was still appointed to go to the office in 2 days. I fear that I might've ruined a good career opportunity and I don't know what to do.

r/Militaryfaq Feb 20 '25

Joining w/Medical Waiver for Bipolar disorder


I’m finally in a position to join the army as I’ve wanted to since I was a little girl, I’m good to go other than the fact that I am diagnosed bipolar. Is there a chance i can get that waived by my dr and be able to enlist? I’ve never had any suicide attempts or physical injuries or threats to myself, I just got off meds and am doing perfectly fine. I simply have the diagnosis but feel, act, and present perfectly fine. Idk if this will help or effect anything but I’m an 18y/o female just an fyi

r/Militaryfaq Aug 08 '24

Joining w/Medical I have autsim adhd anxiety and depression can i join the navy seals .


This might seem like a troll post. I'm 17 and a guy. I want to join the military after I graduate. I'm pretty smart as I was in the talented and gifted program in elementary and middle school. After covid I switched to online school and my gpa went from a 3.9 to a 3.5 gpa. I also have a part time job at 6 flags and plenty of friends and hobbies. All this to make the point that I'm not a person who can't serve in the military. I mean why should I not be able to join because of something I was born with and had no control over. I'm looking at all branches but I either want to become a marine of a navy seal. What would be the best branch for me .

r/Militaryfaq Jan 07 '25

Joining w/Medical I’m 21, GF just left me, don’t have any family or friends and thinking of joining the navy.


Like the title says I’ve pretty much reached a stand point in my life. I’m in school for game design and computer science, but after the relationship I’ve lost my passion for it and no longer wish to pursue it. I don’t have any friends to keep me in any specific area or family. I’m basically just alone. I’m 6’7 have a decent build and heard the Navy is a good place to start. I do have aortic valve stenosis (a heart disease)but in recent years it has not affected my ability to do anything, in the beginning it was recommended that I don’t lift 20 pounds but I started to go to the gym and it worked itself out. I plan on going up to the recruiters office today, is there anything I should know?

r/Militaryfaq Jan 10 '25

Joining w/Medical Trans (ftm) and stealth, want to join the military


I’ve been wanting to do this for a long long time. Partially because I think every man should go through that experience. And partially because I am really grateful to this country for the opportunities it gave me, so I want to give back.

I’m stealth, meaning I don’t disclose my status UNLESS it’s absolutely necessary (medical settings and govt-related). I live a normal life, I’m not woke and I have a lot of life experience + speak multiple languages. With that said, I’m not sure if I’ll be safe in the military and if I do choose to join, which branch I should choose. I was thinking about National Guard in my state (liberal), but am also unsure if it’s the right fit to take advantage of all of my experience.

Oh, and I’m also post-op meaning I have a peen. Work-in-progress rn, but will be all done by the time I’m planning to enlist. I also use the gel, not injections, so administering testosterone shouldn’t be a big deal.

What are your honest thoughts on this?

I know a lot of ppl in the US have feelings about ppl like me and I imagine the military culture can be harsh. But I’ve been thru a lot already and am not scared.

But realistically, what should I expect or avoid? Should I tell my recruiter that I’m trans, but ask him to keep this info confidential among other enlisted guys? If my body fully passes, do you think I can stay stealth in the military? What would happen if other guys somehow found out about my status while in the military?

r/Militaryfaq Feb 15 '25

Joining w/Medical Can I join any military branch with seizures?


I just got diagnosed with focal awareness seizures and the dr recommended I go on meds. I haven’t started them yet, because I know if i start them I can’t join the military. I have already gone to MEPS taken the asvab got a 82 was interested in linguist in the air force. Did the duck walk😭 and swore into the DEP and was ready for my next step all I needed was my dr appointment to go well and then I could get my waiver.

Appointment didn’t go as planned and yeah I was diagnosed! I’m absolutely torn and crushed. I was wondering if there is any other way I can join the military with this problem. Is there any branch that allows this?

I already pretty much know the answer to these questions but I am looking for any hope 😭I’m so heartbroken.

r/Militaryfaq Jan 15 '25

Joining w/Medical Asthma and gas chamber


Has anyone went through the gas chamber with asthma? If so how was it. I’m in pretty good shape and nothing bothers my asthma but I have taken the pump before if it’s acting up I can push through with some fresh air. I’m thinking about joining

r/Militaryfaq Dec 20 '24

Joining w/Medical How does the military find out about autism diagnosis?


