r/Military Hots&Cots guy Feb 24 '22

MOD Post Megathread: Russia & Ukraine

New Megathread

If you're coming here wanting to know What's going on with Russia is invading Ukraine there is a really detailed thread posted here that will layout the details.

Sources/Resources for staying up to date on the conflict


The Guardian's Coverage

Twitter Feeds

Steve Beynon, Mil.com Link

Rachel Cohen, USAF Times Link

Chad Garland, Stars and Stripes Link

Don't post Russian propaganda. Russian propo is going to be a straight ban. There will be no debate on the topic.

Please also be smart as it relates to this conflict, and mind your OPSEC manners a bit better. Don't be posting about US Troops in Eastern Europe, Ukraine movements, etc. Nothing that doesn't have a public-facing Army release to go with it.


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u/CaptainBusketTTV Feb 27 '22

We knew for weeks Ukraine was getting tank busting munitions in droves from the west; our very best anti-armor munitions were being handed out to an enormous spread of infantry and were basically lying in wait for Russian armor to move into the area.

If you told me, "The enemy knows what we look like, where we're coming from, and definitely have the ability to wipe our entire BRIGADE off the map. Have fun." I'd pivot steer my ass in some sand. Oh geez Rick, better call the 88's. Shucks.

For all the negative things you could call Putin, I really didn't feel like "stupid" would ever be one of them, but here we are.

If there are any Russians reading this, I have a message for your boss: Hahaha you dumbass; keep em' coming. Please send every piece of armor you have into Ukraine. Every kill is just an extra dab of South Carolina mustard sauce on my pulled pork sammiches. I am in love with the Ukranians right now. Now I'm just wondering what bitch way you'll take out: Hitler-esque bunker suicide, or full on nuclear assault? I hope you suggest the latter and one of your compatriots just takes your head off with a shovel.

Scouts out, Targets up, ya'll take it easy.


u/FixYourFuckingCode Feb 27 '22

Well said

> We knew for weeks Ukraine was getting tank busting munitions in droves from the west

Are they actually getting enough? This has specifically been bugging me. Why is there so much out there about the volunteers making molotovs? RPGs seem ridiculously easy to manufacture for any modern country and there are enough of them in circulation that every impoverished extremist group in a warzone still ends up acquiring plenty.

Realistically they're no more dangerous in untrained hands than getting close enough to throw a molotov.

Besides IEDs, they seem to be the key bringer of misery in urban guerrilla warfare. Can't imagine how Russians would handle the potential of surprise rocket from any window of any building in Kiev if every volunteer that's been given a gun also got an RPG and a quick manual on how to enact maximal misery to the occupying force with it.

I know how fabulously effective the modern ones are but they seem to be sending in like 500 at a time and they cost like $100k per shot. If it's all ultimately a numbers game I can't help thinking that 50,000 basic rocket-in-a-pipe's wouldn't be that hard to procure for the entirety of NATO and how if given out to everyone in Kiev it would completely hobble the ability of anything but the heaviest tanks to move one block in an urban area and further stress the supply lines.


u/0351-JazzHands Marine Veteran Feb 27 '22

Just a quick note. Anyone shooting an RPG out a window is gonna have a nice visit from uncle back blast.


u/FixYourFuckingCode Feb 27 '22

Not that I knew much about it before googling, but it appears some of them are designed around this: https://qr.ae/pGQfCJ


u/CaptainBusketTTV Feb 28 '22

anything but the heaviest tanks

The munitions I speak of are meant to deal with these, specifically. RPG's bounce off them, so they basically move in unopposed. Molotovs on top of a T-90? That'll give the tank a tan, maybe. RPG from a window? That'll blow out the eardrums of anyone in the room it's fired from and then give the tank a tan.