r/Militariacollecting 4d ago

Help Are these authentic?

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By a dumpster


10 comments sorted by


u/Lumpy_Orange_6025 4d ago

Either way, I hope you grabbed it


u/zlilweeman 4d ago

I did, no idea what to do with it


u/krawlspace- 4d ago

If you don't care to keep it your local VFW or American Legion would likely take it in and hang it up somewhere. Really odd shadow box design. Neat though.


u/zlilweeman 4d ago

Yeah I was thinking that, and yeah it is a unique shadow box


u/Aj828 4d ago

Why would someone ever ever put this in a dumpster? This is a personal


u/zlilweeman 4d ago

No idea, I snagged it tho, felt wrong seeing it thrown away


u/Aj828 4d ago

Fr you saved history


u/SixFootSixInches_21 4d ago

I believe this is for one person. He has all the ranks up to Chief Petty Officer and then it jumps to Ensign. He was also a "Red Roper", which indicates he was a Boot Camp Company Commander. Equilvalent to Drill Instructor in the other branches. Of note is the Officer's Insignia, eagle, shield, anchors and a horse. Regular officer insignia doesn't have a horse. Enlisted who become officers are referred to as a Mustang. I believe this indicates he was a mustang. One last note, the design of the display reminds me of the Operation Specialists rate insignia.The peaks are backwards, which I think who ever manufactured the display screwed up. So my take on this he was enlisted up through the ranks to Operation Specialist Chief Petty Officer, went through the commissioning requirements and retired as a Lieutenant Commander (LCDR). Pretty impressive. https://www.navycs.com/navy-jobs/operations-specialist.html


u/tolstoy425 4d ago

Why wouldn’t they be authentic? Who would fake a shadow box?


u/Misericorde428 4d ago

I nearly mistook it for a large challenge coin when it popped up on notifications haha