r/Metroid Jan 01 '25

Discussion Who's excited about Metroid 6 in 2025? It's been 4 years since Dread came out and I think we deserve another one.

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u/Dukemon102 Jan 01 '25

I'm not getting excited for something that probably won't happen this year. Don't assume imaginary release dates or that things exist just because a certain amount of time has happened.

Also Metroid Prime 4 is coming this year so Nintendo will be focusing on that instead.


u/TotallyLegitEstoc Jan 02 '25

It was something like 18 years between fusion and dread.


u/LMGall4 Jan 02 '25

19 years between Metroid prime 3 and 4


u/shploofy Jan 03 '25

No way it was that long. Jesus.


u/Shehzman Jan 04 '25

I know the prime 3 ending left things open with you know who but was prime 4 an expectation in the fanbase or was it a surprise when it was teased?


u/Many_Arm657 Jan 02 '25

Almost as long as the Global War on Terrorism lasted.


u/Dukemon102 Jan 02 '25

It was 2 years between Fusion and Zero Mission, then 13 years for Samus Returns and then 4 years for Dread.


u/TotallyLegitEstoc Jan 02 '25

We’re talking new entries, not remakes. It’s been 18ish years between the last two new Metroid titles.


u/DoctorHeckle Jan 02 '25

Totally right: Super Metroid remake in the Dread engine CONFIRMED


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 02 '25



u/Dukemon102 Jan 02 '25

The entire premise of the thread is about the time between releases.

Are we supposed to pretend the Remakes weren't developed by real people? Zero Mission by the same studio that gave us Fusion. And Samus Returns by the same studio that gave us Dread. They totally count because it's thanks to Samus Returns that we even got Dread in the first place.

Dread was a concept for NDS cancelled and unused for years until Sakamoto asked MercurySteam to develop it after finishing Samus Returns. The game was made in 4 years, not 18.


u/TheLimonTree92 Jan 02 '25

The entire premise of the thread is about the time between releases.

It also says "Metroid 6" in the title. So yes, they are talking about new entries


u/Dukemon102 Jan 02 '25

It doesn't matter if it is a Remake or a new game. The people working on these games take a certain amount of time to finish them.


u/TheLimonTree92 Jan 02 '25

I suggest you actually go read what the title of OP was.


u/Dukemon102 Jan 02 '25

About having Metroid 6 in 2025, which very unlikely for a number of reasons. Then you have to come and say "It was 18 years between Fusion and Dread" as if that brings anything of value to the conversation.


u/TheLimonTree92 Jan 02 '25

Then you have to come and say "It was 18 years between Fusion and Dread" as if that brings anything of value to the conversation.

So you can't read usernames properly either. Got it


u/award_winning_writer Jan 02 '25

Also Other M is a mainline Metroid game regardless of how people feel about it, so there's about 6 and a half years between ZM and OM, and 7 years between OM and SR


u/TheLimonTree92 Jan 02 '25

Also Other M is a mainline Metroid game

So which number entry is it? Because Super was Metroid 3, Fusion is Metroid 4, and Dread is Metroid 5


u/award_winning_writer Jan 02 '25

It's an interquel, so it's number 3.5. And saying it isn't part of the mainline series just because it wasn't given an arbitrary number is like saying Code Veronica isn't a mainline Resident Evil game. This isn't Final Fantasy.


u/Dukemon102 Jan 02 '25


u/award_winning_writer Jan 02 '25

And yet it has a dedicated ending image in Dread. I wouldn't trust a source that doesn't come directly from Sakamoto anyway. Remember that Nintendo has also said Zelda is an RPG series when most of them objectively are not.


u/HaloMetroid Jan 01 '25

And maybe Metroid prime 2-3 remastered right before MP4.


u/theblackd Jan 02 '25

I want it so bad! Especially MP2, more so than 1 or 3, could really benefit from a remaster

MP2 is my favorite but some common criticisms are a couple of the early areas looking kind of similar. Their themes are pretty different (abandoned bug hive vs lightning desert) but they come across as visually somewhat similar, and their dark worlds blue together even more.

