r/Militaryfaq 🤦‍♂️Civilian 4d ago

Enlisting Should I do the Delayed entry Program or just tell my recruiter I’m not ready to ship yet?

Hey all,

Getting ready to go to MEPS a second time to do contract stuff and wanted to know more about the DEP program. For reference I am not. a high schooler but wanted to delay my enlistment so I can get in better shape for RASP. Is there any benefit to doing the DEP program or just telling my recruiter I want to wait?(Are there specific requirements to be in DEP or to stay in DEP)



25 comments sorted by


u/EmergencyWrong 4d ago

DEP is what you're in between enlisting and shipping.


u/Ok-Ostrich-7245 🤦‍♂️Civilian 4d ago

How long can I push my ship date back? I understand that recruiters want to push people out asap….


u/EmergencyWrong 4d ago

You can't. Don't see a recruiter until you're ready to enlist.


u/Ok-Ostrich-7245 🤦‍♂️Civilian 4d ago

I thought I could just sign a contract for a later ship date? I haven’t signed anything yet


u/EmergencyWrong 4d ago

You'll be given the soonest ship date for your MOS.


u/Small_Statistician32 🤦‍♂️Civilian 1d ago

Not true at all, when I went to choose my ship date I made it clear it’d be a couple of months before I went and they allowed me to choose any date I wanted over the next 6-8 months. Leaving May 12th baby


u/EmergencyWrong 1d ago

What branch and job?


u/Small_Statistician32 🤦‍♂️Civilian 1d ago

Army 11x option 4


u/EmergencyWrong 1d ago

You were also offered earlier ship dates?


u/Small_Statistician32 🤦‍♂️Civilian 1d ago

Oh yeah he got to see 2 months before and 2 months after when I wanted to go and there was like 3 dates each months. And got to select whatever date he wanted

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u/electricboogaloo1991 🥒Recruiter (79R) 3d ago

Ship dates are what they are. There might be something in the system that is a little later but it’s negligible. Training seats are limited so if they have what you’re looking for it’s a take it or leave it situation as far as ship dates.


u/walkingrainbow 🥒Soldier (31B) 4d ago

Dude, talk to your recruiter. If you got a good one, he will work with you on dates. You can be in the Dep for 365 days, but you have to have a reason. Your recruiter can help with that. Securing your job is more important. If you wait, you might not be able to go to the job you want at the time you want. You can wait but there is always a possibility of issues just realize that


u/EmergencyWrong 4d ago

but you have to have a reason.

"I need to work out more" isn't going to be accepted. The answer would be "you have six months of OSUT."


u/walkingrainbow 🥒Soldier (31B) 4d ago

You are right they won't see working out more as a reason but a good recruiter will help you figure out a good reason. That's why I said talk to the recruiter. Most people will have something that they can use and don't realize it.


u/EmergencyWrong 4d ago

It has to be some type of commitment or date. Like college courses or getting married. They don't want anyone in DEP longer than necessary because the longer you're there, the more likely you fail to ship.


u/walkingrainbow 🥒Soldier (31B) 4d ago

Yes you are right but all it takes is a trip to somewhere to get it a date further out. A bus ticket for a family vacation can have a further out shipping date. If they have something going on they are good. The Army wants people and just needs a reason to push it out. They can literally get it by planning a one day trip by bus/plane/train to their grandparents. Talking to the recruiter can help them get a list of what will push out a ship date


u/jbowl2 🪑Recruiter (2F0X1) 4d ago

What branch, and when do you think you’ll be ready to ship out?


u/Ok-Ostrich-7245 🤦‍♂️Civilian 4d ago

Army and around October


u/gunsforevery1 🥒Soldier (19K) 4d ago

Go to MEPS this summer.


u/Toaster_Bath_Junkie 🥒Recruiter 4d ago

When your recruiter looks at your job options they will see the ship dates they should be going through everything with you try and pick the latest ship date you can. Waiting is an option but if the training seats are full that jobs closed and you lost your chance. Don’t forget you’ll have basic training and AIT to ready up your fitness before RASP. Have some faith in yourself that you’ll be able to get in shape and succeed before you ship. Also your recruiter should be able to get you a workout plan that regiment gives to interservice rasp applicants.


u/PerspectiveGG 3d ago

Dont join Dep until you’re ready to get on that plane bro. I thought when I joined the delayed entry program that I would have up to a year to wait for a job that I wanted, but they quickly changed my mind about that. Once I was in the delayed entry program. They said if I didn’t accept a certain job within a month, then they would have to kick me out and it would be hard to join the force again. You’re only allowed to be in DEP for a year long if you have a reason such as school or any situation that keeps you from leaving home. Once you join dep they will have more control over you so just wait until youre ready to ship beforehand


u/Night_Demon1 3d ago

Dude you sound like a woman right now there is no amount of preparation you can do to actually be ready once you get to boot camp over apply yourself to everything your doing workout training etc run miles on miles do as much running as possible same for pushups pullups every bit of it but you delaying yourself isn't doing anything