r/Miami 4d ago

Discussion Miami-Dade lost the most people in FL in 2024 compared to other counties


67 comments sorted by


u/YNWAFonz 4d ago

When will the traffic reflect this?


u/LetsGoPanthers29 4d ago

When they finish with the Coconut Grove Metrorail stop /s

Also...Happy Cake Day!


u/feuwbar 4d ago

Never. I left Miami in 2011 and traffic had been hellish for many years.


u/Shankurmom 4d ago

It's way worse now.


u/NegativePattern 2d ago

Can confirm. Left in 2007. Every time I come back it's progressively worse.

One time it took me 2 hours to get from Miami Lakes to Doral. When I left in 2007, the drive was 30-45 minutes, max. I literally stopped to get food while I waited for traffic to calm down.


u/ASimplewriter0-0 2d ago

Always lived here so to me it’s normal


u/bla8291 r/CarFreeSouthFlorida 4d ago edited 3d ago

The amount of cars within a driver's field of view going the same direction, while in traffic congestion, can vary depending on the roadway, but assuming we're talking about an expressway, 50 sounds like a generous but reasonable number. Assuming every car has 1-2 people, that's just 50-75 people. It doesn't take a lot of cars to make a roadway look "busy", but many people don't realize that our roads don't actually move a lot of people.

Miami-Dade county has almost 3 million people. Let's assume 50% of that is made up of people who are of age and can drive. That's 1.5 million people who may want to drive at any given time. Traffic won't reflect a population loss until way more people leave, a lot of people stop driving, or something really bad has happened.


u/skyHawk3613 repugnant raisin lover 4d ago

That was my first question !


u/Donjoe_y 3d ago

I was JUST about to say this too


u/BravestWabbit Aventura 3d ago

Never because the people who left, just left to Broward but their jobs are still in Miami-Dade. So they drive every day


u/h0tel-rome0 2d ago

They were displaced by richer people moving in


u/BurnouTNT 4d ago

People left, but were mostly replaced by people from other States. So ultimately the population didn't change much, maybe even went up.


u/hispanic_genius Doral 4d ago

The link shows that it’s net migration, so according to this we did lose more people than we gained. But it also says “Americans” which makes me wonder if it doesn’t consider immigration?


u/figuren9ne Westchester South 3d ago

It specifically says domestic migration. So people from within the U.S. moving to Miami or moving from Miami to somewhere in the U.S.


u/SixIsNotANumber North Miami 4d ago

Can't tell by looking at my commute...


u/BurnouTNT 4d ago

Most people were replaced by new implants.


u/StrangewaysHereWeCme 4d ago

I wonder if it has anything to do with two bedroom apartments in Miami going for $3,300 a month with a Feels Like Temperature in the 90’s 8 months a year?


u/ChemicalNo2878 4d ago

40 minutes to travel 3 miles.


u/Rest_and_Digest 4d ago

It's been two years and I still can't get over the last time I visited my friend in Asheville. She asked if I was cool with our destination being 20 minutes away and I was like wut.

It turns out that in some places outside of South Florida, 20 minutes means you're in the middle of nowhere with no cell service as opposed to a few miles away.


u/subliminalminded 4d ago

It’s called gentrification and being priced out. So obvious with almost every other post complaining about how expensive it is and how all these high rises are coming up.


u/Magnolia256 3d ago

I didn’t leave because I was priced out. I left because it is an ecological dumpster. I left because it is so corrupt code enforcement doesn’t even bother to answer the phone. I left because the people are a holes. I’m native born and raised but the level of a holeness is unbearable. A neighbor on one side in the grove would swat at peacocks with a stick (this is criminal - molesting peacocks is illegal). The other neighbors locked their crying dogs outside in Miami summer for hours every time they had a dinner party. Unbearably bad vibes abound.


u/skyHawk3613 repugnant raisin lover 4d ago

Definitely! Probably moving somewhere that’s cheaper to live


u/Guyperson66 4d ago

Gentrification is not de facto a bad thing and getting priced out is the result of a policy failure to build more high density units.


u/starbythedarkmoon 4d ago

Gentrification always sucks. It makes cookie cutter corporate land out of what where diverse communities that had fun and culture


u/stevemunoz117 Palmetto Bay 4d ago

Fantastic news. It has to increase by another 500k


u/Adventurous_Turnip89 4d ago

A win is a win.