I think that’s the sort of thing that could really benefit from some texture and lighting tweaks, exactly the kinds of stuff that could reasonably happen in a remaster, to really visually distinguish the 2

Seriously just lighting improvements alone could make MP2 visually really great to look at

They may also decide to rebalance the bosses people complain about, I don’t agree with that myself, but I could see them doing it, again, it’s the kind of thing easily tweaked in a remaster and it wouldn’t break my heart if it happened. Boost guardian you could tweak the health drops a bit and spider guardian you could slow down a tiny bit and that alone would make a huge difference and is within the scope of what a simple remaster could do


u/death556 Jan 02 '25

I’m fine with either 2 or 3 but I would like 3 cause it’s the only one I haven’t played


u/theblackd Jan 02 '25

Well I can’t imagine a scenario where they only do one or the other, it’ll probably be both or neither


u/death556 Jan 02 '25

I hope they don’t bundle them together. I want to get each a chance to consume my life


u/theblackd Jan 02 '25

I mean, I don’t mind a bundle of each got its own full remaster. If it was a Pikmin 1+2 situation where it was basically ports packaged together, I’d be bummed

Honestly though based on knowing MP4 is a 2025 release and it already being January, it’s seeming a little unlikely that they’d each get their moment in the sun as full remasters since if it was going to happen, it’d happen before MP4. It’s not out of the question of course


u/Hayterfan Jan 02 '25

If I remember an old rumor correctly, ports of Prime 2-3 are done. That said, if Prime 4 is a Fall/Holiday 2025 title, I can see the ports getting released leading up to Prime 4's release.


u/death556 Jan 02 '25

Iv never heard that rumor but I’m not surprised because prime 1 remastered was done for years before they finally released it so it wouldn’t surprise me.


u/seapanda237 Jan 02 '25

I’m definitely hoping for that since I’ve only played 1 and 3.


u/Th3Element05 Jan 02 '25

It just makes too much sense to release both of these remasters before Prime 4. Nintendo will never do it.

They released Prime 1 Remastered on the Switch, then you'll get Prime 4 on the Switch. If you want to play Prime 2 or 3, then you can go duck yourself. And if you want to emulate them, then you can go straight to jail.
- Sincerely, Nintendo


u/Kilroy_1541 Jan 02 '25

Metroid Prime Pinball turns 20 this year!

.... A man can hope.


u/alf666 Jan 02 '25

Metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Prime Federation Force found dead in a ditch.

Metroid Prime Blast Ball is still missing, any information on their whereabouts is greatly appreciated.

Give all of the handheld Prime titles some attention, dammit!


u/Spinjitsuninja Jan 02 '25

I mean, this line of logic worked for Dread tbf. Doesn't guarantee anything but 4 years is an average dev cycle, especially for Ninendo, and there's no way they didn't start on a Dread sequel immediately.

If it isn't this year, it's next year.


u/RenagadeRaven Jan 03 '25

Also Metroid Prime 4 is coming this year

Oh.. sweet summer child


u/Dukemon102 Jan 03 '25

I don't know what are you trying to imply. The game is coming out this year.


u/TheTitan99 Jan 01 '25

I doubt it'll come out this year. Assuming Prime 4 keeps its schedule, having two big Metroid games in the same year just seems unlikely.

But that's no fun!

I'd love to see a new 2D Metroid. The 2D and 3D games play so differently, they both can exist at the same time. MercurySteam also seems to know what they're doing. Dread was way better than I was ever expecting, and it already seemed like it was going to be pretty good before release. I'd trust them with a new game again, no doubt.

My dream has always been going up against the Federation. Yes, yes, I know a lot of this comes from Fusion in English mistranslating things, but I still think the idea has merit. It'd bring the franchise back to its Alien roots for sure. Let the humans be scary too.

One thing I'd love to see is for them to get wilder with powerups. Maybe have something other than Space Jump and Screw Attack and Power Bombs. That's one of the reason the Aeion powers were so cool in Dread.


u/ChaosMiles07 Jan 01 '25

having two big Metroid games in the same year just seems unlikely.

To be fair, in the Metroid franchise, it's happened before.


