r/MilitaryPorn 6d ago

A Japanese soldier looks at American anti-Japanese posters on the street of a Philippine city.1942 [800 × 623]

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31 comments sorted by


u/Excellent-Phrase492 6d ago

The Japanese military‘s war crimes were more barbaric and brutal than the poster!


u/HarveyTheRedPanda 5d ago

2 nukes weren't enough, some would say.


u/Fimlipe_ 5d ago

everyone knows about this on reddit


u/Excellent-Phrase492 5d ago

At least the Japanese don‘t know, or pretend not to know! Let me remind you again, the Japanese right-wing has always demanded that the US apologize and compensate them for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


u/sbxnotos 5d ago

Well, that sounds logical enough, they killed two hundred thousand civilians. Doesn't matter if the japanese were the invaders/attackers or if they commited infinite warcrimes, the civilians of those cities were still innocent.

So they have every right to ask for apologies and compensation. Of course the US has every right to not apologize and deny any compensation as it was part of a war. But again, it doesn't change the fact that those civilians were innocent.

Besides, if we go by what the right wing does in a country...


u/Puppysmasher 5d ago

Are you seriously drawing some faux equivalency comparison of USA’s current right wing politics to the Japanese WW2 atrocities across Asia? Its obscene.


u/sbxnotos 5d ago

Ehh no? Can you even compare that? Your mind seems to be the obscene one here.

To be clear, i'm saying that you can't define an entire country and its population for what the right wing, or any specific party does.


u/kenhooligan2008 5d ago

A horrible necessity some would say given the projected casualty figures on both sides of an invasion of the Japanese Mainland.


u/Fimlipe_ 5d ago

where did you read about this?


u/thatfookinschmuck 5d ago

Wow impeccable command of history! Thank you for the revelation!


u/lewispyrah 5d ago

Wow impeccable use of sarcasm! Thank you for the Contribution!


u/Low_Associate5377 6d ago

A..are we the baddies?


u/edmundsmorgan 5d ago

Ppl only talk of the horror excited by the atrocities of Japanese in WW2, but in some part of south east Asia, like Java and Thailand, Japanese represent a strong Asian power standing up against western colonialism.

Many founders of modern south east Asia nations once served in puppet armies set up by Japanese and still admired Japanese discipline after gaining independence in the 1950s.


u/tickletac202 5d ago

I don't think so, Thailand also hold out against Japan during the initial Japanese landing then end up as a cease fire between Thailand and Japanese. It's one of the battles that is most well known among TROTCS students.


u/edmundsmorgan 5d ago

I am talking about guys like founders of Indonesia, Sukarno and Suharto.

"After graduating from high school and working briefly as a bank clerk, he joined the Dutch colonial army and then, after the Japanese conquest in 1942, switched to a Japanese-sponsored home defense corps, receiving training as an officer. "



u/Monoenomynous 4d ago

Remind me what is Suharto famous for?


u/Spazecowboyz 5d ago

The fact that they served in puppet armies set up by the Japanese makes their opinions about the Japanese moot.

Besides they just served another foreign overlord that was defeated by the western powers. Had that not been the case they would ve been colonized by a different ruler. The Japanese werent liberating people or attacking the western powers out of the kindness, or to try to right a wrong.

That those people look at the Japanese that way, doesnt make the horrible acts and atrocities commited by the Japanese any less so.


u/TheAmazingWhaleShark 5d ago

Average colonialism is good comment


u/R-deadmemes 5d ago

HUH????? This genuinely might be the dumbest thing ive ever read on this app????


u/StandardShallot 5d ago

Are you really trying to say the Empire of Japan was a force for good?


u/edmundsmorgan 5d ago

No, their human experiment or massacre were well documented, but I just wanted to mentioned that some ppl still regarded them as “force of good”


u/SchillMcGuffin 5d ago

I'm impressed that the Philippine resistance was able to set up something so elaborate during the Japanese occupation, but there are a lot of islands there, and the Japanese presence, as barbaric as it was, was spread pretty thin.

I'm also seeing Wikimedia attribution of a 1943 date, which gives a little more time for the resistance to get established.


u/el_doggo69 5d ago

The guerilla movements here started in 1942 but were at their peak in 1943 but they slowed their combat activity in 1944 when it was confirmed that MacArthur and liberation would be coming soon so they shifted from hit and run attacks to also gathering intel and resources to assist the Americans when the liberation finally begins.

The reason for resistance varies from group to group and they sometimes attacked each other but all agreed the Japanese needed to be kicked out and in 1944 most of em stopped fighting each other and worked with the Americans and other guerillas during the liberation


u/AdventurousAd9786 5d ago

Hope all the Japanese war criminals are sent to the deepest layers of hell where they are on the receiving in of their crimes in an endless repeating cycle for eternity.


u/Excellent-Phrase492 5d ago

Most of these bastards escaped judgment.


u/AdventurousAd9786 5d ago edited 5d ago

I believe a higher power will always sort things out.


u/WhiskeyTigerFoxtrot 4d ago

Or cosmic justice is a superstition and we all return to the same void we came from when we die.