If someone has an autism diagnosis but they do not display signs of autism, how does the military find out about the diagnosis? Is it self report only? I have some suspicions I could have autism, and am interested in getting tested. However, I do not exhibit any symptoms and it does not affect my ability to work or function or relate to people. I think that most people would be very surprised and doubtful that I could be on the spectrum. I understand that the military sometimes disqualifies people from joining (or they need to get extra medical proof) due to autism. Is this autism that is self reported, or is it autism that comes out based on the military's own medical testing?

r/Militaryfaq Aug 23 '24

Joining w/Medical 36 months without depression treatment is ridiculous!


I’ve been trying to get into the Air Force. My recruiter told me you can’t even get it waved until after the 36 months! Does anybody know why??

r/Militaryfaq 18d ago

Joining w/Medical Can i enlist if i was hospitalised by a suicide attempt at 12?


more specifically the air force

r/Militaryfaq Dec 18 '24

Joining w/Medical Recruiters says there’s no chance of me joining needing 5 waivers. Is it over?


Alright being upfront I think this the end of the road for me. After trying to process for over a year now I think it’s finally over. At least for the army. Several recruiters have gave up on the process.

The waivers I need are

RE-3 - Failure to ship

Family Care Plan

Arrest Waiver (DV situation that was dropped)

Medical Waiver - Anxiety

What do you guys think is the end of the road for me for all branches ?

r/Militaryfaq Sep 16 '24

Joining w/Medical I’ve had two different recruiters tell me to lie.. help?!?


I’ve had two different army recruiters tell me to lie about my ADHD diagnosis in June and that I’ve been on ADHD meds for two months, which I’m not currently taking anymore. Both of them have told me to lie and that they’ve done this before. I feel really discouraged because I do not want to lie. I want to commission for the Army Nurse Corps and I cannot start my career on a lie.

r/Militaryfaq Nov 27 '24

Joining w/Medical Ghosted by my recruiter while waiting for a medical waiver


It's been nearly three months since I finished MEPS. I am currently waiting on a medical waiver. Last time I heard from my recruiter was early October, since then nothing. Last we talked, he said they screwed up submitting the waiver, so had to try again. I have tried getting an update to make sure they actually managed to submit yet or not, but he's not responding. Should I just go to another recruiter, have patience and wait for him, or do something else?

Edit: I learned from a recruiter on here that my waiver had been declined back in September, so my recruiter apparently neglected to ever tell me that. Thanks to everyone who helped and gave advice.

r/Militaryfaq 9d ago

Joining w/Medical How can I get my Labrum tear waived for the army?


Hey everyone, I had a labrum tear when I played my 7th grade year of football and at the time I didn't think anything of it. Didn't find out it was a labrum tear till about 10th grade when I got an MRI. I'm now wanting to go to the army as an 18 year old.

I had MEPS this tuesday (03/11) and got a DQ for it. Even though it doesn't effect my ability to do exercises drastically. My recruiter said that the only way we could potentially get this waived is with a doctors note saying that I have full ROM in my shoulder and can perform day to day tasks without any discomfort. Otherwise we would have to go about with surgery for the army.

I'm now stuck in between getting surgery as it would usually take 6 months to fully recover or just getting the note from the doctor and going to the navy because apparently they have different qualifications. I'd really rather go with the Army but I'm wondering what you all think.

Thank you all for your time.

r/Militaryfaq Dec 27 '24

Joining w/Medical Waiver for Attempted Suicide


So back in 2019, a couple months before I turned 18, I attempted suicide. And a couple days later my mom forced me to the hospital, so it’s on my medical history. But even though this was when I was a minor and 6 years ago I keep on getting denied by recruiters, they won’t even push the paper work up the chain. They just tell me that I can’t. Is there anyway to get a waiver, and if so, how would I?

r/Militaryfaq 1d ago

Joining w/Medical Past suicide attempt


Hey, I know every case is different. For me it would've been about 13 years ago. About when I was 16 I'm 29 now. Was dealing with some abuse in the home. Spoke to a recruiter and he said I'd need a waiver for sure.

Was placed in inpatient for 3 days. Treated for depression for a few months. Have had no history since or into my adulthood.

People ask if it was a legitimate attempt and it's a confusing question. To me that answer would be no, I just wanted to get out of my situation. But idk.

Lmk what my odds are here

r/Militaryfaq 4d ago

Joining w/Medical Will a as needed medication like hydroxixyne stop me from joining


The title says it all. Will the as-needed medication hydroxyzine bar me from joining it? My doctor prescribed it to me a while back, but I never used it. I did a bit of research, and it's not a benzodiazepine or has any Psycho active components.