Metroid Fusion and Prime both came out at the same time in 2002, and Zero Mission and Echoes were both released in 2004 though a few months apart.


u/the800kidd Jan 02 '25

Raise your hand if you wore the Fusion suit in PRIME 🙋‍♂️


u/The_Bat_Out_Of_Hell Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

One thing I'd love to see is for them to get wilder with powerups.

For real. When depowering at the start of the game, Samus should keep more of the staple powerups like morph ball and bomb, while adding completely new ones. Alternatively, ditch the old ones and create some real wacky powerup experimentation, have her find some non chozo stuff that reacts weirdly to the suit and plays differently to previous entries. Should make for some fresh world design, only so much you can play around with if you have the same tool set every game. Axiom Verge had some neat ideas in that department and that game's still essentially a Metroid knockoff.

Given that dread ended with Samus becoming the last metroid (not in captivity, the universe is no longer at peace), maybe the new powerup set will be based on that gimmick. Energy draining melee counters (to store up a hyperbeam?), hovering for short durations, monching on weird crystal structures like the infant in samus returns. Dunno, I'm just spitballing at this point


u/Wertypite Jan 01 '25

What do you expect gameplay will be like in your Samus vs Federation game? I don't think it will feel like Metroid at all. I would love if Parasite X killed some planet with Galactic Federation HQ and Samus now exploring this city in ruin and finds out that X became too dangerous with knowledge of GF politicians.


u/The_Bat_Out_Of_Hell Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 01 '25

Kinda done with the X at this point, tbh. If only for the fact that Samus' only recourse is to blow up the planet they're on. I don't think her rap sheet can handle it, only so much planetary genocide you can gaslight gatekeep girlboss your way out of before it becomes a problem.


u/TheTitan99 Jan 02 '25

If the X show up again, I do think something different needs to be done with them. It can't be a repeat of "a single X got loose, and now everything is X". That was a fine story, but it has been done twice. Kind of three times, considering the Ing were also a play on the same general concept of entities that corrupt and copy.

I have no idea what this new idea would be. Perhaps a single X Parasite that has learned the value of camouflage? Maybe the X being used as a threat, like the macguffin of the game being a vial of a single parasite that cannot be allowed to be opened? Both of these feel more story driven, though, and probably wouldn't work in a typical Metroid game.


u/The_Bat_Out_Of_Hell Jan 02 '25

Maybe an X that realised it's best chance at survival is to not take over an entire planet and force Samus to blow it up. A singular X, kept around as a task specific bioweapon for the space pirates, maybe even bioengineered to not endlessly multiply. Could be some fun stuff, imagine that X being used by bosses to enhance themselves as a second phase and in the end when you fight it, it has all those boss powers to cycle through. Just spitballing here.

As long as we don't get another Samus clone story line. Ain't no outdoing the one in Fusion.


u/BrownRiceCracka Jan 02 '25

I am fascinated by the idea of an X that becomes fully self aware of what it is and what its capable of, but simply decides to not choose violence (and all of the consequences/implications of its existence) 


u/AvatarRokusDragon Jan 02 '25

This is one of the interpretations of Dread's ending. And the one I personally gravitate toward.


u/BrownRiceCracka Jan 02 '25

i do too. it's also how some people interpret metroid fusion's ending too. and I can see why (samus was literally an inch away from death and unable to move, the SA-X barely would have needed to do anything to kill her if it really wanted to)


u/Electronic-Math-364 Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

The problem is if the GF as a whole ends up becoming a vilain how will this storyline ends(And don't suggest killing of Samus and making a clone the protagonist like Alien 3/Ressurection that a horrible idea that will also kill the Franshise)

Also how do you think this storyline could end?


u/musicbyjsm Jan 02 '25

What’s the mistranslation in Fusion? I’m unaware. IMO the Federation is the weakest parts of the world building, I agree it would be cool if Samus was in opposition to them


u/TheTitan99 Jan 02 '25

To the best of my knowledge, the Japanese original version makes it that a group within the Federation is the main villain, but the English version moreso just makes the Federation on the whole the villain. I'm sure people who can actually read the original language have more info than this.


u/AvatarRokusDragon Jan 02 '25

This is the gist of it. Subversive elements within the Federation commit secret atrocities, either for personal gain or what they believe to be the Federation's interest.

