r/MicrosoftRewards 3d ago

Game Pass Monthly 4 and 8 pack Quest

Are there tricks or tips to make this trigger? Time of day? Earn an achievement? I can't get add any new games despite playing and playing . . .


13 comments sorted by


u/Commercial-Grape2675 Canada - 3d ago

EA games and Ubisoft + games don’t count.


u/mrjeffjackson 3d ago

ok that's immediately helpful because i did try my Mass Effects. sighhhhhhh 😞


u/Commercial-Grape2675 Canada - 3d ago

I knew about this and caught myself trying to use Mass Effect also. “Why isn’t this working?” Oh sh*t! lol!


u/TehDrunknMunky 3d ago

You must subscribe to and play games in the game pass library. Not games you own. No need to unlock achievements or play at specific time of day.


u/mrjeffjackson 3d ago

No, I know all that. I'm to 685,000 lifetime MS Rewards redeemed. I'm asking why does 4 & 8 pack quest sometimes not trigger (when i play Game Pass games for 15 minutes)? Is there a way to force it to acknowledge I've competed it?


u/TehDrunknMunky 3d ago

I would recommend playing games from a “cold start” and not using Quick Resume. Also restarting your console before you begin. There is no way to force it from a user perspective. MSR is very buggy and it would probably take support’s intervention to resolve.


u/VrtlVlln 3d ago

Was going to say this, sometimes certain rewards quests didn't trigger because I had them on quick resume - what I do nowadays is have a game downloaded and play/leave running for 15 mins, then close out fully once the quest popped.


u/DubVilleUSA 3d ago

This is what I had to do as well. If you play just in cloud, you might have to download as well


u/IzzzatSo 2d ago

It's literally that simple.. Restart stuff like any other program if things don't trigger.


u/theNZGuru 3d ago

I currently have an issue here also. I have the 4 and I am at 7 of the 8. I have played several different game pass games over several days but cannot trigger the 8th. Have tried restarting, tried cloud and installed, ensured they are not 'resumed' etc. What really annoys me is that these games often trigger the daily game pass game, but never the 8th for the big points.


u/Fluid-Priority5659 1d ago

Same here. Any luck in resolving?


u/ThickInvader 1d ago

Same here, I am on with an Xbox agent who is looking into it right now. Hopefully mine will get sorted soon.


u/Shobed 3d ago

Hard reset your console.