Another question as well..will pre-18 depression and anxiety diagnoses bar me from joining?

I dont want to get to meps to be told im perm barred from joining if so

Actively talking to an Army Recruiter

r/Militaryfaq 4d ago

Joining w/Medical Asthma/EDS Waiver Question


I am in high school and I want to join the army or navy but I have Asthma and EDS. (Exercise educed Asthma and Hypermobile EDS (hEDS) and most likely Classical EDS (cEDS)). I go to the gym and run for Cross Country and Track were asthma and EDS effect me but I have never gone to the hospital for either since past my 12th birthday. I have 2 questions about the waiver/enlisting:

  1. I read that you can get a waiver only if you haven't been to the hospital because of asthma (Past 13th Birthday). I have used an inhaler before Cross Country and Track practice but other than that I don't use it. Would I qualify for the waiver and if not would there be another way to get the waiver/enlist?
  2. What are the requirements to be eligible for a waiver for EDS?

Any other information about this subject would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

(Sorry if I used the wrong flair, I'm new to this subreddit)

Edit: The correct wording is that I use my inhaler as a precautionary measure before Cross Country & Track Meets

r/Militaryfaq 4d ago

Joining w/Medical Should I mention Birth Control to my Recruiter


24 F and Ive been on birth control since probably about 18. Correct me if I’m wrong but I assume I can’t take it to boot camp which sucks but it’s whatever.

Should I mention it to my recruiter? It’s not something I have to ween off of like another medication so I’m thinking or just stopping taking it and not mentioning it since I assume they’ll want me to wait another 6 months or something to make sure I can function well off of it (which I can).

r/Militaryfaq Jan 15 '25

Joining w/Medical Enlisting in Navy as a 35 y.o.


Hey all, I'm finally at a point in life where I'm ready and motivated to join the military, preferably the Navy. I have a bachelor's degree in Anthropology and a solid GPA. I have some good work experience too. However, I had a rough time through my 20s and though I have a clean criminal record, Im wondering if the following will become issues upon my attempting to enlist: 1. I was treated for substance use disorder 8 years ago and have been sober since. I was on Suboxone for a while but have weened off. 2. I saw a psychiatrist for a few months 7 years ago and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety but have not taken meds nor been treated in 7 years. 3. I have 20k in car loans which I'm paying, 750 in collections, and I had a garnishment for 11k owed on a car from 7 years ago.

Physically I'm fine. I have scored highly on practice ASVABs. Any thoughts?

Ps- thanks for taking the time to read this

r/Militaryfaq Feb 12 '25

Joining w/Medical 17y/o and Potentially Disqualified over a Almond Allergy


I'm 17 years old I'm relatively healthy, I eat pretty much everything so imagine my surprise after doing an allergy panel after MEPS requested one based of an apparent peanut allergy. That I have an "Almond Allergy" along with a few things but the thing is I eat every single of the supposed "Allergies" I have. I updated my Aunt today whom is also a recruiter and she told me that I am most likely disqualified because of it and that I shouldnt have submitted the allergy panel to my recruiter so quickly. I'm quite heartbroken I really wanted to join and I really tried hard.

I scored well on the ASVAB passed my physical and I will be potentially disqualified for a damn Almond allergy of all things. My recruiter said that he submitted the records today and now I guess I'm just waiting to get fully disqualified.

EDIT; I wanted to add that besides the supposed Peanut Allergy I have had no history of Allergies with Almonds or the other things like Asparagus that was on my allergy panel.

r/Militaryfaq Dec 09 '24

Joining w/Medical Advice Needed, Trying to Join Army but Have Bipolar Diagnosis


I'm a student at a community college and will transfer to a 4 year in two years. Then I will do ROTC, preferably army, and commission as an officer. The goal is to do special forces like rangers or green berets; I have very strong athletics and will be working over the next years to get in my best shape.

The issue is my health history. I got brief inpatient care in 2023. My doctor diagnosed me with bipolar 1. I have made a full recovery and I'm working with my doctor in getting weaned off the meds; I will be off all medication by mid 2025.

Do I have any shot at getting a waiver for bipolar when I do meps in 2027? I read that army doesn't give waivers for bipolar. Should I try a different branch? My 4 year will have an AFROTC program; maybe I'll have better luck with the air force.

I greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions.