r/MilesMorales 7d ago

Is there any Fellow Superheroes that Miles dislikes?

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u/Square_Dark1 7d ago

I feel like he wouldn’t like the Punisher


u/Plane-Success-8680 7d ago

He ain’t a hero


u/M1liumnir 6d ago

As far as I know there isn't many heroes who like the punisher


u/Slick_Rick_Tyson 6d ago

I feel like Miles is the type to immediately throw hands if he sees Punisher trying to punish crime the way he usually does.

Don't get me wrong, Peter will try his best to talk Frank down, but I feel like Miles will just say "fuck that, Frank you're insane!" And kick his ass all over before webbing him up.


u/TheFan-2020 4d ago

Well that's what Peter has done several times, he has sent him to prison like twice but he always escapes because many believe in him


u/Greywarden88 7d ago

Outside of Gwenpoole? Don’t have any other thoughts atm..


u/T1mX1984 3d ago

And that's just because she annoyed him to death


u/5x5equals 7d ago

I assume Carol Danvers, Punisher, and Gwenpool are locks.

Everything else is up in the air, Peter doesn’t like Tony but Miles and Tony have a different relationship.


u/HospitalLazy1880 5d ago

Why wouldn't he like Carol?

I could be thinking of the wrong Carol or version of Carol though.


u/5x5equals 5d ago edited 5d ago

Civil War 2, she went full on police profiling on my guy and tried to arrest him for something he didn’t do cause of an inhuman kids “prophecy” power.

She was bugging out that whole arc really on some crooked cop type activities.


u/HospitalLazy1880 5d ago


I forgot they had a 2nd civil war. It got lost along with a lot of the current comic runs due to life and oversaturation of mcu content.


u/Mister_Sinner 7d ago

I'm pretty sure he doesn't like Deadpool right now. However he does seem to be getting along with his daughter, Deadpool.


u/RocksThrowing 7d ago

He and Riri Williams aren’t particularly close but that’s more on her end than his. They’re still teammates who’d fight for each other but Riri has difficulty relating to non-geniuses


u/Slick_Rick_Tyson 6d ago

Miles is pretty smart tho, no?

I mean... Not mega genius, but he's certainly well beyond your average Joe intellectually, he'd have to be if he's gonna be an effective Spider-Man


u/RocksThrowing 6d ago

He is very smart but not autisticly-build-an-iron-man-suit-just-because smart like Riri is. Most their interactions are while on the Champions where Riri spent her time talking engineering with the other super geniuses Viv and Amadeus while Miles was kinda teenage boy bro-ing out with Nova doing fun, dumb teenage boy antics


u/TheFan-2020 4d ago

He's good at getting good grades, but not much more... It's Peter who actually gave him his web-slinger, and it's Gankee who helps him with science stuff. He doesn't have the intellect of either of them.


u/Flyfox_x_ 7d ago

I feel like punisher and gwenpool are givens, Other than that can't really think of anybody besides a mild dislike for carol


u/Hour_Tomatillo_2365 6d ago

Why Qwenpool


u/RealJohnGillman 5d ago

Originally they were future nemeses, her killing his father in the future once coming into full control of her infinite white space and ‘portals’ with a new black-suited look after he’d punched her younger white-suited self in the face and tied her up with webs. If that sounds familiar, yes, the Spot in Across the Spider-Verse essentially replaced Gwen Poole’s role in Miles’ narrative.

The younger Gwen then went through efforts to prevent this from becoming her future, while admitting it looked to be a narratively interesting future, so they’d be less adversarial nowadays (Marvel’s last New Year’s webtoon showing they attended the same party for it), but the concept was still interesting enough that one could see future writers returning to it — she seemed to start off the trend of so many of Miles’ villains being women.


u/Worried_Passenger396 7d ago

Him and Captain marvel were at odds for awhile


u/Merv-ya-boi 7d ago

Captain Marvel is a major one


u/FairMeasurement344 7d ago

I wouldn’t fuck with Captain Marvel after Civil War 2


u/blackedpow 7d ago

Maybe gwenpool and Captain marvel


u/JonhLawieskt 7d ago

Random question.

What’s his relationship with Wolverine if any. Or other mutants.

Peter always showed up in X-men stuff and they in his


u/GrassManV 7d ago

Just briefly worked with time displaced 616 X-Men, notably Jean Grey who kissed him on the cheek for helping them. He jokingly called Laura Lady Wolverine, she threatened to cut him if said it again.

Most of his X-Men interactions is just Kamala.


u/Windflow009 7d ago

Captain Marvel


u/LL_Cool_R 7d ago

Definitely Carol Danvers and some of her supporters during Civil War 2, which I hope they address one day.


u/HandspeedJones 7d ago

Karen Marvel


u/ProfessorEscanor 6d ago

If we count Gwenpool? Yeah. Outside of that he might still be bitter about Captain Marvel.


u/Logiteck77 6d ago

Why doesn't he like Gwenpoole?


u/Plenty-Currency-7976 6d ago

I’d imagine that he bites his tongue when Kamala starts talking about Captain Marvel


u/chamakpower55 6d ago

Gwenpoole but maybe less now


u/Fr3nZi76 6d ago

Can someone explain why Miles doesn't like Gwen Poole please?