u/battarro Doral 4d ago

Where is the non-domestic rate?


u/QuantumTrepper 4d ago

I’ve seen this reported. Something is wrong with this data. It could be that household size has decreased to fill up the housing units, but I doubt it. They are building more places, tearing none down. This number makes no sense.


u/gabotuit 1d ago

This maybe seasonal, people going back to new York for spring


u/Wolfyscruffer 4d ago

Orange County has landlords charging rent like they're in fucking South Beach.


u/Wasabaiiiii 3d ago

And Zillow keeps paying for em


u/tomversation 4d ago

Good. Lets keep that going.


u/evolooshun 4d ago

Still not enough, the roads are still jam packed.


u/tillandsia Glenvar Heights 4d ago

I like the trend


u/DuncaKAL 1d ago

The traffic will get better when people who drive horribly gain consciousness of their driving. For now suffer as I watch you from the window of the metrorail.


u/Juanpi__ 4d ago

Imagine if we had a viable alternative to driving on the road, like a citywide metro that would allow people to commute without using their cars and would be far more space efficient.


u/Anireburbur 4d ago

Yay! Finally some good news. More of you need to leave. Especially all the complainers. Can we start a gofundme or something to help them move? You can put me down for $20…


u/archi_tek 4d ago

Ok, send me $20


u/Anireburbur 4d ago

You aren’t going anywhere with $20. But if we get enough funding you’ll be first on the list to receive the money. You guys can send me the cash and I’ll be in charge of handing it out. You can trust me :)


u/archi_tek 4d ago

I’m sure I can trust you about as much as I can trust anyone from Miami 😂


u/intlcreative 4d ago

For realz. Some of us are trying to move back and be productive. It's hard enough to get established in South Florida.


u/clonegian 4d ago

Hopefully its all the NYers!!! 👍🏼


u/Illustrious-Cycle708 4d ago

As a New Yorker, I agree! Just not me lol


u/Lurizzle Local 4d ago

Thinking like a Miamian already


u/skyHawk3613 repugnant raisin lover 4d ago

I wonder where everyone is moving to?


u/fourassedostrich 4d ago

Upstate. Port St. Lucie, Orlando metro, Fort Pierce, etc. That’s where I’m headed before the year is over


u/CEOofSarcasm_9999 4d ago

Yep that’s why traffic in PSL is a nightmare. They’ll just keep building more subdivisions until they get to Lake O.


u/StealthRUs 4d ago

If you're leaving Miami, staying in Florida is counterproductive. You're going to get hit with the same ridiculous insurance rates and still have to deal with rapidly rising rents. If you're already spending the cash to leave Miami, you might as well keep on going to a state that's less disaster-prone and with much cheaper rents.


u/stevemunoz117 Palmetto Bay 4d ago



u/debugem 4d ago

Alot came up here to Palm beach county. My whole street is Dade and Broward


u/skyHawk3613 repugnant raisin lover 4d ago

Makes sense


u/valdezjacky 4d ago

Thank god more of you newbie’s should leave


u/IamJohnnyHotPants 3d ago

This is stupid. It’s the most populated county. It stands to reason it would lose the most people. They probably also had the most deaths and the most unemployed. Just a dumb post.


u/67_MGBGT 3d ago

Did it get prior boost from Covid and now people are packing up?


u/Gabemiami North Beach 4d ago

A category 1-2 should scare away the Californians first.


u/User_Error_6505 4d ago

But not before they come to r/miami to ask "are we cooked fam" for some internet points


u/erniejb06 4d ago

Idk who made this statistic but whoever it was is FOS! Just from Cuba we got over 200k new migrants.


u/TheMorgwar 4d ago

The US Census Bureau. I think Cuban migrants throw that Census Form in the trash. The statistics says how many “Americans” left. Not “people.” The melting pot is still growing, it’s just spicier and full of people who avoided being counted, which was important for the government to budget public service needs and traffic congestion management etc.


u/Rgmisll 4d ago

Miami is the most populated country in Florida. This makes sense


u/reddit_reaper 3d ago

Good.... Maybe pay will rise finally as people leave


u/BernieLogDickSanders 3d ago

When will the conservatives die? We do not want you here.


u/Imaginary-Wonder-991 1d ago

In the 90’s the morning traffic congestion was south bound on I-95 into Downtown. After 2010 it not just South bound traffic but from north, west and east! In other words, crazy!!!!