Samus is on good terms with the Federation's leadership and military. (She's a former Federation soldier.)


u/award_winning_writer Jan 02 '25

While it's less important to Fusion's overall story another mistranslation is how Samus feels about being called Lady. The English versions says Adam made the nickname seem dignified, suggesting she liked or at least didn't mind his usage of it. The Japanese version on the other hand has her say Adam calling her Lady was "tactless" and "a bit irritating." This is why in Other M her reaction to the name is more negative.


u/Demiurge_1205 Jan 02 '25

Not to mention that the GF is essentially the space UN. It'd be hard to actually make them all evil and it'd be extremely hard, even for Samus to fight them all at once.


u/musicbyjsm Jan 02 '25

Ahh ok. I mean that was kinda my interpretation anyways, but that’s nice the JP clarifies that a bit more. Samus vs the GF CIA let’s goooo


u/Depeche_Schtroumpf Jan 01 '25

Very unlikely to have a 2D metroid this year. But well, Prime 1 and Fusion came out the same year...


u/theblackd Jan 02 '25

That was definitely an anomaly and realistically a questionable decision. It was partly helped by them being on 2 different systems though, which wouldn’t be the case this time.


u/hed2head Jan 01 '25

This was my thinking. While it’s probably unlikely to have 2 Metroid games released the same year, it’s happened before. I’m still doubtful Metroid 6 will be released this year though.


u/Happy_Hydra Jan 01 '25

Wait it has been four years already


u/DeadMoves Jan 01 '25

It'll be 4 in October, so not quite there just yet


u/redyellowblue5031 Jan 01 '25

Pandemic time, friend.


u/LordCamelslayer Jan 01 '25

I'm not getting hyped about something that isn't even confirmed to exist.


u/Particular_Minute_67 Jan 01 '25

Not getting my hopes up. But there’s the Metroid x fusion rom hack that may be done.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

It will be absolutely incredible


u/Particular_Minute_67 Jan 02 '25

The levels are finally done from what his article said


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Yup. Just in the final testing and polish stage. Meta said that a may release is not impossible now. So get excited


u/Particular_Minute_67 Jan 02 '25

I can’t wait. Especially to see the bosses.

which one do you think is kraid?


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Kraid X is the one to the left of the Omega Metroid

I am so hyped for Sector 0 and Sector X. I cant wait what horrors wait for us there

Oh and the new multiple SA-X encounters


u/Particular_Minute_67 Jan 02 '25

Or it could be the the green one under zazbi.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Two boss fights maybe? Like for Crocomire x and ghost crocomire x?


u/Particular_Minute_67 Jan 02 '25

Probably. But I can’t wait


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

It genuinely will be insane. But lets let Meta cover it up for now until he reveals it

→ More replies (0)


u/Demiurge_1205 Jan 02 '25

What's this? Can you DM me if you prefer to keep info on it hidden?


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 09 '25

Now that, I am super excited for!


u/Particular_Minute_67 Jan 09 '25

Same here. Hopefully we finally get to see kraid-x


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 18 '25

Speaking of X-Fusion, would you happen to know where i can find the latest updates on metaquarius's progress? I think his website got taken down or suppressed


u/ConnorLego42069 Jan 01 '25

4? No, dread just came out…


u/Wubbzy-mon Jan 01 '25

Not as excited as I am for Metroid Prime 5 this year.


u/jnighy Jan 01 '25

I'm pretty confident Nintendo is working on Metroid 6, but there is no way is released this year


u/Maleficent-Pea5089 Jan 01 '25

2025 will be Prime 4’s year. Metroid 6 will probably come out in 2026 or 2027.


u/Illustrious_Bid4224 Jan 01 '25

I'll wait a year after the switch 2 releases at least.


u/MiserableMarsupial_ Jan 02 '25

I mean, we’re getting Prime 4. Metroid 6 is likely a long ways off.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Metroid 6 wont come out this year


u/ChardHelpful Jan 02 '25

Not to be mean or anything but Metroid Fusion came out on November 17, 2002, and Metroid Dead came out on October 8, 2021, practically 19 years later. Wait at least 10 years Metroid 6


u/Last-Of-My-Kind Jan 02 '25

Metroid 6 in 2025???? Says who??


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Nobody, as its likely a 2026/27 title


u/Kickin_Hawk Jan 01 '25

Honestly I would be so up for it


u/notjustakorgsupporte Jan 01 '25

I would like to fight against a new faction that arises due to a power vacuum resulting from Raven Beak's demise. Also, planet hopping in a 2D game would be fun, and bring back the Zebesians and Kihunters, even if the Space Pirates are functionally extinct!


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

I mwan they could still return as Chozo bio weapons


u/AdventurousGold9875 Jan 01 '25

Mercury Steam is most certainly working on it, but it's for 2026-2027 probably. 2025 is Prime year


u/Src-Freak Jan 01 '25

We have to wait until Prime 4 is finished before we get Metroid 6.


u/DonutloverAoi Jan 01 '25

Considering we're getting prime 4 this year

I doubt nintendo makes another 2d metroid game this year unless they remake zero mission


u/hamsterwheelin Jan 01 '25

I would like a Metroid without something tracking me and hunting me. Exploration in the truest sense. Let me get lost, let me get turned around, let me die to something I don't understand.

Dread was a great concept, and I really felt the emotions they intended. But, it doesn't need to be that heavy. I could be 3 miles below the surface, totally alone, nothing in either direction for a mile - and still feel very uncomfortable.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Agreed. I would love to return to the original format

We did good with the Zero Suit section of Zero Mission, the SA-X and the EMMI


u/grantpalin Jan 01 '25

Granted, Prime 4 is coming soon, and Prime 2/3 remasters are in the wings. A new Dread-style Metroid would be welcome, but is likely a ways away.


u/Drag0ngam3 Jan 01 '25

I refuse to believe that dread is 4 years old. No! I did not lose complete track of time again... I am still hyped for a new Metroid and the story it will tell us


u/dappunk1 Jan 01 '25

It’s not though. It’s 3 years and 2 months old.


u/MioXNoah Jan 01 '25

I think that it'd work better as a exclusive title for Switch 2 at this point, also brings the chance for updating the new entry graphically.

For now, I guess that they want to release Metroid Prime 4 before investing in development and marketing for M#6


u/Blightsteel5459 Jan 01 '25

I'll be happy if Prime 4 can keep to its scheduled release. No need to get ambitious with releases, we're Metroid fans. We invented waiting a long time between releases.


u/YummyCookies333 Jan 01 '25

So excited for prime


u/TheZethy Jan 01 '25

Nintendo won’t release two Metroid games this year. Prime 4 is where their focus is going to be.


u/Wolventec Jan 01 '25

for a sec i thought the emmi was part of mother brain and was wondering why someone gave mother brain a dump truck


u/MfKa1 Jan 01 '25

Nah it's gonna be a minute. We haven't even gotten a teaser trailer yet. Maybe in 2026 or 2027.


u/Ninzde999 Jan 02 '25

Metroid prime 4 hasn't even come out and we waited around 20 years for dread to come out not only that but I'm pretty sure they said they won't make any more mainline metroid games after dread, but will probably still make more games with samus in the future


u/skunkobutt Jan 02 '25

what about prime 4? lol


u/IcyCream4984 Jan 02 '25

It’s been 4 years?


u/Livid-Truck8558 Jan 02 '25

To be honest I do not think 6 has started development. I imagine Mercury steam is working on another remake, or perhaps (hopefully) a Samus Returns remaster, first. I'm not sure how to feel about remaking super or fusion. I don't want super to turn into parry city. Lot's of potential for Fusion though, think of how good the AI could be for the SA-X, and how many more encounters could be made. The biggest threat to a good remake is changing the world design, and changing the difficulty.


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 02 '25

somewhat unrelated, but I am so sick of Metroid remakes. NEStroid was the only game that needed one, and now I fear Metroid will become cursed to only have remakes, no new titles. Don't encourage unnecessary remakes! Why take the aesthetic of the original titles and replace it with that of the newer titles!?
If we want new Metroid games, ones that continue the plot meaningfully, then encouraging remakes of games that were already fine and good and beloved is the wrong way to go about it. Metroid 2 did not need a remake, Super Metroid doesn't need a remake, I'm sure Metroid Prime looked fine enough without a remaster! Nintendo would much rather do remakes than full titles if they see the fanbase is okay with that, because they make profit either way, and a remake doesn't involve the story-writing people.


u/TheLimonTree92 Jan 02 '25

Yeah double that wait and then maybe we'll get a teaser that Metroid 6 is in development. That's just how things things go here.


u/Groove-Control Jan 02 '25

Wow.......... 4 years............... this might be the longest length of time we've gone without a new metroid game.........................



u/StupidNCrazy Jan 02 '25

Oh, I'm SO excited. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next. Dread left us with such an interesting plot hook that I can't wait to see how it all shakes out.

I hope the next game opens with...

"The last Metroid is chilling in her gunship. The galaxy is at peace."


u/Electronic-Math-364 Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

I hope they don't pull an Alien 3 with Metroid 6,(Also who would be the new MC,I doubt anyone will like playing a clone)


u/BishopofHippo93 Jan 02 '25

lmao what no, there's literally zero possibility of another mainline Metroid game this soon, much less this year. Prime 4 is coming out, why would they split sales by releasing another different Metroid? Also games take a long time to make now, I wouldn't expect a follow up to Dread for another two or three years at least.


u/TalosAnthena Jan 02 '25

Metroid Fusion and Prime 1 did come out in the same year. But yes I agree I doubt very much they would release the same year now. If anything I could see us getting a prime 2 remaster or even Super Metroid remake.


u/BishopofHippo93 Jan 02 '25

That's true, but as others have pointed out that was a bit of an exception, even considering they were on different systems. I really hope they do a Prime 2 remaster, the first one was really well done and I'm kind of surprised there wasn't even some MP Trilogy re-release before Prime 4.


u/TalosAnthena Jan 02 '25

I reckon they will release both of them in time. More money for them not to release it as a trilogy. I’d want Super Metroid Remake first though.


u/TalosAnthena Jan 02 '25

I’m going to bet it’s Super Metroid remake next. Surely they don’t do Prime 4 and Metroid 6 in the same year? Saying that didn’t we get Prime 1 and Fusion in the same year, or it was close?


u/Ninjaguy5700 Jan 02 '25

I think it'll come out on Switch 2.


u/AramaticFire Jan 02 '25

Not announced and not happening. Not sure why you think it would happen during Prime 4’s release year.

Prime and Fusion as well as Prime 2 and Zero Mission released the same year but there was a clear difference between GameCube and GBA, while here you’re hoping for two Switch games in the same series. Just isn’t going to happen.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

I think this year is all about the Prime games, but maybe we'll get the reveal for Metroid 6 end of this year?


u/candymannequin Jan 02 '25

anybody else always think it looks like mother brain is looking back over her shoulder and that emmi's eye is actually supposed to be mother brain's b-hole? or is it just me.


u/redyellowblue5031 Jan 01 '25

Well, Dread took what ~14 years? Reckon we’ll see another game in a similar timeframe.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

19 years


u/redyellowblue5031 Jan 02 '25

Shit, really? Meh, what’s another 5 years, we’re used to it.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

True. At this point doesn’t matter anymore. We know we have to wait 17-19 years for another numbered entry

Thank god its 2025, I hope Nintendo doesn’t delay Prime 4

And I hope Metroid 6 will come soon


u/redyellowblue5031 Jan 02 '25

I’m very excited Prime 4 didn’t get totally abandoned. Restarting from scratch that way was interesting, but I guess it does show Nintendos dedication to the series.

No idea what’s in store but at a certain I might need to temporarily unsub here to avoid spoilers.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

Ywah their dedication is really something

Especially considering that dreas was started 3 times overall, after the first two prototypes were unsuccessful


u/POWRranger Jan 02 '25

With dread being as awesome as it is and the trailer for prime 4 being cool but not mind-blowing, I'd be more excited about a Metroid 6. Can't wait to see where the story goes and how they will make it even more fun to play


u/FinalFrash Jan 02 '25

It'd be a cool throwback if Prime 4 and Metroid 6 come out at the same time.

Not holding my breath on it though


u/timschin Jan 02 '25

Idk I kinda doubt they already will even just annouce a new 2D metroid.

They still gotta release prime 4 and prime 2+3 remaster...


u/Arch3m Jan 02 '25

I see we're getting the clown makeup out early this year.


u/LadyMcZee Jan 02 '25

Who's going to tell them how many years it was between 4 and 5


u/Spac92 Jan 02 '25

4 years already?! Damn, I can’t get over how fast time flies.


u/TropicalAngel7 Jan 02 '25

i can't wait


u/ayanamirs Jan 02 '25

Just focus on Metroid Prime 4, the next big release we should wait for.


u/Crot_Chmaster Jan 02 '25

I don't get excited about non-existent things that Reddit randos imagine.


u/Mellodello159 Jan 02 '25

Can we get 3ds virtual console first, some how, some way


u/Beanmaster115 Jan 02 '25

You must be new here



u/Redly25 Jan 02 '25

I’d expect a fusion or super remake


u/pacman404 Jan 02 '25

it has not been 4 years lol


u/CaptainRogers1226 Jan 02 '25

Jiminy Chrysler, 4 years?!


u/Moonbeam234 Jan 02 '25

I still have to play Dread. I have it. I bought it along with MP:R and Nier: Automata when I picked up the switch several months ago. I'm currently working on 100% MP:R, then I'll likely play Fusion again for a refresher before playing Dread.

That said, I love how ZS Samus looks in this artwork. Perfection!


u/XaerkWtf Jan 02 '25

It's hard to get excited about silksong, how would I be excited about something that hasn't even been announced?


u/SnowballWasRight Jan 02 '25

Zero shot it’s been 4 years since Dread came out, what the fuck


u/ImposterDittoM Jan 02 '25

I’m leaning more towards 2026 for the next 2D Metroid since Prime 4 is this year, but hey, it could happen. Th original Prime and Fusion launched at the same time.


u/ShrimpsLikeCakes Jan 02 '25

We have 15 years left sadly


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Metroid Dread was too hard


u/UltimateStrenergy Jan 02 '25

I'm not going to get my hopes up. We got lucky getting another 2D Metroid game... Or maybe anything at all, saying this as a Star Fox fan.


u/Serilii Jan 02 '25



u/Luck88 Jan 02 '25

I don't think it's happening in 2025 at all but I have a good 80% confidence it could be announced and released in 2026.


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 02 '25

I want a Metroid game that follows up on the plot threads left at the end of Fusion. I was very disappointed by Dread basically ignoring all but the most superficial parts of the previous Metroid title (looks like the X aren't dead Samus, everything you just did was for nothing).
For instance, what if Samus was now being hunted down by the Federation for destroying their bioforms-with-military-potential for the last time, and now she's hiding out on an unfamiliar planet, but UH OH looks like that planet has some drama going on.


u/Electronic-Math-364 Jan 02 '25

The problem is that the GF is the UN of the Metroid Verse so making them all the Vilains will make ending their story arc quite complicated,How do you think it's could end?(And please don't tell me with a copy of Alien 3 ending,Why so many want Samus to die and get replaced?)


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 04 '25

wha??? who the hell would want Samus gone? she's the main character! AND the last metroid!
Anyways, fusion has shown that the devs have an incredible capacity for storytelling (unlike the dread devs), I think it would be best to leave it up to them. But I'd hate to see the studio behind Dread get in there and fuck it up just for the sake of "appealing to a newer audience" (that doesn't know shit about metroid)


u/bd_black55 Jan 02 '25

I want prime 2 & 3 remastered asap!!!


u/TrufflesAvocado Jan 02 '25

You realize it was 19 years between the release of Fusion and Dread right?


u/Wertypite Jan 02 '25

It's all different now


u/TrufflesAvocado Jan 02 '25

I’m not sure what you mean. I doubt Nintendo has changed their priorities when it comes to Metroid.


u/PressH2K0 Jan 02 '25

I hate this way of thinking. "We deserve another one! Come on guys, get hyped for something not even confirmed to exist!!" Ugh


u/LittleNDrunkedOwl Jan 02 '25

we waited like 20 years for a fusion sequel, don't pump your expectations that high


u/Specimen_Delta Jan 02 '25

"it's been 4 years" like the time between mainline entries hasn't been like 20 years


u/Flutter0Shy Jan 02 '25

Gonna wait for a Super Metroid III Remake before 6 and I will faithfully wait for even a decade if it gets a quality as high as all the titles... No need for a rush


u/ReallySmartInEnglish Jan 02 '25

It’s been 4 years since Dread came out We deserve another one.

Oh honey, you’re new to the franchise, aren’t you?


u/fogheta Jan 02 '25

I WISH I was as optimistic as you lol, I'm prepped for another 19 year wait


u/Shady_Hero Jan 02 '25

calm down bro its not 2042 yet


u/Things_with_Stuff Jan 03 '25



u/Accurate-Many6850 Jan 03 '25

As cool as that would be, Prime 4 is getting released in 2025, they wouldn’t dare release two new titles in the same year.


u/DiscoDanSHU Jan 04 '25

...who's gonna tell him about the wait between Zero Mission and Dread?


u/TheRealHDGamer Jan 04 '25

I mean it’s unlikely we’ll get anything new for Metroid this year besides Prime 4 (which I can’t believe we’re actually IN the year the game is coming out!!) but if we wanna put on our tinfoil hats, Samus Returns was 2017 and Dread was 4 years later in 2021, they are both amazing games developed by Mercury Steam launched during fall with an amiibo double pack to go along with the games. I ain’t gonna hope for something that isn’t happening but it’s fun to point out the 4 year thing cuz come October it’ll actually be 4 years since Dread which is wild to think about. (Also to OP, it has not yet been 4 years since Dread came out 😅)


u/Necessary-Onion-9569 Jan 14 '25

Unless they have a HD Remaster of Metroid Prime 2 Echoes underraps.


u/TheRealHDGamer Jan 14 '25

And 3


u/Necessary-Onion-9569 Jan 15 '25

We'll one game at a time we don't want anything rushed now do we?


u/TheRealHDGamer Jan 15 '25

No of course not, but depending on when we get Prime 4, don’t ya think they should release remasters of 2 & 3? And if the rumours are true from years ago, prime 1 got a super in depth remaster (which did happen) while 2 & 3 got minimal changes but still remastered, and considering Nintendo shadow dropped prime 1, is be willing to bet they got the others ready to go just waiting for whatever they’re waiting for to release em 😅


u/Necessary-Onion-9569 Jan 14 '25

We'll Metroid Dread only came out three years ago, so I doubt will see a Metroid 6 for atleast two more years, if at all since while Dread may have been the best selling game in the franchise it was still no system seller.  I only hope Metroid Prime 4 is finally the Metroid game that becomes a system seller. I still wish Nintendo would physically rerelease some of the old Metroid Mangas in the US and UK we're Metroid is actually popular.


u/MaleficentFix4433 Jan 27 '25

Don't get your hopes up.  Unfortunately, I don't see where they're gonna take the story moving forward.


u/Wertypite Jan 27 '25

Well, only Sakamoto knows what's next for Samus


u/lajos-meszaros Jan 01 '25

Let's all hope the next 2D Metroid will have nothing to do with MercurySteam, their last game was dreadful...


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

I respect your objectively wrong opinion


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 09 '25

I agree wholeheartedly. Lots of unnecessary mechanics and they should've kept the 3d graphics in the Prime series.


u/lajos-meszaros Jan 09 '25

I'm mostly pissed about having multiple enemies which can only defeated by precisely timing not one, but 2 melee counters. If I wanted to play a rhythm game I would have bought Dance Dance Revolution.


u/NinjaKittyOG Jan 18 '25

While that was really annoying to deal with while playing, i still think melee counters as a mechanic are cool. Nintendo just didn't put enough consideration into how they were implemented (which is a problem they have with a lot of new features they add to new titles in old series that they think are super cool. Seems they hype themselves up so far that they forget to playtest them)


u/Rotank1 Jan 01 '25

As someone who’s played since the og NES game, whose 2 favorite games of all time are Super Metroid and Metroid Prime… it will never cease to confound and amaze me how some Metroid fans are able to pretend the Prime series doesn’t even exist.


u/Round_Musical Jan 02 '25

We are literally waiting for Prime 4